Akikan40. Phoenix. 378-388

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 378 Your final is near!

January 19

As Riser gets stronger by devouring Gasper from the future, Issei also becomes stronger due to his combination with his future self.

Yet, Riser had to say that this world was quite unfair. While he needed to do something tedious and even life-threatening, this guy became stronger due to a chance. Moreover, what was this?


Issei, who had combined with his future, rose once again and started his attack.


Diabolous Divine Dragon.

This was his most powerful form.

The combination of current Issei, who had the body of a god, and his future self, who had the boy of the dragon and the devil, created a powerful combination. Moreover, along with the experience and bravery that came with his future self, he had become so dangerous that he could even destroy this world.

What is even more dangerous is his anger, which fueled his power and also made him even stronger.

Nevertheless, facing this anger, Riser was confused. Why did he do it? Did he do something wrong? Why did Issei suddenly come to him from the future and say that he wouldn't forgive him?

As for the original Issei?

Did this idiot forget that he was trying to take his former fiancee?

Was Riser wrong to fight for his rights?

In the beginning, no matter how ugly they were, Rias was his fiancee.

Did Issei think that he could take Rias without angering him?

How unreasonable!

Nevertheless, Riser didn't underestimate Issei since he knew that Issei had combined even stronger, so strong that Issei's existence was so bright.

At that moment, Issei was like the brightest light in the abyss. He was an existence that led everyone during their darkest moment.

But Riser?

He had become evil, the one that plunged this world into misery. Nevertheless, it didn't matter since he had gotten used to the role of villain. Even though he knew that he wasn't a villain and he just wanted to live well, he was portrayed as evil in this world.

Yet, it didn't matter since being evil gave him everything, and he didn't lack anyone who believed in him.

So, even if Issei appeared in front of everyone, it was hard for one's heart to be swayed by Issei's existence except for those who had a bad relationship with Riser.

As for those who had a great relationship with Riser? All of them were solemn, wondering how to help Riser.

Yet, Riser didn't need their help. Even though Issei might have become stronger by combining the power of the Red Dragon Emperor, Chichigami, Ophis, and the Great Red from another world, he didn't fear this guy!

Taking out the True Longinus, Riser moved with the speed of light, charging with the intention to kill Issei in one go!

Facing Riser's vicious attack, Issei was startled by the future, but it was too late!

At that moment, Riser's brightness wasn't even lost to Issei. His existence was bathed in the holiness that shouldn't appear on a devil, yet it appeared on him.

Issei might have combined himself with Chichigami, a god from another world, but Riser had devoured the God of the bible. The strongest Longinus, True Longinus, held the soul of the god of the bible, and he directly devoured it after he had gotten the "Holy Affinity" from Irina previously.

"O Spear. The true Holy Spear which pierces through God.

"Suck the ambition of the King of Domination sleeping within me and pierce through the gap of blessing and destruction.

"You. Announce the will and turn it into a glow.

"True Idea."

At that moment, Issei felt death was near, but due to sheer coincidence, he was able to dodge it like a bug. The time seemed to stop and rewind, and his action to dodge somehow couldn't be done, erased before his body was stabbed by this holy spear.

Riser used the power of Desperado, erasing all the coincidences, fate, and many others, leaving only a result where Issei was dying at his hands!

Issei widened his eyes, and he was in disbelief!


If it was a normal villain, they would be proud of his action and would arrogantly tell why the hero had lost.

Yet there was no such thing on Riser.

Riser was going to kill Issei!

No one could stop him!

Nevertheless, the world didn't want Issei to die, and somehow a circle-like portal appeared and then sucked Issei, so Issei wouldn't die along with summoning a powerful creature from another world!

When this creature appeared, Riser ignored the presence that made everyone tremble with fear and killed it directly.

Yet, this single moment gave Issei a chance to escape, and somehow, everyone also appeared as if they were called into this place.




Everyone was looking at Riser with concern before they were all dumbfounded looking at Issei, who had somehow appeared once again.


His shout was so loud, as if he was afraid that no one would hear him.

Yet, Riser was as calm as ever and had just thrown the True Longinus, who had escaped from another world, into Issei.


Issei was startled, and others also quickly tried to close the portal while trying to erase the connection of the True Longinus with Riser.

However, it was impossible.

As the portal closed, the True Longinus kept chasing Issei, but Riser knew that it was impossible to kill Issei with it, so he might as well destroy it.

In another world, the True Longinus was detonated by Riser.


Yet, even so, Riser knew that it was impossible to kill Issei with that. However, he knew that it should be enough to kill many of the beings in another world.

Still, the words that were shouted by Issei carried a magic-like effect, similar to brainwashing that would believe his words, which made many think that Riser had done something evil, yet under Riser's aura, those thoughts disappeared.

Even if Riser was evil, so what?

They were comfortable under his role, and all of them loved him.

Moreover, even if they knew Riser was evil, was it even a problem?

After all, they weren't his opponent, and he could kill them anytime.

As for Issei?

This guy who had run away, was there even a need for them to think about him?

Still, those who were still unconvinced by Riser had a seed of doubt, and they waited for Issei to return to this world to bring the world into the righteous!

Nevertheless, even if Riser knew that he was still as calm as ever and called everyone since he knew the end of his war would end soon.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 379 Our next battle is against another world and parallel world

January 19

After the battle, Riser brought everyone to the meeting, whether it was the Maous, the Great King, an angel, a fallen angel, gods, and many others, who were all called for this meeting.

Nevertheless, it was all clear what Riser was going to say to them, especially when Riser's battle was seen by everyone.

Still, even so, they had to say, Riser was strong, so strong that they were unable to breathe or even look him in the eyes, so he was in silence. No one said anything, and they just lowered their heads, waiting for him to talk.

Still, while they couldn't talk, Serafall could say, "Dear, what's happening?"

"There is nothing much, but I will fight with creatures from another world and someone from parallel world."


All of them were stunned still and couldn't even say anything. They were tongue-tied, wishing to say something, but they couldn't since it wasn't the first time for Riser to be this decisive. It was like when he suddenly announced a war with Chinese and Hindu myths. It was so sudden that they were flabbergasted, then suddenly he announced that he was going to fight with creatures from another world and someone from the parallel world.

Nevertheless, the existence of another world and a parallel world stunned all of them!

"I know that you might be confused, but like before, even if you don't want to follow me, then you don't need to come."

Yes, Riser's power was so mighty that their help wasn't needed at all, which made them speechless. Frankly, his earlier battle had almost destroyed the eastern part of Europe. It was a disaster, and tens of millions of people died, but even so, it was just tens of millions, which was nothing compared to the billions of numbers of humanity.

"What are you talking about, Riser-sama? We will follow you!"

"Yeah, we will fight along with you!"

"Even if our opponents are from another world or the parallel world, it doesn't matter! We will win as long as we have you!"

Riser smiled but then said, "Thank you, but you are a bit too weak."

"......." Everyone.

"Nevertheless, while I know that I don't need to explain, I will tell you what they are and why I fought Issei Hyoudo."

Riser knew that many wished to know, especially Rias and the others since they didn't expect to see Issei. Nevertheless, they didn't believe Issei, especially when Issei was so strong. While they knew that they might be mocking Issei, the truth was like this.

Issei wasn't Riser's opponent.

The Red Dragon Emperor was just a Heavenly Dragon, after all. Even if it was strong, it was just an existence below the Great Red and Ophis.

However, Riser was already above the Great Red and Ophis, so it was impossible for Issei to be his opponent.

