Akikan40. Phoenix. 400-409 END

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 400 That's it

4 days ago

Everyone was in a daze by the destruction caused by the weapon Riser lent.

Watching the territory of the Bellial house that was destroyed from so far away, they felt their entire bodies cold.

Falbium, who was the one who managed and controlled this weapon of mass destruction, felt a little cold for some reason, yet he didn't stop and destroyed everything within the Bellial territory.

This weapon was crafted based on the Star Buster Star Blaster, and Riser lent this weapon to Falbium.

As for why Falbium was the one who held this weapon, it was because of his ability.

Similar to other devils, or Maou, Falbium had a special ability. That ability was an "Absolute Defense," an ability he was born with. It can, as the name suggests, "Block All Attacks". Falbium's body is constantly wrapped in its aura. When in battle, the aura intensifies and becomes visible with an orange color. Destroying this aura is impossible for even being superior to High-Class Devils. The lights of the Angels, which the Devils are usually weak against, cannot move Falbium's aura one bit. The Power of Destruction from Sirzech Lucifer is the only thing that can disable it, but the barrier aura can always be regenerated as a backup. It has been said that the only Devils who are able to harm him are Sirzechs, Ajuka, Serafall Grayfia, and Rizevim.

Well, facing Riser's attack, this ability was meaningless, though.

Still, this ability should be unrelated to why he was chosen to hold the weapon created by Riser. But that wasn't the case, as his ability could be switched to "Attack Position," where he could turn "Absolute Defense" into an "Absolute Attack," creating an even more powerful attack from this weapon.

Or, he could even protect himself from the attack that came from the distance as they knew that they needed to protect this weapon from the unexpected attack.

Like now...


Diehauser was all bloody and appeared suddenly in front of Falbium, but his sneaky, desperate attack was meaningless.

Falbium didn't do anything and just stood in place, using his ability to defend against Diehauser's attack. He didn't even move, and he was completely unscathed, especially when he had prepared himself, but with Diehauser's intention to kill him, he also aimed the weapon at Diehauser!


Diehauser felt his entire body was cold, and he could feel that death was near, but as an unbeatable champion of the "Rating Game," he wasn't weak!



At that moment, Falbium was unable to use his ability anymore.

Yes, this was Diehauser's ability, Worthless, an ability that allowed him to nullify all abilities, including Maou's!

There was no doubt this ability was powerful, and it was also why Bedeze Abaddon and Roygun Belphegor were never able to defeat him.

Falbium didn't expect this, but fortunately, he wasn't alone.

When Diehauser was about to give a finishing blow to Falbium, his feet were grabbed by someone, and the attack on his hands was broken into pieces.


Diehauser looked at Bedeze and Roygun, who attacked him at the same time so suddenly. This was so sudden, and he was unable to react, he was so shocked as he didn't expect that the two rivals who had fought him for so many years would attack him like this.

Yet Bedeze and Roygun never gave mercy, and watching Diehauer, who was shocked, they also gave a finishing blow.

Using the power of "Hole," Bedeze cut Diehauser's legs mercilessly.

Using the power of "Crack," Roygun broke all the defenses created by Diehauser.

Moreover, at that moment, by using an all-out attack, Falbium gave a finishing blow with the weapon.



At that moment, everything was covered in the blast.

Whether it was the earth, trees, or many others evaporated, disappeared from this world.

However, as expected of Diehauser, as the champion of the Rating Game, he was still alive, but his situation was critical as he didn't have any powers to fight them anymore.

Even so, Falbium, Roygun, and Bedeze never showed mercy.

Still, as Falbium walked toward Diehauser, ready to end this stupid championship, he broke Diehauser's "Worthless."


The answer was simple, and it was by using his Demonic Power.

Yes, Diehauser's power was amazing, but to use this ability, Diehauser needed to use his "Demonic Power" to overpower his opponents and stop them from using their abilities. If his opponents' "Demonic Power" were stronger than his. Naturally, the consumption to use his ability was much more expensive, and under the siege of many powerful devils, he was unable to use his "Demonic Power" to seal Falbium anymore as he also needed to protect himself.


Watching many powerful devils walk toward him, Diehauser glared at them with intense hatred. "Coward!" If this was one on one, would he lose?

Yet, they ganged him up and attacked him at the same time.

How cowardly!

Yet, at the same time, Diehauser shouted, "Why?! Why did you do this?! Did I do anything!?"


Everyone felt speechless by Diehauser's anger since this guy never realized what he was doing.

Not only did Diehauser make Riser into his enemy, but he also worked together with the terrorist organization to steal the Agares Island. Moreover, he was also ready to work with the terrorist organization to destroy the current Underworld and also exposed all the dirty things that the current government had died such as the "King Piece" on the "Rating Game."

In the original, Bedeze and Roygun might give up since there was no chance of them returning anymore, but this time, it was different. They had a chance to save themselves, so how could they let Diehauser's destroy their lives?

Yes, they might be cheating, but so what?

The King Piece was their power, it was like the Sacred Gear, or the tools that many had used. Was it wrong to use a tool to fight? If so, then they might as well forbid the devils to use their special abilities, so it would be fair for everyone, as not everyone had a special ability.

Still, they didn't bother to talk with Diehauser as they knew that this guy was stupid.

"What a stupid guy..."

"How poor..."

"I guess the world is a fair place."

While Diehauser was given a powerful strength, his brain was so poor, so they might as well end him.


Diehauser knew that there was no chance of him escaping and he knew he was about to die, especially being surrounded by many powerful devils. Everything was meaningless. There was no chance for him to escape!

However, even so, he was going to make them remember him!

He was going to curse them to death!

Blood gushed out from her eyes like tears, and even if he was weak, he stood up, pointing his finger at all of them, remembering every one of their faces, even if he was going to die as he was ready to plan his revenge.

Yet, the weak had no right.

Before Diehauser finished his words, his head was cut.

Serafall suddenly appeared behind Diehauser as she held a sword. "So noisy." She shook her head and said, "Let's go back~!"


"Ahh... so tired."

"I want to sleep..."

In the eyes, Diehauser was just a small episode. He was nothing but a bug that could be crushed by Riser anytime. If there was a reason why Riser didn't do it, it was because he had a vast and kind heart, yet Diehauser never appreciated Riser's kindness.

As for the curse of Diehauser?


They were all devils, when were they afraid of curse?

With the end of Diehauser, nothing changed much, but everything became peaceful once again.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 401 Touching reunion

4 days ago

"Thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay. I don't mind, but when are you going back?"

"I should go back soon."

"Okay~! I am waiting for you~!"

Hearing reports of Diehauser's death, Riser didn't show much of a change in his expression. His day was like any other day, and it didn't change much even if Diehauser had died since, in his eyes, he never put Diehauser on his eyes.

If Diehauser just stayed quietly in the corner of the world without bothering him, then would this happen?

Riser felt like Diehauser was too idiotic, which made him helpless.

Yet, the supernatural world was like this.

When one gained a powerful strength, they thought that they would be free from the rules that bound all of them, but they forgot that there was someone who was more powerful than them.

Still, their strength had blinded them, thinking that they had the power to change everything.

As long as they worked hard, they would be able to win!

As long as they worked hard, they would get what was supposed to be theirs!

Yet, they forgot that Riser was working even harder than them. While they were working hard quietly, he worked hard smartly, taking thousands of steps much more than them.

In case he lost to those clowns, he was simply stupid!

In his mind, Diehauser had never been his opponent, and his opponent was something different.

Nevertheless, Riser thought of visiting the Underworld later as he wanted to devour Diehauser. In heaven, he had taken everything, whether it was heaven, angels, or even the corpse of god. He should have been the strongest at this moment, but as expected, he didn't feel saved as he still wished for more power.

If there was something great, it was the fact that he couldn't die and he had collected all the Longinus except for one.

Yes, all the Longinus except for "Boosted Gear" had been collected by him.

Before Michael killed Dulio, Riser appeared beforehand and stole the "Zenith Tempest" from Dulion, giving him the 2nd strongest Longinus that made him able to control the elements and weather.

