Akkikan40 UBTC 153-160

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 153 War Game!

June 9

The next day, no one went to the dungeon. 

Everyone gathered at their home, bar, or center of the city, waiting for the War Game that was about to begin at noon. 

Apollo Familia versus Hestia Familia. 

The Apollo Familia was quite famous, and it was a mid-size Familia, but the Hestia Familia was nothing but a small Familia with only one member. 

The victor of this War Game was obvious, but as this activity was rare and it was quite hard to search for entertainment in this world except for sex, everyone decided to take a break to watch the fun that was about to happen. 

Whether it was gods, goddesses, or all who lived on the Orario, they stood, watching the rare event that was about to unfold before them. 


While the Hostess of Fertility usually opened at night, they decided to open at noon as there were many people who came to watch the War Game while drinking and eating. Still, those waitresses couldn't focus as the one that they would watch to accompany their fun was nothing but the torment of a single young man facing hundreds of people. 

If they didn't know Isao, they would be like them, but they knew him well, and they even had dinner at his place last night. While they wanted to cheer on him, sending him off, they couldn't see him as Isao had already left so early. 

Syr was worried, but there was nothing she could do. 

"Where is he?" 

"He is going to the guild." 

"Guild? Why?" 

"You will know it soon."

Hestia showed a mysterious smile, which made them strange and curious, but no matter what, they had to watch this War Game. 

On the other hand, Loki Familia understood why Isao, the young man they had seen the day before, told them that they would understand why he had worked so hard. When they returned last night, Loki, their goddess, told them about Isao, and they knew that it was him. As they shared their story, it led to how Apollo Familia would fight against a minor, small Familia known as Hestia Familia, which was a Familia that Isao was part of. 

"Fighting hundreds of people alone?" Tione's lips twitched. 

"He is asking for death." Gareth sighed helplessly. 

"Really? I don't think so." Finn rubbed his chin and said. 

"You think that he can win, Finn?" Riveria asked curiously. 

Or rather, except for Finn, no one thought that Isao could win, especially when he was just a Level 1 adventurer. 

Nevertheless, Ais' eyes were focused on Finn, waiting for his answer. 

"Did you forget how he suddenly disappeared from all of us? Even if we, the Level 6 adventurer, can't find him, how can a mid-size Familia search for him?" 

"...if you say that way..." 

Somehow, they couldn't refute Finn's words, but—

"It's just a trick." Bete snorted. "A weakling is a weakling." He didn't change his opinion since as long as Isao was just a Level 1 adventurer, this fact wouldn't change no matter what. 

"Bete, why do you hate him so much?!" Tiona looked at Bete angrily. She thought that she had found her one, but this bastard messed up many things! 

"You Amazoness slut!" 

"I am not a slut!" Tiona snarled, then rebuked. "But I am much better than you, a virgin dog!" 

"Do you want to take it outside, you bitch?!" 

"Who is afraid?! Let's fight!" 

"Enough!" Finn raised his voice, causing the two to shut their mouths, but then he sighed helplessly, wondering why Bete often caused trouble. Yes, he knew about Bete's past, and he also understood why Bete made everyone edge and angry toward him, but then again, not everyone was going to pamper such a baby who got angry at everyone. 

Frankly, if this person got angry at Bete, then it was all fine, but if it spread to the Loki Familia, then..

"What's wrong, Finn?" Riveria noticed Finn's expression kept changing. 

"No, it's fine." Finn shook his head since, as Bete said before, Isao was just a Level 1 adventurer, but why did he feel something strange from that young man? 

As everyone stopped talking and focused on the War Game that was about to start, Aiz also looked away, focusing her attention on the match where the young man, who was as weak as a fragile branch, would fight against hundreds of people. 

"Good afternoon, everyone! At last, it's the day of the War Game! I am your MC, Ibri Achaa!" 

A man with brown skin and goggles, said excitedly. "My title is "Fire Inferno Flame!" Glad to be here. And commentary will be provided by my Familia's God, Ganesha-sama!" 

A muscular man with an elephant mask, stood by the side of Ibri, with a bright smile. 

"Ganesha-sama, say something to the crowd!" 

"I am Ganesha!" 

"And, there you have it, folks." 

As the two made the comedic commentary, Eina sighed helplessly. 