Yet, during that fight, Issei could be Riser's opponent, so how?

So, Riser told them from the beginning about the existence of another world and also a parallel world. It wasn't that he needed to explain this matter to them, but he knew that his women wanted to know, and the others? They were just bonuses, as he was too lazy to explain.

Still, he explained from the beginning how he knew Gasper from the future, the one who helped Cao Cao and the other Hero Faction, the killer of Azazel, which made the fallen angels furious, but also sighed in relief as that member of the hero factions, especially Cao Cao, had been killed.

"I waited and waited, and finally, I found out that they were waiting for Issei Hyoudo."


This was what made them confused since they didn't understand why Gasper from the future, which Gasper from the current timeline trembled in fear as he was watched by everyone, waiting for Issei.

Still, Riser's answer made them speechless.

Another world.

God from another world used Issei as a way to dominate this world.

Yes, Riser directly told them that the creatures from another world used Issei to control their world. As for whether they would believe in him or not, there was no way for them to doubt him since he was already dominating this world, so what was the point of him lying to all of them?

Still, the creatures of another world aside, what about the parallel world?

Why had they attacked them?

No, why did they come to attack Riser?

"What about the parallel world, Dear?" Sona asked curiously.

"If I have to say... probably, they are afraid."


"Yes, they are afraid that I might invade, attack, and dominate them."

"......" Everyone.

"Would you do it, Dear?"

"If it were before, I might not think so since I don't even know the existence of a parallel world, but since they have come to attack me, then I might as well conquer them since they will give me nice resources."

Hearing his words, everyone nodded.

Riser was realistic, after all, and this is what they liked.

Nevertheless, with this, whether it was the existence of another world or a parallel world, it didn't matter since all of them were going to be conquered by Riser.

Moreover, wasn't it exciting to go to another world?

"But, why Issei Hyoudou?"

This was also a question that couldn't be understood by everyone.

Rias and the others knew the answer since Riser had talked about this matter to all of them, so Riser only repeated what he told Rias and the others.

"Probably, in another world, he is the chosen one. You know, like the protagonist in the Shounen manga. He is the savior and the one who saves all of us. It is something like that."


They all fell in silence and couldn't imagine how the perverted Issei Hyodou could become the savior of everyone, especially when Riser was so strong!

"Anyway, whether it is another world or a parallel world, they are going to become my enemies. However, you don't need to worry about them since they are as good as dead as they come. However..." Riser then looked at everyone and said, "There might be many stupid ones who think that Issei Hyodou is the one savior and will try to fight me, so when that happens, you should be prepared."

Hearing those words, everyone nodded.

As for Issei's words that shouted to all of them that Riser was the real killer behind Sirzech, Ajuka, Azazel, and the others? They didn't care since many weren't involved with Sirzech, Ajuka, Azazel, and the others. Moreover, it was impossible for them to believe what Issei said one-sidedly.

Even Grayfia didn't believe that Riser had killed her husband since it was clear the one that killed Sirzech was Vali, and the others were Cao Cao.

With those words, the meeting ended, and Riser knew that he needed to clean up all the pests before they were going to become Issei's helpers to fight him when he returned. Still, before that, he was going to check his rewards since it definitely wouldn't hurt for him to become even stronger, right?

Then, as expected, his rewards were rich.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 380 I love you

January 20

As the meeting ended, Riser decided to check the rewards he gained from defeating many famous enemies. Nevertheless, he knew that everything was about to end soon. As long as he was able to defeat Issei, the creatures from another world, the parallel world, and also those who thought that they were on the right side, he knew that everything would be over.

Yet, he had to say that it was so hard.

Unlike the protagonist, who had the help of everyone, fighting with the power of comrades, Riser used the power of an individual, fighting by himself.

However, it didn't mean it was bad.

Riser felt that it was better this way as he didn't want to involve his problems with anyone, and the feeling of putting your life and future in someone else's hands definitely wasn't anything unpleasant.

Closing his eyes as he enjoyed the quietness of his yard, Riser thought that this was going to be the last.

Then, with that thought, he checked his rewards.

[Congratulations, you have received "Cthugha, Lord of Flame God."]


Riser had to say that even though he only got one skill, this skill was amazing, and it was probably his reward after defeating all the members of the Hero Faction. Still, this was an evolved version of the "Agni, Lord of Charity" skill he had previously.

If someone forgot, his "Agni" ability gave him the ability to amplify something near-infinitely. When used on a person, it can be used to either increase their strength to or past the limit of their bodies, resulting in living things being burned alive by their own body heat or otherwise falling apart. When used on an attack, the result is absolutely catastrophic, increasing its power to the absolute limit and creating the strongest offensive power.

It was powerful, right?

Yet "Cthugha" skill was the enhanced version of that, which made it several times stronger.

Not only was the ability to amplify anything almost infinitely, this ability also included Thought Acceleration, Scorch Excitation, Parallel Existence, Space-Time Manipulation

Dimensional Leap and Multi-Dimensional Barrier

Now, let him explain what those abilities were used for.

Thought Acceleration allows the user to greatly increase the speed of their thought process.

It was quite similar to the skill which he had before, but it was stronger, he thought.

Scorch Excitation.

It was the "Agni" ability, giving him the ability to amplify anything infinitely but with a different name.

Parallel Existence.

It allows the user to split their consciousness and give flesh to independent alter egos of themselves, referred to as "An Other Body."


Riser had to say that this skill gave him a surprise as it allowed him to create a copy of himself, which was a great skill for him, to save his life as it would give him two lives. While he had never thought of using this skill to do so, he was sure that someone might think of using this skill for something perverted, but he wouldn't do that.

Still, let's talk about the next skill.

Space-Time Manipulation.

It allows the user to manipulate and utilize the Elements of Space and Time, allowing them to perform Space-Time Connection or even Instant Motion, depending on their proficiency.

With this skill, even if his opponents moved to a different place, or dimension or even stopped the time, they wouldn't be able to stop him.

Riser also tried to use this skill and tried to go to another world to end Issei and creatures from another world, but it seemed he needed to master these abilities more before he could do that. Still, this way, no one would be able to escape, and he also understood why those from the future or parallel worlds wished to kill him somehow. Yet, it didn't matter, as he was the one who would kill them first.

It was their fault for provoking him and wishing to kill him, after all, so don't blame him.

Then, what about the next skill?

Dimensional Leap.

It's a skill that allows the user to freely locate and travel to a location, even if it is in different dimensions or worlds, as long as there's a guide or connection to it.


Riser smiled and thought that it was the only time before he ended everything.

Then, the last skill.

Multi-Dimensional Barrier.

It is a barrier-type skill that achieves Absolute Defense through the utilization of an always active Multilayer Barrier with a variety of abilities. It boasts a foolproof defense against physical, elemental, and emission-type attacks. While there are attacks that could potentially break it, if the user is able to analyze the nature of the oncoming attack, they can adjust the barrier to block it.

Perfect, he thought.

With this skill, no one could run away from him anymore.

As he thought of that, someone gently massaged his temples. He opened his eyes and saw a beautiful crimson hair that was impossible to forget.

"Does it feel good?"

"A little harder."

"Like this?"

"Yeah, that's good."

Rias smiled and said, "If you need my help, just tell me."

"Comfort me tonight."

"I mean... if you want me to fight, I can do it too."

Riser fell in silence and looked at Rias.

