Akikan40. MSK 125-133

"Is Reina and Akatsuki going here?"

"Um." Yume nodded as she laid her head on his lap. Previously, she wondered why he loved her thighs so much, yet when she laid her head on his lap; she understood his feeling since it felt great, especially when she was exhausted.

They spent about two days and two nights in Osaka, and on the next morning, after they had breakfast, they went home. The trip might not even reach an hour, but it was quite exhausting for her to travel from one city to another, and when she arrived home, she couldn't help but laze around, especially when she couldn't do it later as Akatsuki and Reina were going to their house later.

Still, unlike her, who wanted to laze around, Yume could see that Mizuto planned to go out, showing how immense his energy was, which caused her to blush. "Are you going out?"

"Um." Mizuto nodded. "I want to warm up my motorcycle and also give souvenirs to my acquaintance." Like humans, if the vehicle wasn't being used and maintained, it might break. Still, the person that he wished to meet was his cute friend, who didn't know the feeling of love.

As for those mature women?

Mizuto felt like he could take care of them after Golden Week.

Still hearing his answer, Yume lay on his lap for a while before she raised her body, helping to tidy up his clothes like a good wife. "When are you going back?"

"It shouldn't be too late, and I should go back before dark."

"Then, I will prepare dinner."

"Is that okay? We should prepare it together later."

Hearing his answer, Yume hesitated as she also missed his food. His food had always been unique, full of variety, and delicious, which was different from hers, which was quite monotonous as her cooking skill was only so-so.

"Wait for me at home."


With his order-like words, Yume could only submit with a blush. While she didn't think that she was a masochist, she felt a strange excitement by how forceful he was sometimes. This shouldn't have happened as this part of attitude should be annoying, yet he knew how to use this attitude well, showing how he could confidently lead her.

Nevertheless, Mizuto didn't leave immediately and hugged Yume in his arms.

"Wh-What's wrong?"

Yume shouldn't be blushing, especially with many bold and lewd actions that they had exchanged previously, but she had to say this sudden attack from him definitely wasn't good for her heart.

Yet, she loved it, so it should be okay, right?

Still, she had to say that he was really different during the day.

During the day, he was like a gentleman, but when the night came, he was like a beast.

Yet, when she thought that he would attack her, he didn't do anything and just hugged her.

"Pervy Onee-chan, aren't you exhausted? Stop thinking about perverted things all day."

"It's you who is perverted!" Yume looked at Mizuto resentfully, but then she asked curiously, "So, do you just want to hug?"

"Is that not okay?"

"It's okay~!" She hugged him so tightly and even pushed him to the sofa. She rubbed her face against his chest like a spoiled cat, basking in his warmth and scent. She definitely wouldn't let him go and loved him so much!

Mizuto also did the same, burying his face against her neck, and inhaled her scent, which was sweet, yet slightly sweaty, which was kind of nice.

As the two hugged, she let out a contentment sigh and said, "Frankly, I am still exhausted." While the feeling of sex was nice, she didn't have a beast-like stamina like Mizuto. If he did her, she could imagine that she would pass out and she would have trouble walking.

"I know. That's why I don't do anything."

While hugging him, Yume looked up and asked, "How about you? Can you still do it?"

"Oh, I can do it many times in a day."

"...as expected of you..." Yume sighed helplessly as her hand rubbed against his pants, feeling the bulge. Even though it wasn't hard, it was huge, which made her feel like everything about him was really incredible.

"Hey, don't touch it."

"It's okay. I will just use my hand."

With that said, Yume slipped her hand into his trousers and boxers before she touched his penis. She could feel that it reacted slowly, and she felt the warmth, which slowly grew hotter on her palm. Still, when she played with it, she felt that it was strange, considering how soft and squishy it was now, which was so much different from his erection, which was hard and hot.

However, when she noticed that his erection couldn't be stopped, her hand was pulled so suddenly. "Ah!"

"Wait till tonight. I need to go out now."

If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he might not be able to leave. His time was quite limited, and tomorrow, they were going on another trip to Ise-Shima. During this single day, they might as well rest.

Hearing his words, Yume also understood his reason, but when she thought that they would take a trip with Akatsuki and Reina to the Ise-Shima, was there even a chance for them to have intimacy?

'Hmm... it should be.'

After all, Yume also didn't intend to hide her relationship with Mizuto any longer from the two.

With the determination shown by Mizuto, she no longer became a succubus who tried to seduce her man and wasted her food for tonight.

Mizuto also picked up several souvenirs, which were mostly food, from his leather backpack, and went to the garage where he kept his motorcycle. He removed the dust cover from his motorcycle, and he was ready to go out.

"Even though you have bought it, you don't use it as much."

Yume also looked at his motorcycle helplessly. Even though she had to admit that his motorcycle was handsome and it was nice to have him give her a ride, she had to say that there wasn't much chance of him riding this motorcycle. It wasn't like it was bad, but she felt like it was a bit wasteful, considering how expensive this motorcycle was.

If Mizuto could ride this motorcycle to school, then it was okay, but unfortunately, he couldn't, so the only chance for him to ride on it was only on the weekend.

Nevertheless, Mizuto also understood that, and he also didn't think that he could ride on this motorcycle when he visited his lover as he was afraid that he would be found out. It was like what Yume had said before buying this motorcycle was quite wasteful.

"There will be a lot of chances in the future. We can even go to Lake Biwa with it."

"Lake Biwa..."

When Yume thought about a motorcycle trip with Mizuto on Lake Biwa, she felt like it wasn't bad at all.

"Then, I will go out first. I will go back before dark."

Mizuto kissed Yume, then left the house after he closed the garage.

"Um, be careful."


Following him, Yume didn't leave and kept watching him until she couldn't see his back anymore. Still, when he wasn't there, she looked at her hand before she entered the house once again and sniffed it cautiously before her movement became even more intense. She knew that she was perverted for doing this, but it couldn't be helped, right?

After all, she loved him so much~!

Still, at the same time, she thought about studying cooking even further!

Yet, when Mizuto left, he used this chance to see Rinko Akashigata's house, as it had been a while since they met each other. The last time they met was the week before he met Machida Sonoko, and after that, they hadn't seen each other. As he didn't have her phone number or contact information, it was also impossible for either of them to contact each other.

Nevertheless, he thought that he could meet her, especially when his luck was quite good due to the "Golden Luck" skill from the "Merchant" job.

If he had to say, this skill was like the passive skill of the harem protagonist that could let him meet various women when they needed someone the most by chance.

Still, he didn't see her, so he didn't bother and continued his trip, yet what he didn't know was that on the second floor of Rinko's house, a figure was staring at him from the window.

Laying her head on the cashier table with a book underneath her cheek, Yuu hoped that her bookstore would be full and busy. Unfortunately, her wish was impossible as it was a "Golden Week," which made the university students who were the main customers of her family's bookstore decide either to go home or go on a holiday.

So, those who came were book lovers, the remaining university students who didn't have money to go on holiday or go home, or the kids of the neighborhoods who also didn't have money yet wanted to read a manga.

Nevertheless, her meeting with Mizuto was a great thing as he recommended her family open a rental manga service, which was booming for those kids in the neighborhood who didn't have much pocket money.

Yet, what no one expected, this service was also a great hit for those university students, which was all great for sure.

While the price of the rental manga might not be much, as it was only 100 yen, it still gave more income to her shop, so no one was complaining.

Yet, the more she thought of this, the more complicated her heart was as she wished that her shop would be busier so she could put everything into the work. When one was busy, they wouldn't have time to think about another thing. Unfortunately, her wish wasn't realized, and the business was just lukewarm, so it made him think about him all the time.


Letting out a helpless sigh, Yuu turned her head and laid her other cheek on the table so her cheek wouldn't be all stiff, and made her stop thinking about him, yet unfortunately, she couldn't.

Yuu thought that she had been thinking about him all the time, especially after she had heard that his head was bleeding after he tried to save a girl from falling from the stairs. While she hadn't seen how he bled or his blood that dripped over the floor at the entrance, her heart almost stopped, and she wished to meet him to confirm that he was okay. Unfortunately, when she knew what was happening, he left and went to the hospital.

At the same time, fortunately, he told her that she was okay and that he only needed to rest.

Hearing his answer, she was glad and told him to rest, but even so, she was thinking of visiting his house, yet she had been hesitating.


She wondered why she felt like this as she was strangely nervous at the thought of visiting his house.

Was it because he had a new family?

When Yuu thought about it, she also hadn't visited his house that much, or rather, while Mizuto often played at her house, she had never visited his house.