"It still surprised me that he has grown like that, Eina." 

A cute woman with short pink hair, Misha, looked at Eina with surprise. After all, before the start of the War Game, Isao went to the guild to announce his improvement. 

"Yes, he is amazing, Misha." Eina nodded and blushed when she thought about their exchange yesterday. At the same time, she felt relief when she saw Isao's spirit this morning. She could see that he was ready, and she was there to support and pray for him. 

"Yes, but... I wonder whether there is something that he can do against this War Game." Misha sighed helplessly since she didn't doubt that Isao could become a great adventurer, and as long as given a time, an Apollo Familia was nothing, but now? 

Eina didn't say anything since whatever she said was going to be meaningless, so she didn't say anything and just let the result answer how this War Game was going to unfold. 

On the other hand, on the top of the tower of Babel, many deities gathered together, waiting for the War Game to start soon. 

"Yo, shorty, are you ready?" Loki looked at her rival, who was all solemn. 

"Loki," Hephaestus glanced at Loki with an unkind gaze. 

Loki raised her hands as if showing her surrender. "Don't look at me like Pai-chan." Still, she came closer to Hephaestus and asked in a whisper, "Still, do you sleep with Hestia's boy?" 

"..." Hestia. 

Hephaestus looked at Loki and said, "You don't need to come to my blacksmith later when your children are in need of weapons, equipment, or repairs. Moreover, I want you to repay your debt today." 

"No, no! Forgive me, Pai-chan! Don't do that! Forgive me!" 

There was no trace of dignity on Loki's face, and she kept apologizing like a beggar. If it were others, she might not care, but Hephaestus was different as Hephaestus Familia was one of the greatest blacksmiths Familia on the Orario. 

As an expedition type of Familia, if Loki was unable to go to Hephaestus Familia, then it would hurt her Familia a lot. 

More importantly, she had a lot of debts, especially when, on the last expedition, her children's equipment was damaged and even melted! 

So, even if she acted without dignity, she had to do it. 

"Stop hugging me and take advantage of me." 

Hephaestus looked at Loki helplessly. 

"I see... I see... your body is only for your lover, huh? I guess he is so great on the bed that you love him so much," Loki became even more curious with Isao. 

"...." Hestia. 

"No, Hestia, listen to me...." Hephaestus glared angrily at Loki, then apologized to Hestia. 

Hestia cried, feeling hurt by her best friend, who was unable to hold her urge toward her children. 

Still, their antics quickly stopped when the number one villain was in the eyes of Hestia and Hephaestus. 


Apollo looked at Hestia with a bright smile. "Have you said goodbye to Isao-kyun~?" 

"...he isn't yours, Apollo. And don't underestimate him, or your Familia will be in sorry," Hestia looked at Apollo calmly. 

"Fufufu..." Apollo chuckled with a lewd smile on his face. "I know that he is a naughty boy~! You don't have to worry; my boys and I are going to educate him through when Isao-kyun has become part of our Familia~!" Then, suddenly, his expression became serious, and he said, "Moreover, I want you to leave Orario. No, the lower world." 


Hearing those words, Hestia was no longer hesitant and was going to give hell to Apollo. 

Apollo smiled, then walked away. 

Loki looked at Apollo with doubt, then looked at Hestia. "He sure is unlucky to get that homo's attention." 

"...he is so handsome after all." Hestia sighed helplessly. 

"Really? Is he so handsome?" Loki asked curiously. "Is he like my princess?" 

"Who is your princess?" Hestia looked at Loki in doubt.

"You stupid?! How could you not know my princess?!" 

Watching the two bicker with each other, Hephaestus prayed that Isao would be okay. 

Nevertheless, when all the deities were present, and it was time for the War Game, the arbitrator of this War Game, Hermes, was told to prepare by the captain of his Familia, Asfi Al Andromeda. 

"Hermes-sama, it's the time." 

The beautiful woman with short blue hair and glasses whispered. 

"Okay." Hermes nodded, then said, "Ouranos, give me permission to use my power!" 

"Permission granted." 

Suddenly, an old and dignified voice sounded, giving permission to Hermes to use his power. 

At that moment, in many places in Orario, mirror-like screens appeared mid-air. 