Under his stare, Rias took a deep breath and said, "I could tell that Issei was hesitating when he saw me. If you used me, then your chance to win would increase." Even if Issei was controlled by creatures from another world, Issei was still the same pervert as ever. She could tell that as long as she asked him to do something, Issei would follow her words, and it would give Riser a chance to end him.



Stretching his hand, Riser pulled Rias into his embrace and hugged her in his arms. "I don't want to use you for something like that."

Rias lay on his chest and said, "But... I want to help you. I don't want to become a vase."

"That feeling is enough. You are not strong enough. This Issei is different from the previous Issei."

"...can you defeat him?"

"I can kill him if he doesn't run to another world."

"Those hateful creatures from another world!" Rias gritted her teeth, then let out a helpless sigh as she put her hands on his chest. "You know..."


"I wish that... such a past never happened between us."

"But it had happened, after all, and if we didn't do so, our relationship wouldn't become like this."

"...maybe, you are right, but there is always another possibility, right? There is a parallel world, after all."

"What kind of possibility do you want?"

"I mean... when you are with me, our family is happy, Onii-sama is living, and many others. Though, I can imagine that you are still with many women even if you are with me." Rias wasn't confident about holding him alone, especially when she knew how strong he was, yet it didn't matter as she didn't mind him having a lot of lovers.

Still, Riser was silent and didn't say anything.



Looking at his profile and gentle smile, Rias also understood that if many things didn't happen between them, it was impossible for them to be like this.

"I love you."

"..." Riser.

"What's with that expression?" Rias pouted since he didn't show much of a reaction.

"I didn't expect you to say that in this situation."

"So, what about you?"

"Aren't you clear?"

"I am not."

Watching Rias act like a baby, Riser only smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Rias."

Rias felt like her heart had almost exploded, and she hugged him tightly as she really couldn't control her emotions. Whatever had happened in the past, she knew she loved him so much that he would give her everything, so she knew that in their next battle, they had to win.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 381 Set up the right thing!

January 20

Still, by the end of the meeting, the existence of another world and the parallel world were quickly known by everyone. At that moment, they knew another danger was about to come to their home, and their battle was near, so all of them were prepared for that war to protect their homeland.

Yet, while others wished to be protected, there were also those who were in doubt.

One of them was those from the church as they had seen the discussion that had happened in Eastern Europe. They felt like this battle was meaningless. Was a war necessary? Why should they kill each other? Why did so many have to die? They also couldn't understand why the angels supported Riser in this war.

Issei Hyoudou...

This was an existence that they couldn't forget. Unlike Riser, who appeared so evil, Issei was so bright, like the light that existed to guide them when they were blind.

This was wrong!

This was wrong!

This was wrong!

Their minds kept screaming as they refused to accept this war as they watched the catastrophe that appeared before them.

"We can't allow this wrongness anymore. We need to correct everything. There is no need for us to join this meaningless battle!"

A young man with a gentle and kind appearance looked at everyone and said, "Can you lend me your strength?"

With those words, everyone was moved, and they knew this was the time for them to correct everything.

At the same time, in the realm of death, Hades and many other evil gods gathered together.

"What do you guys think?"

"What should we do? We need to fight."

"Yeah, those creatures from another world are going to invade us, after all."

Hades was speechless, but he didn't deny that they needed to fight the creatures from another world. Still, watching their expressions, he knew that no one seemed to have any intention to fight Riser anymore. While he was speechless, he knew that the only one who could handle Issei Hyoudo was Riser Lucifer.

Even though he hated Riser, it couldn't be denied that Hades knew that Riser was strong.

After all, if Riser wasn't strong, could he humiliate him?

"Hades, how about you give up?"

"Yeah, there is no need for us to fight anymore."

"I think the world under his ruler is great."

For the evil gods, Riser's firm, realistic lead while also letting them do whatever they wished way of the ruler as long as they didn't bother him was a great thing. Moreover, he also had taken all the Longinus and Sacred Gears from those humans, which made them helpless and powerless against all of them.

A human should be like this.

It was also due to this that they hated the god of the bible who gave the powers to fight against the gods to the humans. What Riser did was correct, and they also didn't mind following him. Moreover, he also wished to have a war against the parallel world and another world.

It's such a fun thing... how could they let Riser do it alone?

They also wished to be by Riser's side, following and fighting!

Or rather, all of them felt itchy, waiting for those creatures from another world and parallel world to fight!

As for Hades?

If there was no friendship between them, they wouldn't come at all.

Anyway, Riser didn't do anything to them, and they could just enjoy their lives without worry.

Watching everyone, Hades was speechless and helpless, but there was nothing that he could do since their powers weren't weaker than him. If they were together, he would be even more helpless. Moreover, they were in the realm of death, his home, and if they fought, his home would be destroyed.

Frankly, Hades didn't really hate Riser, either. If there was something that annoyed him by Riser, it was because he treated all the devils the same way as he hated a devil. However, in reality, he was weaker, and there was nothing he could do. He was like those who he had killed in the past, completely helpless.

"Just give up."

Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of the Night, patted Hade's shoulder. "I think it is better for us to follow him."

If it was on the original, they wouldn't give up no matter what, as Issei was a human, and they didn't like him. However, Riser was a devil, a supernatural creature, and he was also a phoenix, which somehow related to their myth, so no one hated him.

"By the way, I want to meet him after this. Do any of you want to follow me?" Nyx suddenly said.

"Huh? What are you planning to do?"

"I have a surprise for him!"

"Well, it doesn't matter. I also want to meet Riser-sama too!"

"Ah, how dare you use his give name! Use Lucifer-sama, bastard!"

"Oh, I am special~! I am close to him~!"

"How unfair!"

Watching all the evil gods, who talked happily to meet Riser, Hades was speechless and helpless. Even if Riser didn't do anything, the Alliance of Hell, an organization that he created to fight Riser, ended just like that. Letting out a helpless sigh, he hoped Rizevim wouldn't give up, so it would be fun.

Yet, as Hades had thought, Rizevim didn't give up. Even though he knew the creatures from a parallel world and another world was going to come, he still wanted to plunge this world into more chaos, so here he was, coming to the territory of Bellial House.

Unlike before, the Bellial House was quite empty, and the popularity of the champion was no longer there. Diehauser was as good as a dog in the eyes of many, so even if Rizevim came, he didn't need to worry about anything as no one would find him.

As expected, Rizevim found Diehauser, who was sitting on the top of the stone like an ill person. He laughed and said, "Hahaha... it's funny to see the champion has fallen so low."

Hearing this laugh, Diehauser turned his head in silence before widening his eyes. "You are..."

"Hiahaha... you have guessed, right~! I am the real descendant of the Lucifer~! Diehauser-kun, do you want to follow me to bring this world to the right~?"


Diahauser was silent, but then, he took a deep breath and stood up, following Rizevim obediently.

Nevertheless, Riser, who was in his villa, was speechless when a group of evil gods came to him happily as if they were his fans.

Wait, they were his fans!

However, he wondered why he became popular among the evil gods, which made him wonder whether a villain was the only path that he could choose.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 382 The evil gods are nice

January 21

Riser wondered how many evil gods wished to follow him.

Yet, it was great that they didn't do anything strange and decided to follow him. Though, he had to say, he was surprised when he saw Hades was there.

Hades stood in the corner, seemingly awkwardly, looking away.

If Riser had to say, Hades was like a boy who had made his friend cry, then feeling regret before he was forced by the teacher to apologize.

"Hades, what are you doing?"

"Come! Didn't you want to apologize!"