If she suddenly came, then what would he think?

Those thoughts occupied her mind, and in the end, she didn't do anything as Mizuto had told him that he was going to school the next day like it was nothing. While she knew that his body was powerful, she was still worried and came quietly early so she could see him.

Fortunately, Mizuto was okay.

Yet, even if he knew that he was okay, the relief and happiness that she hoped to feel when she saw him didn't appear. Instead, what she felt was another anxiety and stuffy feeling that she couldn't describe. This feeling was quite similar to what she felt previously, but this time, it was even more intense. It was like she couldn't breathe, and her world stopped.

The thought of his stepsister linking her arm against him as they walked intimately, yet also carefully as he was just hurt, often materialized as she had nothing to do.

Yume's face, which was like a girl in love, made Yuu feel shaken. She wasn't sure why she felt like this, especially when she knew that Yume, his stepsister, did this because Yume was worried about him.

Yet, at the same time, their act somehow reminded her of the first time when they exchanged their kiss.

Yuu still remembered how he told her that he would date someone just because he wanted to have sex.

Did he date Yume?

Had they kissed?

Had they... had sex?

Even if Yuu knew that Mizuto was unable to fall in love and it was all due to lust, she just hated it somehow. Yes, she knew that she didn't have a right to stop him, especially when she was nothing but his friend. They might have kissed several times, but it didn't mean that they were dating. She couldn't tell him what he should do and couldn't do. Yet, she didn't like it. She hated it somehow.

At that time, she wished that it was she who stood by his side, helping him and tending him carefully.

Yet, knowing this feeling, Yuu wondered whether this strange feeling, which she felt at that moment, was love.

'No, it shouldn't be.'

The love that was pictured in the love song, novel, and many others was all bright and fluffy, yet what she felt was so ugly. She even felt surprised that she could feel something like that, which made her frightened at how ugly her heart was.

'However, what if he dates her stepsister?'

This thought crossed her mind, and she knew that there was nothing she could do.

While she knew that he had told her that he wouldn't be able to fall in love, she was afraid that in the future, he might fall for his stepsister, leaving her behind, alone, helpless.

Her body quivered as she thought about such a future.

"No, no! I need to stop thinking about him!"

Yuu tried to erase him from her mind, yet the more she tried, the harder it was. He kept appearing in her mind. His cheerful greeting, smile, warmth, strong arms, hug, kiss, and that animalistic smile... she couldn't forget all of them.

Still leaning her head against the cashier table, her eyes were drawn toward the entrance of her bookstore. While she knew that it might be a pipedream, considering he told her that he would be on a trip for his work, she hoped that he would suddenly appear, enter her family's bookstore, and call her given name like it was nothing, making her show a helpless smile, then somehow... he kissed her lips greedily, devouring her body strongly that he might break her.

'I wonder how it feels...'

Yuu was curious, and her hand moved into her thigh, lightly caressed as she felt a gentle pleasure, yet as it was her first time she did this, this gentle touch shook her much as she didn't expect that such pleasure could be created by a mere touch, then when she was about to continue—

"Yuu, are you here?"

Suddenly, Mizuto appeared as usual, looking around before he found her, but his eyes quickly drew into Yuu's hand, which she put on her white slender thigh. If it was someone else, they might not be able to see what he saw as her body was covered by the cashier's table and apron. Moreover, with the average height of the people in this country, they wouldn't be able to see her. Yet, he was different as he was quite tall, and he was just good at finding this type of thing. Probably due to his "Lover" job, he thought, so he looked at her whiteness, enjoying this scenery before apologizing, as he knew that he had bothered her during her private time.

"Sorry for bothering you."

"...." Yuu.

Still, before he left, he thought of something and said, "But I think that you should be careful when you want to comfort yourself." It was great that he was the one who saw her, but what if it was others?

Nevertheless, he realized that his friend was already at the age where she started to touch herself, which made him kind of helpless somehow. Still, this was a free world, and she wouldn't forbid her as it wasn't harmful, yet he needed to tell her that she needed to be careful.

Leaving those words, he decided to leave, realizing that she was okay.

Yuu was unable to say anything, and she could only stay in place, shocked as she saw him. She was in a daze, then watched him leave as he apologized. Watching this action, she quickly stood up and tried to stop him. "Wait! Wait! Don't leave Mizuto!"

Everything was a misunderstanding!

"Wow, so much!"

"Is it alright to take all of them?"

"Please," Mizuto said. "I bought them for all of you."

Due to the commotion caused by Yuu, all of her family came out, and naturally, Mizuto couldn't escape. Nevertheless, he just faced all of this calmly as he brought out the souvenirs he had bought from Osaka.

With his souvenirs, Yuu's family was naturally lively and happy since who hated to receive souvenirs?

"Sit down. Sit down. Sit closer to grandma."

"Anyway, drink this tea first!"

"Oh, I made a cheesecake too. Do you want to eat it, Mizuto?"

Watching Mizuto, who was welcomed by her family, Yuu felt so complicated.

What was this?

It felt like Mizuto was the child of this family instead of hers, but then again, she also knew that her family liked Mizuto, which made her helpless. Still, she glanced at Mizuto, hoping that he didn't say what he had seen before. After all, if he told her family that she had touched herself in the cashier area, she couldn't even imagine what would happen. Fortunately, it seemed that he didn't have that intention.

"Thank you, Rei-nee," Mizuto said after he received a cheesecake from Rei Koito, Yuu's older sister.

"Um, it's okay. You don't need to worry." Compared to the souvenirs brought by Mizuto, her cheesecake was nothing. "By the way, were you going to Osaka for work?"


Before even his family knew about his work, Yuu's family had already known that he was working first. It might be strange, but he felt like Yuu's family was closer to him even though he didn't spend much time with them.

"How nice..." Rei clearly showed jealousy as she knew that compared to Mizuto, her part-time job was nothing. Similar to most people in this country, she worked in cafes and restaurants as a waitress, but there was nothing she could do, right? After all, she didn't have an ability.

"Do you even need to go to Osaka to write a thesis?"

While it was unbelievable at first, Yuu's family knew that Mizuto was writing a thesis for a university student, and because of that, he even gave advice to their oldest daughter on how to write it, which made them quite speechless for a while, but as they knew that this was the difference between an ordinary person and a genius.

No, in his case, he was like a monster, a Godzilla, who rampaged over the world like the people in the world.

"No, I have other work now."

"Really? What kind?"

"Investment research."


"Investment research. I do research on real estate speculation and investment..." Mizuto explained his job calmly, so next time, they didn't need to ask him anymore.

"...." Everyone.

"...so you work part-time in a bank?"

"Well, yeah." Mizuto nodded, but the truth was that the investment firm and bank were different. Nevertheless, he was too lazy to fix their misunderstanding.

"...." Everyone.

Still, they knew that even if he made Yuu pregnant, they would be okay as his job was as good as stable.

Nevertheless, due to his explanation, Rei suddenly caught something and asked curiously with a sneaky smile, "So after you just went home today, did you visit our house right away?"


"I see... eh?" Rei glanced at Yuu, causing the latter to blush. Still, Yuu wasn't someone who was easily intimidated, especially by her big sister. "Nee-chan, what is it? If you have something to say, then say it."

"Nothing~!" Still, Rei sighed helplessly, feeling jealous of her little sister, but she had a boyfriend, after all, and it was impossible for her to cheat her boyfriend on the man who was close to her little sister. Moreover, didn't that mean that she was going to steal her little sister's man?

Yet, when she thought of Mizuto, who had grown up, Rei felt like it was a shame that she hadn't known him earlier, and the longing in her eyes became even more intense.

As for Yuu's parents?

Well, wasn't it great that they didn't have to worry about Yuu's future anymore?

Still, as they talked, Mizuto suddenly said, "By the way, can I bring Yuu out?"


They were surprised by his sudden words.

"Where are you planning to go?"

"Well, just move around Kyoto with a motorcycle."

Hearing his words, they also knew that Mizuto had gotten a motorcycle, and they also didn't think that there was anything wrong with him bringing Yuu out with his motorcycle. Still, Yuu's family had to say that they were quite jealous of Yuu; even her grandma was similar as they knew that Yuu was about to have a motorcycle date.

However, Yuu, who was being asked out, was oblivious as she didn't expect that Mizuto would invite her out. Still, instead of working in the bookstore on "Golden Week," she might as well follow him, right? Moreover, she would be lying if she didn't feel curious about his motorcycle.

