Akikan40. MSK 121-124

My Stepsister in Kyoto 121 As expected, her identity is special

12 hours ago

"What's wrong with everyone?" Mizuto asked Yoshino in a whisper.

"We-Well... it might be my first time bringing a guy here..." When Yoshino realized it, she realized that it was her first time bringing a guy with her!

Or rather, she realized that it was her first time to be with a guy who wasn't even part of her family!

She was startled by this revelation, then looked at Mizuto, causing her to blush before shaking her head. Due to her family situation, she had never had a boyfriend or even experienced being approached, as they were too scared to do so. Moreover, her beauty was also intimidating, which made the guys in Osaka move far away.

Mizuto was her first, and besides being handsome, talking with him was strangely comfortable. She had never felt this way, she thought, and this made her giddy and nervous for some reason.

"Wow, Yoshino-chan, did you get a boyfriend?"

"How handsome! If I am 20 years younger, I will steal you from Yoshino-chan!"

"Ah... are you interested in a woman in her 30s?"

Suddenly, all the females, even the proprieties of the okonomiyaki restaurant, became curious and tried to approach him.

Mizuto's lips twitched, and he knew that this was the price of being too handsome, which made him helpless. Still, while he might appear troubled when those middle-aged women tried to touch him, he didn't lose his focus and glanced at the group of middle-aged men on the corner, which made him frown when he glanced at Yoshino.

Who was this girl?

He felt that this was troublesome, so he used his power, and the group of middle-aged men who took their smartphones also stopped what they were about to do and just looked at the group of middle-aged women who wanted to molest him.

Yes, he was about to be molested again, but this was a price that he had to pay. Frankly, he didn't want to, especially when this group of women wasn't that good-looking, and they had a funky appearance, with colorful curly hairstyles and leopard-printed clothes, and were quite overweight. They were different from Nami, who was beautiful and had a bombastic body.

"Wait a moment! Wait a moment! Don't scare him! Stop! Stop!"

Fortunately, Yoshino reacted fast, but she also felt speechless by Mizuto's popularity. "Obaa-chan, is the private room free?"

"Yes, you can just go there."

"Okay, we will be there! We will also order a special one with rice!" With those words, Yoshino pulled him to the 2nd floor of the shop. "Come on, Mizuto!"

"Oh-oh..." Mizuto, who was helpless, also followed Yoshino, but as expected, someone touched his buttocks, which made him move faster!

"Okay!" The proprietress nodded, then looked at Mizuto longingly.

The rest was the same, but when they thought about Yoshino's identity, they could only sigh helplessly.

Meanwhile, Mizuto and Yoshino had already entered the private room on the 2nd floor. Unlike the 1st floor, which was wide, and everyone could sit anywhere they wanted to, on the 2nd floor, there were several rooms with each of them, including a table with a grilling in the middle and two benches that faced each other.

When the two sat, they sighed in relief as if they had escaped from the disaster.

"They are like zombies who saw living beings!"

"You say that again." Mizuto was also helpless at how enthusiastic the women at Osaka were. Still, suddenly, he realized that there was a paper in his hand, which was filled with an email and home address, which made him speechless.

"What's wrong?" Yoshino asked, then followed the direction of his eyes before her lips twitched. "What are you doing, Tanaka-san?! Do you want to cheat on your husband?!"

"Shh! Shh!" Mizuto was speechless by how loud Yoshino's voice was. "Be quiet. I don't want more trouble."

Yoshino was also helpless, then she asked, "What are you going to do with Tanaka-san?"

"What do you want me to do with a married woman?" Mizuto rolled his eyes. If the married woman was beautiful, he might not have hesitated, but when he thought of Tanaka-san's whale-like body, he decided not to do anything.

Hearing his answer, Yoshino also sighed in relief and happiness before she apologized, "I hope that you are not going to be afraid to visit Osaka in the future."

"It's okay. I have gotten used to being picked up."