Frankly, Riser didn't feel that this Longinus was powerful, but as expected, compared to the others, it had the ability to cause mass destruction.

Still, when Riser thought about leaving, Gabriel tightly hugged his arm. "Riser, are you going to leave?" It had only been a few days since they had been together, and she didn't want him to leave so soon.

"You don't need to worry. It's not like we won't be able to meet each other, and if you want, you can follow me to the Underworld. You have never been in my villa, right? Let's go there."

At this moment, he was fishing in the Garden of Eden, the place where Adam and Eve lived in heaven. It was a great place with rich foods and many things. There was no need to work here, and everything was provided. It was also his favorite place, as he often went there to fish.

Nevertheless, he had to say his adaptability was frightening. In his previous life, he also followed a religion, and while he wasn't sure whether there was a heaven and a hell, he felt like it was better to believe that those places existed. It was like insurance. You might not know when you fall sick, have an accident, or die, so you might as well buy insurance to prepare when those things happen, right?

Follow a religion, and pray for the one you believe was like that.

Moreover, when you had no one, it was tough, so having a belief that could support you, knowing that being would watch over and help you and many others, felt great.

No matter how humans grew, they were imperfect beings, and they had something that they couldn't talk to someone about, even if that someone was close. God was different, as you could say everything to God.

Yet, as he had become a devil, he had stopped following his religion. It wasn't like he didn't believe it. Or rather, he still believed in his religion as he had become part of that religion, so he felt complex, and the more his position grew, the more he realized that religion was nothing but a tool for the people in power to make those who were below to be obedient and good people.

With a religion, they would be afraid to do something bad.

Yet, was it a bad thing?

Naturally, it was a great thing.

After all, doing a good thing would make oneself feel happy, and they also would make others happy. While some might be unhappy, compared to the greatness brought for the majority, this minority who could only be happy by hurting others was simply a devil.

Nevertheless, as he had grown to become so powerful, he had become the God that was prayed on that religion.

So, at this moment, he felt complex as he had never thought that he, who was a believer in the past, had become the God that every believer would pray to.

Still, he stopped thinking about this matter, as Gabriel was happy with his invitation. "Okay!" As she nodded, she thought of something, and then she asked, "By the way, can I bring my Brave Hearts?"

"Brave Hearts?" Riser turned and saw two women who had been following them from the beginning.

Those two women were Griselda Quarta and Mirana Shatarova. They were Gabriel's Queen and Ace, respectively. Unlike others who followed the rebellion, all the reincarnated angels that Gabriel had chosen never betrayed her and stayed with her, fighting against the rebellion even though it hurt them.

Still, like Gabriel, the two women were also beautiful.

Griselda is a woman in her late 20s to early 30s with blue eyes. She is like a woman from Northern Europe and has features that stand out like an actress.

On the other hand, Mirana is a beautiful young woman with an enormous chest who wears a black sister outfit. She has ashen blonde hair and mesmerizing gray eyes with a tint of blue.

Finally, the two had a chance to introduce themselves.

Frankly, Riser had been ignoring them and had been focusing all of his attention on Gabriel. While they had to admit that Gabriel was beautiful, and it was great to know the relationship between Riser and Gabriel was good, it would be better if they could be added, too, right?

"If you want, you can have them in your harem too, you know?" Gabriel suddenly said, causing Griselda and Mirana to blush, but neither said anything as they had agreed to Gabriel's words.


Riser's lips twitched, and he felt speechless, but then he thought of something. "Wait, Quarta? Your last name is Quarta?"

"Yes." Griselda nodded, then asked softly, "Is there anything wrong, Lucifer-sama?" She felt a bit nervous at that moment, wondering whether she had done anything wrong.

"Wait a moment." Riser took his mobile phone and called someone. As expected, it was connected instantly.

"Riser-sama! Did you miss me? Hehe... I know that you miss me, right? It's okay. Just teleport me to your place. Sona-sama isn't around. It'll be safe!"

"..." Everyone.

Riser rubbed his temple as he heard Xenovia's smug tone. He felt helpless and then asked, "Are you not at school?"

"It's okay to skip for a while. I am sure that Sona-sama will understand."

"Okay, I will teleport you here. Be prepared."


Then, soon, Xenovia appeared in front of Riser, but she was stunned when she saw where she was, as it was her first time to see such a beautiful place. However, somehow, she had an idea where she was, and it made her heart shake with excitement. "Riser-sama, th-this place is..."

"It's heaven."



"Yay~!" Xenovia was so happy when she heard that she was in heaven that she could just dance at that moment. She had been dreaming of visiting heaven, and that dream was achieved because of her lover!

She didn't hesitate to jump into Riser, ready to kiss and make a child with him as she wanted to taste how it was different to do it in heaven and in a different place, but when she hugged him, she realized that they weren't alone. However, she was okay with it since she had the experience to do it with other girls. Still, she was curious, so she looked around before she was stunned silly.

Xenovia's body was shaking, and she pointed her finger at someone.

"It's been a while, Xenovia." Griselda smiled gracefully. "It seems you are well."

Yet, facing this smile, Xenovia couldn't utter a single word, then looked at Riser in disbelief.

"It seems that I am correct. You should know her, right? It's great for you two to have a reunion, right?"

Watching this sincere smile of his, Xenovia realized that she was being trapped by Riser.


Happy 401 chapters~!

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 402 Perfect Lifeform

3 days ago

Watching five women who lay beside him, exhausted, without a single fabric on their bodies, Riser knew that someone must say that he had fallen. He had indulged himself in the pleasure and forgot what he needed to do, and he was like those emperors who spent all of their days on women and sex.

Yet, they were wrong.

If they thought that he indulged himself, they would be under a great misunderstanding as he was trying to become stronger.

Unlike others, sleeping with beautiful women gave him a great reward, so while others thought that he had fallen, the truth was that he was trying to become stronger. While he couldn't deny that he loved the process, everything was necessary for him to get stronger. He definitely didn't do it just because he was lustful toward the two reincarnated angels that had been following him and Gabriel.

Yet, Marina aside, his indifference quickly took a sharp turn when he heard Griselda's identity from Xenovia.

Yes, this girl was, without a doubt, idiotic, and he was afraid that in the future, the children that were born between them would create a musclehead who was thinking about sex and power all the time.


Somehow, Riser could imagine that their children might become like that. Still, even so, he didn't think that their children would be bad children.

Or, probably, their children would?

However, Riser hoped that his children didn't have a mature woman fetish like him.

Still, even if Xenovia was quite idiotic, she knew how to tickle his desire like Kuroka, especially when she told him that Griselda was her guardian or her mother. They might not be a parent and children biologically, but the two of them treated each other like a parent and children.

Still, Riser wasn't sure whether Xenovia was a good daughter or not as she could even send someone who she had always thought was her mother into his bed.

Yet, he had to say, it was so damn exciting.

The memory of their exchange still lingered in his mind, but at this moment, he decided to focus on getting stronger as the day was near.

[Congratulations, you have received "Soru Soru no Mi (Complete Version)."]

As expected, like before, he got rewards and abilities from a certain work that he knew in his previous life. This wasn't his first time to get this type of reward, so he could accept it easily. Yet, he had to say this reward helped him greatly, and with this, he had become perfect.

Soru Soru no Mi, or Soul Soul Fruit, was a Devil Fruit that gave him the ability to control the soul.

Was it powerful?


Yet, it wasn't that omnipotent either. Still, the reason why he liked this ability was because it made it truly impossible for him to die.

What about Sephiroth Graal?

Riser took the Sephiroth Graal from Valerie Tepes, a Longinus that made him capable of coming into contact with the principles of life itself, so with such a Longinus in his possession, this Devil Fruit was as good as meaningless, right?

Yet, he didn't think so.

While he might have said that Sacred Gear's existence was like an extra organ within one's body, as expected, it was something external given by the system created by God.

Yes, he had controlled the system, and this Sephiroth Graal was as good as an extra organ within his body, yet he still felt uncomfortable when he thought that this wasn't something innate.