"Hurry up!"

Hades felt so ashamed at this moment; his skill-like face blushed somehow before he looked at Riser with an awkward expression and apologized, "..I am sorry for what I have done before, Riser Lucifer-sama." He probably also wasn't used to apologizing, so he wasn't sure what to say after this. Yet, this couldn't be blamed.

He is Hades!

The god of death!

How could such a mighty being apologize to others?

If someone made a mistake, they would be the one killed by him!

Yet, Riser was different since Riser was much, much stronger than him, and Hades also didn't want to fight with him anymore as having a peaceful life and fighting the creatures from another world and parallel world was better.

"...no, it's okay. It's great that we don't need to fight each other due to a small matter."

Riser was speechless, but he decided to accept Hades' apology since he was amazed by Hades' willingness to apologize. Unlike others, who could only apologize unwillingly after being forced or just stayed outside, ignoring everything and pretending that they had never done anything wrong, Hades was a man for being able to take the initiative to meet him and apologize in front of his friends.

"Yeah, it's great."

The beginning of their fight all started due to the Five Principal Clans, the human, and for them, the human was just a small insignificant being; why should they be troubled by it?

Still, Hades also realized that Riser wasn't bad at all. Even though Riser was above all of them, Riser didn't pretend to be such a being and even treated them like a friend, which was great!

Nevertheless, Riser realized when he lost something, he would also receive something. When those who followed the original would leave and even fight him, those who fought the original main character would all follow him.

Even Hades, who was at first, tried to antagonize him somehow mellowed up and told him everything about Rizevim.


"Yes..." Hades felt a little awkward, but he said, "He used Cocytus as a place to hide."

"You let him hide in your place?"



What should Riser say at this moment?

"Well, it isn't really that big of a problem."

In his mind, Rizevim was nothing but a tool.

Rizevim thought that he could make a splash on the world, but what he didn't know was that everything was already in Riser's control.

Still, if Issei could get stronger by being from another world, Riser wondered whether he could become even stronger by devouring the 666.

Yes, Riser knew that Rizevim's purpose was to release the 666 to the world and use it to destroy the world. Yet, he let Rizevim do such a thing as he wished to get his hand on this beast, devouring it and making himself even stronger. Moreover, he could even use 666 to destroy those who fought him.

Still, Riser thought of something and suddenly asked, "By the way, do you know what Rizevim did on the Cocytus?"

"No, I don't know. He is so secretive, after all."

Hades didn't hide anything since he really didn't know anything. It might be his arrogance as he thought that it was impossible for Rizevim to escape from his palm, so he let Rizevim do whatever he wished to do. However, he felt regret as he let him do so since now he lost Rizevim's trace.

"It's okay, but I feel like he must be hiding something there."

"If that's the case, do you want to go to the Cocytus now?"

"Is that okay?"

"Why not?"


Riser realized how chill Hades was, and he wondered why they had even fought in the first place.

"Wait! Wait! Hades, you can't take Riser-sama away from us!"

"Yeah, we talked to him first!"

"It's unfair! It's unfair!"


Riser was speechless, and Hades was so angry at this group of evil gods, wishing to beat all of them up, but he knew that he was powerless against all of them, so he could only snort and look away.


At this moment, Riser wondered whether all the gods were a tsundere. Still, compared to the good gods, he felt like he could trust the evil gods more somehow. Why? It was because the evil gods didn't hide that they were evil. They were different from the good gods, who judged everything as good and evil. The evil gods were chill as they only did a bad thing and didn't shy away from acknowledging that they were bad. However, it didn't mean that they would do something so lawless or cause chaos. Instead, what they did was necessary to create a balance in this world.

"By the way, Riser-sama, can you tell me more about another world? I can help you search for the path to go to another world."

"Can you?"

"Yes, I am fairly good at teleportation magic, so I might be able to help crack the path that leads us to another world and parallel world."

Erebus, the Primordial God of Darkness in Greek mythology, took the initiative to help Riser.

Still, this was good news for him since Riser lacked someone who could help him research a path to go to another world, so Erebus's help was something that he was happy about.

By then, Riser told Erebus about what he knew about another world. Though he had to say; he wasn't sure how those creatures from another world could come to them. If there was a reason why they could contact and even open a path to their world, it was because of Issei's perverted power, which was the main power of the original protagonist.

"Perverted power..."

Hearing this answer, no one knew how to react after it was so ridiculous, yet when they heard the existence of the God of Breats, Chichigami, they knew that Riser didn't lie. Even though it was ridiculous, it was another world, so anything could happen.

"I will do my best."

This is what Erebus could say.

"Oh, right, Riser-sama, I have brought a gift for you~!"

Riser looked at Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of the Night and the younger sister of Erebus in Greek mythology. He had to say that this goddess was beautiful and had a cute face with long black hair and pointy ears. It was also due to this that he wondered what she would give him, but unexpectedly, she would give him—

"A girl?"

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 383 What do you think of this girl?

January 21

The girl is beautiful. Her long hair is purple in color, and she appears to be in her late teens.

Her eyes were closed, and she appeared to be sleeping.

Watching this girl, Riser looked at Nyx and asked, "Does she have a sleeping disease?"

"Yes." Nyx nodded. "For you, it should be easy to handle, right?"

There was no doubt that the "Sleeping Disease" was the most troublesome disease in the underworld, as those who caught it would be unable to wake up and just sleep as if they were dead. However, due to Riser's Feng Shui ability, he was able to ease this disease momentarily.

Frankly, Riser could heal the "Sleeping Disease" with his healing ability as he also had cured Misla Bael, Sairaorg's mother, who was also his lover, but he kept this matter a secret. Instead, he created a medicine that could temporarily cure "Sleeping Disease," so as long as one consumed it, they wouldn't fall asleep.

If Riser had to say, he was like those pharmaceutical companies who made medicine for cancer or HIV. He might have created a perfect cure for those diseases, but he hid it and only showed the one that healed temporarily so they would continue to consume his medicines, generating more money for him.

Was he evil?

Riser had to say "yes," but people often said that one would sell their souls to the devil for money, right?

Well, Riser was a devil, though, so don't expect him to be a great guy.

Still, it was also due to this achievement that Nyx thought that Riser could handle this girl well.

However, Riser was confused, "Who is this?" Why did Nyx want to give this girl to him? What was so special about this girl?

"This is Ingvild Leviathan."


The surname of this girl quickly caught his attention.

"Yes, she is the only descendant of the Leviathan now," Nyx reported happily while wondering whether she would be praised.

However, Riser didn't praise Nyx since he didn't have much of an interest in the descendants of the original Four Satans. If it was someone else, they would be happy and think that this was a chance for the devil to rise, but for him, it didn't matter whether the original Four Satans existed or not since their existence was redundant to him.

However, Nyx had given this girl to him, and he felt like it was good to have the descendant of the original Four Satans by his side as it would help him politically.

"Thank you, Nyx."


Did this goddess fall for him?

Riser was speechless, feeling complicated by a Primordial Goddess for falling for him. Yet, he focused his attention on the sleeping devil before him. He could tell that she was half and she was born from a devil and a human. Even though she was the descendant of the Leviathan, she wasn't pure blood, but it didn't matter as it was almost impossible to search for the descendants of the Four Original Satans.

Still, he didn't take this girl first; he talked with the group of evil gods for a while before he could be with this girl alone, but before that, he called Serafall, Sona, and many others, as there was no doubt the existence of this girl would affect Serafall the most.