"...." Yoshino fell in silence for a while, then asked, "Just... a question... how many people have tried to pick you up?"

"I stop counting after ten."

"...." Yoshino.

"But it seems you are so famous too, Yoshino-san." Mizuto curiously looked at Yoshino.

Hearing his words, Yoshino suddenly became troubled as she was afraid to tell him about her identity. She knew well that her identity was the thing that made her unable to find a boyfriend until now. While she didn't care much, she would be lying if she didn't have an interest in love. Suddenly, all of a sudden, a prince came into her life.

Yoshino might not have thought anything from the beginning and never had the conscience of it, but when those middle-aged women said that Mizuto was her boyfriend, she felt like... it wasn't bad at all if she had him as a boyfriend.

Yes, it might be fast, but it was her first time to have someone who wasn't a yakuza or a gangster to be so close to her, and she didn't hate him. She had talked with him for a while and felt like it wouldn't be bad to try, yet if she told him about her identity, wouldn't he be afraid to approach her?

Hesitating, she wondered what kind of answer she should give him when he asked about her identity, yet strangely, she didn't hear the question that had been haunting her from his lips.

"What's wrong?" Mizuto was confused by Yoshino's expression.

"...you are not going to ask?"

"You mean, why are you popular?"

"Um." Yoshino nodded and was about to say her identity, but when she hesitated, he said, "Isn't it because you are beautiful?"

"....." Yoshino blinked her eyes as she stared at him.

"What's wrong? Why do you keep staring at me like this?"

"Er... you think that I am popular because I am beautiful?"

"You are not?"

Yoshino fell into silence and blushed. She might have heard her family say that she was cute many times, but it was the first time she had heard someone other than her family say that to her.

However, Mizuto became even more confused as to why this girl suddenly blushed when he said that she was cute. Was it so rare for her beauty to be praised? He also felt like he didn't do anything wrong since she was beautiful; what was wrong with praising her for it? It was like watching beautiful scenery from nature; it was the same principle.

Still, her answer surprised him.

"No, I am not." While Yoshino was blushing, and felt shy, she didn't lose her calm and she also knew that her identity made it hard for her to be accepted by others. If there was someone who could accept her, it would be another gangster or yakuza, so—

"I am the daughter of a famous yakuza leader in Kansai Region." Yoshino had a good feeling towards Mizuto, but if he didn't have a good feeling toward her family, then it was impossible for them to be together. She knew that her family's identity might not be accepted by society, but even so, they were still her family.

If he couldn't accept that fact, then she might as well stop this feeling so she wouldn't have expectations and be hurt in the end. She was being realistic, and compared to love, she leaned toward her family more.


That was his answer.

Yoshino blinked her eyes, then asked, "...is that it?"

"Do you want me to have a stronger reaction or be scared?"


"Will they threaten me to not approach you?"


"Will they kill me if I have to eat food like this?"


"Are they bloodthirsty killers that will kill anyone?"

"No." Yoshino was speechless by his questions, and quickly fixed the misunderstanding. "Like you and many others, they are just trying to live, but they choose this path. Yes, society might not see them in a good light, but they are my family and I assure you that they won't do anything that will harm you or your family."


"...." Yoshino was speechless by his lukewarm reaction.

"I know that they are your family, and everyone has their own story. More importantly, I know that they aren't bad."

"...why can't you be so sure?" Yoshino became confused by his confidence and could tell that they weren't bad people.

"It's because of you," Mizuto said.

"...me?" Yoshino even became confused.

"You are a kind and gentle girl. You decided to help me when I was lost and attacked by a group of Obaa-san. If your family is a bad people, then it is impossible for you to grow into such a girl, right?" Mizuto sincerely looked at Yoshino and said, "You don't need to worry. I won't misunderstand your family."

With those words, the door of the private room was knocked, and the proprieties came along with their orders. "Two special okonomiyaki with rice are coming!"