He knew that he was being troublesome, but as long as he ate this Devil Fruit, his life-saving skill would increase even further. Even if his body was destroyed, as long as his soul existed, he would be okay.

Or even if his soul was destroyed, there should be a way for him to be reborn from death.

If he only relied on Sephiroth Graal, it would have been impossible for him to do so since this Longinus might escape his grasp the moment he died.

After all, Longinus had their own conscience, and even if he had taken control over it, due to the protagonist's aura of Issei, he was afraid that during the critical moment, they would try to run amok, making him die.

Even if Riser had defeated Issei so many times and he didn't think that Issei would be his opponent, he was still wary of the will of the world. This world wished for Issei to become everything and wanted him to go die, so he needed to do everything to erase the possibility of his losing.

After all, he had many things that he wanted to protect, and he didn't want to lose everything.

His present and future, he was going to protect them.

So, he ate the Devil Fruit, which gave him the ability to manipulate his soul.

As expected, it tasted as bad as ever.

Nevertheless, as it wasn't his first time eating something bad, and it was also a price of gaining power, he endured it.

As he swallowed this Devil Fruit, he gained the power to manipulate the soul, and he knew that with this, he should be ready to—

"Wait, there is another more."

"Do you want to do more, Riser-sama?" Xenovia asked as she hugged him from behind lazily yet lustfully.

That wasn't what he meant, but as expected, compared to being an exorcist, Xenovia was more suitable to become a devil.

Yet, in this world, whether one was a devil, an angel, a fallen angel, or even an exorcist, it had no meaning.

The only thing that was important was power.

It was also why Meredith, who was sleeping naked, could become the queen of England.

While Riser was in his own thoughts, Xenovia smiled as she thought that she was glad to meet him. If it wasn't because of him, then would she be able to achieve all of this?

She could have a happy life, do something that she couldn't do before, meet her parent-like figure without worry, and even know the feeling known as love.

Yes, she had fallen for him.

Sometimes, she wanted to steal him away from her master, Sona.

Yet, she knew her status well, and she was okay as his lover.

Yes, as expected, being his lover was great, and she also couldn't wait to see their future together.

To those who wanted to destroy their future, Xenovia was going to fight them.

"By the way, Riser-sama, do you want to visit the school? There are a lot of cute girls, you know?"


Riser looked at Xenovia, speechless, then took the pants that he had been pulled by everyone before. "I need to go somewhere first."

"Huh? Where?"

"Just a little job. You go back. Sona must be mad at you."

"..." Xenovia.

While Xenovia begged that she didn't want to go back, Riser ignored her since he had something more important to do. Saying goodbye to the angels, he returned to the Underworld, taking the body of Diehauser, and devouring it, which gave him the ability of "Worthless," before he went to Ophis, who quickly jumped into him when she saw him.

"You have become much, much stronger." Ophis looked at him with her usual blank expression.


"..." Ophis.

Riser smiled as he patted Ophis head. "By the way, Ophis, can you accompany me for a while?"


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 403 One last piece

3 days ago

Rizevim and Euclid stayed together inside Agareas Island, which was stolen by Diehauser previously, and they moved to the corner of the world. Naturally, there was a reason why they needed this island, and that was the reason why the many creatures that resided before them.

"Hahaha... I can see that everyone will be crying when we let loose everything inside~!"

"It's as you say, Rizevim-sama."

Unlike in the original, where Rizevim and Euclid gained the help of the Evil Dragons, which they reincarnated by using the Sephiroth Graal, in this world, they didn't have any help at all, and they had been relying on each other to grow up until now.

Or rather, it was all Euclid's work, and Rizevim only made an order before being executed by Euclid.

Yet, unlike Rizevim, who sought chaos and destruction in the world, Euclid wondered whether there was a point for Rizevim to be so focused on all of those things.

Still, if there was a reason why Rizevim chased after this chaotic life, it was because he was the son of the original Lucifer. He was bored, and because of this, he wanted to make everything less boring. From inflicting harm to the weak, bullying, manipulating his children, using his mother, destroying the world, then travelling to another world.

Rizevim, who had everything, only wanted to do whatever he wished.

Nevertheless, his last wish to go to another world should be able to achieve with the help of Issei.

Because of this, Rizevim tried his best to help Issei as he also wished to destroy this world and another world.

Anyway, he just wanted to do whatever he wished to do.

He was simply an element of chaos.

Meanwhile, Euclid was more interested in the parallel world and time manipulation. Instead of going to another world and destroying the world, he wanted to go to the past so that way, he could return to his big sister's arms instead of hiding like a rat in the sewer.

Yes, Euclid had "Sister Control," and he wished to get his hands on his big sister, Grayfia.

Yet, such a thing was impossible, especially when Euclid heard that Grayfia had become Riser's maid. With Riser's nature, it was definitely impossible for anything to happen, and he was sure that Riser played with the widow of the dead previous Lucifer.

Thinking about those things made him feel a hatred toward Riser, and Euclid just wanted to kill Riser.

So, even if Rizevim's plan was troublesome, Euclid did everything to support Rizevim.

As for Diehauser, who died?

Haha... they thought that guy was stupid for being played by Rizevim's lie.

Anyway, as they got their hands on Agreas Island, they did everything they could. The first thing they did was to create and create mass-produced Boosted Gear Scale Mails.

Yes, they created a clone of Issei, who had gained the power of Chichigami within him.

They weren't sure how Issei could lose part of his DNA, but as they had gotten it, they wouldn't let go of this chance and quickly used his DNA to create clones of this perverted Red Dragon Emperor.

Yes, Issei might be perverted, and he might have lost to Riser previously, yet when they saw the last battle between Issei and Riser, they knew how powerful Issei was. As long as they could create an army of Issei clones, they knew that the destruction of the world was near.

Frankly, if they thought carefully, they would feel something was amiss and strange as they could get everything so smooth. Everything, whether it was their evil plan, funds, or research, was so smooth that it was so scary, yet Euclid or Rizevim didn't care about those things, and they were just happy with their success.

Yes, Riser might be able to defeat Issei, but what if there were a lot of Issei's clones?

When they thought of an army of Issei clones, they felt happy and excited about their future.

Still, this wasn't the end, as they also got their hands on another thing, and this thing was more dangerous as it was something that had caused the God of the Bible to die.



Or the Apocalyptic Beast.

This was what they had gotten and was also the reason why they got their hands on Agreas Island.

Due to how powerful and dangerous Trihexa was, the God of the bible decided to seal it by using God's everything.

If it was before, this unseal might be hard to unseal, and they needed the help of Rossweisse to unseal this, but somehow, Euclid felt like he could unseal this beast easily as long as he was given time, especially when the Agreas city.

While it might be strange why they robbed this most popular city owned by the Agares House, there was a reason why they did this, and that reason was that this city held all the technology of the Old Satans.

Due to the last Devil Civil War, many of the Old Satans died, and it was also due to this that many technologies in the past had been lost.

That should be the case, but those technologies still exist within this city.

It was also why Ajuka had been holed up in this city as he wished to understand those technologies.

Yet, even if Ajuka had been staying in this city for quite a while, the only things that he had created were the "Rating Game" and the "Evil Piece." Meanwhile, Euclid, who had only stayed in this city for a while, was already on his progress to unleash the beast that was capable of destroying the world.

Still, as Rizevim and Euclid were excitedly ready to unleash the Trihexa on the world, the two of them suddenly felt a powerful force before dying without being able to say anything.

Yes, it was Riser who had killed them. He suddenly appeared and killed the two easily before he looked at the creature that was about to be unleashed by the two.

"This thing is dangerous," Ophis, who came with him, said as she looked at the Trihexa.

Trihexa's appearance was intimidating.

It has the shape of a large beast with characteristics coming from different animals like a lion, a leopard, a bear, a dragon, etc. It has seven necks, seven heads, and ten horns, as well as seven long, thick tails of different shapes. It also has four stout arms and two legs that are even thicker than its arms. Its main body is that of a primate leaning forward and is covered in black fur and what appears to be scales all over its body. Its size is well over several hundred meters, making it significantly larger than even Great Red.