Nevertheless, while Mizuto and Yuu confirmed their trip, Akatsuki and Reina also arrived at his house to visit them as they had just come back from Osaka. Unlike Yume and Mizuto, who went on a trip to Osaka, they had nothing to do at the house and just spent their days lazed around, so when they heard Mizuto and Yume had returned, they quickly visited them.

Only when they came they didn't expect that they would wait for a while.

"Sorry, sorry. I have fallen asleep."

Yume still welcomed them, but from her appearance, it was easy to tell that she had just woken up from her sleep.

"You seem so exhausted."

"Is it okay for us to bother you?"

Reina thought that Yume was exhausted as she knew that Yume had gone home, but Akatsuki knew that this girl was exhausted after taking care of Mizuto at night.

"It's okay." While tidying up her long, black hair, Yuu welcomed the two of them. "Anyway, come in."

"Then, excuse me." Reina nodded and entered, but Akatsuki asked, "By the way, where is Mizuto? Is he sleeping?"

"Oh, he went to visit his colleagues. He should go back before dark."

"Is that so?" However, Akatsuki wondered whether Mizuto visited his other lover, which made her helpless.

"He's so busy," Reina said helplessly.

"He isn't that busy, though," Yume said calmly. After all, it was rare for Mizuto to stay out, and even if he worked, it was only for a while instead of spending all of his time on work.

Still, even if Yume said those words, Reina wondered how busy Mizuto was; they would still go on the trip to Ise-Shima. It wasn't like she was unhappy or anything. Even if she anticipated this trip so much that she bought a new swimsuit, she didn't want to trouble him.

Nevertheless, it was hard for Reina to ask this question.

Akatsuki also didn't ask this question as it was rude, and it wouldn't be too late to wait until Mizuto went home later.

Yume, who lacked the emotional intelligence to understand the worries of the girls, didn't think too much and just brought them to the living room as they ate the souvenirs bought in Osaka.

"You sure bought a lot."

"Isn't this a rare pocky taste? And this one is Osaka no Koibito and even 551 Horai's Butaman!"

Reina and Akatsuki were surprised by the many souvenirs that Mizuto had bought.

"It's okay. Don't forget to bring them back later."

Not only Yuu's family but Mizuto bought a lot of souvenirs for Reina and Akatsuki. Still, as he wasn't there, Yume gave those souvenirs to Akatsuki and Reina. Yes, those souvenirs might be hard and quite expensive, but since he had bought all of them, it would be wasteful if they couldn't finish them, right?

In the end, giving those souvenirs to their acquaintances was the most appropriate thing to do.

"By the way, how was your trip to Osaka?"

"Was it fun?"

Even though they were parted away, they could still chat with each other with "LINE." While Mizuto ignored most of the chats as he focused on his job, Yume still chatted with Akatsuki and Reina. Naturally, the two girls knew what Mizuto and Yume had done, but they were still curious.

"Hehehe... it's fun~!" Yume's expression was quite lewd when she thought about her trip with him.


"Yume, your face is perverted."

"Yeah, you are like a perverted middle-aged man."

"Who is the perverted middle-aged man?!"

Nevertheless, Akatsuki and Reina would be lying if they didn't feel jealous of Yume.

"Can I see the photo?" Akatsuki asked. While Yume shared some of their trip in Osaka in the group chat, she still wanted to see other photos that she didn't know.

"Oh, okay." Yume didn't think too much at the time and just took out her smartphone and opened the lock with a password, letting them see her photo album as she nibbled the strawberry pocky in her mouth absentmindedly. Probably, she was still sleepy, and her mind was still groggy as she had just woken up from her nap, so she didn't think that she had done anything wrong by showing her photo album.

Still, as Yume gave them her permission, Akatsuki and Reina looked at the photos taken on her smartphone, which showed their trip to Universal Studios Japan, Dotonbori, and even the workshop of the Samurai Jeans.

Yet, looking at all of those photos, Reina started to frown as she could see how intimate Yume and Mizuto were. Instead of a sibling, she felt like they were lovers, which made her uncomfortable, and her stomach churned. Still, while she wanted to say something, she couldn't, especially when she saw how calm Akatsuki was.

Looking at all of those photos, Akatsuki didn't say anything and just watched those photos calmly.

It wasn't until a moment later that they saw a photo of her kissing his cheek intimately and him kissing her cheek intimately.

Akatsuki and Reina took a deep breath at the same time, and for the first time, their eyes met each other.

Reina knew that this was bad, and more than this, she was afraid that she would know something that she didn't want to, yet watching Akatsuki's eyes, she knew that this friend of hers was ready to continue. Subconsciously, she looked at Yume, who was nibbling her snack with closed eyes, seemingly sleepy. She knew that she shouldn't do this, yet like Akatsuki, her curiosity couldn't be stopped.

Yet, when Reina wasn't ready and hadn't made her determination, Akatsuki had already started to move.

Reina wanted Akatsuki to stop, but it was too late as by then, they had seen a photo of him naked.

"...." 2x

It was a picture of him drying his naked body in the bathroom with a towel, and it was obvious that this photo was taken sneakily by Yume.


Unlike Akatsuki, it was Reina's first time seeing Mizuto naked, and she didn't expect that his body would be so amazing... wasn't his penis huge? It wasn't hard, and it was just in a normal state, yet it dangled between his legs like an elephant trunk.

In the past, they had seen a children's anime known as "Shin-Chan," but as expected, they thought that it was a children's anime since the real thing was much different.

He was a man.

This is what they could see from this picture.

His muscles, body, long legs, and his penis.

Everything was clear in this picture, which made them unable to take their eyes away.

As their breathing became rapid, Reina knew that it was bad to continue, especially when she had a feeling that an even worse picture might appear anytime soon, yet Akatsuki didn't intend to stop.

Their hearts beat rapidly, and they could feel their entire bodies were hot; then, as expected, the next photo they saw was a photo of Yume, who gave a fellatio Mizuto's hardened penis.

"....." 2x

When they saw this picture, they couldn't say anything. Their breathing stopped as they saw Yume's lewd expression, which sucked his penis obediently and lovingly like a dog who wished for the praise of her master. Subconsciously, they licked their lips, focusing their attention on his huge erection that appeared so delicious in their eyes.

Was it so delicious?

Reina couldn't take her eyes away from his erection as she wondered how his soft penis could grow into such a manly rod that made her entire body so hot.

Meanwhile, Akatsuki wished to meet Mizuto as soon as possible.

Still, as the two drew into this photo and were ready to see the next photo, Akatsuki suddenly made an unexpected movement by closing the photo album and locking Yume's smartphone again.

Reina was surprised by this move and looked at Akatsuki with doubt.

Yet, Akatsuki only smiled softly while shaking her head as she glanced at Yume's direction, who had fallen asleep.

Reina realized what she was doing, feeling guilty as if she had betrayed her friend. Yet as she lowered her head, her entire body was scorching, and she touched her lips with her fingers as she wondered how it tasted.

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"I didn't expect that we would come here..."


Yuu didn't say anything and just looked at Mizuto speechlessly since he had brought her to Lake Biwa, which was located in the next prefecture, Shiga Prefecture.

Frankly, Mizuto wanted to visit Uji, the most famous tea production and also the setting of the first famous novel, Genji Monogatari, but he felt a bit lazy as it would take at least an hour of trip to go there by motorcycle.

Meanwhile, Lake Biwa was closer to their house, so Mizuto directly chose this largest lake in the country as their destination for their trip. Frankly, this lake was so large that it took a third of the total area of the Shiga Prefecture, which made this prefecture famous for this lake and nothing else.

Yet, Mizuto knew that he shouldn't say such a rude thing to the people of Shiga since those people would definitely threaten to stop supplying water to Kyoto.

Nevertheless, after they arrived, they sat on the bench on the shoreline of Lake Biwa, watching this largest lake in the country and all the activity that happened around it.

Still, even if he had said that they observed their surroundings, there weren't many people.

Or rather, there weren't any people at all.

Was it because of the location he had chosen, or was it because of the depopulation of the rural area, as most people would move into the city?

However, it was also due to the fact that the fauna and flora near their location were particularly vibrant.

As they sat on the bench, they could see various birds, such as ducks that flocked around, grey herons that stood on the edge of the rock Revetment, and shrikes that were chirping on the nearby trees.

It was so peaceful, he thought.

Sitting by his side, Yuu took out her smartphone to take a picture of this scenery several times before she aimed her camera at him. Mizuto made a peace sign with a bright smile, causing her to blush, but she took his photo regardless.