"Thanks," Mizuto said politely, but he didn't realize Yoshino was staring at him with a shy blush.

My Stepsister in Kyoto 122 Mizuto who is decisive

12 hours ago

"Thank you. It's delicious."

Mizuto had to say that the okonomiyaki he had tried was the most delicious one that he had tried, so he decided to buy some more for a takeaway. "But are you sure that you are going to treat me?"

Yes, he was speechless when Yoshino decided to treat him.

"It's okay. You don't need to worry. It's your first time to be here, after all. It's also my apology to everyone, as I don't want you to have a bad impression of them. They are all good people, but they are just a bit excited... to see you."

Still, when Yoshino thought about those "Obaa-san" who wanted to molest him, she thought to use her family's power to stop them somehow.

"I don't have a bad impression of them. Osaka is a great and lively place. I am glad to be here."


Yoshino was in a daze when she saw his smile and gaze. She thought that the reason he was glad to come here was because of their meeting. She was so shy at that moment and couldn't look at him straight.

Moreover, her face was so hot!

"Then, Yoshino-san. Thank you for your treat. If we meet again, I will treat you. See you."

With those words, Mizuto left with relaxed steps.

"Ah, yes." Yoshino nodded, but when Mizuto had left, she only realized that she hadn't asked for his contact information!

"Wait! Wait!"

She tried to search for him, but unfortunately, she couldn't find him. Feeling at a loss, she decided to go back to her home, and she saw many groups of men in black suits, seemingly talking to each other. Their appearance was scary, and everyone would move away when they saw them, but when they saw her, they quickly greeted her.

"Good evening, Yoshino-san!"

Everyone greeted her uniformly, and one of them suddenly asked, "What's wrong, Yoshino-san?"

"Ah, no-nothing!" Yoshino shook her head and quickly entered the house after she greeted all of them naturally. She thought for a moment and thought of something until a familiar voice greeted her.

"What's wrong, Yoshino? Why is your face so glum?"

Yoshino was startled when she saw the person who asked her a question. "Grandpa!" She thought of something, then asked, "Why are you home?"

"Why can't I be home?" Yoshino's grandpa was speechless.

"Aren't you busy with the group? Moreover, what about Tsubaki and her mother? Have you solved their matters?"

Hearing her question, her grandpa somehow understood why her granddaughter was in such an expression. "It's a bit troublesome."

"Then, can you solve their problems?"


Watching his silence, Yoshino was helpless, then sighed. "Then, I will go back first." Sometimes, even though her grandfather was one of the executives of the largest criminal syndicate in the Kansai region, there were things that one could and couldn't do.

"Take a good rest." Yoshino's grandfather only sighed before he took his cigarette to smoke, releasing the stress on his body.

Yet, what no one knew was that the reason why Yoshino was troubled was because of someone.

Nevertheless, Mizuto, who had left Yoshino, realized how troublesome the situation that he had encountered and he was glad by his decisive actions.


No matter how many works have described this term and even tried to tame it, in this country, no people have a good impression of this term. People abroad might not think too much, but the people in this country hated them the moment they heard it.

Mizuto knew that he might say to Yoshino that they weren't bad people, but he said all of that because he didn't want to have an unnecessary conflict with Yoshino, and he just wanted to eat delicious okonomiyaki without being troubled. However, he knew that people always had two faces: one that was shown to their family and the other one that was shown to others.

Was the yakuza a good person?

Mizuto laughed when he thought about what he had said before. No yakuza were good people. While some people entered for a certain reason, the process that they needed to do when they became one definitely made them cruel people.

If Yoshino's identity was nothing but a daughter of a small cadre in the small yakuza organization, then nothing might have happened. Even if she left with him, it was okay as her parents didn't have the power to search or do anything against him.

However, Yoshino's identity was the only granddaughter of the 2nd in power of the largest yakuza organization in the Kansai region!