Moreover, as expected, when Riser appeared, this beast had already woken up.


Trihexa grinned as he stared at Riser and Ophis dangerously, wishing to eat them.

Riser only stared at this beast plainly and said, "Ophis, wait here. Don't let anyone enter."

Ophis's eyes widened, and her small hand reached the hem of his shirt. "I will go with you."

"Thank you, but stay here. This is my battle." Patting Ophis head, Riser was different from the original protagonist, who would use the power of this Infinity Dragon without a care. He wasn't going to rely on anyone, and he was going to devour this beast with his own power.

"Just wait, okay?"

Hearing his words, while Ophis didn't want to, she could only agree.

Then, as the seal of the Trihexa was broken, Riser said, "Duelist."

At that moment, Riser and Trihexa disappeared from this world.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 404 Ready

2 days ago


A few days had passed since Riser disappeared, and when he appeared once again, Ophis hugged him.

Riser was exhausted and lay on the ground, but his eyes were full of excitement.

Yes, he had won against Trihexa.

He won against the enemy that had made the God of the Bible die.

Moreover, not only had he won, but he also devoured this being into his body.

Still, he had to say that this enemy was stronger than the Great Red, which made him confused.

Was this the effect because he was a non-protagonist?

Was the will of the world didn't want him to win that much?

Nevertheless, he had won, and he devoured the Trihexa. While it might be old news, he knew that he had become an existence that was impossible to defeat. A buggy existence that was impossible and whose only meaning was to stand on top of others.

An apex predator!

Still facing the Trihexa, he understood why the God of the bible had died. Nevertheless, as he devoured the Trihexa, he gained its ability. Still, compared to the Great Red or the God, the ability of the Trihexa was much simpler as its main ability was its immense power, energy, and regeneration.

Those basic abilities were simply maximized and made into an ultimate being that was truly impossible to die.

Yet, what made him happy was the reward for the ability he gained after he defeated the Trihexa.

As usual, when he defeated something strong or made an achievement, he would gain a reward from his system.

[Congratulations, you have received the "Beelzebuth," Lord of Gluttony ability.]

Still, when he got this reward, he thought that he had become far, far less like a demon from the Phenex House. As a Phenex, his main ability should be his fire, yet now?

His main ability was to devour the others.

While this wasn't bad, he felt complex regardless, yet as long as he became strong, it didn't matter.

Nevertheless, what was the ability of the "Beelzebuth" that made him so happy?

Like any other skills which he received in the past, while he only got one skill, this skill consisted of several effects, which were "Imaginary Space," "Mimicry," "Corrosion," "Soul Consumption," "Food Chain," and "Predation." All of those effects became one skill known as the "Beelzebuth."

Now, let him explain what those abilities were used for.

The first was the "Imaginary Space," which was an ability where he could keep anything within a space created by himself. It could be said that it was the enhanced version of "Duelist," "Dimensional Lost," and "Innovate Graal." This space had unlimited space, and he could also combine it with those three abilities he mentioned above.

By now, he could isolate others, and he knew that this fight with Issei for the last time would be much safer. He didn't need to worry that he would destroy the terrain like when he had his battle with Issei in Eastern Europe.

Frankly, this was also one of his worries when he fought Issei.

While Issei was brainless, Riser wasn't, and he knew what kind of consequences that their fight would bring if it happened on Earth. The last thing he wanted to see was the Earth was destroyed due to their last battle.

This ability helped him to refrain from that, yet somehow, he felt like he should prepare for the worst, considering how cheating Issei's existence was. Even if he felt like nothing could harm him anymore, Issei had always brought a surprise, and this sudden surprise would be a sudden enhancement of his strength.

Nevertheless, if the earth was really destroyed, then he... felt like he could restore it to its original form.

'Yeah, I think that is possible.'

Still, Riser suddenly felt emotional when he thought that he had grown an existence that could casually restore the destroyed earth.

'Well, let's focus on my skill first.'

After the "Imaginary Space," the next effect of the "Beelzebuth" was "Mimicry." Well, this ability was pretty much an ability that allowed him to replicate the appearance of others and also use their abilities after he did an analysis of his opponent.

Well, not only his opponent that he could replicate, but his opponent was easier as he had devoured them, so he had their data within him.

If it was someone that he hadn't devoured, it might take a while, as he needed to do a manual analysis before he was able to replicate them.

Still, it was a great ability regardless.

However, this wasn't the end, and the next effect of the "Beelzebuth" was "Corrosion," an ability to corrode whatever he wanted to, which was pretty much simple, but if he developed it further, he might be able to corrode the existence of an intangible thing such as a concept.

Was this the end?

No, the next one was "Soul Consumption," an ability that allowed him to eat the souls of others forcefully. Frankly, this skill was so-so as it was like a branch ability from the "Soru Soru no Mi," which he had eaten previously. While there was no doubt this ability was great, it had far more effectiveness compared to the "Soru Soru no Mi."

Nevertheless, compared to "Soul Consumption," his next ability was better. "Food Chain" was an ability to freely copy the prototypes of the skill of any subordinate while also enabling the user to grant subordinates any skill they are compatible with. Furthermore, the user's "power" also grows whenever their subordinates grow stronger.

If Riser had to say, this ability was like the "Link" ability he gained in the past. While they were similar, they were also quite different. Still, the two skills complemented each other, so it was all great for him.

Still, the best effect of the "Beelzebuth" was the next one, which was "Predation," which was an ability to absorb others into himself. Moreover, it also included organic matter, inorganic matter, talents, abilities, physical ability, energy, and even space itself.

It could be said that this ability was the enhanced version of the "Degrenate."

With this ability, it was even easier for him to devour others and manage everything that he had eaten, so at this moment, the moment he gained this new ability, he tried to combine and consume everything that he had devoured.

Starting from the Great Red, God, and the Trihexa, along with those powerful beings whom he had killed in the past, such as Odin, Sirzech, Ajuka, Azazel, Gasper from the future, Diehauser, Rizevim, and many others.

Those beings had been devoured by him, and there was no chance of them to return to the world of living anymore.

All of them had become his powers, and with this power, he was ready for the last battle, which he needed to face.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 405 Your end

2 days ago

There was no hesitation in him, and as Riser had devoured the Trihexa, the last part condition for his victory, he thought to tear apart the space so he could start the war with Issei and all of those creatures from another world.

Like how Issei gained the ally of the remnants of the Hero Faction and those deceased who returned to the world of living due to the "Sephiroth Graal" previously, Riser was sure that Issei had gained the ally of those beings from another world.

'There is also a parallel world.'

Yet, compared to another world, the existence of the parallel world was much easier to take care of. After all, the strongest beings in the parallel world were Issei, Trihexa, God, Sirzech, the owner of the Longinus, and those other famous gods.

Yes, those beings were strong, and they were above everyone, yet for him, they were nothing but a small fry.

His attention had always been on the will of the world and Issei, who should have combined himself with the beings from another world.

'What is it again? DDD, is it?'

Divine Diabolos Dragon.

If Riser wasn't wrong, this was the strongest state of Issei previously.

If Issei gained the power of another being from another world, what would it become?

Riser wasn't sure, but he only needed to fight. Still, as he thought about his battle, he realized Ophis had been hugging him tightly and buried her face on his chest.


This Infinite Dragon should be emotionless, a being without emotion, yet... why did she cry?

"What's wrong?"

Gently caressing her hair, Riser asked.

"I... don't know."

"You don't know?"

"When I thought... I couldn't see you anymore. I felt like my chest felt so hurt. It felt so uncomfortable..."


Riser looked at Ophis, whose expression showed confusion and sadness. He felt like he should explain what Ophis felt, but at the same time, he didn't want to. Still, at this moment, he realized that Ophis' form had changed.

Ophis no longer appeared like a little girl; she had become the adult version of herself.

Unlike the Great Red, with its ability to manipulate dream and reality, or the Trihixa, with its immense strength and powerful regeneration, Ophis was a shapeshifter. She could change herself into any shape that she wished to. If there was a reason why this Infinite Dragon stayed in the form of the little girl, it was all because of the wish of the original author or the creator of the world.