"Though, I have to say that there is nothing here."

After he made a pose, he sighed helplessly.

"Didn't you bring me here?" Yuu was speechless by his comments.

"Well, I don't expect that it will be so quiet."

Except for old people, Mizuto didn't see any young people, and he was sure that those locals were too lazy to look at Lake Biwa as they had seen them until they were sick of it. Somehow, he felt like it should be okay for him to do "it" outdoors, and he didn't think someone would find out.

It was like this.

Yuu wanted to say something, but suddenly her cheek was kissed by him.


"Wh-What are you doing?!" Watching her blushing face, Mizuto was as calm as ever and said, "I thought that since there weren't any people, it would be okay to kiss you outdoors like this."


Yuu was silent, wondering whether Mizuto had loved to do something outdoors since the last time he had kissed her in the alley. Yet when she thought about her big sister, mother, or grandmother who might come to her room anytime, she felt like doing it outdoors was much safer than doing it inside her room.

"By the way, Yuu."


"Did you do it often in the cashier area?"

What he received wasn't an answer but a slap on his shoulder by Yuu. "Sorry, sorry. I won't mention it again."

Yuu felt that her face was burning, then sighed helplessly, "Please forget that, Mizuto..." She took a deep breath, and said, "I guess... I was just not right on that mind at the time..." She wondered whether she was being possessed by something as she dared to do something so naughty in such an open place. Frankly, she also felt that she was lucky that it was him who discovered her, but if it was someone else?

"I won't do it again."

"It's good that you know." Mizuto smiled and then took out the plastic bag that he had been given when he had bought the specialty bread of the Shiga prefecture from his backpack. "For you."

"Is it okay?"

"I bought one for you, though."

"Thanks." Yuu looked at the "Salad Roll," then asked, "I wonder whether it is delicious..."

"You won't know until you try."

The "Salad Roll" is a famous bread product of the 1951-founded company Tsuruya Pan. Despite its name, it is an original and unique local sandwich made with a long bun filled with daikon radish pickles called "takuan" flavored with mayonnaise.

The packaging was retro, and it had never changed since the time the company was founded, which was also partly the reason for its popularity.

Mizuto was about to eat it, but Yuu suddenly asked, "Are you okay with tea?" He looked at her and then nodded. "I am fine."

"Wait here. Don't eat it first." Yuu stood up, then walked to the nearby vending machine, put two coins onto the machine, then pressed two barley teas for the two of them. "For you."

"Thanks." Mizuto smiled, and Yuu also smiled. "No problem."

The two sat side by side, watching the scenery of Lake Biwa under the shades of the trees as they ate the "Salad Roll." The gentle waves of the water on the lake, the cool wind from the surrounding area, the cheerful chirping of the birds, and the beautiful scenery before them made them enjoy their moment.

Only Mizuto was looking at his bitten "Salad Roll" helplessly as the taste was too unique for his tastebuds, but he could tell that Yuu seemed to enjoy this special bread, especially when she didn't notice the white stains of the mayonnaise on the corner of her lips.

As if noticing his gaze, Yuu blushed again and chided him lightly. "Pervert."

"Sorry." As he apologized, he wondered whether this relationship was okay to continue for a long time. If they were friends, it didn't matter, but he knew that their relationship was no longer a friend.

So, what was their current relationship?

It definitely wasn't a lover, so it should be... a friend with a benefit.

"By the way, is it delicious for you, Yuu?"

"Well, I like it." Yuu nodded since this bun was quite tasty, but then she noticed that he hadn't eaten his bread for a while. "You don't like it?"

"Well... it's okay." It was a shame for him to waste his food, so he tried to force himself to eat.

Yuu chuckled when she saw he was like a child who couldn't eat a vegetable. "Don't leave anything behind, okay, Mizuto-kun?" She thought that Mizuto would say something, but he just quietly ate as he gazed at the lake, which caused her to remember that he had lost his mother early. "Ah, um, I am sorry, Mizuto..."

"Why did you apologize?" Mizuto looked at Yuu in confusion.

"I... I thought that I reminded you of..."

Mizuto looked at her sad expression and felt a bit helpless since he knew that his status as someone without a mother would make people look at him in pity. If he was a previous Mizuto, he might act differently, but he wasn't the original Mizuto, so he didn't care much about this.

"It's okay. I am not thinking about that. I was just thinking that it was nice to spend time with you, Yuu."

He put his arm around her small waist, patting her back gently, telling her that he was thinking that it was nice to have a quiet time with her. If it was with Yume and the others, instead of a quiet time, his time would be spent wildly as they would attack him, kiss him, and do something naughty.

Yet, when he held her on his arm, he noticed her gaze was on his lips, which made him smile and lightly chid her. "Pervert."

Yuu felt her entire face was so hot as she couldn't deny that she was thinking something perverted, but before she reacted, her lips were kissed by him. She didn't push him and just lay willingly on him, accepting his advance obediently as her small tongue sought after his.

It was strange somehow as she felt like all the worry in her heart had disappeared the moment he kissed her, and she continued to kiss him until she lost her breath.

"It tastes like a pickle."

"Yours the same, though."

The two laughed before she leaned on his shoulder, watching the lake, before she asked, "By the way, how is your novel?"

"Now that you mention it, I haven't checked it."

"You haven't?"

"I have signed a contract, then I just leave everything to my editor. She told me that it should be uploaded on the official website now for the competition."

"Where is the website?"

"Wait a moment."

Mizuto took his smartphone and opened the Kadokawa website, where thousands of novels were uploaded every day. It was just that he didn't expect his novel to be at its most conspicuous place, with so many readers having read it.


Isn't my novel too popular?

Nevertheless, Mizuto felt slightly complex as his scumbag story became the most popular story in the country.

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While Mizuto went on the trip to Lake Biwa, Sonoko was busy with her job as his work had become so popular on the website. In the beginning, when she showed his story to editorials, everyone was in doubt as there was no precedent that this type of story would be popular. Everyone wanted to take a safe bet by taking a normal route where the protagonist had a fluffy and warm love with the heroine.

Yet, when they read his story in the second volume, all of them quickly changed their minds and felt like this version was better.

Yes, what they did was nothing but betting, a speculation, something that no one knew whether it would succeed or not.

However, a light novel is like this.

As long as it was interesting, everything was okay.

Mizuto's story was interesting, and his illustrations were even more so.

By then, there was no hesitation, but they needed to warm up the market as Mizuto was still a new author, so they needed to make him famous first by uploading his story on their online literature website and making him the winner of the competition.

As expected, the result didn't disappoint them, or rather, it exceeded their expectations!

Moreover, with Mizuto's illustrations, many started to focus on his story even more and couldn't wait for the hard copy to be sold right away!

It was also due to the fact that the publisher had already prepared the pre-sales for the book, and the number of the pre-sales had already hit 50,000 copies!

With such sales, no one hesitated, and all of them went out, focusing their resources on their new golden goose.

Nevertheless, due to this success, Sonoko became busy even during the "Golden Week," which made her cry somehow. Yet, a human's habit was a scary thing. In the early years of work, she might not have been used to this schedule, but as she had worked quite a long time, she had gotten used to working on this unreasonable schedule.

Still, when she thought that it was a work written by her lover, she felt happy and excited, thinking that the man that she had chosen was amazing.

More importantly, even if her work might be a little unreasonable when the time came, she could visit Kyoto to visit him again.

Still, due to his success, Mizuto was definitely invited to Tokyo for the award ceremony, and by then—

Nevertheless, as much as she wanted to enjoy her imagination as she thought of his stay in Tokyo, someone couldn't let her as a straight, calm, yet powerful voice that forced people to accept unreasonable demands interrupted her.

"Machida-san, give me his contact information."


Sonoko looked at the young woman before her and sighed helplessly.

Kasumigaoka Utaha.

Like Mizuto, Utaha was also a writer under her.

Yet, unlike Mizuto, who was successful, Utaha was at her end since her novel might stop anytime soon as the sales weren't satisfactory. She might have signed a contract with the publisher, but if the sales of her book didn't increase and even decrease even further, then her light novel would be canceled.

Initially, she wanted to discuss the second volume of her story with Sonoko, but her thoughts changed when she saw the new author under Sonoko. She was unsatisfied and even jealous of this new author as she could see that the publisher's attention on this new author was so much that it made her quite resentful.

Was her story so uninteresting?

