Akkikan40 UBTC 148-152

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 148 Daze

June 6

At the beginning of the Orario, two Familias had reigned over this city for so long, but due to the failure of the deep expedition in the dungeon, those two Familias disappeared, bringing the era of terror to the long peace that everyone had gotten used to.

In that era of terror, many Familias prepared and died, but some of them won and became one of the greatest Familias in this city, replacing the old. 

One of them was the Loki Familia. 

At that moment, they were on their way to the surface after a long expedition, challenging the dungeon like the old Familia that reigned over the Orario and overtook them before truly becoming the best Familia on the Orario! 

Unfortunately, their expedition failed, and on the 50th Floor, they met an unexpected monster that ruined their weapons and armor, forcing them to return to the surface to recuperate. 

Yet, even if they had failed and were unable to press deeper, they had good gains, especially when they discovered a new species of monster, which made them able to prepare for their next expedition. 

"Even though I can still fight~! I haven't gone on a rampage yet~!" 

"You are nagging too much. It should be almost time for you to stop." 

"Even though we have suffered so much and reached the 50th Floor..." 

After walking for so long, they were about to reach the 17th Floor.

"By the way, it should be almost time for Goliath to respawn, right?" 

"How do you want to fight it?" 

"If it's possible." 

With all the damage they received on their expedition, naturally, they needed money to fix everything, and even if the Goliath was a monster on the 17th Floor, it could give them quite a sum of money as it was a Monster Rex, a powerful monster that only appeared on certain floors.

If one makes a comparison, the Monster Rex is like a boss monster in the game. Naturally, it would generate quite generous drop items, which could be sold for quite a good amount of money. 

"What if someone is faster than us?" 

"What are you afraid of? We are the Loki Familia." 

If there was a Familia that could match the Loki Familia, it would be the Freya Familia. Nevertheless, it didn't mean that they could do whatever they wished. 

"Stop talking and focus on the trip. If Goliath is taken, then there is no need for us to be bothered by it, but if the group that tries to fight it can't handle it, then we can take the charge." 


Finn, the Pallum and also the captain of the Loki Familia, said, and everyone followed. 

Yes, they might need money, and as an exploration-type Familia, their source of income naturally came from the dungeon, but even so, they hadn't fallen enough to steal a monster from another. 

However, as they came to the 17th Floor, they felt a strange air that made them feel tense and suffocated. It wasn't until suddenly they noticed a single figure at the center of the corridor. 

"...who is that?" 

They couldn't see his face since half of it was covered in messy bangs, and he also had untrimmed beards and mustaches that covered most of his features. Yet even with all of that, they could see his sunken cheeks, seemingly haven't eaten for a while. His clothes were also all torn, showing a thin body and prominent ribs, and he was even barefoot, leaving only his navy-colored blue pants with a type of fabric that they didn't know due to the dirt and various things. 

Yet, even if he appeared like a vagabond, someone who hardly had any money or was even weakened to the point of torture, they caught a glimpse of his clear eyes and his hands that were holding two ominous weapons that appeared to be covered in dry blood. 

Still, those with a keen sense of smell felt strange since the scent that was emitted from this man was pleasant. 

This man was weak, yet why they felt that he was dangerous, they thought. 

He didn't move, and they also observed him for a while until several monsters suddenly spawned at the same time. 


"There are so many of them!" 

"Let's help him!" 

"Wait!" Finn, who was the leader, noticed something and quickly stopped everyone who wanted to help this weakened man. 

The bull-shaped monster that stood proudly and had a powerful body suddenly appeared at the same time and surrounded the man, but at that moment, the man moved; his movement appeared slow, like a fallen leaf that fell from its tree, yet the moment he moved, all of those twenty minotaurs were slaughtered with ease. 

Some were beheaded, some were cut in half, and some had their heads stabbed. 

The saber and the one-handed poleaxe in his two hands were like a scythe of the god of death that had taken the lives of those monsters to the bottom of the abyss. 

"...." Everyone. 

"He-Hey, isn't he so handsome?" Somehow, a petite Amazoness with a large blade flushed when she saw the man's face. It was just a moment, but when she could see that under that messy, long hair and even under that extreme condition, he had a charm that didn't lose to any gods. 


Everyone looked at this Amazoness and felt speechless. 

Was that the point now? 

Shouldn't you be concerned about how he could kill those monsters with ease? 

"Finn." A beautiful elf with emerald hair was also shocked by the man's technique. 

Finn nodded in amazement. "His technique is amazing. He only uses a similar power as humans, yet he could kill all of those minotaurs." 