If her family knew that she was close to someone, there was no doubt that they would investigate him. Whether it was his family, education, relationships, or many others, they would try to search everything about him to make sure that he was clean, as he was sure that her family must have a lot of enemies.

While Mizuto knew that this was a necessary process, he hated it.

Or rather, does anyone love the feeling of being investigated?

No way!

When he thought his parents, Yume, Akatsuki, and many others were all involved and being investigated due to his relationship with Yoshino, he felt disgusted.

Yes, a disgust.

He didn't feel it toward Yoshino, but her family as they tried to do something like that to him. It was also why he was glad for his decisive action of using his "Brainwashing" skill to put thought into not searching for anything about him and not saying anything about him. Everything about him had become forbidden to talk about, and they would slowly forget about him.

He also did this trick on Yoshino, which made him break his rule not to use the "Brainwashing" skill to make her not say anything about him to her family. He even used his "Identify" skill to know all of her family to prepare.

Mizuto knew that he might seem paranoid for doing so, but the world was a cruel place, especially for those who stood above. Only the strong could stand on the top. It was also why he never hesitated, especially toward his opponents, competitors, and those who weren't related to him.

While Yoshino might have reassured him that nothing would happen, what was the worth of the voice of such a woman among the yakuza family?

Mizuto knew that in the patriarchal country and how loved Yoshino was within her family, there was no doubt that they would try to investigate him. As for threatening? With her beauty, he knew that some of the members of her family might have feelings toward her, but due to their identity, they wouldn't dare to express their love. Yet, they could stop him by getting Yoshino's love and threatening him.

Mizuto was helpless since he didn't expect that, due to his trip to Osaka and his small meeting with Yoshino, everything would be complicated. It was also due to this that he didn't give his contact information to Yoshino, and unless fate let them meet each other, he wouldn't approach her at all.

Still, knowing this, he knew that he needed a group of bodyguards and high-tech security to protect all of those who wanted to harm him.

While he knew that there was no need to do so, he knew that a human wasn't perfect, and he might miss something. Moreover, sooner or later, he needed to have this complete protection to protect his family. Lastly, at this moment, he didn't want to appear in public; he just wanted to remain a normal high school student.

Still, if he really made a mistake and someone from Yoshino's family tried to investigate him, then he had to say sorry to Yoshino that he was going to destroy her family.

He knew that he was being cruel to Yoshino, but the value of the beautiful woman he had just met was less important than his family, so he had to be cruel. Nevertheless, as he had completed all the protections that he needed, he returned to the hotel room.

"Yume, I am back!"


Chapter 123


The moment his voice was heard, Yume ran directly to him and leaped into his embrace.

"Ugh!" Mizuto felt his solar plexus hit, causing him to frown in pain. At the same time, this also strengthened his desire for power so his body could become stronger.

"I am sorry! I am sorry!" Yume also realized her mistake, so she apologized and caressed the place where she had hit him. "Are you feeling better?"

"Well... I am okay now." Mizuto sighed in relief, then asked, "Don't run so suddenly like that."

"Sorry... I-I just miss you after all..." Yume lowered her head pitifully.

While Mizuto was helpless since he felt like he kept a pet instead of a girlfriend or a stepsister, he asked, "So how was your day? Did you enjoy a spa and eat delicious food?"




The cute voice from her stomach was heard.

Mizuto blinked his eyes and asked, "I brought a delicious okonomiyaki. Do you want to eat?"


"So, you didn't try to ask for the food service or go to the spa?" Mizuto asked curiously.

"Um." Yume ate the okomiyaki brought by Mizuto deliciously. "This is delicious! Where did you buy it?" Even though, due to the takeaway, the temperature of the okonomiyaki had become lukewarm and the taste had slightly decreased, the okonomiyaki brought by him was so delicious!

"I forgot. I just bought them randomly on the street before."