Utaha couldn't accept it, but when she read the story of this new author, she was blown away, and she understood why the publisher gave this new author so much importance. She understood that there was someone who was born with a talent, a monster, who came to this world to show people that all the hard work was meaningless and only talent was the most important.

While she was helpless, she didn't give up, especially when she knew the editor of this new author was also her editor, Sonoko Machida.

She didn't want her novel to end like this, to be canceled due to the sales, and bowed down to the power of commercials, so she wished to talk to this new author, wondering whether there was something that she could do to fix this situation.

Yet, Sonoko hesitated to tell Mizuto's contact to Utaha.

Yes, as her editor, Sonoko knew that she needed to help Utaha contact Mizuto as she felt like he could help Utaha with her novel, yet she didn't want Utaha to bother him as she knew that unlike Utaha, who was only a student, Mizuto was busy with many things.

For him, writing this novel was nothing but a small break during his busy time, but it was also because of this that they could meet each other.


Sonoko looked at Utaha, a beautiful, slim young woman with an alluring body and plump, soft thighs that were tightly wrapped in sleek and smooth black nylon stockings. While she didn't think that Mizuto would be tempted by Utaha, she was afraid that Utaha might be tempted by Mizuto.

Yet, during her hesitation, Utaha bowed her head as she begged desperately. "Machida-san, please..."

Watching Utaha, who bowed her head, Sonoko let out a helpless sigh and said, "Okay, Shi-chan, stop bowing your head. Let me ask him first. Unlike you, writing is only his side job."

"Thank you, Machida-san."

Utaha knew that her wish was selfish since she wasn't the only writer who was on the verge of being canceled, so why should she receive special treatment?

Nevertheless, she didn't want to give up, and fortunately, her effort bore fruit. While Sonoko couldn't give her an exact promise that she could have the new author's contact, she was glad to know that there was hope.

Still hearing her words, Utaha asked curiously, "By the way, how old is this new writer?"

"Hmm? Well, he is one year younger than you."

"....." Utaha.

"You mean... he is still a student?"


"Then, what is he busy with? Study?" Utaha asked weirdly. If what made this new author unable to contact her was only studying, then wasn't he just arrogant or cocky?

Utaha knew that her thoughts were quite rude, but she felt like studying wasn't hard and easy, so if this new author didn't want to contact her because he was busy with his studies, then it should be because he made an excuse.

Yet, she also knew that she didn't have a right to condemn him as he didn't have any obligation to help her either.

Still, when one was desperate, they would do anything.

It was like the story of "The Spider's Thread," a story of a robber who was given a chance to escape from hell by climbing a spider's thread.

The spider's thread appeared before her, and she wouldn't let go of this chance.

Yet, Utaha had to say that she was surprised by the fact that the writer of the story of "Your Saturn" was a high school student one year below her, which meant he was her underclassman, which made her quite helpless for some reason.

Sonoko looked at Utaha and said calmly, "Shi-chan, everyone is different, and like how no one expects you to write a light novel at your age, you won't expect what he is busy with either."

"What is he busy with then?" Utaha asked curiously.

However, Sonoko only smiled and didn't say anything.


Utaha's lips twitched, but this made her become even more curious about him. Still, if she couldn't meet him, and he refused to contact her, then there was only one thing that she could do.

Staring at Sonoko, who took her smartphone, Utaha made up her mind.

"It's my first time to know that there is an elephant in this country."

"It was said that it was from China."

"Do you think that an elephant can swim through the Sea of Japan?"

"I am not sure. I am not an elephant from 1.8 million years ago."

While the success of his novel was amazing, Mizuto didn't have that much of a particular interest in writing, as what he wrote was nothing but the autobiography of his messy love life. Moreover, it was a rare chance for him to be on Lake Biwa, and it would be a shame if he spent his time just eating "Salad Roll" on the shoreline of the largest lake in this country.

So, after they talked about his novel, Mizuto brought Yuu to the "Lake Biwa Museum."

While Yuu was helpless about his decision, she thought that she could read his novel later when she went home, especially when she learned that he was going out again tomorrow, ready to go to work.

Their time was limited, so they decided to enjoy them well.

Still, they had to say that his decision to go to his museum was correct as from this museum, they learned many things that they didn't know before. It was also why they understood that there was an elephant in this country 1.8 million years ago.

"I have never been to this place before," Yuu said.

"Me too." Mizuto looked at the replica of the Akebono elephant, a small type of elephant that used to roam around Lake Biwa, and said, "Or rather, it is my first time to visit Shiga."

"Really? It's your first time?"

"Have you been here before, Yuu?"

"I have been with my family before."

"What did you do before?" Mizuto wondered what they went to do in the Shiga prefecture.

"Well, we rode on the ship to see around Lake Biwa and ate the Omi beef," Yuu said as she recalled the memory of her trip with her family in the Shiga prefecture.

"Omi beef, huh?" Mizuto thought about the three most delicious beefs in this country, which were Matsusaka Beef, Kobe Beef, and Ohmi Beef. All three of them hailed from the Kansai region. During his trip with Yume to Osaka, he also ate Kobe Beef at the hotel where they had offered this type of beef previously. Yet, he didn't feel surprised as the distance between Kobe and Osaka was so close, so it was normal for the hotel to have this type of beef. Still, as expected, the price was expensive, especially when he chose the A5 Wagyu type of beef, which was the most delicious type.

Thinking about the taste of Kobe beef at that time, Mizuto wondered about the taste of Matsusaka beef and Ohmi Beef, which was on the same level as Kobe Beef.

Frankly, he knew that while those beefs were delicious, it wasn't so exaggeratedly delicious that they would make people lose their minds. Instead, while the taste was partly the reason why they were expensive, the main reason why they were expensive was the story before them.

It was like how a painting became crazily expensive due to the story behind the painter who drew that painting.

In other words, this was nothing but hype.

Yet, Mizuto didn't lack money.

Matsukasa beef aside, as it was coming from the Mie prefecture, he felt like it would be wasteful if he didn't try the Omi beef in the Shiga prefecture as he wasn't sure when he was going to come again to this city.

"Let's try the Omi beef later."

"Huh? Are you sure? It isn't cheap, you know?" Yuu was startled by his decision.

"It's okay. Why do you think I was working? Isn't it because of this moment?"

"But... you should save your money more, you know? You won't know what is happening in life after all." Yuu gave Mizuto another piece of advice as she didn't want him to be extravagant with his spending. She would be lying if she wasn't happy with his invitation, but she was cornered about his well-being.

Mizuto smiled and said, "It's okay. This spending doesn't take much of my money. Moreover, I want you to remember this trip with me well. You don't need to worry."

"You are really..." While Yuu was helpless, she knew that she couldn't argue with him anymore, so she could only agree with his invitation.

Still, before they tried the Omi beef, they went and stayed at the "Lake Biwa Museum," enjoying their time in this interesting museum. Besides the Geology History, which introduced the history of Lake Biwa from four million years ago, there was also a Human History area where they could see how the people around Lake Biwa had been living.

Nevertheless, Yuu felt strange by Mizuto's serious expression when he looked at the history of how people had been living on Lake Biwa.

"Is there something wrong with those replicas?"

Yuu wondered why this guy stared at the replicas of the group of farmers in the past so seriously.

"No, I just think that how the future isn't much different from the past."

"What do you mean?"

"Hmm... how to say, I guess, whether it is in the past or in the future, the people of our country are uniform."


"I mean similar to each other."

"Why did you say that?" Yuu was confused by how Mizuto could come to such a conclusion by watching the history of people living around Lake Biwa.

"In the past, the majority of people worked as farmers, but now, the majority of people are working as salarymen. There isn't much different, right?"

"If you say it like that..."

When Yuu thought about it, there wasn't much difference, whether it was in the past or the future. The life of the commoners wasn't much different from the life of the middle-class income. If there was a difference, it was just the exterior, but the inners and everything inside was the same.

Yuu stared at Mizuto and thought that he was really different from those around him.

Yet, this was what made him enticing as his way of life was just different.

As long as you were with him, you wouldn't have the ordinary life that the tens of millions of people in this country had.

Mizuto was just special, she thought.


"Is living uniformly like others bad?" Yuu asked, wondering whether living ordinarily was bad.

"It's not bad." Mizuto shook his head and said, "Having ordinary happiness is also nice. Having a normal family, a wife, children, and living well until we're old together; there is such a charm in such an ordinary thing, especially when many don't have a chance to have such ordinary happiness."

Yet, what he sought was extraordinary, and it was impossible for him to be satisfied with normal happiness.