"Huh? What do you mean?" 

"I mean he did all of those feats by using his techniques without the help of his Falna." Finn observed Isao and said, "Probably, he is in the middle of training for his martial arts. He probably didn't even notice us here, and everything on his mind was just to hone his skills to the limit." 


"Is-Is that possible?" 

"The fact is before us." Nevertheless, Finn became curious about this young man since he had never seen him before. 'A new face?' 

Still, Finn's deduction was correct since this young man didn't even realize their presence and fell deep into his consciousness, entering the void of his internal self, breaking the limit of his skills under an extreme situation where he hadn't fallen asleep, eaten, drank, or done anything else. 

During his stay in the dungeon, this young man spent all of his time fighting, imagining various situations where he had fought many beings singlehandedly. 

"Then, what is he doing here?" 

"There is only one reason." 

As expected, at that moment, a large humanoid monster that reached seven meters and had gray skin spawned before the young man. 


"Let's help him!" 

"Wait a moment." 

While everyone was startled and many were ready to help, Finn told them to calm down. 

"Do you think he will be okay with his situation? 

Gareth, the muscular dwarf with a thick beard, looked at the thin young man before him with a frown. As Finn had said before, he could see that this young man was so weak, like a branch that could be snapped at any moment. 

Facing this gigantic monster that became the terror of many with such a body meant the same as suicide? 

Yet, when some ignored Finn's order to help this young man, this young man made his move.

His body appeared light as if there were wings on his back, and in a single jump, he directly reached the neck of the Goliath, then decapitated it with his two weapons like a mantis that hunted down its prey cruelly. 

The Goliath couldn't even let out a single roar, and it directly died under his brutal attack. 


The large body fell onto the ground, defeated, then crumbling into ashes. 


At that moment, the young man had also woken up from his daze, especially when he smelled a sweet smell like an anemone flower. 

"...are you okay?" 

The voice was quite awkward and seemed hesitant, yet he could see the worry, astonishment, and awe of this young woman. 

"Yes, I am okay." Isao Iinuma nodded and woke up for the first time in six days. "Thank you for asking." 

Still, he had to admit that his luck was as good as ever since he didn't expect that he would meet the heroines directly when he woke up. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 149 Dignity or apology

June 7

"I see..." Finn sighed in helplessness and regret when he heard the rejection of this young man when he invited him. "It's a shame that you have joined a Familia, but have you thought of changing into a different Familia?" 

"I am happy with this Familia, so I won't move out, but thank you for your invitation, Captain Finn."

"No, you can call me Finn directly." 

"Then, Finn. You can also call me Isao." 

"Okay, Isao." Finn nodded with a gentle smile. 

[You have acquired Finn Deimne's DNA.]

[Do you want to absorb it?]

As Isao woke up, naturally, he got to know everyone in this group, whom he happened to meet on the 17th Floor. 

Loki Familia. 

He didn't expect to meet all of their main members who were just about to return to the surface. 

Those of the Loki Familia were also happy to know him since they could tell that he was so powerful. Moreover, even if he was like a vagabond, his smell was so good, which made them feel strange, wondering how they could keep his body clean even if he stayed in the dungeon for so long. 

Still, they also couldn't help but observe his body, which made them blush. Even if his body was so thin to the point where they could see his ribs, they could feel a strange charm from it that made them wish to look at it from time to time, but at the same time, they also noticed the red spider lily and centipede tattoo on his neck disappeared. 

If there was something that attracted them most, it would be that tattoo on his neck, but somehow, it had disappeared, which made them feel confused. 

"Is there something wrong, Tione-san?" Isao noticed a petite Amazoness with short hair and a large blade. 

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Tione asked with a blush. 

"..." Everyone. 

Isao blinked his eyes and thought that the Amazoness was sure weird. "No, I am single." 

"Then, do you want me to become your girlfriend?" Tione asked shyly. 

"...." Everyone. 

Isao glanced at Tione's pitiful chest, then apologized sincerely. "...sorry, I think it is inappropriate, and I don't think it is suitable for two different Familias to be together, especially when you are from a big Familia." 

"It's fine! Loki will agree to our relationship! Ah, but if we have children, then it will be in our Familia, though." 


Isao was at a loss, wondering why this young woman suddenly told him that she wanted to have his child. 

Fortunately, someone came up to help him. 

"You idiot?! What the hell were you saying all of a sudden?! Don't say such stupid things?!" 

A young woman, like Tione, but with a taller and more buxom body, quickly grabbed her sister and strangled him. 