If Riser was the author, he would make Ophis into a sexy adult woman, so there wouldn't be any problems.

Still, he also felt like Ophis wasn't much different from children, especially when she wasn't proficient in the matter of emotions. Yet, at the same time, for a being like her, an emotion was unnecessary, especially when all the beings that came into contact with her only felt her fear, and those who wished to get close to her only wished to use her.

Yet, her meeting with Riser changed her.

Ophis felt the warmness that she had never felt. Her days on the "Dimensional Gap," where she spent alone in a coldness. Such a day should be normal and what she sought after. Her first purpose in getting close to Riser was also nothing but to get her hand on the "Dimensional Gap" once again, so while it was strange, she wished to eliminate him from the world.

Yet, after she met him, she changed. She felt something that she had never felt before, and whenever he met trouble, she wished to stay by his side and help her, but somehow, he had always rejected her and told her to stay, which made her keep staring at him, which by then, he would give her a sweet dango for her to eat and listened to him obediently.

Three days might not have been much for Ophis in the past as she had been living before the world was even created, but these three days, when she thought that she might not meet him anymore, felt much longer than all the days which she spent alone on the "Dimensional Gap."

His existence had meant many things to her.

She, who didn't care about appearance, enemy, or whatever, only aimlessly living on the "Dimensional Gap," realized the meaning of companionship.

When she thought that she would lose him, she felt like... the world didn't matter anymore.

Watching Ophis, who had grown into an adult woman, Riser was silent and didn't expect that he would bring such an impact to this dragon, who didn't care about anything except for existing on the "Dimensional Gap."

What he did to her was just ordinary and something normal, yet for others, such an ordinary thing might be something that they would never get in their lives.

Yet, even if Ophis had become such a grown-up woman, it was still hard for him to erase the small girl image that she had previously. Moreover, he knew that this wasn't the time for him to think about his lower body. Caressing her hair, he said, "You don't need to worry. I won't go anywhere or die."

He was going to win, and he refused to lose.

"Um." Ophis nodded softly and had confidence in him as she knew how powerful he was. Moreover, the powers he gained from the Great Red, God, and the Trihexa made him into a being that was impossible to defeat.

It was a fantasy for anyone to defeat him, but—

"Do you want to devour me too?" Ophis suddenly asked.

Riser was stunned by this offer and refused her without hesitation. "No. You don't need to."

"But with me, your chance of winning should be increased, right?"

"As I have said, no. I can do this by myself. This is my battle, and just wait for me to win, okay?"

"I don't want to wait anymore. I want to fight with you."

Watching her sincere eyes, Riser fell into silence, and his heart felt warm, yet it was also due to this that he knew he had to reject her. "Once again, no. Wait for me. I will definitely win." Gently, he rubbed her head; he didn't want to have this conversation anymore and left the Agreas, leaving this floating island on the corner of the world so he could research it later.

Still, when he returned, he directly made an announcement to everyone that the war was going to start.

Everything was so sudden, yet like how he had his war with the Hindu and Chinese myths in the past, he said that he would go there by himself, which made many speechless.

Yet, unlike before, no one denied him.

Everyone wished to follow him.

After all, this time, their enemies were the beings from another world. They tried to invade their world, so they had to fight as they refused to be invaded by those beings.

While Riser wanted to say that their existence was simply meaningless as they weren't strong enough, he didn't reject them since he needed to focus his battle with Issei.

This time, he was going to erase this perverted protagonist completely from the world, truly making this world into a peaceful world for him.

So, after a week of preparation, under his leadership, they all went to the "Dimensional Gap" before he opened the portal that connected his world and another world.

When the portal was opened, everyone could see another world, and everything was so peaceful, yet it was easy to tell those beings were prepared for the battle.

At this moment, those beings from another world also noticed them, but they started at them in a daze, feeling confused by their appearance. Issei and the others widened their eyes, startled and shocked.

Still, Riser didn't care about that and used his power to destroy all of them.

"Vermillion Downfall."

At that moment, another world was destroyed.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 406 Last battle

15 hours ago

At that moment, everything was silent, and no one could say anything. Everything exploded, and nothing remained. The brutal and deadly war that they were waiting for just ended like that.

Riser used just one attack, and another world was destroyed directly.

Frankly, this was a shame since he wanted to use the resources of this world for his world, yet when he thought about the danger that would come to him anytime, he might as well destroy it so there wouldn't be any chances for his opponents to do anything. Moreover, he also wanted to show everyone his powers so there wouldn't be any more nonsense in the future.

Nevertheless, with this, everything was peaceful, and the threat of another world was erased. While some were disappointed as they couldn't fight and show their powers in this war, no one said anything and all of them fell silent, understanding the reason why he could fight this battle alone.

Frankly, if there was a reason why they existed, it was to stop the goons or those stupid guys who thought that they could fight Riser.

Still, the foolish was destroyed, so everything was over, right?

Yet, while Riser's side was peaceful, the other side of the world was in ruin. All of them were in terror as the explosion buried all of them, killing all of them without any mercy.


"Ahhh! Issei-sama!"

"It's hot! It's so painful! Help us!"

They thought that they were ready for the battle, and they thought with their power, it would be easy for them to fight Riser and his group, yet all the initiative was taken by Riser, and they were all defeated without being able to do anything.

At that moment, they were all in misery, and they had a painful death as the flame was just too unbearable for them.

Yes, their races might be a spirit and a mechanical lifeform, but it didn't mean that they couldn't feel pain. It was because they were a complete lifeform that they could feel pain.

At this moment, everyone watched their acquaintances, families, loved ones, and enemies turn into an ally death in front of them, yet even so, they ignored them, and they fell into confusion, trying to stay alive. However, no matter how they tried, nothing could be done. Their fate was only one, and that was dead.

Riser also didn't hold back and sucked all the souls of all the beings on another world to make sure that no one could fight him. They could also become a nourishment for his power, which was a great thing for him.

Yet, as expected, while the majority, or almost every lifeform on this planet, was erased by Riser, Issei, who had combined himself with the leader of two races within this world, could hold on. He used his everything to block this attack, yet as expected, he was unable to fight save the others and if this continued then—


"Aaaahhh! Help us!"

"Please! Please! Please!"

Issei cried blood as he was powerless to stop everything. All the beings within his body also cried and watched their races being exterminated by Riser while forgetting that they planned to fight Riser.

"Riser, I won't forgive you!"

"Kill you! I will kill you!"

The two beings inside Issei's body roared.

Their feelings resonated with Issei, yet Riser was a stronger opponent than they had thought. This flame was simply a nightmare, and even if Ddraig's flame was also powerful, compared to Riser's flame, Ddraig's flame was child's play!

Once again, Issei was in a crisis, and he didn't know what to do. Even if his energy was almost unlimited due to the combination of his future self and two leaders of two lifeforms of this world, it was simply meaningless against Riser.

Yet, when he was about to be swallowed by a flame and thought that everything was about to be over, a voice entered his head again.

[Issei Hyoudou... Issei....]

Issei thought that it was his imagination, but this voice kept calling him, which made him confused, and he wondered who this person was.

'Who are you?'

[I am the will of the world.]

'...will of the world?'

Whether it was Drag and the two leaders of the two lifeforms within Issei's body was dumbfounded by the origin of this voice. After all, they could feel the power contained within this origin, and it was much more than their combination, especially when they saw the world seemed to stand still and stop. Yet, at the same time, they were startled by Riser's flame, which seemed to be able to burn even if the time and space stopped.

Yet, Issei ignored Riser's flame and was more cornered by the voice that called him. 'Why did you call me?'

[You are the person that I have chosen. You are the chosen one. I will give you the power to defeat your opponent.]


[Yes, defeat Riser Lucifer. You're the only one who can do it.]

Yet, at that moment, Riser suddenly appeared in front of Issei and slammed his fist into his face, causing Issei's head to burst open and disappear into ash. Still, this wasn't the end since he kept stomping Issei's body until nothing was left. He knew that Issei was planning to power up, but he wouldn't let him. He was going to erase him from this world and gain his peace.