"Is that so? Try it. It's delicious. Aahh..." Yume used her chopsticks to feed Mizuto, which he opened his mouth and ate it. "What do you think? It's delicious, right?"

Watching her happy and loving smile, who only wanted to give the best thing for him, Mizuto fell into silence.

"What's wrong?" Yume asked since she noticed that he was quite strange.

"Nothing." Mizuto shook his head and said, "I just noticed something strange."

"Strange? What is it?" Yume asked curiously.

"I was exhausted before, but when I saw your smile, strangely enough, I feel better now." Inwardly, Mizuto thought that he really had a talent as a fraudster as he could say something so heart-warming smoothly without getting embarrassed, yet this also quite frustrated him since if he felt something from Yume, then would those words come out so easily?

It was because he didn't feel much toward her that the words that came out from his lips were so easy to come out.

"....." Yume blinked her eyes, then put down her chopsticks before she hugged him tightly. "If you want to be spoiled, just tell me, okay?"

"I won't." Mizuto rolled his eyes and rejected her.

"Geez, why can't you say something like that yet still get so embarrassed by being spoiled?" Yume pouted.

Mizuto wanted to refute, but he knew that he couldn't as he was a bit embarrassed of being spoiled by the opposite gender.

"It's okay. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Come on~! Come on~!"

As she hugged him, she looked at him excitedly, waiting for him to ask her to spoil him.

Mizuto somehow got annoyed, then said, "Okay, let me use your thigh as a pillow." He pushed her slightly, patting her soft thighs that were wrapped in a long skirt before he laid his head there naturally.


Yume was speechless and sighed. "You should ask something more, you know?"

"What kind?" Mizuto wondered what kind of things he could ask her.

"Well..." Yume fell in deep thought for a while, then said, "Like... a massage?"

"Can you do a massage?" Mizuto looked at Yume in doubt.

"Are you underestimating me? I am a fast learner! As long as you teach me, I can do it!"

In the end, she expected him to teach her, but Mizuto also remembered a saying, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."

So, if Mizuto taught Yume how to massage, then he could ask her to give him a massage in the future, which was a good thing. Still, if he wanted to ask for a massage, he felt like a professional was better. Moreover, his pride didn't allow him to ask for a massage as he was still young.

Still, he could see his willingness to give her his everything. Watching this made him even more uncomfortable, he thought. Yet, he also knew that when one loved someone, they didn't give their loved one everything. Unfortunately, he couldn't give her his everything.

"Eat first. Let's talk after you finish your food. It won't be good if it's cold, after all."

Saying that, he was about to raise his body, but she pressed his chest and forced him to stay on his lap.

"It's okay. Just rest there. I am not hungry anymore."

While the okonomiyaki was delicious, Yume wanted to help him to rest. If her thighs could make him feel better, then she would give her thighs to him.

Mizuto didn't force himself to raise his body. Instead, he closed his eyes as her breasts pressed against his face. They felt comfortable and soft, he thought, but he had to say it was hard for him to breathe. Still, he couldn't help but ask, "By the way, you didn't try the spa or call the hotel service for food?"


Hearing his question, Yume showed an awkward expression but answered innocently, "It feels weird to order all of this without you and to be honest... I still can't get used to this luxury, or rather, I want to enjoy it with you..."

While Mizuto had told her that it was okay to enjoy everything as everything was provided for free, Yume felt uncomfortable, especially when she thought that she would enjoy all the luxuries, yet he was working on the outside, so when he went out, she just stayed in the room all the time while reading or watching television absentmindedly.

Still, among all of those times she spent without him in this hotel, her favorite was when she took care of his clothes, ironing them so he could appear sharp and crisp when she worked.

Was this the feeling of being a housewife?

When she thought about it, she didn't hate it at all and even loved it~!