"Stop! Stop! I am serious! I have fallen in love! No one can stop me, even if you are my sister, Tiona!" 

"You stupid sister?!" 


Isao tried to pull away from the two of them. 

"I am sorry for the two of them." Finn was also awkward when he saw Tione, and Tiona started to fight, showing embarrassment to the outsider. 

"...it's fine, and isn't it good that your Familia is all lively." 

"Haha..." Finn laughed awkwardly since he felt that it was too lively! 

"By the way, you should wear this." 

Suddenly, a white hand extended toward him, holding clothes and telling him to wear them. 

"...thank you? But is it okay?" Isao looked at the beautiful elf with emerald hair. 

"If you don't wear it, you will trouble me and many..." Riveria Ljos Alf, the beautiful elf sighed helplessly and calmly, but Isao could see the cute blush on her cheeks, thinking that compared to the main heroine, this mature woman was much better. 

"Thank you." Isao took the clothes and lightly touched her finger, causing Riveria to be startled, but she calmed herself, thinking that it was just a coincidence and she also wasn't an elf who was so prudish that she would kill anyone who touched her skin, especially when their fingers just lightly touched against each other. 

As Isao wore his clothes, somehow, many let out a disappointed sigh. 

"...." Isao. 

"So, you are training there?" Finn asked curiously. 


"But isn't that too extreme? Staying in the dungeon for six days without eating, sleeping, and other things, only fighting and honing your skill." 

Frankly, when they heard that Isao stayed in the dungeon for so long, only training without eating and drinking, they were all dumbfounded. They wanted to deny it, showing their disbelief, thinking that he was lying, yet when he saw his all-bones body, they knew that he told the truth. 

"It can't be helped; I have something that I have to do on the surface." 

"What do you want to do that you have to do all of that?" This time, Riveria asked this question. As for why she asked such a question, it was because she had noticed her daughter-like existence, Aiz Wallenstein had been secretly observing Isao, hoping to ask him something. As expected, when she asked this question, Ais quickly focused all of her attention on Isao. 

Only a man with a feature like a wolf snorted, feeling jealous of the attention this vagabond got from Aiz. 

Her beautiful golden hair swayed as her clear golden eyes stared at the figure of this young man, who was so obsessed with fighting until he forgot everything. 

If it was her, could she do all of that? 

Without eating, sleeping, drinking, spending six days fighting all the time, breaking the limit of her body, and honing her skills, reaching a level that she had never reached before. 

Moreover, she was curious about why Isao did all of that. 

After all, like him, who had a reason, she also had a reason why she became stronger, and if she could learn from him, then could she become even stronger? 

Isao only smiled at Riveria and said, "You will see it soon." 

"Hmph! Acting so smug even though you are a weakling..." Bete, the werewolf, snorted. 


Tiona quickly scolded Bete. 

"I am sorry for him. He is always like this." If it was their own Familia members, Finn didn't really care since they should have understood Bete's personality, but Isao didn't come from their Familia, and he didn't want a fight to happen between them. 

However, Isao simply ignored Bete as if he were just an air. 

"Why did you apologize?" Isao looked at Finn with confusion. 

"Er... because our members are rude," Finn said with a strange expression. 

"Hmm? Did someone say something? I didn't hear anything," Isao said with a doubt. 

"...." Everyone. 

They looked at Isao strangely before they noticed that Isao simply ignored Bete as if this guy didn't exist, which made them feel tense. 

"You little shit." Bete frowned at Isao and said, "You think that you can say all you want?" 

Isao then glanced at Bete and said, "It's better than a coward who can only say something in mutter than express your thought clearly, right?" 

"....." Everyone. 

The two faced each other. 

Even though Bete was a Level 5 adventurer, Isao didn't show fear and stared at him calmly. 

Still, Isao was an outsider after all, but even so, Bete's relationship with everyone wasn't good at all. 

Bete was like a rabid dog who would bite anyone, telling them that they were weaklings. If there was a reason why all of them let him say whatever he wished, it was because they were weak, so watching Isao dare to provoke Bete, who was stronger, they felt dread. 

Bete glared at Isao, showing his killing intent, but Isao was all calm and didn't even show fear. 

"Bete, enough!" 

In the end, Finn stepped between them and stopped their fights. He looked at Bete and said, "Stop provoking others meaninglessly." 

"What's wrong with telling the truth? He is a weakling! What's the right of him to challenge the strong? He should be glad that I didn't kill him!" 

In Bete's eyes, Isao was an ant that he could crush anytime. Was it wrong to tell the facts before them? 