Deities might not be able to use their power, known as Arcanum, in the lower world, but they were allowed to use it on certain occasions, such as in the War Game. 

On those screens, everyone could see hundreds of members of the Apollo Familia gathered together on the open field like an army, putting pressure on everyone who saw them. Even if they were far away, they felt their hearts tighten. 

"Hahaha..." Apollo laughed when he saw his Familia. "Look, this is my Familia! My proud children that I have picked up carefully!" 

Hestia was annoyed, but then her eyes shone when she saw Isao. 

While the hundreds of members of Apollo Familia made everyone feel nervous, Isao's appearance made them stop breathing. 

Isao wore black slacks with suspenders and boots, along with a short-sleeve black undershirt, which showed the silhouette of his masculine and vigorous body. Strong and heroic. As his hair was slicked back, he was like a young general who was ready to face an impossible battle. There was no trace of fear on his face; all calm, facing all of those hundreds of people. 

Those deities and all the people who saw him were all in silence, staring at him. 

"Hey, Hestia, is that your child?" 

Suddenly, a goddess with honey-colored wavy hair came closer to Hestia and asked curiously. 


Hestia looked at Demeter, grumbling inwardly as she noticed the cute blush on her cheeks. 

"Ha... Ha... Ha..." 

After a moment of stupor, gazing into an attractive young man, many became in heat, and all of them then sighed inwardly, watching Apollo, who was breathing hard like a dog in heat. 

"So handsome!" Tiona screamed with heavy breath as she looked at Isao on the screen. 

"...Tiona, go sit down." Finn was speechless. 

Yet, no one denied Tiona since his style was practical, simple, and manly. 

Loki glanced at Isao in silence for a while, watching him, holding a saber and poleaxe and then two similar weapons on his suspender. Nevertheless, she understood why Apollo was so crazy about this young man, and even if Hestia was her rival, she felt sorry for this shorty as this shorty didn't have the power to protect this young man. 

"Oh! Wait a moment! I have received a message that Iinuma Isao has become a Level 2 adventurer! In other words, in just two weeks of his stay in this Orario, his level has risen! He has broken the record of the Sword Princess!" 


When Ibri, the MC, made the announcement, everyone was surprised. 

"Level 2 in two weeks?" 


"How did he do that?" 

When those words were announced, those deities who were on Babel looked at Hestia at the same time. 

"Did you do something to him, Shorty?" Loki asked rudely. 

"No, it was all his efforts. Your children should have met him in the dungeon, right? They should tell you how he spent six days in the dungeon without eating, drinking, and sleeping to fight all the time."

Hestia took a deep breath, and said, "That's why he is going to win." 

"Well, it's amazing that he has become Level 2, but to win..." 

No one doubted Hestia since they knew Hestia's personality well, and it was unlikely that she would use her power to help Isao level up. 

Still, even if Isao had become a Level 2, could he win hundreds of people?

Only all of them felt strange when they heard the words that came out from Isao for the first time. 

"Won't you all surrender?" 

"...." Everyone. 

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Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 154 Won't you surrender?

June 9

All hundreds of members of the Apollo Familia stood closer to each other, creating an image of the impregnable fortress that no one could pass through or defeat. 

Yet, among all of them, a gloomy-haired woman became even more gloomy and trembled, completely frightened. It was impossible, watching the numbers of the people who came from the same Familia as her, she should feel safe and secure of their victory, yet... yet... why was everything so cold, and she felt that they were in danger all the time! 

"Cassandra, what's wrong with you?" Daphne, the vice-captain of the Apollo Familia, looked at her close friend with a doubt. 

"D-Daphne... ca-can we stop this War Game?" Cassandra looked at Daphne while trembling."Th-this War Game is too dangerous! I-I don't think that we can win..." 

"We can win?" Daphne looked at Cassandra weirdly. "Look at our number! There are hundreds of us!" Even if she had to admit that Isao was strong, she didn't think that he was capable of fighting all of them. Their numbers were hundreds; among them, there were many Level 2 adventurers, and there were even Level 3 adventurers. 

While Hyakinthos, the Level 3 adventurer, was beaten by Isao, Daphne knew that Isao was using a trick to defeat their captain. 

"But..." Cassandra just couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in her heart. 