However, due to his words, Yuu couldn't help but think about such an ordinary life with him. If their relationship continued, they would graduate from high school, enter a university, enter society, work, and possibly marry each other. By then, they would have a small family and then enjoy their lives together until death.

Somehow... she didn't hate such a future.

Yuu knew that she might not understand what love was, yet as long as she could be with him, she was content.

Still, they continued their walk around the "Lake Biwa Museum" and entered the next exhibition room that told the relationship between nature and lifestyle, which also showed a house and the daily life of the people in the rural area in 1964. Moreover, there was also an aquarium, specimen collections, and an interesting exhibition where they could see the inside of the crayfish.

"I thought that this big guy was a red lobster."

"I thought that it was a bug."

"But it is a crayfish, huh?"

Yuu put her head inside the body of the large crayfish replica, watching the inside curiously.

"I have heard that it was delicious," Mizuto looked at the crayfish, touching the pincers curiously.

"Huh? Really? Can you eat this thing?"

"Yeah, it should be popular in Louisiana and the southern area of the United States. Oh, this should be popular in China, too."

"Hmm..." Yuu walked out from the inside of the large crayfish replica and said, "Well, since it is like a lobster, then it should taste like a lobster, right?"

"Have you tried lobster?"

"No, I haven't."

"Then, how could you tell?" Mizuto was speechless, causing Yuu to laugh.

Still, Yuu loved this feeling. The feeling when they were together, holding hands, enjoying something that they had never tried together for the first time. At the same time, they also thought about the touch she had in the cashier area of her family's bookstore at that time. Such a touch had already made her body quiver and hit by a strange sense that she didn't hate.

So, if such a sensation happened when she touched herself, what if he touched her?

What if they had sex?

What kind of sensation would she feel at that time?

Her heart beat so fast, and her face flushed red.


"Pervert," Mizuto said speechlessly.

"I am not!" Yuu refuted so loudly.

Then, watching his chuckle, Yuu pouted and knew that she was being teased by him again. Yet, even if she had imagined how it felt to be touched by him, it was impossible for her to take the initiative.

However, if he took the intiative, then—

Yuu shook her head and threw all her thoughts into the corner as she refuted her mind that she wasn't a pervert!


chapter 131

"Then, see you at the school after "Golden Week."

"Um." Yuu nodded reluctantly, then said in concern, "Be careful. Watch your health, and don't forget to rest."

After their trip to the "Lake Biwa Museum," which they enjoyed very much, they went to eat the famous "Omi Beef," which was so delicious. It was rich and buttery. The moment they ate it, the meat melted into their mouths.

Still, compared to that beef, Yuu loved the elephant doll that Mizuto bought at the museum more. This elephant reminded him quite, she thought, especially the trunk, which caused her to be embarrassed, realizing how perverted she had become.

'It's because of him,' she thought.

Nevertheless, Mizuto had to say the price of the doll in such a place was high, yet this was natural since if he was the owner of the museum, he would make the price of the souvenir expensive. It was like how one made the price of a beverage at a restaurant or the food at the theme park high. After all, without competition, one could raise the price as much as they wanted to.

In other words, a monopoly business was something that he needed to look for.

During his trip to Lake Biwa, Mizuto also had been thinking about what kind of business he should acquire next time. Frankly, he was thinking of taking a break after his trip to Osaka, but as expected, his mind often wandered to his business.

So, what kind of business should he take?

When he thought all of that, somehow, his thoughts stopped at the convenience store.

Yes, a convenience store.

It is a small retail store that stocks a range of everyday items.

This store was everywhere, whether it was in Kyoto, Osaka, or even in Lake Biwa, he saw them everywhere.

While retail shops might fall due to the popularity of online shops, Mizuto felt like convenience stores would continue to exist in the future. Moreover, when he acquired the warehouses, thinking that he could get data about what kind of items were popular on the market, his thoughts when he acquired the convenience store were similar.

With the data he gained from the convenience store, Mizuto knew that he could expand his business into various items that were sold at his convenience store, like a condom, a snack, a magazine, a beverage, and many others.

Frankly, Mizuto was thinking of entering beverages, snacks, frozen foods, and all related food industries as his "Restaurateur" job could affect the taste of those products and make them even more delicious.

Still, before that, he needed to do some research on which convenience store brand he should acquire.

However, he could do that later since he knew that he would only meet Yuu after the "Golden Week," and if they only said goodbye like this, wouldn't it be a shame?

"Is that all?"

"...what do you want?" Yuu was speechless by his words.

"How about a kiss?" Mizuto asked with a smile. "I feel like I will be more energetic if you give me a kiss before I leave."

"You..." Yuu blushed as she looked at him helplessly. Still, there was no rejection of her expressions or mouth. Instead, she stared at his lips, feeling hesitant as she knew that she would be the one who took the initiative on this kiss.

Usually, it had always been him who took the initiative, but this time, as he had asked this request, she needed to take the initiative.

Somehow, she felt like it was wrong, considering their relationship and all, but as Mizuto was the one who requested this kiss first, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

"No-Not here... let's change the place..."

They were on the side of her house entrance, and Yuu felt like she might die of embarrassment if someone saw her kissing him on the street.

Hearing her agreement, Mizuto also didn't hesitate, parking his motorcycle near Yuu's house and then following her to the alley, which was connected to the back area of her house.

Pulling him into the alley, Yuu stopped before she faced him, but staring at his face, she hesitated before she was pulled by him closer, closer as she looked at him shyly before she decided to give up, then kissed his lips.

This wasn't their first kiss, so it was so natural.

She was no longer clumsy, and she responded to him actively, putting her two hands onto his chest, as she sought his tongue, sucking each other's lips. Still, as she thought that they wouldn't meet each other until the "Golden Week," she sought him further, and her kiss was even stronger than before.

If she didn't need to breathe, she wouldn't be willing to stop, but they stopped several times, then kissing each other again until he stopped since he was afraid that her lips would be swollen.

"Then, I will leave first."

"Um, be careful."

Kissing her forehead, Mizuto left Yuu, which caused her to look at him shyly. Still, he didn't continue to kiss her as he was afraid that he might not be able to go home. He didn't want to break his promise to Yume, especially when he saw the sky almost turn dark.

Yuu didn't enter her house and just stared until she couldn't see him anymore before she touched her lips as she could feel his trace from her thin, small lips.


As Mizuto was on his way home, he felt his smartphone vibrate. As he was in his neighborhood, he stopped his motorcycle and just turned it off as he accepted the call since it was from Sonoko.


"Hey, sorry for bothering you. Are you busy?"

Hearing her concerning words, thinking that she had been bothering him, Mizuto smiled and said, "No. I was just thinking of calling you, too, since I miss you."

"Is this how you always deceive your woman~?"

Even if she said that, her tone was more lively, and even if they were far apart, Mizuto could see that Sonoko was smiling and laughing. "So, how are you?" He asked how she was, wondering whether she was okay.

Sonoko also asked him about his job and many other things.

As they talked to each other, there was this feeling that he wished to meet her, and Sonoko also thought the same. Nevertheless, he could control this feeling, and he thought this was probably the beauty of the long-distance relationship. As they were unable to meet each other every day, there was no doubt their meetings would be much more satisfying.

If Mizuto made an example, it was like how the food tasted better when one was hungry.

The meeting of two people who were in a long-distance relationship was like that, and they would treat each of their meetings more preciously.

"So, what's wrong?"

"No, it's just that the writer that I have been charged with wishes to discuss her novel with you."

While Mizuto heard the word "her" from her words, he didn't take much interest in this female author, but as Sonoko asked for help, he decided to listen. "Is there something with her novel?"


As Sonoko explained the problem, Mizuto understood that this female author wished to discuss the novel development as her novel might be canceled on the next volume. Still, he didn't agree immediately but asked, "So, do you want to help her?"

"I do." Sonoko knew that she was being selfish, but she also felt sorry for Utaha. "She is a good girl, and I can see the potential in her writing, but..." Even though she was Utaha's editor, there wasn't much she could do to help with the creation, as everything depended on Utaha's creativity.

As an editor, while she knew her ability well and didn't think that she could help Utaha much, Mizuto was different since she knew how talented he was. Still, she didn't force him since she knew how busy he was.

Mizuto thought for a moment and said, "Can you send me her manuscript to my email? I will give her some advice after the "Golden Week." If she is alright with that, then just tell me."


The two talked for a while before they hung up their call, but before they finished their conversation, Sonoko asked, "By the way, can you take a trip to Tokyo in the middle of May?"

"What's wrong? Do you miss me?"