"So this girl is the descendant of the Leviathan?" Serafall looked at the girl curiously.


"Who is her name?"

"If I am not wrong, according to Nyx, her name is Ingvild Leviathan."

"So, her name is Ingvild-chan." Serafall nodded.

Watching Serafall's reaction, Sona and Riser couldn't help but feel curious.

"Are you okay with this, Onee-sama?"

"Why not? Isn't it good for the descendant of the original satan to be found?" As the mother of the devil, Lilith, was no longer by their sides, it was impossible for pure blood to be born once again except by having sex. Still, unlike humans who could get pregnant easily, it was hard for the devil to do so, and for one to get pregnant, it might take several decades or even a century to do so.

The proof of that was the fact that even though Grayfia and Sirzech had been married for so long, their child was only born recently, right?

With that proof, it was easy to see how hard it was for the devil to get pregnant.

Nevertheless, they needed to discuss Ingvild, who appeared before them.

"If you don't have a problem, then I will wake her up now."


Unlike Katarea Leviathan, whom Riser had met in the past, he could tell that Ingvild was the real deal. It was also why he could tell that she was strong and she should have the original ability of the Leviathan, Sea Serpent of the End, an ability which was similar to the Sitri house but stronger.

Moreover, as Ingvild was half-human, Riser knew that she also had a Sacred Gear, and this Sacred Gear wasn't weak. It even had a power that was close to or matched the Longinus, like Star Buster Star Blaster and Unknown Dictator, which he owned.

Nevertheless, Riser wasn't that excited by this girl. Even though she was beautiful and was also the descendant of the original Four Satans, she was just a normal girl.

Suddenly, he thought about Kuroka's words, which made him think that he might only be interested in the wife or the women of others since the feeling of robbing was nice, which made him realize how degenerate he had become.

Yet, this was also good news for Ingvild as she didn't have to worry that something happened when she stayed by his side.

Nevertheless, while Serafall was okay, Riser wondered what his wife was thinking about Ingvild. "What about you, Sona?"

"It's okay, isn't it? Her existence can make your ruler stronger."

While Sona didn't think that there was someone stupid enough to challenge him, when she thought about Diehauser, she knew that someone was just so stupid sometimes that they couldn't be saved anymore.

As for the others?

They didn't have many opinions since Ingvild didn't affect their lives much. The only one that was affected was Serafall, who was the current Leviathan and also the Sitri House, but even so, with Riser, what could others do with them?

Moreover, with the gentle nature of Serafall and Sona, they also couldn't bear to see this girl sleep all the time due to this "Sleeping Disease."

With that decision, Riser used his ability and woke Ingvild up.

Her eyes trembled before she opened her eyes in confusion as everything was unfamiliar.

"Congratulations, the operation was successful. You have become a beautiful girl."


Ingvild wasn't sure what to say.

After all, wasn't she a beautiful girl?

Nevertheless, she knew she had woken up from her "Sleeping Disease."

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 384 Riser who don't want to have any regrets

January 22

"How do you feel, Ingvild?"

"Thank you, Riser-sama. I feel comfortable here."

A week had passed since Ingvild woke up, and she had been staying at Riser's villa. Naturally, Riser had also told everyone about her existence to all the devils, but frankly, there weren't many reactions to knowing Ingvild's identity.

If it was in the original, where the politics were divided into various factions, in this world, there was only one voice in the Underworld, and that was his voice.

Moreover, even if they knew that Ingvild was the descendant of the original Leviathan, what did they want to do?

Creating a new political party to attack Riser?

If they dared to do so, there was no need for them to wait for Riser to move, as the others would definitely take their lives.

At this moment, everyone worked their best, trying to get into his best side. Even if they had to devour others, they would definitely do it as it was hard to impress him, and killing other devils was much easier than going to another world or parallel world to fight his enemies.

His announcements that the fight with the other world and the parallel world that wished to invade all of them had spread in every direction. Everyone was tense, and they were training hard so they could stay alive during this battle or just hide so they wouldn't be involved.

The last type of people might be rare, but it didn't mean that it didn't exist.

However, this type of people was much better than those who wished to fight the alliance, thinking that they were wrong.

"Is that so? I am glad to hear that." Riser smiled and said, "Though, if you wish, you can walk around instead of staying in the villa all the time, you know?" If it was Kuroka and the others, he might not have cared, but Ingvild was so pure that she didn't understand anything. Unlike Asia, who had been tainted by him, he didn't intend to do anything to this girl, so it was better for her to leave.

As for the chance of her being kidnapped by the pro-old satan faction or others?

Riser only laughed.

"No, I feel this place is better, Riser-sama. The outside world is scary..." Ingvild quickly declined Riser's words, then said, "If you are worried that I might bother with your intimacy with your women, then you don't need to worry. I won't disrupt you, and..." She lowered her head shyly with a blush, then said, "I-I can help you too, you know?"


Riser's lips twitched before he could only close his eyes, deciding to ignore this descendant of Leviathan. Like any other girl, she was also willing to open her legs for him. Yet, how could she not be?

Who wouldn't have to have an intimate relationship with a being like Riser?

Even if they didn't want to, could they reject him?

Moreover, even if they had a partner, many were sure that whether it was their husbands, parents, or boyfriends, they would push them into Riser so they could get into his good side, as his hobby was obvious to all.

This was also the reason why Kuroka didn't appear most of the time, as she was punished by him.

"By the way, how is your training?"

"Well... it's fine. I can control my Sacred Gear quite easily too."

Ingvild sighed regretfully, but she quickly answered him as their position didn't allow her to be disrespectful, yet she really wished for him to sleep with her as she could see how much his women loved to be held by him. It seemed so enjoyable, especially when they fell asleep. Their sleeping faces were so peaceful, and it seemed so nice.

Probably because she had a "Sleeping Disease" that even though her disease was cured, she still loved to sleep.

So, she wanted to feel how it felt to sleep after being held by him.

Nevertheless, the real reason why she wished it was him was because she was the man who had woken her up, and his attitude toward her was sincere. Unlike many others who approached her due to her origin as the original descendant of the Leviathan.

In the original, her meeting with the original protagonist, Issei Hyoudou, was relatively strange as he suddenly appeared in Kuoh Town, as if she was there trying to seduce him.

Still, the original development aside, it didn't matter, considering how she had met Riser, and she wished to be her strength. Her life had been a mess due to this "Sleeping Disease," whether it was her parents, family, or many others; she had lost all of them due to sleeping for hundreds of years. Moreover, those who tried to cure her of this disease didn't do this wholeheartedly and deceived her family, using her as an object of research.

In this world, only Riser was the one that she could trust, and that was why, to gain his attention, she wished to become stronger.

Nereid Kyrie.

This was her Sacred Gear.

It had the ability to control the sea and the dragon, enslaving them.

This was also why Riser knew that Ingvild's existence was important to him, especially when his enemy was partly a dragon. However, Riser also felt speechless at how Issei could have become so strong before.

'DDD... Diabolos Divine Dragon, huh?'

When Riser thought about his last battle with Issei, he really wanted to crack the whole world, destroying it as this thing was really annoying, but he endured it as his loved one was living in this world.

Still, Riser knew that when he fought Issei once again, it definitely wouldn't DDD. It would be, what was it...?

He didn't know, but he was sure that Issei would definitely be much stronger. Nevertheless, it didn't matter, as he would definitely be the one who became the winner.

Still, if there was something that surprised him.

"By the way, did you join Rias's peerage group?"