"You are always like this!" Daphne somehow got angry, then sighed. "I know that you don't want to fight, or rather, there is no need for us to fight since with all of them here, especially Hyakinthos, we don't even need to do anything." 

Frankly, she didn't want to fight Isao, especially when she had a good impression of him. 

Isao was handsome, after all, and his mouth was sweet. 

Moreover, he would become their Familia member, so there was no need to antagonize him. 

Watching Hyakinthos and others eager for the War Game, Daphne was helpless, but she knew that she couldn't stop them, and what she could do was comfort Isao when he became their Familia member, especially when there was no doubt Apollo would touch him at that time. 

'You don't believe me...' 

Cassandra wanted to cry, but somehow, she also felt confused by her power since sometimes she had this nightmare when she saw something dangerous that she or those she cared about might encounter. 

The last time she had this dream was when she was targeted by Apollo, and her dream was correct as she had become a member of the Apollo Familia. 

If her last dream was realized, then wouldn't this dream be the same? 

"By the way, where is he?" 

"Is he chickening out?" 

"Hahaha, isn't that natural? Look at our numbers?" 

Everyone was confident, and no one thought that they would lose. 

Still, as they wondered where Isao was, he appeared before them, walking closer until there was 20 meters of distance between them. Yet, as he appeared, no one could look away from him as his heroic and determined expression seduced all of them. 

"...." Everyone. 

Hyakinthos looked at Isao and somehow licked his lips subconsciously. 

"You are not running away?" 

Isao ignored Hyakinthos, causing Hyakinthos to snort. "Just wait then. When you have become ours, you can't escape from us." 

Then, as the two sides appeared, Ibri, the MC, started the introduction of the two Familia. 

Start with Apollo Familia, then Isao, who became a Level 2 adventurer in a span of two weeks. 

While this news surprised everyone, as they didn't expect him to raise his level so fast, Hyakinthos snorted. "Even so, what can you do? You are alone, and there are hundreds of us." 

Frankly, Hyakinthos was jealous of Isao's strength, and with his defeat last time, Hyakinthos knew that Isao wasn't an opponent that should be understood, but that was if they fought one by one as he knew how cunning and dirty Isao was. 

To win, Isao would do anything. 

But even so, what could one person do against hundreds of adventurers?

In the face of overwhelming power, all dirty techniques or conspiracies were meaningless! 

"I am sure that you have thought of dirty tricks and conspiracies in this War Game, but in front of the overwhelming power, everything is meaningless!" 

Everyone thought so, and that was why no one thought that they would lose. 

Still, as they started to taunt him, Isao raised his hand, causing all of them to be quiet. "Can I say something?" 

"Sure, go ahead. Say your last words before your defeat," Hyakinthos said with an arrogant smile to Isao. 

Everyone also waited for what Isao was going to say. 


"Won't you all surrender?" Isao said calmly. 


Everyone blinked their eyes in completely silent as they thought that they had heard wrongly. 

"...what did you say?" Hyakinthos asked with a strange expression. 

Isao didn't mind Hyakinthos' doubt, then repeated his words. "Won't you all surrender?" 



All of them laughed with all of their mights when they heard Isao's words. 

"Surrender? Shouldn't you be the one who surrenders? If you want to give up, then just say so." Hyakinthos smiled disdainfully. 


"If you want to admit defeat, then just do it in a hurry." 

"Ah, finally, I can hug him..." 

Isao glanced at the person, who said the last words, remembering his face. 

On the other hand, Cassandra was ready to surrender. "I surren—" However, her lips quickly covered by Daphne. "What the hell were you doing?!" 

"I don't want to fight. I just want to lose!" Cassandra said desperately since she didn't want to be hurt! 

"Are you stupid?!" Daphne slapped Cassandra's head. 

"It hurts! Why did you hit my head?!" 

"It's because you are stupid!" 

Still, Isao didn't get angry and asked again, "Once again, won't you surrender?" 


Everyone stared at Isao strangely, but then they got angry, especially when he didn't show fear and even calmly stared at them. 

"Are you stupid?" Hyakinthos looked at Isao angrily. "It's you who should surrender!" 

"Are you sure?" Isao asked, but then suddenly, one of them aimed a bow and shot an arrow right near his ear. 