"You..." Finn knew that he couldn't stop Bete, and this was how his personality was, but then again, he also looked at Isao helplessly. While he knew that this was a Level 1 adventurer, he wasn't sure why; he felt that Isao was dangerous. Yes, Isao was weak, but somehow, if someone dared to touch him, he could feel that they would be poisoned to death. 

Isao might be a small shrimp, but he was so poisonous that those who dared to touch him would have to bleed heavily. 

Moreover, Finn's instincts also tell him that he shouldn't become Isao's enemy, and his instinct has never been wrong. 

Or rather, was Isao really a Level 1 adventurer? 

Isao might lie, and he was just training, but then, if they backed down from Isao's provocation, letting a Level 1 adventurer challenge their executive member, then where was the dignity of the Loki Familia? 

As expected, instead of Bete, Finn could see that Isao was staring at him. 

Isao wanted to see the attitude of the leader of the Loki Familia. 

Finn took a deep breath, then bowed his head. "I am sorry for his rudeness, Iinuma-kun." 

"..." Everyone. 

Bete looked strangely at Finn, wondering why their leader would apologize to the trash. 

Isao looked at Finn, then at everyone. "You guys have a good leader." After saying those words, he suddenly disappeared from everyone. 


There was no trace of him, and he had completely disappeared as if he didn't exist. 

Whether it was his smell, figure, or everything. 

No one could find him. 

"Where is he?" Gareth was dumbfounded, and Bete tried to use his sense of smell, but he couldn't find him anywhere. 

Even Aiz also widened her eyes, wondering where Isao had disappeared. 

"Finn?" Riveria looked at Finn, who shook his head since, like the others, he was unable to find Isao. 

"You bastard, Bete! What the hell did you do?!" Tiona was furious. 

"I didn't do anything wrong! A weakling is just a weakling!" Bete became even more stubborn. 

At that moment, Finn was glad that he had made that judgment, but when he looked at Bete, he thought that this guy might live in hell soon. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 150 Wait for me

June 7

Being weak is a sin. 

Isao understood that, yet why had the strong always been arrogant? 

As long as they had power, they thought that they would be forgiven and all of their actions were accepted. 

Did they ever think that they might be bitten to death by the weak they looked down upon?

While Isao was strong, he also had been at the place of the weak, so he had never tried to look down on anyone. Even if the protagonist was weak and their value had been gone, he had never caused them trouble. 

Or rather, even those small fries or side characters, he had never looked down on any of them as each was an individual with a personality. 

At the same time, he wondered why he was often underestimated. 

'Even though I just want to become a good person.' 

Yet, being a good person in this situation definitely wasn't good. 

If he just let go of their provocation and accepted their rudeness, then they would think that it was okay for them to do that to him, thinking that all he did was just stay in silence, letting them trample his dignity. 

'It's hard...' 

Isao realized how animalistic this world was. 

Unlike the world of the "Highschool of the Dead" or "Kimetsu no Yaiba," where everyone mostly respected each other, and only the minority would do something that was out of the law, this world where it was only the strong could maintain their dignity and right, he knew that he couldn't be gentle. 

He had to go back to his old way even if he tried not to since this was the only way for one to be able to stand straight. He thought that the Loki Familia would be different, but he knew that they were all the same. 

If Finn hadn't noticed something strange about him, then would Finn have apologized to him? No. 

Isao closed his eyes and hardened his will, and at the same time, he shouldn't judge something bad or good since everyone has their own evilness and goodness. While some were evil, they also had some of those that made them great, but his emotions still lacked control. 

If he had no emotions and became a good person who wouldn't get angry no matter what, then it was fine, but it seemed that he couldn't. 

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he became even more irritated—not only because of hunger, thirst, lack of sleep, and everything else. Yet this was good. He had to keep this anger and then release all of it when the fight came. 

'It's not good. It's not good.' 

At the same time, he also wanted to erase this gloomy feeling since it reminded him of his past when he was still a bad person, yet frankly, even if he had said many things, everything was the same, whether it was this world or another world. 

The strong could trample the weak, and the weak had no right. 

So, he knew that he had to be strong, or else he would only bow down, begging without dignity. 

'As expected, violence is the only way.' 

However, Isao wouldn't fall so low to become someone who would solve everything with violence, and if he did his revenge on Bete, then it would definitely not be violent since to beat that rabid dog, it had to be with malice. 

Moreover, it would be unfair if he treated everyone in the Loki Familia like Bete, as they did nothing to him. 