"...you are too hasty, you know?"

Hearing Riser's words, Ingvild didn't get angry, but a voice from the side suddenly interrupted their conversation.

"What do you mean by that, Riser~?"

Turning to the side, he saw Rias walking with Grayfia and puffed her cheeks, showing an annoyed expression.

'Come to think of it.'

Have I done both of them?

Riser realized that he hadn't, and as there would be a big battle before them, he knew that he should try something that he hadn't tried.

While Grayfia and Rias didn't know, they knew that this guy was definitely thinking something bad.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 385 To live without a regret

January 22

Rias knew that Riser was thinking something bad, but it didn't matter as she wished to help him, so even if it was a little strange, if he wished to, she might even try to change the color of her crimson hair for him.

"So, what do you mean by those words?"

Nevertheless, Rias wanted to know why this guy said it was something bad for Ingvild to join her peerage.

"I am not saying anything bad, but it's just been a week since she woke up, and you suddenly made her into her peerage member."

"Early bird gets the worm."

Rias sat on his lap intimately and said, "Have you heard those words, Dear?"


Riser couldn't argue since he was sure that with Ingvild's identity, there would be many who wished to make her part of peerage members. She might be a descendant of the original Leviathan, but there was no rule that she couldn't be turned into a peerage member, right? Moreover, among all the people who could make her into a peerage member, Rias wasn't the only one, as there were others too, such as Ravel, Iryuka, and Latia, who could do the same.

So, Riser didn't blame Rias that much, but this girl moved really fast, which made him speechless.

"By the way, what piece did you use to make her into part of your peerage?"


"Eight of them?"

"Eight of them."

Rias was decisive, and once she decided on something, she would do it. Moreover, instead of a group of small fries winning by using the numbers, she liked to have a group of elite.

"What pieces are left on your Evil Pieces, then?"

Nevertheless, with this, there was no chance for Issei to return to Rias' peerage anymore, especially when all the eight pieces of pawns used by Rias were used for Ingvild.

"Hmm... one knight and one rook. That's all."

"Have you found them?"

"Not yet, but it's okay. I am not in a hurry."

Rias didn't have much interest in the "Rating Game" anymore, as she thought that it wasn't as interesting as she thought, and so what if she became a "Champion"?

In the eyes of others, the "Champion" was a worthless position.

However, a peerage member was someone that she could trust, especially to handle family matters.

Even if Rias had become Riser's woman, she knew that she still needed to handle the matter of the Gremory House, and those peerage members were someone that she could trust to handle those problems.

As for Grayfia?

Rias knew that Grayfia was more than willing to go to Riser's place instead of staying in the Gremory House, which made her helpless.

"By the way, what about Gasper and Kiba?"

While Riser didn't care much about Gasper and Kiba, unlike Rias' other peerage members, those two guys had a chance to betray Rias due to their deep connection with Issei.

"Right now, they are working hard to become stronger for our next war," Rias said with a serious expression.

"They are too serious."

"You are the one who is too lax, Riser-sama."

"Ouch, that hurts, Grayfia." Riser looked at Grayfia, who casually jabbed him, which made him hold her hand and pull her into his embrace, too.

On these arms were Rias and Grayfia, and this was definitely amazing as one would definitely imagine that something like this could happen.

Still, Rias and Grayfia didn't really mind as they came up with a purpose to make him happy and ease the pressure. They knew that he might like to erase or escape when there weren't any important jobs, but they knew that in the place they had never seen, he was working hard, hiding all of the pain in the place they didn't know.

Nevertheless, Riser took care of the matter with Gasper and Kiba well.

Whether it was Gasper or Kiba, even though their power was only so-so, there was no doubt that they were exceptional among the others. To tie them into his group and make sure that they wouldn't betray him, naturally, he had made a countermeasure.

In the case of Gasper, Riser reincarnated the owner of the Sephiroth Graal, Valerie Tepes, and erased the memory of Valerie and modified it so she would be in Riser's favor.

If this was before, it might have been hard for him to do so, but he held the Sephiroth Graal, which made him able to control the soul, and he also had "Crazy Diamond" and time manipulation ability he gained from devouring Gasper from the future, which made something that was impossible, possible to do now.

As for Kiba?

Riser had found Tosca, one of the survivors of the Church's Holy Sword Project. Unlike Kiba, who stayed alive due to his luck being found by Rias, Tosca was alive due to awakening the Sacred Gear.

Still, whether it was Gasper or Kiba, the two of them had something they needed to protect. For Valerie and Tosca, they would do anything, even if they had to fight Issei. Moreover, they also knew that Issei was already controlled by creatures from another world and a parallel world. While they wanted to save Issei, they knew that with their powers, it would be impossible to defeat Issei, who had combined with beings from another world and a parallel world.

Even Riser might even lose against this Issei.

Moreover, even though there might be a chance Issei might not be controlled, the fact that Issei had become the enemies of the alliance, and this world, as he had sided with the creatures from another world and the parallel world, didn't change.

So, to protect those they loved, they had to fight Issei.

It was also due to this that Riser wanted to see how Issei would react when his dearest friends would try to kill him.

Yet, at the same time, Riser could imagine how callous and cold Issei would become when the war started.

"By the way, is it alright for Sona to open the school?"

"While I know this is her dream, isn't it better to postpone this matter until everything is clear up?"

The war with the parallel world and another world was about to begin, but unexpectedly, Riser agreed for Sona to open the "Rating Game" school for the low-class devil and reincarnated devil, which she had dreamed of.

"It's okay. I think that she should do it now instead of later."

"Why?" 2x

Grayfia and Rias were confused.

"It's because we don't know what will happen in the future, so while we might have a chance to do it, let's do it so we won't have any regrets."


Those who heard his words all fell into silence.

In this war, no one could tell what would happen. Anything could happen. Even he, who was mighty and immortal, could even die.

Riser still recalled his memory of when he fought the Great Red before, and he didn't want to have any regrets, so he picked up Grayfia and Rias, ready to erase his regrets. While Rias and Grayfia were stunned, they didn't really mind, but then—

"Ingvild, do you want to join us?" Rias suddenly asked.

"Ah, um, okay..." Ingvild nodded as she lowered her head shyly.

"......" Riser.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 386 Final struggle!

January 26

At the same time, in another world, Issei was strangely okay. Even though the explosion that came from detonating the True Longinus could even destroy a planet, it didn't hurt him as much as it somehow fell on the other part of another world.

Evie Etoulde.

This was the name of this world.

The world of Evie Etoulde is divided between Evie and Etoulde, who have been at war with each other since ancient times.

Issei was on Etoulde's side as his body was reconstructed by the Chichigami, and he was also saved by the leader of the Etoulde, Resetoras. It was also due to the self-destruction that the True Longinus didn't explode on the Etoulde's side as they were protected by Issei's plot armor.

Instead, this explosion happened on Evie's side, the mechanical life forms led by Melvazoa.

Watching the explosion and destruction that happened on Evie's side, everyone was at a loss for a while. They should be happy that Evie, who was their enemy, was killed, yet at the same time, they also had a chill since they could see how strong Riser was.

As long as Riser is able to come to Evie Etoulde, then...

"We can't continue like this!"

Issei from the future, who had taken over the current Issei, said righteously. "We can't fight between us any longer! We have to combine our power to fight against this crisis!" While some of the Evie might not be able to accept the creation of an alliance with Etoulde, who had been their enemy from ancient times, they knew that they didn't have a choice.