Isao didn't dodge since he knew that arrow wouldn't hit him and just stared at them in silence. 


"Let's just fight!" 

"Are you an idiot? Do you think that we will surrender when this War Game is as good as ours?" 

All of them started to berate Isao, thinking that this guy was an idiot. 

Those who watched the War Game also thought so. 

"Did he get scared? Haha... I will comfort him later~!" Apollo smiled lewdly. 

Still, Hestia didn't say anything and quietly watched Isao, never looking away. 

Even with many voices scolding him, Isao never looked away and just faced them, completely still, never wavered. "I will give you another chance. If you want to give up, just lay down, and I won't hurt you."

"It should be us who said those words to you." Hyakinthos snorted, thinking that Isao was bluffing.

Isao didn't say anything any longer and waited for the War Game to start. 

On the other hand, Cassandra had already laid on the ground motionlessly. 

"....." Daphne. 

Then, as the sun reached its peak, and everyone was already impatient, hoping the War Game would start as soon as possible, Ganeshe started the match. 


As soon as those words fell, the Apollo Familia didn't move and just watched Isao with fun, wondering what this clown planned to do, but—


Suddenly, one among them had their chest pierced by the spear part of Isao's poleaxe, causing blood to spurt and dirty everyone nearby. 


As everyone was in a daze, Isao had already appeared before him, lying low as he swept his saber. Then, one of them's arms flew out into the air, and blood from that Familia random member gushed out to the soil, making a pond of blood with ease. 

When that happened, Isao had his two weapons and then entered the crowds, moving swiftly, like a centipede, among all the people, and those who were close to him had one of their limbs cut. 

Everyone was at a loss by the sudden change until a scream of horror spread in every direction. 


Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 155 You are forcing me

5 days ago

In the world of the "Kimetsu no Yaiba," Isao had gotten the DNA of the strongest Demon Slayer, Yoriichi Tsugikuni.

During his several years of stay in that world, he went on a trip, and by using the memory of Kokushibo, he knew where the corpse of Yoriichi was buried. 

Despite Kokushibo's transformation into a demon, his love for his little brother remained. He took great care in burying Yoriichi's corpse, which made Isao able to devour it without difficulty. 

How strong was Yoriichi?

There was no question of how talented he was since he was a child; he could even defeat an adult warrior with ease, even though he had never done training. When he was born, he could even see through a human body naturally. 

His talents were undoubted, and he was the creator of the breathing styles, even helping others develop styles that were suitable for them as they were unable to master the original breathing style. 

Moreover, unlike the others, Yoriichi was also able to live until his old age, and his power never diminished. 

Isao knew that he might be cursed for devouring Yoriichi's corpse for his DNA, but as he needed to become stronger, it couldn't be helped. 

In the era of war where everyone fought for sovereignty, Yoriichi was born, becoming the strongest warrior in all, but instead of fighting against other warriors, he fought the demon. 

Then, if Yoriichi fought another human, then what would happen? 

It was a complete massacre. 

Moreover, there was also various DNAs, techniques, blessings of the goddess, and many others on his body. 

Everything moved in slow motion, each of his senses could notice how all of them would react, leading him to the best courses, and his limbs moved to either cut one of the limbs or smashed the body or face of his opponents. 

In that moment, no one could react, watching this hell-like scenery, all of them could only stun in a daze. 

"It hurts!" 

"My leg! My leg!" 

"No! Help me! I don't want to be killed!" 

"What is this... what is this..." Daphne muttered, feeling frightened by everyone's screams. 

"Ah... it's him... it's him..." Cassandra, who had squatted down, lay motionlessly on the ground and looked at Isao's neck. On his neck, the mark of a red spider lily and centipede glow in an ominous light, bringing a nightmare to everyone in the Apollo Familia. 

"I have told you to surrender before..." 

Yet, her mutter was ignored as everyone was too focused on running away. 

Hyakinthos was also startled, but watching all of his comrades who lost their limbs or passed out after broken bones on their faces or bodies, he quickly shouted, "ATTACK HIM! ATTACK HIM! ATTACK WITH ALL OF YOUR MIGHT!" 

"We will hit the others!" 

"It doesn't matter! We can't let him go on like this! Attack them all together!" 