Still, when he left the dungeon, ready to visit Hephaestus, someone stopped him. 


Isao looked at the familiar short-haired girl with pointy ears and glasses. Even though they had parted for quite a while, it was impossible for him to forget this young woman. Still, he didn't have time to face her and decided to leave. 

"Don't leave!" 

Even if Isao appeared like a vagabond, Eina leaped to him and hugged him tightly so he couldn't escape. 

Yet, there was no doubt that their appearance attracted everyone as they couldn't believe that the beautiful half-elf that became the goddess of everyone hugged the man who appeared homeless. 

"...what are you doing?" Isao wondered whether the talk about elves being prudish and always treasuring their chastity was nothing but a lie. 

"If I don't do this, you will leave again." 

The thought of not meeting him again made her unable to sleep for the past six days. She had always wished to meet him, wondering what she should do, and thought about him all the time. 

At the same time, his last words, telling her to leave, made her angry. She wondered whether he thought of her feelings as insignificant, that she would leave him when all troubles came to haunt him. 

Her feelings weren't so cheap that they could disappear just because he had met such trouble! 

Yet, when she had many complaints and something to talk to him about, her lips quivered as she was unable to say the words she wanted to say and just hugged him quietly when she saw his current condition.

While she wasn't sure what he had done for the past six days, she was sure that he must be tormented there, trying to win this impossible battle. His muscular body, which could tempt anyone, had become so thin that she could feel his bones when she hugged him. 


While she had previously doubted that Isao could win against the Apollo Familia, she closed her lips and couldn't express her thoughts, especially after his body clearly expressed the struggle he had for the past six days.

He was trying to win, and she had to support him instead of pouring cold water on the top of him, telling him the impossible reality. 

"You should leave me." 

"I won't." 

"You will be targeted."

"I don't care! As your advisor, let me support you!" 

Isao looked at Eina, who said those words with determination and said, "But your action exceeds more than a mere advisor." 

Eina blushed, feeling shy because of his words, which told her that her action wasn't something that should have been done by a mere advisor. Yet she also understood that, and she knew that her feelings had exceeded the relationship between a mere advisor and an adventurer. 

Still, she didn't let him go and hugged him tightly. "I... I don't mind..." 

"You don't mind?" 

"Don't make me say it!" Eina felt her face was so hot, especially when she could see all the eyes on her. She pressed her head closer to his back and said softly, "I... don't want any regrets." 

"If you don't say it, then I am not clear." 


Eina was quite resentful by his words, but while she was embarrassed, she said, "I-I don't have a relationship that exceeds a mere advisor and an adventurer." 

While Isao didn't really want to and wanted to joke around, he knew that he couldn't, especially to a woman who could hug him like this when he was being targeted by the Apollo Familia, and he appeared like a beggar like this. 

"But I can't."

"Huh? Why?" 

"I want to make a harem, so I can't accept your feelings." 

"....." Eina. 

Still, even so, Isao didn't intend to accept Eina since he didn't want to play with a good woman. It was enough to play with a bad woman, and unlike the goddess that he slept with, Eina could get pregnant, and he, who had become a father, knew how troublesome it was to become a father, so he didn't intend to—


Isao looked at Eina, who kissed his lips at a loss. He wondered why those who were being pushed away tried to become closer. 

"...even so, you can't push me away." 

As their lips parted, Eina said those words with a reddened face. Still, it was embarrassing, and she knew that she forced her feelings upon him. Frankly, she wanted to run away, but his hands held her waist softly, closer, pressing their bodies together. 

"I can't take responsibility for you with how I am now..." 


"So, wait for me. When everything is cleared up, I will answer you." 


Eina tightly hugged him, but for now, those words were enough since she knew that Isao had something that he had to do, and this was more important than her feelings. 

Yet, when everything was over, she wasn't going to let him go and would press him further until he couldn't escape anymore. 

Watching his back, Eina could see the back of a man who was ready to fight. While she felt nervous, she knew that she could only wait as she hoped that he could win. 

On the other hand, Isao no longer lingered and went to the abandoned church, but he realized that Hestia wasn't alone. 

Or rather, there were so many people. 

"...what are you all doing here?" 


The moment they saw him, their feelings overflowed. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 151 I miss you

June 8

At this moment, everyone was waiting in the living room anxiously as they heard the sound of water from the bathroom. While they knew that this wasn't something that they thought of, some of them thought to peek at him, wanting to see his bare, naked body like how a boy wished to peek at a girl when they took a bath. 

At that moment, all of them were perverted, pubescent boys who just wanted to see a naked girl! 