Yet, Mizuto, who heard her confession, was in a daze as he didn't expect that she would grow into such a sweet woman who cared about the well-being of her man. Still, all the women who fall in love with someone probably would be like this, especially those who have fallen so deeply. However, this was also why he wondered how he was going to tell her that he wished to make a harem and how he just wanted to play around for a while.

Or rather, he couldn't say it!

'Hey, Yume, I want to make a harem.'

Mizuto could imagine that he would be slapped to death, and she might even do something dangerous, especially when he knew while she might appear like a good girl, she was quite extreme.

Frankly, he didn't have a solution, yet somehow, when he thought about what kind of trouble he had met today, he felt like this problem wasn't as huge as he imagined it to be as it wasn't so life-threatening.

Still, even if he didn't have a solution for his problem, the only thing that he could do was just to spend their time together so there wouldn't be any regrets when the problem that he had been trying to avoid could no longer be avoided.

Nevertheless, he believed he could make it happen even if the process definitely wouldn't be beautiful.

"Tomorrow, follow me."

"Eh?" Yume was startled. "Aren't you working?"

"I am working, but the place that I am going to, we can have a date together."

"Huh? Really? Where?" Yume asked curiously, but she would be lying if she didn't feel happy about his invitation.

"It's a secret. It'll be a surprise for tomorrow."

"Eeeh? Why can't you tell me?"

"It won't be fun that way, right? Moreover, quick and finish your meal. I want to enjoy the service of this hotel and then eat you tonight..."

Yume felt her heartbeat move faster and her face grow hot when she heard his heavy voice that said those words near her sensitive ear.

Moreover, as expected, no matter how many times she saw this animalistic expression of his, it wasn't good for her heart and body as it made her fall deeper and deeper into him.

"How about we do it now?"


Mizuto fell in silence, then thought that he liked this perverted side of hers, so his hand entered deep into her soft and white thigh as he could feel how wet she had become.

"Onee-chan, you are so perverted."

"Do-Don't bully me like this..."

Hearing his teasing words, her eyes grew moist, yet she couldn't look away from him before her lips were kissed, and she was devoured on the sofa.

Chapter 124

"As expected, we're going to this place, right? Why were you acting like we didn't go to this place before?"

Watching her smug expression, Mizuto was speechless, but he knew that she was so happy at that moment, and she also worked hard last night, so he was quite patient with her. "Anyway, let's get in and play."

"Let's go~!"

While Yume had expected this trip before, she couldn't hide her excitement as she had come to this place with him.

Universal Studios Japan.

This was the place where they were going to visit today and their date destination.

As for why she could guess where they would go last night, it was because this was the most famous place if they wanted to visit Osaka. It was also the same case when one went to Tokyo as the most famous place was Tokyo Disneyland.

As for the other place?

There was no such place.

Whether it was Osaka or Tokyo, they were big cities, and there wasn't much difference between them except the number of people, locations, and the dialects they used daily during the conversation. Except for those things, they were quite similar to each other, whether it was Osaka or Tokyo, filled with high-rise buildings.

Prosperity brings development, yet it erases distinctive and uniqueness as everything is similar to each other.

While they might argue the design of the architecture was different, in essence, they were the same as the majority of people who lived the same way, and in this concrete forest, everything was so cold.

Yet, if they wanted to get wealthy, this was the only way.

It was also probably the reason why Kyoto was more humane, yet at the same time, it was poorer than the two cities such as Osaka and Tokyo.

Still, the reason why he came to Universal Studios Japan was because he wanted to buy this place. Yes, he wanted to buy this theme park. Many might probably say that it was impossible, but that wasn't the truth, as previously, this theme park was owned by MBK partner, a private equity firm in South Korea, for 1.4 billion dollars!

This price was cheap when he thought about how this place had become now.

Yet, now, it was impossible for him to buy for such a price as the price of this theme park should have increased by at least 10 billion dollars or more.

The price was crazy, yet when he thought the annual attendance of this theme park was about 14,500,000 in 2018, this price was worth it.