If they wanted to win this war, they had to combine their power with each other, so under the leader of Issei, they met the leader of the Etoulde, Resetoras.

If it was before, they might fight immediately as many of them had died, and whether it was Evie or Etoulde, they had a grudge that was impossible to erase.

Yet, when Issei came, hatred, grudges, and negative feelings disappeared. He had this aura that worked like magic, which could make everyone believe in him.

Still, hearing Issei's story, Resetoras ground his teeth in hatred. "Riser Lucifer..." He would remember this name and wished to take his life as he knew that this devil would become the obstacle to Etoulde, or rather, it might become the nemesis of Etoulde as a whole, especially when he learned Riser's ability from Issei.

Yes, as Issei from the future knew many things, he naturally knew about Riser's ability to manipulate a machine from the Alpacca Tyrant, which he had robbed from others.

Riser was evil and they had to stop him!

"I know. I will believe in you, and we will fight together to defeat him!"

No one was sure whether Riser could do another explosion like what he did when he made the True Longinus explode. Yet, they had a feeling Riser should be able to do more and by then, no one could stay alive anymore.

It was also due to this—

"Isse Hyoudo."

Regalzeva, one of the powerful beings on the Evie Etoulde, looked at Issei and asked, "I have heard that Chichigami has become one with your body?"

"That's right."

"Then, let me become one with you too."


Everyone was startled by Regalzeva's decision.

"Are you serious, Regalzeva?"

"Yes." Regalzeva nodded. "It's for the future of everyone. If all of us want to live, I have to do this." He then looked at Issei again and said, "Issei Hyoudu, can you promise me to defeat Riser Lucifer?"

"Believe me! I will definitely defeat him!" Issei didn't have a doubt as he believed that he could defeat Riser. While Riser from the future might be a fearsome creature, this current timeline of Riser was as good as a baby. As long as he gained Regalzeva's power, he believed that he could take down Riser!

"Then, I leave everything to you."

Like Chichigami, Regalzeva gave his body, soul, and everything to Issei.

At this moment, not only did Issei gain the characteristics of a devil, a dragon, and a divinity, but he also gained the characteristics of a mechanistic life form!

His body grew stronger and stronger, and he had become the symbol of hope for everyone.

Yet Melvazoa, the leader of Evies, and Resetoras, the leader of the Etouldes, felt that this wasn't enough. For the future of everyone, they knew that they had to do this, and they believed that Issei was someone that they could entrust to.

"Your strength isn't enough, Issei Hyoudo!"

"Yeah, can you bear with us, Issei Hyodou?!"

Still, Issei was stunned by his words. "What do you plan to do?"

"Like Chichigami and Regalzeva, we will give our everything to you."

"In exchange, we hope that you can protect everyone."

Whether it was Melvazoa or Resetoras, the two showed a sincere expression filled with hope toward this young man. In their minds, as long as they gave their everything to this young man, nothing was impossible!

Nevertheless, Issei was startled by their words and determination. His eyes were in tears as he had never thought that someone would believe in him this much.

"Partner! While my power is limited, I will give all of them to you!"

"No, Ddraig, your power isn't limited. Your power is amazing."

The reason why Issei could fight against Riser was all due to Ddraig's innate ability, "Penetration." As long as there was this skill, he believed that he could defeat Riser. Moreover, he also gained the body, ability, and soul of Chichigami and Regalzeva.

Yet, if he could gain even further, then why not, right?

Issei came to this world because he wanted to save everyone, especially his harem, as he didn't want them to fall under Riser's hands!

'This time, you're going to fall!'

Facing Melvazoa and Resetoras, Issei didn't have any doubt or hesitation. His expression was full of determination and firmness, showing that he would do everything to defeat Riser Lucifer, the source of all calamity in this universe.

"Leave everything to me. I will definitely bring him a defeat!"

"Your words reassure us."

"We believe in you, Issei Hyodou."

There was no doubt in the voice of Melvazoa and Resetoras, and they believed that this young man was able to give them a miracle!

"Leave everything to me!"

With those words, Melvazoa and Resetoras gave their everything to Issei Hyoudou.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 387 Only excellence!

January 26

To live without regret, Riser thought that there were still many things that he wanted to do in his life, so he knew that he needed to win.

Everyone was also affected by emotions, and they also didn't want to have regrets, so they did their best in everything.

Nevertheless, such a thing needed to stop for a while, especially when Sona's "Rating Game" school was about to open. Unlike before, when her school was only followed by a few people, and most people only saw it as a charity or something. With Riser's support, this school had become much bigger, and Sona also knew while it was possible to make the "Rating Game" school for the low-class devil and the reincarnated devil, there were some adjustments that she needed to make to this school as those low-class and reincarnated devils weren't the only one that would join on this school.

If it was before, Sona might get stubborn and wouldn't change no matter what, but she had become Riser's wife, and she also knew that there was something that she could do and couldn't do.

To become a wife that matched Riser's status, she discussed her problem with Riser, who gave her an idea of what kind of school she should create.

While the essence of this school didn't change as it allowed for the low-class devil and the reincarnated devils to join, as there was also a descendant of the high-class devil and other races to join her school, she changed her school with a concept of the strong got everything.

"Discover Excellence!"

This was the motto of Sona's school.

It didn't matter what your status was, whether you were a noble, low-class devil, reincarnated devil, or one of the other races; what was important in this school was your excellence.

There was no doubt the concept of this school was great, but at the same time, it was also given a chance for those who didn't have anything to achieve something.

Yet, there was no doubt that Riser knew this school would be cruel, as those who didn't have the ability could only be pushed away, especially when this school tried to support a competition.

By having a competition, there was no doubt that their strength and will would be tempered and when they graduated, they became the best among the best.

However, at the same time, those who didn't have the ability would only be pushed down and abandoned.

Frankly, if it had been before, Sona might not have dared or even rejected such an idea, but she knew how cruel the world was. If one didn't have the ability or the will to try hard, then they could only be abandoned by the world, living an ordinary life.

Nevertheless, Sona also understood that it was meaningless to train those who were unwilling. This was a "Rating Game" school, a place where one trained to become the best and champion during their youth. If a competition in the school had made them depressed and give up, then they might as well give up.

Sairaorg, who was also partly involved in this school, also agreed with the concept of this school. The reason why he could stand up until now, even though he didn't have a talent for his Demonic Energy, was all due to his talent and his physical ability. He knew that even though he was underestimated, he was special. However, the reason why he could achieve all of this was because he was willing to work hard. He had a will, and he kept trying, so he found his talents.

Adults might not be able to do this since they didn't have time as they also needed to work and provide for their families.

However, the children were different. They had a lot of free time, chasing after what they wished, but having a dream and trying to achieve what they wished was a painful thing.

If they couldn't even handle this pain, then they might as well give up.

This was also probably also the reason why the nobles were willing to send their descendants to this school. If this wasn't for this type of education, those nobles might as well have sent their descendants to their usual schools, as a school was nothing but a place for nobles to interact and make connections with each other.

Yet, this school aims to make the best of the best.

Only one could stand above all of them, and the rest could only become the stepping stones of the others.

"What a spartan school..."

"You don't like it?"

Riser looked at Rossweisse, who was standing by his side as his bodyguard. At this moment, they were in one of the rooms at Sona's school, waiting for the entrance ceremony. Naturally, as Sona's wife, he was present.

Rossweisse, who was also Sona's peerage member, did the same.