However, the world wouldn't let him.

Even if Issei was destroyed into nothingness, his body suddenly reformed, and he appeared once again in the distance. At that moment, the other worlds disintegrated and swirled before they were all absorbed into Issei's body.

The two leaders of the two lifeforms within Issei's body also combined themselves into Issei's body. Unlike before, this time, they had fully fused into his body, and he had become a new lifeform that hadn't appeared in this world.

This was the perfect life form that was undefeated.


At that moment, several voices sounded at the same time.

Issei appeared once again with his mixed dragon armor that had a variety of colors from golden, black, red, white, and silver.

The colors mix together, creating an image of an ultimate power that couldn't be defeated.

The time that stopped also moved once again, but all of them had despair in their eyes when they saw Issei's new transformation.

"Demise Diabolic Device Divinity Dragon!"


Riser was in silence and stared at this transformation helplessly.

For real?

Yet, he knew that he needed to take this battle out on another space, or else everything would be destroyed.


He and Issei were absorbed into the powerful space, as the two were ready to fight until the death, yet strangely enough, this space of his was cut, and he was blasted into the Bering Sea.


And then he died.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 407 Devour

15 hours ago

The moment he was punched by Issei, Riser was dead, but once again, he was reborn, and half of his body that was cut was also regenerated. Still, the impact of this attack caused a tsunami in the surrounding area, and whether it was Alaska or the northeastern part of Russia sunk into the sea.

Yet, this wasn't the end.


Issei blasted Riser once again toward Canada, and the impact caused the western parts of the country to almost sink into the sea like the others. At that moment, he was enraged, and he was going to destroy Riser!

His hatred, anger, and everything!

There was no way that he would forgive him!

Facing this attack, Riser was once again dead, then was born once again. It was impossible for him to die, yet at the same time, he knew that this was dangerous. There was this power in Issei's punch that almost made his rebirth ability invalid. It was as if it was impossible for him to use it.

Yet, if Issei thought that power was enough to kill him, then it was wrong.

Riser wouldn't die so easily.

No, he wouldn't die!

Even if his rebirth ability was invalid, there were still many ways for him to return alive, such as turning all the damage into nothing but a dream or focusing on his regeneration. Yet, he had to say that Issei was cruel.

Riser wasn't sure how many humans had been killed in this battle, but he knew that the numbers would almost reach a billion soon. While he didn't want their battle to affect those humans, he was powerless at this moment. Even though his space creation was enhanced due to the "Isolation" effect from the "Beelzebuth" skill, no matter how many times he tried, the space was penetrated by Issei so easily like a piece of paper.

"It's useless!"

As if reading his thoughts, Issei said, "The power of penetration from Ddraig has been empowered! No matter how you try to imprison us, it will be impossible to do it!"


Even though Riser was beaten up, he felt speechless by Issei's words. He just wanted to move the battle somewhere so it wouldn't hurt the others, yet why did this guy act like he was the wrong one?

Was it the revenge of the will of the world and the two leaders of two lifeforms on another world for him and this world?

As this world was almost dominated by him, Issei thought that he might as well destroy this world. Moreover, the one who was in control of Issei's body at this moment was Issei from the future, which meant that even if this world was destroyed, it didn't matter.

Yet, even if it was meaningless, Riser tried since he really didn't want more people to die. However, all he did was pointless since he could do nothing at this moment. The only thing he could do was to strengthen himself until he could match Issei. Yet, it needed time, and by that time, this world might be as good as an end.

At that moment, everything was in ruin. Nothing remained. It was like a scene that happened in another world. Whether it was all supernatural beings or living beings in this world, they thought that it was the end of the world.

Ragnarok, Apocalypse, Frashokereti, Armageddon, the end of the world, or whatever the names are according to the religions, which everyone believed might truly happen.

Everyone was crying. They were in terror, frightening, yet they had no power to do anything. At this moment, the only one that they could rely on was Riser. Those who tried to come perished as the impact, aura, and everything of their fights weren't their fragile beings could hold.

Nevertheless, Riser continued to stay alive, persistently. His figure might be lame and even ugly due to the brutality caused by Issei's attacks, but even so, as long as he was the one who stayed alive, he was the winner!

Yet, as if reading his mind, Issei said, "I know that you are confident about your rebirth ability, but what if your rebirth ability is meaningless?"

Hearing those words, Riser didn't say anything and just stared at Issei, who had gotten ahead of himself. He wasn't sure where he was at the time, but he felt he should be one of the islands in Oceania. He had to admit that this battle was difficult and took quite a long time as he almost revolved around the world.

"Are you scared? You are scared, right?"

Hearing those words, Riser spat saliva that was mixed with blood on Issei's face.



Once again, a tsunami spread everywhere from the impact of Oceania.

At that moment, everyone was in despair. They tried to pray, yet their prayer was meaningless since the only one who could save them was on the verge of dying.


"No! No! No!"

"I won't forgive you!"

If there was something that Riser was glad for, it might be because of Issei's subconscious action to avoid those heroines who were supposed to be part of Issei's harem.

Yes, in this world, those heroines might be taken by Riser, but as long as Riser disappeared, they would return to Issei's arms once again.

Still, the screams of those women who were supposed to be his made Issei even crazier as they cursed him.


Nevertheless, Issei never blamed them!

Instead, he blamed Riser as everything was his fault!

If Riser wasn't here, then would everything turn like this?

Riser was already numb, and he had already ignored the pain in his body as it was too much. Frankly, dying might be better, so he wouldn't feel this pain anymore, but how could he give up? The thought that Issei would conquer the world and take what was supposed to be his made him wish to puke and insist on staying alive. Nevertheless, he had to say that even if this guy had gained such power, Issei was still a pushover, which made him speechless.

Yet, as if reading him once again, Issei said, "This is the last blow. I know that you can continue to be reborn, but with this power of penetration, you won't be able to stay alive once again! This blow will end everything!"

Riser thought that Issei was talking nonsense, but somehow, he could tell that this blow was dangerous, and he knew that he needed to escape. Yet, unfortunately, he couldn't. However, when he thought that it was his end, someone appeared in front of him and accepted this blow.



Issei panicked and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Yet, Riser widened his eyes and didn't expect something like this to happen to him. While this was the cliche plot of the protagonist where his loved one would block the attack, so it wouldn't kill him, he didn't expect this plot to happen to him.

"...you stupid." Riser looked at Ophis, who blocked this attack for him. However, Ophis only smiled. This was probably the first smile that he had ever seen on her face. "...is it worth it?"

"It is." Ophis could feel her life was dwindling, yet she said those words sincerely. "You're warm, so warm that it makes me find the meaning of life. You give me meaning. I might disappear, but I will be with you. Thank you, Riser."

Her body disappeared and entered his body.

"No, no! No!"

While Issei stared at this scene in disbelief and refused to accept, Riser closed his eyes and could feel Ophis' strength enter his body.


Unlike before, this time, whether he and Issei were swallowed by space, it was a time for him to devour Issei and everything.


NOTE: Tomorrow is the end.


Chapter 408

Riser wasn't sure how long he had been in space, but it shouldn't have been a month. Yet, even so, the aftermath of his battle with Issei brought so much destruction that it was impossible for it to disappear for at least a decade.

Many lives were lost, and the earth was on the verge of ruin with many earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, and many other disasters that happened every day.

It was already amazing that the earth could hold on until now.

Yet Riser didn't intend to return to his women first; he just rested on one of the beaches in Sri Lanka. He wasn't sure why he appeared here, but he was just there. Frankly, as he was in this place, he was thinking of visiting Adam's Peak, where the first human, Adam, fell to earth for the first time.

Yes, if this was usual for him, he would do this, but unfortunately, he wasn't in such a mood.

As he sat on the Tangalle Beach, he thought about Ophis as he had never thought that she would give herself to him. He could feel her inside him, and he should be able to reincarnate her, yet somehow, he felt that it was wrong. He had failed her, and he couldn't even protect her.