"I miss you, but you will receive an invitation to the competition ceremony. You won first place, after all. If you can come, then I will pick you up, then..."

What a tempting invitation... Mizuto struggled for a while, then asked, "Is it on the weekend?"


"Then, let's go."

"Haha..." Sonoko laughed and anticipated his visit to Tokyo.

With that, Mizuto closed his smartphone and entered his house, but Sonoko needed to face Utaha first.

"What's wrong? Why did you look at me that way?" Sonoko looked at Utaha in confusion as Utaha's gaze was quite disturbing. Still, she quickly realized something, so before Utaha said anything, she said, "He told me that he could only discuss your novel development after the "Golden Week." If you are okay with it, I will help you to send your manuscript to his email later."

Utaha looked at Sonoko for a while and asked, "Can I send it myself? You just need to give me his contact information."

Sonoko looked at Utaha for a while, hesitating, then said, "He might not answer you, you know?"

"It's okay. It doesn't matter."

Struggling for a while, Sonoko thought and said, "Let me ask his opinion first."


While Utaha was a bit disappointed as she couldn't get the new author's contact information, she discovered something extraordinary between her editor and the new author.

Nevertheless, Mizuto didn't know those things and just went home. As expected, he was welcomed by Yume, Akatsuki, and Reina, who were waiting for him. Still, why were their expressions a bit weird?

chapter 132


My Stepsister in Kyoto 132 The revenge of a woman

While he knew that he was quite selfish and individualistic, Mizuto knew how to watch the mood, atmosphere, and also the expression of others. While Yume might not notice anything, he noticed something strange about Akatsuki and Reina.

Akatsuki aside, as she was good at masking her emotions, Reina was so obvious, which made him wonder what was happening when he had gone out earlier.

Yume might not realize it, but Mizuto, who was keen on reading the emotions of others and learned psychology due to his protection against Akatsuki's attacks, could tell that there was something wrong with Reina.

Reina's expression was complex and difficult to express, yet he could see shyness, reproachfulness, guilt, and curiosity. Those emotions shouldn't appear at the same time, yet they appeared on her face.

Frankly, he didn't understand why she could feel like that, and he was also sure that she didn't understand her current feelings either.

Yet, he could tell that whatever happened when he left earlier was harmless.

As for why he could tell, it was all because of Akatsuki.

Yes, Akatsuki might be crazy, but for one thing, she wished to give the best for the one she loved. According to her story, her fetish was to lock him up inside her room and then take care of his needs 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

In other words, Akatsuki wanted to give her everything to the one that she loved.

If something harmful happened to her loved one, she might not hesitate to erase this harmful factor.

Yes, it was scary.

Yet, Mizuto felt like he had a secret bodyguard.

Moreover, he could tell that whatever was happening was complicated, and he was too lazy to talk about those things, especially when his body was slightly stiff due to his journey with Yuu to Lake Biwa. His motorcycle was cool and all, but as expected, the comfort was slightly off. He felt like he should get more comfortable with a new motorcycle later.

Still, he had to say that by telling his family about his jobs, many things became convenient, and he didn't need to do something so sneaky.

As for the problem with Reina?

Mizuto recalled a saying, "Let the sleeping dog lie." If there was no problem, there was no need for him to cause even more problems. However, if this problem was impossible to ignore, he was sure that Akatsuki would tell him about that problem.

Still, he had to say Reina appeared so tempting at this moment. Her flushed cheeks, showing a shyness and also an eagerness of learning something which she didn't know. At this moment, he was afraid that he might do something sorry to Reina, so he decided to change the subject, so his lust wouldn't dominate him.

"Is it okay for you to stay late like this? Have you prepared for the trip tomorrow?"

His words brought a sigh of relief to Akatsuki and Reina since they knew that with those words, their trip to the Ise-Shima tomorrow was confirmed. Still, they decided to stay for a while to have dinner together before they went home. After all, he had bought an Omi Beef for dinner.

Who didn't like beef?

Whether it was Yume, Akatsuki, or Reina, the three of them loved them.

"Where did you get this?"

"From my work," Mizuto was lying.

"But Omi Beef, huh?" Yume somehow almost drooled, and she thought about the Kobe Beef, which she had eaten with Mizuto in Osaka. Omi Beef, which he bought, had the same status as Kobe Beef, so she couldn't wait to taste it.

Akatsuki and Reina were also excited.

With this beef as the main, the four had an extravagant dinner and cooked sukiyaki, a dish consisting of meat that is slowly cooked or simmered at the table, alongside vegetables and other ingredients, in a shallow iron pot in a mixture of soy sauce, sugar, and mirin.

"I thought that you would make something special."

This beef was expensive, so Reina thought that they should make something special instead of sukiyaki.

"Such as?"

"Er...." When Mizuto asked this question, Reina wasn't sure how to answer.

"Still, isn't sukiyaki a special dish? It is mostly eaten on special effects after all."

"If you say it like that..."

Hearing his words, they felt like sukiyaki might be the most appropriate way to cook this A5 Wagyu Omi Beef. Still, as it was easy to cook the sukiyaki, they told him to rest and waited in the living room as they were going to prepare the rest.

While feeling worried, Mizuto knew that Akatsuki was quite good at cooking, so he felt reassured and just rested since he hadn't taken a break. Yet, his smartphone vibrated again, and he saw that he had gotten a call from Sonoko once again.


"Hey..." Sonoko apologized for calling him so suddenly again and quickly told him about the female author, who wished to get his contact information.


Mizuto was speechless before he said, "In that case, wait until the "Golden Week" is over. I don't think I have time to talk about this." He didn't mind helping Sonoko, but if this female author got ahead of herself, thinking that he would skip his holiday just because Sonoko asked him for help, then it was better for this female author to forget about his help.

Mizuto didn't have any obligations to help this female author after all, and if this female author didn't understand the meaning behind his words and urged him to help her, then he might as well not help.

Moreover, his time was precious, and he was thinking about his future business kingdom.

This female author was nothing but a stranger to him.

Even if the female author was beautiful, did he lack a beautiful woman now?

Frankly, Mizuto felt like he should reject this request in the beginning as it was bothersome.

His time was precious; why should he spend it to help to make the novel of others?

"Okay," Sonoko said softly, then apologized, "Sorry for bothering you. I will tell her that." She also knew that Mizuto didn't have time. His book was nothing but just a way to pass his time, and helping Utaha with her novel was because she asked him for a request. If she didn't ask him, would he even bother to think about Utaha's novel?

Even if they only spent a few days together, she also learned a lot of things about him.

Yet, she also knew that what she saw was nothing but the tip of the iceberg, and it was also why she felt quite guilty when she thought that she had bothered him.

They talked for a while before they finished their call.

Sonoko looked at her smartphone for a while, then looked at Utaha, who was waiting, then said, "You should have heard it, right?" She might wish to help Utaha as she felt like Utaha was something similar to a little sister, but for her, Mizuto was more important, and she definitely didn't want to make a bad impression on him.


Utaha was at a loss, and she also felt quite a resentment. She knew that her feelings were quite unreasonable as Mizuto didn't have an obligation to help her, but due to her beauty, even if her personality was bad and she always acted cold, the number of her suitors couldn't be counted with hands. Even if she treated them like trash, they would come to her, favor her, try to please her like the most precious treasure, and even be willing to be used by her.

Fortunately, she wasn't a bad woman who would use those men as playthings and wallets.

So, this experience of being rejected and even ignored was the first time for her.

After all, Mizuto was different from the harem protagonist, with whom Utaha was close, as he wasn't a simple boy who used everything to help the beautiful women around him.

'This guy...'

There was this feeling that annoyed her, but she knew that she couldn't cause trouble to the others.

Yet, this feeling of rejection was so uncomfortable.

"Thank you. So, I will wait until the end of the "Golden Week," Machida-san."

"I will talk to him after that time." Sonoko nodded.

"Thank you." Utaha thanked Sonoko once again, but then she thought about their conversation, which said that Mizuto would come to Tokyo two weeks after the "Golden Week."

His time in Tokyo might be limited, but Utaha was going to use that time to make him fall for her. When he fell for her, she would dump him away, letting him feel the feeling of a broken heart.

That's how a woman gives her revenge on a man.

Nevertheless, as she thought of such an evil plan, her mood became better.

'Hehehe... just wait.'

Utaha anticipated her future meeting with Mizuto.

Nevertheless, Mizuto didn't know that, and even if he knew, he would laugh since he didn't care much since he was ready to take this challenge.

chapter 133

"Is it a job?"