Only they knew what they should and shouldn't do, especially when they could see how Isao was a mess. Six days in the dungeon, without any break, and kept fighting. 

While no one thought that Isao could win, his determination to win was no longer doubted. Nevertheless, when they saw how messy he was when they saw him for the first time, they knew that he wouldn't listen to them no matter what. While they were frustrated, they were also helpless at how stubborn he was! 

Still, when some of them thought whether they should peek or not and at how they should talk about the War Game with Apollo Familia, Isao came out with a much clearer state than he was before. He shaved, cut his hair, and dressed appropriately. When they saw his eyes, they could see that he was in good spirits, but he was a little listless, seemingly sleepy. 

"Do you want to eat? I bought something before I went back." 

"......." Everyone. 

Was this a time to eat? 

They wanted to scream, but Isao said, "Let's talk while we eat, I haven't eaten anything on the dungeon." 

"...you didn't eat anything?" Hestia asked with confusion. 

"I did a fasting." 


What an unfamiliar word, especially for all of them, who ate and drank as they pleased except when they were on diet. 

Isao looked at the waitresses of the Hostess of Fertility, and asked, "You guys, why are you here too? You shouldn't get involved with me."


Somehow, they snorted at him when they heard his words. 

"Don't look down on us, nyaa!" 

"Apollo Familia is nothing for us!" 

"Yeah, yeah. They are just a medium sized Familia! We are facing a much stronger Familia!" 

While they were cute and beautiful, they weren't weak and all of them had their shares of battles. Their childhood was tough and they had faced many things. Isao might not say anything, but somehow, they could feel that he had a similar experience to them, which made them quite emphatic. 

"Isao-kun..." Syr looked at Isao with a gentle expression and asked, "Are you really going to fight?" 

Isao, who took out several foods from his bag, nodded at Syr's question. "I will." 

"Do you think that you can win? Aren't you just a Level 1 adventurer?" Mia looked at Isao with a huff. 

"I will win, but I hope that you don't watch my match." 

"Why so, nyaa?" Chloe Rollo asked curiously. 

"I am afraid that you might see me differently by then." 


The side of him that he didn't want them to see.... while his words might seem to confuse others, they understood it since they also had something similar. Still, they couldn't tell him to stop. No, he couldn't since it would deny all of his hard work, and this was also why Hestia and Hephaestus never said anything and just supported him silently when he walked out of the bathroom. 

Still, watching Hestia and Hephaestus, Isao felt a bit nervous, but as a man with experience, he was glad that he kissed Hestia's forehead instead of her lips since this way, there was room for a countermeasure. 

Nevertheless, while they wanted to say many things, they saw Isao take out a unique type of pot and something like a portable stove. There were also several sliced meats, vegetables, and other things that they didn't know. 

"Let's stop talking about those things now. Let's eat. I am famished." 

As he put lard on the pot, the delicious smell from the Maillard reaction and meat caused them to feel hungry. 

"What did you cook?" Hestia asked curiously. 


Isao was glad that he had gotten the "Online Shopping" skill from Mukoda in the world of "Tondemo Skill," as it gave him many conveniences. 

Still, while many were focused on the food on the table, some were startled when Isao took out many things from the space. 

'Space inventory?!' 

They knew that sometimes someone had such a skill, but it was so rare! 

Even if there was an item that could have a similar effect, it was ridiculously expensive, yet Isao had this skill. 

What was he?!

They thought that they knew a lot about him, but what they saw was something that he wanted to see; the real him was still hidden, carefully, without showing his weakness, but even so, he still attracted them. 

Even if they were inside the abandoned church, they felt that this place was comfortable and cozy. 

"Come on! Come on! Let's eat. I have cooked for you all. If you don't eat, it will be wasteful." 

While they hesitated, they nodded, eating the food which they had never tried before. 

Isao even took out a type of alcohol that they had never seen before, and they had a feast. 

The last feast. 

This was probably how they should describe their situation. 

At the same time, some noticed that under the baggy clothes, Isao's body slowly recovered to the previous state, gaining the muscles that were somehow lost during his fasting and extreme training in the dungeon. 

After this, no one said anything about the War Game that he had to face tomorrow; instead, they were all focused on his food. 

"Iinuma-san, what is this white block thing?" Ryuu, the elf, asked curiously as it tasted quite nice, and it wasn't meat. 

"Oh, that's tofu. It is made from beans." 

"But is it really good to use a raw egg?" 

"Just try it." 

"Puwah! This alcohol is spicy!" 