In the end, he was like any other protagonist who relied on the power of others to make himself stronger.

"How can I enjoy my life from now on?"

The peace he sought after was already in his hands.

In this world, he didn't have any opponents, and everything was as good as his. Yet, the price of that was the death of Ophis. He rubbed his temple and thought about what he should do.

"Are you there, system?"

[What's up?]


This strange answer made him nostalgic for some reason, and he also couldn't help but think about his past, where he had to fight Issei for the first time during his engagement with Rias in the past.

The system was such an annoying thing and forced him to do something inexplicable, yet he knew that if this wasn't because of it, he wouldn't become what he was now.

"Do I get a reward?"


[Congratulations, you have received the "Gold Experience Requem;" "Raphael, Lord of Knowledge;" and "Made in Heaven."]

As expected, the rewards he gained were amazing, but what was the point of it?

He had failed Ophis.

Yes, he could revive Ophis, but somehow, as he had made her sacrifice for himself, it made her death feel worthless, and he felt like he would become something that he didn't want to do if he revived her.

If he revived her, then her feelings would become worthless, and he also wouldn't learn anything.

He might have become an all-mighty being, yet he didn't want to lose his heart.

[How about you check your reward first?]


Riser followed the advice of the system and checked his rewards.

His first reward was the ability of the "Gold Experience Requiem." It was an ability that allowed him to return everything to a zero. A nullification. Returning something back into a state where it never happened.

By using this skill, he could also give life to those who are dead.

Well, that was amazing, but did the system tell him to go to the past to change everything?

Riser shook his head, then checked his next reward, "Raphael, the Lord of Knowledge," an ability that allowed him to understand everything. While he had a high intelligence due to his first reward, he still needed time to understand something, but with this skill, he could understand many things easily.

Learning the use of this ability, his brows furrowed, and he decided to check his last reward.

Made in Heaven.


He was amazed by this ability as it allowed him to accelerate time, yet the true ability of this ability was to create a new universe.

Yes, a new universe.

According to the cyclic model of the universe, after a certain period of time, the universe will eventually begin to contract rather than expand, eventually reaching a singularity point. This singularity point serves as both the end of one cycle of history and the beginning of a new cycle.

In the resulting new world, the path of fate is largely identical to that of the previous universe, with the planet's formation and the lives of living organisms following the same course.

In other words, as long as he used this ability, he would be able to truly escape from his fate that was attacked by Issei, other beings, and the will of the world.

As long as the new world was created, he would be truly free.

Yes, he knew that he might defeat Issei, the beings from another world and the will of the world, but he knew that they weren't the only ones.

In the future, he could even tell that he would meet Issei from the past, Issei from the world, and many others.

It wouldn't end, no matter how he tried to become a being that dominated this entire universe as this universe was shaped by the will of the world.

Yet, if he created a new world by destroying the universe, then his fate would become truly free from all the burdens.

However, the price was obvious.

He would be forgotten; everything started from a zero.

So, would he do this?

When he thought about all the connections that he had made, he hesitated, and he wasn't sure what to do, so he decided to walk. He walked out of Sri Lanka aimlessly, wondering whether he should create a new world.

Frankly, this plan had 100% success as with "Astarte," he would understand everything, and with the "Gold Experience Requiem," he would nullify all the mistakes.

Still, by then, everyone would forget about what was happening in this world as they would be reincarnated into the new world.

As he hesitated, he heard someone call him.



"Finally! Finally!"

Riser was startled and realized that he had been walking so long that he had arrived in the desert.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Yet, they didn't answer him and leaped into him, hugging him tightly without letting him go.

"I have finally met you."

"Where have you been?"

"How did you walk into Mecca?"

Was this Mecca?

Riser was speechless, wondering how he could walk at ease from Sri Lanka to Saudi Arabia without much thought, and it made him realize how hard this decision be. Still, when they met him, there was only one thought on their minds, and they directly made children on this place, which happened to be Mount Arafat.

They weren't sure how long they had been in a state of lust, only thinking about reproduction and making children for him.

Yet, they couldn't be blamed since what had happened previously made them so scared that they thought they wouldn't be able to meet him.

However, strangely enough, this meeting erased his worry.

Even if he appeared in Sri Lanka and then walked aimlessly to Saudi Arabia, they could meet each other. It was as if fate, gravity, and the world wished for them to meet each other, so even if he created the new world, he knew that they would be able to meet each other again.

Or rather, this time, he wouldn't make a mistake.

He wouldn't let those he cared for get hurt.

In the end, even though they tried to defeat him with the quantity, they weren't his opponents, and soon, they fell and slept due to exhaustion.

Only a few of them were able to have their conscious remains and stayed by his side as they watched the stars at night.

"So, Ophis is..."


They were sad, yet they knew that the one who was affected the most was him.

"What are you planning to do?" Serafall asked.

"I plan to make a new world."

"........" Everyone.

With the "Innovate World," Riser had the experience of creating a world, a good world for him to live in. After all, in this world, no matter how strong he became, he would become the invader, a virus that needed to be erased. His existence was such that it couldn't be changed until the new world was born.

"...will we be able to meet again?"

"Of course." Riser nodded. "We have never thought of being together, yet in the end, we are together and live till now. It is like gravity pulling us together. If it can happen once, then it can happen twice. If it doesn't happen, then I will make it happen, so you don't need to worry. We will definitely be together once again."

He had made up his determination to terminate this universe so a new world would be created.

His women also agreed, as they knew that if he didn't do this, he would fight and fight again. While they knew that they wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice themselves like Ophis for him, how would he feel if he were the only one left behind in this world?

In a world where he was alone without anyone, was there any meaning?

So, they could only support him, and because of this, they had sex once again and continued for so long that they had his children. His children were conceived in their wombs, and this would be their reminders so they wouldn't forget about him in the new world. While it was a shame that they wouldn't be able to meet their children in this world, they knew that they would be able to meet them in the new world.

With all of that, Riser used the "Made in Heaven" to terminate this universe and create a new world.

During the process, Riser spoke with the system. "Are you still following me to the new world?"

[I won't.]

"Huh? Why?" Riser was confused.

[On that world, you are not a villain. Your role will be different. I am not needed there. Moreover, you are strong enough now. My role is over. It's great to be with you, Riser.]


Riser wasn't sure how he felt at this moment, but while their beginning was quite rocky, he was glad to have the system since if the system didn't exist, then he might be as good as over.


[No problem.]

There weren't many exchanges between them, but even so, they wouldn't forget each other, like his feelings for all of his women.

By then, Riser used his power and started to create a new world.

Within the universe, all the galaxies were pulled by gravity and merged before they began to collide with each other. By then, all the matter in the universe would be crushed into an infinitely hot, infinitely dense singularity similar to the Big Bang, and then a new universe was created.

Chapter 409 END


Vali suddenly woke up as he held his temple, feeling scared by all the dreams that he had had previously. He wasn't sure what was happening, but he felt like he had been living on another identity, which made him confused.

"Vali-nii, what's wrong?"

"Are you okay, Vali-nii?"

Hearing two voices of concern, Vali looked up and saw his two little siblings. They were twins and their only difference was their genders, but even so, he loved them very much. "Nothing. I just have a bad dream."

"Then, we will hug you!"

"Yeah, be better, Vali-nii!"

His two little siblings hugged him together, which made Vali smile. He rubbed their soft, blonde hair, and felt a little helpless as they were quite sticky to him.

"Vali, have you woken up? It's time for breakfast."

Suddenly, the three heard the voice of their mother.

"Come on, Vali-nii!"

"Let's have breakfast! It will make you feel better."

"Okay, okay." Vali stood up from his bed, then looked at the mirror. Like his little siblings, his hair was also blonde, and to be honest, he felt like... he was different from the others. He had a power that might be able to destroy this world, which made him scared somehow. Erasing this thought, he shook his head and walked down from his room to have breakfast.

In the kitchen, Vali saw his mother, who was humming a song which should be from a TV drama. He wasn't sure what TV drama she was watching.