"Is it okay for you to refuse?"

When Mizuto talked with Sonoko, the three of them tried to eavesdrop on their conversation. While they knew that it was rude and might even be creepy, they couldn't help it as they were curious. Nevertheless, it surprised them to see how he dared to refuse and told this person to wait until the "Golden Week."

The people in this country have a unique culture where they don't want to cause trouble to others.

So, in case they were given work, even if that work wasn't something that they had to do, they would do it as they didn't want to cause trouble to others.

This was a social norm, and everyone had encountered it.

So, when they saw Mizuto refuse a request so smoothly, without caring or guilt on his face, they felt strange and amazed.

"It's okay. This isn't an important thing. For me, this trip to Ise-Shima is more important."

Instead of explaining what was happening, it was better to erase the girls' worry.

A problem wasn't a problem when the girl didn't feel worried about it.

Even if the problem still existed, as long as their emotions were eased and they were told that they would be alright, it was okay.

Mizuto knew that this was kind of irresponsible since the problem wasn't solved, and shouldn't he try to give a solution for this problem? Yet from his experience and many others, he knew that the girl only wanted to be coaxed and be told that everything was okay.

It was also why a girl would try to appease the anger of her man in a different way instead of apologizing since as long as the anger of the man disappeared, the problem disappeared (according to the female's thought).

The man looked into the logic, and the girl looked at the emotion.

Moreover, he was too lazy to explain this matter to the three of them as it was quite complicated.

Nevertheless, hearing his words, they also erased their worries, feeling relief, and looked up their trip the next day as they ate dinner.

The scent of the grilled Omi beef spread into the entire room, and the sweet aroma of the sukiyaki sauce and the colorful ingredients increased their appetite.

At the moment, no words are needed, and they take the beef, which is ready to be eaten, and dip it into the raw egg, which they have beaten with their chopsticks. Still, they didn't eat it immediately but looked at Mizuto, waiting for him to take the first bite.

Mizuto also didn't make them wait and ate the first bite of the Omi Beef, which melted in his mouth.


As expected, it tasted great.

Yes, the popularity of the Omi Beef was all due to the marketing, but if the taste wasn't good, how could the marketing be successful?

It was all because of the combination of the taste of the beef and the marketing that it had become one of the most expensive beef in the world.

With this, he had eaten two of the three most famous beefs in this country.

The only one that he hadn't eaten was Matsusaka beef, but fortunately, during his trip to the Ise-Shima later, he should be able to get his hand on this beef.

Nevertheless, Mizuto had to say that it was great to have money. If he didn't have it, would he be able to enjoy all of this?

It was hard to say as he would be thinking about how to live day by day, so he was glad that he got the system.

"Only Matsusaka beef..." Yume murmured, which made Mizuto glance at her and think that they often had a similar thought.

Still, while everyone enjoyed the food, Mizuto had to say, their reaction to eating delicious food was so... seductive.


"So delicious~!"

"So soft~!"

As they bit the juicy meat, the juice sprouted out within their mouths, and some of it leaked from their luscious lips.


Realizing the juice that leaked from their lips, they stuck out their tongues and licked the juice that stained the corner of their mouths.

It was just a normal action, yet why did he feel like those simple actions were so lewd?

Mizuto shook his head and understood why it was impossible for a man and a woman to have a normal friendship.

Yet, he also felt despicable, especially when he got hard.

Fortunately, the one who sat next to him was Yume.

Yume also realized his erection and used her arm to lightly hit his arm, trying to admonish him.

"Be patient, okay? Wait till all of them go home."

Mizuto could only sigh and didn't say anything. Still, he wondered whether the reason why Reina and Akatsuki reacted weirdly before was all due to Yume having announced their relationship.

During their trip to Osaka, she told him that she wanted to announce their relationship, so was their weird reaction due to that?

Still, with the four of them, the dinner was quickly solved, but when they rested to digest the food on their bellies, Yume suddenly said, "Ah, um..."

"What's wrong, Yume-chan?" Akatsuki looked at Yume curiously.

"I-I have something to announce!" Yume might have stuttered, but she appeared firm, then said, "The-The truth is... I am dating Mizuto!"

"....." Mizuto.

'I-I have said it!' Yume thought, and she felt a bit nervous when she announced this relationship, but strangely enough, she saw Akatsuki and Reina were rather calm.



"...is that all? That's weird!" Yume asked in confusion, but Akatsuki and Reina only showed a wry smile, especially when the photo of Yume giving fellatio was much more impactful than this announcement.

Yet, as Yume had made this announcement, it was confirmed that Yume was dating Mizuto, which made them slightly helpless. However, this didn't surprise them, especially when they thought how close they were.

Still, strangely enough, Reina felt her mood wasn't so good, so when she saw that it was time for her to go home, she decided to leave without hesitation. "I will go back first." They would have a trip to Ise-Shima tomorrow, and she didn't want to be late, so she needed to go back earlier.

"Thanks for the food."

Reina almost forgot to say this and thanked Mizuto before she went home.

"No problem. Don't be late tomorrow."

Watching his gentle smile, Reina lowered her head as she nodded. "Okay." She pushed her bicycle lightly outside before looking at Akatsuki, as this girl didn't seem ready to go back. "Are you not going home, Akatsuki?"

"Well, I plan to go home too..." Akatsuki said lightly, but her eyes glanced subconsciously at Mizuto.

"Do you want me to send you off?" It was six in the evening; it was still early, so Mizuto knew that Akatsuki might wish to do something, especially when they hadn't met for a while.

"Eh? Is that okay?"

As if surprised by his invitation, Akatsuki asked unsurely, worried that she might trouble him.


Even though Mizuto knew that this was nothing but an act, he had to say this girl was so good at acting. "It's a little late. It's dangerous. I think it is better if I send you off."

Akatsuki didn't answer immediately but looked at Yume, which made Yume also nod. "Just take his offer, Akatsuki-san."

Yume then looked at Mizuto and said, "Be careful on your way later, and don't drive too fast."

"I know."

Still, Reina felt speechless by their reaction since she also went home, right?

Why didn't she receive the same treatment?

"I want to send you off too, but you bring a bicycle after all," Mizuto said as if reading Reina's mind.


Reina looked at her bicycle and fell in silence for a while. Still, there was nothing that she could do, and she could only go home while sulking.

Still, watching Reina's back, Mizuto felt weird.

Was this the face of a girl who knew that he had dated Yume?

While he felt confused, he decided to ignore it since even if he had to admit that Reina was beautiful and sexy, especially her lips and those breasts of hers, she was in love with someone else.

Mizuto knew that love was similar to an obsession; it was so powerful that it made people blind, especially with one-sided feelings. This feeling was so strong that it wouldn't bend unless the person who she fell with broke her heart.

Reina should have the feeling of love for the music teacher, which she talked about previously for so long, so it should be impossible for her love to be broken, right?

Yes, his face might be handsome, but he didn't think that he could break someone's love unless there was a crack, a gap within that love.

If the love of two people was firmed, then his charm was as good as meaningless.

That should be the case, but a human was an unpredictable being, so he couldn't guess what they thought unless he had the ability to read an emotion or mind.

Nevertheless, let's ignore Reina for now, as he has decided to take Akatsuki home first.

"Be careful, okay?" Yume said.

"I know."

"You don't need to be in a hurry. Just be careful."


Hearing his answer, Yume stared at Mizuto for a while before she looked at Akatsuki. "Don't be late tomorrow, okay?"

"I know Yume-chan." Akatsuki nodded with her usual cheerful smile. Then, sitting behind Mizuto, she patted his shoulder and said, "Let's go soon so I can go home faster."

"Then, I will take Akatsuki home first, Yume."

"Yeah." As Yume nodded, Mizuto didn't waste his time and sent Akatsuki home.

Watching them leave, Yume didn't think too much as she knew that he was hers.

Still, when Yume was no longer seen, Akatsuki hugged him tighter and put one of her hands on his thigh.

"Oi, Akatsuki. It's dangerous." Mizuto was startled by Akatsuki's action. It was fortunate that the speed of his motorcycle was rather slow. What if it was fast?

"Sorry." Akatsuki quickly apologized as she leaned her head against his broad back. "But... I just miss you after all..." While she appeared calm when she saw the photo of him with Yume and Yume's announcement she was dating Mizuto, she wasn't as calm as she appeared to be. While she had prepared for this, she couldn't stop her heart and felt jealous.

Mizuto fell in silence, then asked, "Do you want to take a break for a short time?"