"Don't drink too much. It's dangerous at night." 

"Don't underestimate me. I am not so weak, but you are also interested in that kind of thing, Iinuma-kun?" Lunoire Faust, the female human with short hair and luscious lips, asked curiously with a hint of naughtiness. 

"I am also a man, after all," Isao said calmly while looking at Lunoire with a gentle smile. 

Lunoire blushed and looked away. 

"....." Everyone. 

Why the heck has the atmosphere become so ambiguous?! 

"No! Isao-kun is mine!" Hestia quickly hugged Isao tightly. 

"Yes, yes." Isao patted Hestia's back helplessly and said, "Sit down first. Everyone is going to take the food if you don't eat it." 

"Ah, don't take the meat! My meat!" 

The atmosphere was fun and warm. At the same time, they also learned that Isao was a good cook. Nevertheless, while some wanted to stay, they knew that this wasn't the time. 

"See you later." 

Females from the Hostess of Fertility at Isao's place before reluctantly left. 

"See you later." Isao nodded, watching all the members of the Hostess of Fertility leave, then looked at Hephaestus. "You are going to go back?"

"Well, yeah..." Hephaestus said awkwardly while glancing at Hestia, who pouted at her. She knew that she was wrong, especially when she took an advance on the child of her best friend Familia, but then again, he was just that charming and addicting, but she knew that tonight, he had to be with Hestia. Moreover, even if she stayed, it was impossible to do something that she longed for, so she was going to wait until everything was over. 

"Okay, be careful on your way." 

"Um, thanks." Hephaestus nodded with a gentle smile, then looked at Hestia. "Hestia, I will go back first." 

"...um." Hestia nodded softly, then glanced at Isao, who somehow held her hand softly when Hephaestus. "Isao-kun?" 

"I miss you." 

Hestia's eyes were all in tears, and she leaped and hugged him tightly. 


As she cried, Isao only comforted her and brought her back to their small home, where they had stayed together from the moment they were together. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 152 You are in my dream

June 8

Laying on his back, Isao let Hestia update his status while listening to what had happened for the past six days after he went to the dungeon, but then her voice stopped. 


"...I know that you are amazing, but this is..." 

As Hestia's gaze fell upon his upgraded status, a mixture of emotions flooded her. Awe at the numbers, yes, but also a profound sense of empathy for the struggle he has endured to reach this point. 

"Have you finished updating my status?" 


"Can you let me see it?" 

Hestia gave the paper a copy of his status to Isao without hesitation since, unlike Bell Cranel, the original protagonist, it was unreliable and childish; Isao was mature and could be trusted, so even if his improvement was so shocking, he would stay low-key. 

If he wasn't so handsome and only had an ordinary face, she was sure that he could grow steadily, becoming one of the strongest adventurers in the Orario, but when she saw his exceptional appearance that could easily seduce anyone, she sighed helplessly since she was sure that the one who was seduced wasn't only Hephaestus. 

Still, let's put those matters aside as Isao looked at his status for the first time in a while. 

Iinuma Isao. 

Level 1. 

Strength: SSS3411

Endurance: SSS3889

Dexterity: SSS3481

Agility: SSS3333

Magic: SSS3458




Isao nodded and asked, "Can I level up?" 

"Of course." Hestia nodded helplessly. "If you can't level up, then who can? Let me level you up." Still, as she knew his status, she somehow had hope that a miracle might happen. 

Or rather, she believed Isao to be an individual since he always had a method of breaking away from misfortunes that befall them. His method was out of the box, and even she, as his goddess, couldn't imagine what he would do tomorrow. 

"By the way, which development ability do you want to choose?" 

"Development ability?" 

"It's a skill that you can get when you level up. There are a lot of them that you can choose from." 

As adventurers leveled up, they were able to gain a skill known as a development ability. Whenever one leveled up, they could gain one skill, which could help them depending on the type of ability which they chose. 

Usually, one could only have one ability, as an ability usually appears based on one's characteristics. 

If Isao gave an example, if one often ran away, they could gain an ability known as "Escape," which allowed them to move faster when they ran away. 

As Isao had gained many DNAs of gods, races, adventurers, and many others, the abilities he could choose from were immense. 

Frankly, there was no need for him to be cornered about the ability since whenever he replicated the adventurer's DNA, he would also gain their development ability. It was as if when he replicated Finn's DNA, he gained "Hunter," "Abnormal Resistance," "Magic Resistance," "Initiative," "Chainattack," and "Spearman" abilities. 