The one-day pass ticket for this theme park was about 9,000 yen, and if there were 14,500,000 tickets that were sold in 2018, then the ticket revenue was only about 130.5 billion yen or 880.65 million dollars.

This was just from the ticket as there was a lot of other income, such as hotels, merchandise, food, memberships, and many others.

In other words, the theme park was a great business!

Frankly, he had a theme park due to his acquisition of Seibu Holding in the past.

Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise.

This was his theme park, which was located in Yokohama. Aside from the theme parks, there were also several aquariums, shopping malls, and hotels within this group.

Still, compared to Universal Studios Japan, his theme park could only reach half of its attendees, yet he knew as he had acquired this theme park, it would become more popular.

However, knowing the prospect of the theme park, Mizuto just couldn't help but wish to acquire this theme park along with the one that was in Tokyo. Yet, he had to say, the cost to acquire them was too crazy, which made him helpless.

However, he didn't feel surprised, especially when he thought about the price of the land in this country and the revenue gained from those theme parks.

Nevertheless, even though he might not be able to get those theme parks now, it would be different in the future.

"Mizuto! Mizuto! Come on and smile! Cheese!"

Still, even so, his focus was on dating Yume. The two dressed like wizards from Harry Potter before they took a selfie.


Watching Yume, who laughed idiotically, Mizuto fell in silence and knew that no one was perfect, but while he had to say this before, this girl loved him too much, right?

Still, at the same time, he also felt like a human was sure complicated. When their partner didn't pay attention to themselves, they felt worried, yet when their partner showed too much love, they felt troubled.

So, in the end, the balance was the best.

It was probably also why it felt like their relationship should be the best since while he might not love her that much, she loved him so much, so in fill with the love that he couldn't give, she gave him extra love.

Still, when he saw Yume, who excitedly took a picture with him at this theme park, he thought about his other lover in Kyoto, whom he had left; he wondered what she was doing, and he wondered how he would react when Yume announced to her that they had confirmed their relationship.

After all, like Yume, her love toward him was quite... well... a bit too... so much.

Nevertheless, when Mizuto looked at Yume, who was dressed like a little witch, he couldn't help but fall into silence.

"What's wrong?" Yume noticed Mizuto's gaze, but when she looked at him, who was dressed like a wizard, she also fell into silence.

Their eyes met each other, and somehow, even if they didn't say anything, they felt like they could understand each other.

"I know it might be weird, but I feel like I can understand your thoughts for some reason."

"Funny, I can also tell your thoughts too."

The two looked at each other then smiled and laughed.

"Hold on till later, pervy older sister."

"I should be the one who says that to my pervy little brother."

"Stop that smug face." Mizuto was helpless. "I can't wait to see you call me Onii-chan later."

"The-The winner isn't clear yet! We need to wait until the announcement!"

Even so, there was no way for Yume to give up!

Until the end, she wouldn't give up no matter what, as the older sibling position should always be for her!

After all, if she lost her older sister's position, then what was left for her?

As a weak woman who had always been oppressed by him, this status as an older sister was the only thing that she could be proud of.

"Okay, let's wait until the announcement, Onee-chan."

The word "Onee-chan" was like sarcasm, and the gentle kiss on her forehead was like a consolation prize.

Yume was all teary with his bullying; then she said an ultimatum, "I-I want on the top tonight!"


Mizuto was all silent and wondered whether Yume wanted to ride him like a flying broom tonight. Yet, when he saw her witch-like appearance, he didn't mind becoming her flying broom tonight.

"By the way, should we get a stick too?"

Mizuto felt like they should get more than a mere costume so their cosplay play would be complete.

"No, it's okay. I have my own stick."


Watching her lewd smile and her hand that sneakily touched his black slack, Mizuto's lips twitched as he thought that he had been molested by his older sister.

Nevertheless, there was no doubt their trip to Osaka was an unforgettable one.