However, as Sona was busy managing the opening of her school, Riser didn't bother his wife and stayed in his room within this school together with Rossweisse.

As for why it was Rossweisse?

Naturally, if it was others, especially Xenovia, there was no doubt that they might mess around.

So, there was no doubt among all those who could be trusted; it was only Rossweisse.

Yet, was it true that Rossweisse wouldn't mess around?

Well, Rossweisse wouldn't do anything, but if she was pushed by Riser, she could only agree, right?

Still, to answer his question, she shook her head and said, "No, I agree with this type of education. We're all studying for a better future. If one wants to change their fate, they have to work and bleed more than anyone. They aren't nobles, and they don't have someone they can rely on except themselves. If they can't handle this hard work, then they might as well give up."

Everyone came to this place to change their fate.

They didn't want to become useless and became like those nobles in the future.

If they didn't have a will to preserve, then they might as well give up.

Rossweisse was like that in her childhood, as she didn't have a talent for her family's magic. She needed to work harder than anyone, sacrificing her youth for her future. Fortunately, she did this, or she might not be able to meet Riser.

"Thanks for your hard work."


Leaning on his shoulder, Rossweisse smiled and rubbed her cheek against his, feeling content and thought that her hard work was rewarded. Yet she knew that this wasn't the end, especially when the war was about to happen.

Still, suddenly, the door of the room was knocked on.

"........" 2x

Rossweisse and Riser looked at each other helplessly, but then someone opened the door.

"Riser-sama, Rosseisse, did you do something perverted at the school?"

Xenovia's head poked out from the gap of the house as she looked at them with a smile.

"......" 2x

Still, whether Rossweisse or Riser thought that all the students in this school also needed to be taught common sense and etiquette, or else, they would become muscleheads like this stupid girl.

"Xenovia-san, are you sure that it is okay to say something like that?"

"Hehehe... it's okay. It's okay."

Behind Xenovia, there was an elderly woman who wore a deep blue colored robe.


Watching this elderly woman, Rossweisse was so happy that she started to talk in her dialect.

Yet, Riser was speechless.

Was this her grandma?

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 388 If I am attacked, there is nothing I can do

January 27

Riser was surprised since he hadn't expected that Rossweisse's grandma would be so young.

Was it like Rias' family?

He had come to Rias' house before, especially after he had set up a help for her family, and he saw her mother, grandmother, and even ancestor. All of them were beautiful women, and he would never have thought that they were all mothers, someone who had given birth to a child.

Still, he wasn't a beast, and he wouldn't attack them.

Rias and Grayfia were enough for him.

However, if they attacked him, there was nothing that he could do.

Nevertheless, similar to Rias' family, Rossweisse's grandma was also young, which made him sigh, thinking how amazing the supernatural race was. Still, he didn't dare to show such an expression, especially when Xenovia was around. If he showed such an expression, he was sure that this stupid girl would say something idiotic that would make his relationship with Rossweisse's family become awkward.

Still, while Rossweisse was excited to meet her grandmother, Gondul, her grandmother, didn't forget the etiquette she needed to give to Lucifer.


Gondul bowed her head deeply, facing the highest being.

Looking at Gondul's gesture, Rossweisse didn't say anything since it was something normal for Riser to be respected. Even if she was his woman, she didn't think that her family could be an exception, even if Riser had given them permission not to be polite with him. It wasn't because she was cold or didn't care about her family, but this was etiquette.

If Riser was at their house, it might be different, but they were in public, a place where people could see him.

Gondul might have been Rossweisse's grandmother, but she was nothing but a high-ranking Valkyrie.

Whether it was Thor or Vidar, who was the highest rank of gods on the Norse, needed to give the highest respect to Riser; naturally, Gondul needed to give even exaggerated respect.

"You don't need to bow your head. You are my woman's grandmother's family."

"I can't do that. You are our leader, after all."

Riser only smiled, but he didn't say much since he could see how stubborn she was.

"But thank you for taking of Rossweisse, Lucifer-sama."

"No, I am the one who she has always taken care of. I am glad that I have her by my side."


Rossweisse somehow wished to mate with Riser now.

"Riser-sama, how about me?"

However, as expected, Xenovia also didn't want to lose.

Looking at Xenovia helplessly, Riser rubbed her head and said, "You too, Xenovia," which caused her to laugh.

Watching their interaction, even though Riser had a harem, Gondul could see that everyone was happy with him, which made her know that he was a good man. Nevertheless, even if he wasn't a good man, there was nothing she could do if he wanted to take Rossweisse, her daughter, or herself to the bed as they could only succumb under him, which somehow made her feel a bit restless for some reason.

"Oh, by the way, thank you for accepting to become a teacher at my wife's school."

"No, no. It's my honor to be able to teach in this school."

Unfortunately, Riser didn't have any intention to take down Gondul, which made her feel conflicted, especially when she had made a mental preparation.

Riser's unique hobby was obvious to all, and many didn't mind having their wives or girlfriends sleep with him.

Yet, it seemed that he didn't have an interest in her, which made Gondul wonder whether she hadn't dressed well enough.

If Riser knew what this grandma was thinking, he would come directly to Kuroka as this naughty cat had caused him so much trouble.

Nevertheless, the misunderstanding that happened between them didn't cause much trouble. Instead, everything went smoothly from the opening to the ceremony.

While Riser didn't do anything and only came to support his wife, many people, whether they were gods, nobles, angels, fallen angels, or many others, came.

With him as their leader, the future of the "Rating Game" probably would be even more vibrant and enormous, especially with the other races and myths that seemed to have an interest in this "Rating Game."

In the future, it wasn't only a game for the devil. Instead, all the races would compete against each other in the "Rating Game," which was something that everyone was looking forward to.

Still, before that, they needed to tackle the threat before them, which was the creatures from another world and the parallel world that would come to attack them. While Riser had told them that he was going to fight them by himself, it was impossible for them to stay in silence, and they also needed to move as their homeland was about to be invaded.

Nevertheless, all of them could discuss this matter later, especially when the ceremony of the opening of this school had been held.

Watching a group of children of various races listen to the ceremony intensely strangely gave everyone a thought that they needed to protect this.

"Riser-sama, are you not going to make a speech?" Baraqiel asked curiously. It was probably because his daughter was with Riser, so their relationship was close.

"No, Sona is the protagonist today. There is no need for me to join the fun."

While he was involved in the creation of this school, it was made by Sona. He could help her, but by that time, it wouldn't be her school. Instead, it would be his school, which made it quite different.

Yet, as his wife, Sona should know that it was impossible for her to escape from him, but as she had grown up, it didn't matter.

However, if it was so easy to meet Riser Lucifer, then what was the point of his high status?

This might sound arrogant, but as someone who stood above the others, he should appear elusive and special, and only the best of the best could meet him. Unlike the president or prime minister, who was chosen by the people, he became the leader because of his power.

Moreover, instead of being kind, Riser wanted to be feared.

Nevertheless, his wife asked him to make a speech, which he was unable to reject, so he appeared in front of everyone, causing everyone to scream in fascination. Still, when he told them to be quiet, all of them shut their mouths before listening to his passionate speech.

All of them were excited before they clapped their hands excitedly.

"Thank you, dear." Sona smiled sweetly.

"You are my wife, after all. There is no need to worry about this small matter."

Still, when he returned to the place where all the high ranking stayed, he noticed the strangeness on Michael.

"Michael, what's wrong?"

Michael's expression was so ugly before he said with a heavy tone, "The heaven is attacked."

"......" Everyone.