While hesitating, they followed Hyakinthos' words. Frankly, the comrades on the Apollo Familia were nonexistent, especially when most of the members were forced to join, and each of them hated the other. 

As for Hyakinthos, he thought of them as nothing but pawns for him and Apollo to use! 

So, at that moment, everyone used their magic to bombard Isao to death! 


"What are you doing, Hyakinthos?!" Daphne looked at Hyankinthos angrily, but he ignored her, letting everyone use all of their magic to rain down the place where Isao was. 

Yes, they might hit their comrades and hurt them, but as long as Isao was defeated, it was all worth it! 

"What are you doing, Hyakinthos?!" 

"Don't attack us!" 

"No! Stop it!" 

Everyone who was attacked by the magic was startled, and all of them screamed, begging them to stop, but it was impossible; in the area where Isao stayed, everyone focused their magic, giving their everything, creating a large explosion and flame that burnt in every direction. 

The horror and terror given by Isao were remembered by everyone, and they tried to erase their fears by using their magic to attack him. 

It wasn't until they lost all of their stamina and were unable to use their magic that they plopped on the ground, sighing in relief, thinking that Isao was as good as over. While there were some sacrifices, it was all worth it when they thought that he was defeated. 

Only when the smoke disappeared did they see him standing still. 

"No-No way..." 

"What is he?! What the hell is he?!" 

"M-Monster! He is a monster!" 

Isao ignored them and looked at his two weapons, which were broken into pieces. He wasn't surprised since he knew that they were on the limit as he had used them for so many years. Moreover, he even brought them to the dungeon, killing various monsters, and while they were strong, they had a limit. 

Yet, he had to say, he felt emotional when he lost those two weapons as they had accompanied him for so long. 

"His weapons are broken! Attack him at the same time! Attack!" 

Hyakinthos quickly made an order, and everyone started to attack him together. 


"Don't let him go!" 

"Let me repay for what he had done to all of our comrades!" 

The last one was quite shameless, Isao thought. 

Still, even with so many people approaching him at the same time, Isao didn't fear them and even approached them on his own initiative. 


The one that was targeted by Isao was startled, but before he was able to do anything, his nose was broken and sunk deep into his face. 


Yet, he wasn't the only one, as the sound of breaking bones echoed throughout the battlefield. 

This was a cruel scene; everyone was in fear, watching how Isao brutally beat all of them without a single mercy with his two fists! 

"Lay down! If you lay down and admit a defeat, he won't beat you!" Cassandra couldn't bear all of her Familia members being taken down by Isao cruelly, so she shouted, causing a domino effect where many of them lay down, giving up. 

As expected, Isao didn't do anything to those who laid down and gave up. 

Those who laid down sighed in relief, but those who still stood up trembling, wondering what they should do. 

"You coward?! How can you face you Apollo-sama that way?!" Hyakinthos was in a panic when many of them lay down, burying their faces deeply into the soil and showing their submission to Isao. 

While some of them wanted to fight, they quickly stopped their thoughts when Isao took out two weapons that he had placed on his suspenders. 

Unlike before, an ancient-like script with blood and violet gleamed on his new one-handed poleaxe and saber. 

The two weapons were gifts from Hestia, something given to him by begging Hephaestus.

Still, there was no doubt that there was something hidden behind their transactions, but he decided to keep quiet and also felt satisfied with his new weapons. 

Living weapons. 

His weapons were living things as they grew stronger as he grew. 

They might be weak now, but as he kept using them and getting stronger, they would also become stronger. 

As he held two new weapons, an ear, arm, leg, or wound on the opponent's chest kept appearing one after another, causing those who had a fighting spirit to quickly give up and lay down. 

Daphne thought about fighting, but when his eyes glared in her direction, her legs were weak; feeling that death was approaching, Cassandra quickly pulled her down, causing her to sigh in relief as she panted in fear. 

On the other hand, Hyakinthos couldn't stay calm as Isao's eyes were on him. He quickly pissed on himself and shouted with all of his might, "I GIVE UP! I GIVE UP! YOU WIN! YOU WIN!" 

His mind was distorted due to fear, watching all of the members of the Apollo Familia lay on the ground, holding their dismembered limbs or injuries due to Isao. 

"It hurts... it hurts..." 