"Have you woken up, sleepy head?" His mother greeted Vali with a smile.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Come on. Have your breakfast. The bus is going to arrive soon."


Vali was obedient to his mother and sat on the chair as he had his breakfast with his little siblings. Unlike a normal family where there was a father, his family didn't have a father, but even so, they had a happy family, and they lacked nothing. Still, he had been wondering who his father was, and while it was only his thought, he knew that his father should be the one who gave him this power.

Watching his little siblings, who somehow were distracted by the anime on the television, Vali looked at his mother hesitantly.

"What's wrong, Vali?" Vali's mother asked curiously.

"Mom... who is my father?" Vali asked hesitantly, causing his mother to smile gently, and said, "You will meet him soon."

"Huh?" Strangely enough, this answer wasn't something that Vali had thought of.

"What? You thought that your father had abandoned you or fought an evil organization?"

"..." Vali.

"He isn't, but there is something that he has to do, and when it is over, you will meet him, so be patient, okay?"

While Vali was still doubtful, he knew that his mother wouldn't lie, so he nodded and decided to believe in his mother. Still, as he ate, the voice of his teacher was heard from the outside.

"Vali Phoenix!"

Hearing this voice, Vali hurriedly ate his breakfast.


In the classroom, a group of boys gathered together in awe and roared excitedly as they got their hands on the porn book which had been thrown away by a careless adult.


"So-So huge...!"

"Those are tits?"

Issei, who watched all of this, shook his head helplessly, wondering why his friends were so childish.

"Issei, come on! Let's watch it together!"

"Yeah, yeah! It's great, you know?"

"Come to the world of perverts!"

When Issei wanted to say something, a group of girls suddenly scolded those boys.

"There is no way Hyoudo-san is going to join you pervert!"

"Yeah, he isn't a pervert like you! Leave, trash!"

"Hyoudo-san, are you busy now? Do you want to have a date?"

Suddenly, a group of girls gathered around him, showing how popular Issei was, yet how could he not be?

Issei Hyoudo was the most handsome, smart, and perfect elementary school student in the country. Moreover, he was half, with blonde hair and dark blue eyes. It wasn't him who approached the girls. It was the girls who approached him. His existence was like a magnet, and those girls were metal, which made them naturally attractive to him.

"I am sorry, but I promise to go home early."

It wasn't that he hated a girl. He loved them, but he was afraid that he might cross the line. He was still a child, after all, and he wanted to maximize his growth first before he grew into an adult.

Yes, he knew that he was a bit perverted, but wasn't that normal for a guy?

Nevertheless, he knew how to control himself, which was different from those little brats in the class.

While disappointed, the girls didn't want to be hated by Issei, so they could only reluctantly leave him. Meanwhile, the boys cursed Issei as this guy was too popular, right?

Still, when Issei went home, he looked at his reflection in the mirror while wondering who his father was. While his mother had told him that his father existed and he would come to him when the time came, when did that time appear?

As he thought about this, he felt helpless, yet somehow, he knew that his father existed and their time to meet each other would appear soon.


In the villa, a woman with silver hair and a maid outfit shouted, "Riser-sama! Riser-sama! Where are you?" Her voice was like a roar, truly angry by the act of this young man. As she shouted, she tried to find him before she found him near the park, sleeping on the soft bed surrounded by three girls.

Among the three girls, one had a slightly similar feature to Riser, and the two had a cat-like feature with a white and black color respectively.

"Kuroka! Koneko! Ravel! As expected, it's you three!"

The three girls only frowned in their sleep, but Riser opened his eyes and then looked at the beautiful maid. "Don't get angry, Grayfia."

Hearing his words, Grayfia sighed helplessly and asked, "You don't do anything strange, right?"

"...Look how old I am. What can I do?"

"Good." Grayfia nodded and said, "When the time is ripe, I will be the one who takes your virginity."


Riser was in silence for a while, staring at his "Queen" helplessly. Still, he knew that Grayfia must be coming for a certain reason. "So, what's wrong?"

"The heiress of the Sitri House and Gremory House is coming."


"Well, probably their elders told them to meet you, the genius from the Phenex House, right?"

Was that sarcasm?

Nevertheless, Riser stood up from his bed and let the three girls sleep while following Grayfia, as he knew this woman was quite strict with etiquette. "Have you waited so long?"

"Not really, but they seem to be quite spoiled."

"Well, they are the heiress, after all."

As the heiress of two famous noble houses, it was natural for them to have a certain arrogance.

"But they are nothing compared to you."

"Don't say that. You will make them angry."

"Well, if you say so, Riser-sama..."

Watching an older woman pout, Riser felt unbearable somehow, and as he thought so, a voice suddenly interrupted his thought.

"Are you Riser Phenex?"

Riser turned and saw two girls before him. One girl was staring at him with an unconvinced expression, and the other was staring at him curiously and nervously as she hid behind the first girl.

"My big sister told me that you were special, but I won't lose to you!"

With her childish voice, a girl with short black hair and glasses said firmly.

"So-Sona, you can't be so rude..." The girl with crimson hair, who hid behind the black-haired girl, said nervously.

"Rias, you can't act weak like this! You are the heiress of the Gremory House!" After she said that, the girl, whose name was Sona, stared at Riser with an unconviced expression.

"Before I answer your question, shouldn't you introduce yourselves first? Or, as a heiress, has no one ever taught you etiquette?"

Hearing Riser's comeback, Sona blushed and felt embarrassed, realizing her fault. "M-My name is Sona Sitri."

"Nice to meet you." Riser nodded, then looked at the crimson-haired girl. "How about you?"

"My-My name is Rias Gremory..." Rias introduced herself stutteringly as she looked at Riser curiously.

"Nice to meet you too, Miss Gremory." Riser nodded, then introduced himself. "My name is Riser Phenex."

"Riser Phenex..." 2x

The two girls murmured his name as they looked at him curiously.

Still, this wasn't the only meeting; he met a variety of people, including many beautiful girls from the Underworld, the human world, and even heaven. It was as if their meeting was predestined, and fate let them meet each other.

Similarly, in the corner of the world, in the place where no one was living, Dimensional Gap, the strongest existence, had been living there for an eternity. She didn't know why she was born, but this was her home. She was comfortable with this place, and she never thought to move until she saw someone approaching her. Unlike those who happened to cross her before, which she destroyed, the feeling that this person gave was warm, and it was something that she had never felt before.

"Are you the Infinite Dragon, Ophis?"

Ophis looked at this man for a while, then nodded.

"My name is Riser Phenex. Do you want to go with me?"


"A fun place."

"Is it better than here?"

"I guess."



Ophis stared at him for a while before she transformed herself into an adult woman form, a form which she had always taken when she became a human. She wasn't sure why she took this form, even though she had never cared much about gender or age, yet she took this form.

"Hold my hand."

Ophis stared at his hand, then reached it, holding it firmly, and felt the warmness and a feeling that she had never felt before.

"Oh, right, my name is Riser Phenex."

"Riser Phenex..."

"What's wrong?"

"I feel like I have heard that name before."


"I don't know... it feels like... it comes from this place..." Ophis touched her heart, showing where she thought that she had heard his name.

"Is that so?"

"Um." Ophis nodded and felt like this was someone that she had been waiting for.

"I also think that you are someone important to me, so I came here."



Ophis smiled for the first time.

"Then, do you want to follow me?"


"Okay, let's go back."

His hand firmly held her hand, and she also didn't let him go, following obediently.

"By the way, Ophis. Before we go back, there is something that I need to tell you."


"Wear your clothes."


That's it!

Thank you!

That's the end!

I never thought that this novel would end this way, but you can't ever guess anyway. I am not sure if you feel rushed, but I don't think so. He is so powerful, after all, and he doesn't have any more opponents.

Or rather, he can create a new universe!

While it is possible for him to go to a different world, I think this is the best end.

Thank you for reading this story.

While there are many parts that you might find unsatisfactory, I feel satisfied with this ending.

Once again, thank you for following me till now.

As for the new novel?

Let me rest for a while.