In the future, he was sure that he could gain more abilities as long as he replicated the DNA of someone, so in his case, he leveled up, he should get a rare ability that usually wouldn't appear on others. 

Still, he also decided to ask Hestia since, as a goddess, she should have advice for him. "What do you think, Hestia?" 

"Eh?" Hestia was surprised, but then she smiled and said, "I think that you should pick "Luck." 


"Yeah." Hestia nodded. "It's my first time seeing this skill and it seems to be like divine protection, increasing your luck. If you increase your luck, maybe tomorrow all of the members of the Apollo Familia might have a stomachache and be defeated by default as they are unable to participate." 

"...do you think such a good thing will happen so easily?" 

"Haha..." Hestia laughed, feeling happy with their silly banters. "But I think this is the best choice ability." While there were some rare abilities such as "Swordman," "Hunter," and even "Mage," she felt that Isao should choose "Luck." 

"Then, let's just choose this one." 


As he made his decision, Hestia updated his status and his level rose to Level 2. 

Iinuma Isao. 

Level 2. 

Strengths: I0

Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0

Luck: I0




Watching his status, Hestia sighed in amazement, but she didn't feel inferior any longer and she knew that Isao wouldn't leave her no matter what. As he had chosen her, he would never waver, and she felt stupid for doubting him, yet she knew that this guy was a scoundrel since, instead of focusing his love on her, he played around with many women, which made her helpless. She wanted to get angry, but she couldn't, especially when she loved him so much, and he was going to do anything to the point of tormenting his body to maintain her dignity as his goddess.

Still, it didn't change the fact that Isao was a scoundrel~! 

Shaking her head, Hestia thought for a while and asked, "By the way, if you don't meet me, which Familia are you going to join in?" 

"Which Familia? What's wrong so suddenly?" Isao asked. 

"Just answer." 

Isao sighed helplessly, then said, "No, I have never thought of joining anyone other than you, Hestia." 

"...even if you lie, I am happy." Hestia hugged him from behind tightly, letting her lewd body press against his broad and manly back, then looked at the "Bzzt! Bzzt! "Bzzt!" texts on his skill, magic, and curse. She tried to see behind those many dots and sometimes blurs, but unfortunately, she couldn't. 

"If only we can understand your skill, magic, and curse..." 

"But since we know nothing, then there is nothing we can't do." 

Isao knew that Hestia wanted to help him uncover the secret of his body so he could win his battle tomorrow, but it was meaningless since the power of the deity was unable to penetrate deep into his system. 

"Let's sleep first. I am quite sleepy." 

"Ah, I have some gifts for you!" 

"Let's do it tomorrow morning." 

"Okay, okay." Hestia was helpless, but she nodded and let him sleep. Naturally, she moved into his arms and snuggled closer. 

Isao looked at his goddess helplessly, but he didn't say anything. 

'Ah, it feels so nice...' 

Even though it was only six days without him, Hestia couldn't sleep as comfy as before, but it was different now since he had returned, but the though ot tomorrow War Game made her hesitated. 



"Have you fallen asleep?" 

"...if I am sleeping, then I can't answer you, right?" 

Hestia looked at Isao, who closed his eyes, and said, "Win, okay?" 

Isao opened his eyes slowly, then nodded firmly. "I will." 

With that answer, the two slept soundly as they prepared for tomorrow's battle. 

On the other hand, the Apollo Familia was all fine, and some of them even had a party, thinking about what kind of posture they should use when they had Isao. No one thought that Isao could win, especially when he was alone, so they knew that their victory was confirmed. 

All of them couldn't wait for the War Game tomorrow and got Isao, so by then... hehehe...

After all, like their god, Apollo, all of them also learned the joy that came from holding a similar gender. 

Yet, among all of them, there were already some who had fallen asleep, including Cassandra Ilion, the gloomy female member of the Apollo Familia. Still, during her sleep, she suddenly saw a dream, a nightmare, something that made her dread. 

In that dream, she saw everything was red, crimson, blood, and many dismembered body parts of everyone in the Apollo Familia. 

With the moans of pain and cries of horror, everyone sounded frightened as she could only look around nervously, trembling before she saw the source of this terror. 

A single figure stood among all the fallen, straight, unbending. 

Cassandra couldn't see his appearance as it was covered in darkness, yet she could see a centipede and red spider lily tattoo on his neck, glowed in ominous light before he glanced in her direction, causing her to wake up abruptly in fear. 

"Ha... ha... ha..." 

Her body trembled, and she felt her entire body was wet due to her cold sweat. 

"I-I have to stop everyone... 

Or else... all of them would be over.