"I give up... I give up..." 

"No... please stop..." 

Nevertheless, with all of that, the War Game ended with the victory of Isao, who stood among all the cries of the fallen that lay on the blood-soaked soil. 

On the other hand, those who watched the War Game could only be stunned silly, watching the massacre before them. Hundreds of people were defeated by a single young man. 

Hestia bit her lower lip and her eyes were moist due to tears, feeling angry by Apollo, who had forced Isao to do this. 


Apollo, who was in a daze watching the massacre of his children, was startled by Hestia's voice. 


"You are ready for what comes next, right? 

"W-Wait... I didn't really mean it... Moreover, my... my children are already hurt like that..." 

Yet, Hestia didn't show mercy. "Shut up! If you didn't force him, then would everything become like this?! You promised to give me anything I wanted if I won, right?" 


"All of your property is confiscated! Your Familia is spilling up! You're eternally banished! Never set a food on the Orario!" 



While some screamed excitedly at the bloody scene, some had a complicated gaze. 

Still, as the victory was determined, there was no need for the War Game anymore. 


Only Hyakinthos stared at the back of Isao, and his breathing became heavy. Then, without hesitation, he suddenly dashed and stabbed Isao's heart. 


Everyone was at a loss, watching all of this. 

Hestia was even more so. "APOLLOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Her divine aura subconsciously released, causing everyone to be startled, but she wasn't the only one as many quickly lost their control when they saw Isao was stabbed, but—

"I killed him! Yeah! I won! I wo—" 

Hyakinthos' head suddenly fell to the ground and died. 

Isao swung his saber at ease, stood tall, then took out the dagger from his back and poured a high-quality potion to heal his body. "Even though I have given you a chance." He shook his head, then looked at Daphne and Cassandra, who were startled by his gaze. "You two join my Familia later." 

"..." 2x

Could they refuse?

"Ah, um." 2x

Demon, killer, monster, hero, devil, or even god. 

Watching his cruelty, everyone had their own thoughts regarding him. 

Some were in fear, some were disgusted, some were in love, and some even worshipped him. 

However, whatever impression they had on him, the name of Iinuma Isao would be remembered by everyone in the Orario and even the world. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 156 It is always be the good guy who is hurt in the end

5 days ago

"How is he?" Hestia asked worriedly. 

"He is fine. He is extremely healthy," Airmid Teasanare, a cute petite girl with long silver hair and a member of the Dian Cecht Familia, a medicinal type Familia, who was known as Dea Saint, said after she checked Isao's body thoroughly. 

"See, I am fine." Isao took his garment and put it on his body as there were so many people around him, causing those to sigh in disappointment, which made him helpless. 

After the War Game, he was brought directly to the Dian Cecht Familia to be checked. Frankly, he thought that he would be discriminated against and his treatment wouldn't be accepted, but unexpectedly, Airmid checked his body carefully and healed him, tending his wounds and various other things. 

It might be expensive, but it didn't matter as he had the wealth of the Apollo Familia. 


[You have acquired Airmid Teasanare's DNA.]

[Do you want to absorb it?]

Everything was worth it, but then, Isao looked at Airmid and said, "Heal those members of the Apollo Familia, too. You don't have to worry about the money." 

Airmid looked at Isao for a while, then nodded softly. "Okay." 

Hearing his words, everyone was also looking at Isao unexpectedly. 

"What?" Isao looked at them strangely. "Why were you looking at me like that?" 

"No, as expected, you are such a gentle guy, Isao-kun~!" Syr somehow hugged him happily.


Isao felt helpless since being a good guy would always make him be taken advantage of by others, but he knew that she was worried about him, so he decided to let her go. It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that it felt good being hugged by Syr. 


"Waitress-kun, stop hugging me like that! He is mine!" Hestia quickly pulled Syr away from Isao. 

"Ah, Hestia-sama, how can you say that? Look, he is happy that I hugged him!" 

"No! He isn't! He is struggling! Look at how painful his face is!" 

"....." Everyone. 

Nevertheless, everyone was glad that the War Game ended, and frankly, it was amazing that Isao didn't kill anyone except for Hyakinthos. 

"But how are you still fine after being stabbed in the heart?" Airmid somehow asked amidst the conflict between Syr and Hestia. 

Isao looked at Airmid and wondered whether this female doctor didn't think to treat the others. After all, shouldn't she go to Apollo Familias, whose limbs he had cut, and re-attach their limbs? 

"I can move my heart." 

"...move your heart?" 

"Yup." Isao pointed to his chest, where his heart was, then slid his finger to the side and up. "I can move my heart here or there." 


Was it possible?

Yet, it was he who could defeat hundreds of adventurers solo when he was a Level 2 adventurer, so they felt that it was possible. 

Still, he looked at all of them, and asked, "By the way, you sure are fine with me?" 

"What do you mean?" 

They looked at him strangely. 

"I just killed a person, you know?" 

Frankly, he wasn't sure how they viewed the killer, someone who killed others. In the modern world, this was naturally frowned upon, and one would be socially dead, but then, everything also depended on the situation of the individuals, and many other things too. 

Or rather, he was sure that everyone would frown upon his actions, but then again, with how handsome he was, if he wasn't being cruel, he was afraid that he would be targeted again. 

In this world, he understood that being feared was better than being fawned upon after all. 

At the same time, frankly, this might be his first time killing others with his own hands. Usually, everything ends in an accident, but frankly, even in the world of "High School of the Dead," when he was an evil guy, he never killed anyone. As for those "things," they weren't human anymore, so he couldn't care, especially when he might turn into those "things" if he didn't defeat them. 

As for the "Kimetsu no Yaiba," what he killed was a demon, not a human. 

As for those who tried to antagonize him, with his second ability to control any beings whose DNA was recorded on his body, no one could become his enemy, and everyone was his friend, who was loyal and followed his every word. 

In other words, this was his first time killing a human, but while he felt okay, and he felt that he could even have a nice sleep tonight with a good dream, he didn't really like it. 

Yet, this was also a lesson for him since he knew that sometimes, even as a good guy, he might need to kill others. 

Yet, somehow, they snickered at his words. 

Mia used her large hand and rubbed his head softly. "Do you think we are scared of a virgin like you?"

Hearing Mia's words, everyone laughed. 


Isao was speechless and looked at Mama, who rubbed his head with that large yet soft and warm hand. 

Syr noticed Isao's gaze was quite strange, which caused her to title her head. 

'There's no way, right?' 

Nevertheless, somehow, they felt closer to him as they knew that he was similar to them. 

All the waitresses on The Hostess of Fertility didn't have a good past, but they tried to change into a better one. They could feel that Isao was like that, and like them, it was the situation that forced him to become cruel. 

"By the way, how long are you going to rub my head, Mama?" 

"What? Are you embarrassed?" Mia felt that his head was nice to touch, so she didn't intend to stop for a while. 

"No, I am afraid that you are going to make many of your enemies later."


Mia fell in silence and realized that many were staring at her, which made her reluctantly pull her hand away. 

"By the way, why are those two here, Isao-kun?" Hestia asked while looking at Cassandra and Daphne, who were finally being noticed by everyone. 

When everyone's eyes were on them, Cassandra and Daphne felt a little nervous since they could feel how strong they were. 

"I am going to invite them to our Familia. Anyway, the Apollo Familia is as good as the end, so I recruit the two." 

"Huh? Is that the way? They are enemies, right?" 

"Yesterday, the enemy can become today's ally, but more importantly, I think that everyone needs to be given one chance to fix their mistakes." 

Isao said as he rubbed Hestia's head softly. 

Somehow, those words... touched them once again.

"...if you say so." Hestia thought for a while, then nodded. "Take care, Isao-kun, okay? Er..." 

"My name is Daphne Lauros, Hestia-sama." 

"M-My name is Cassandra Illion, Hestia-sama." 

"Good, I welcome you to my Familia, Daphne, Cassandra." However, Hestia's eyes suddenly turned sharp, and then she said, "But don't seduce Isao like everyone else, okay?"

"..." Everyone.

Hephaestus and Eina lowered their heads with blush as Hestia looked in their direction. 

Frankly, even if Hestia said those words, she also didn't have confidence that they wouldn't be swayed by Isao and make a move. Moreover, if they made a move, she was confident that Isao would jump into them like that perverted Loki, who often jumped strangely into the bosom of a beautiful woman! 

Isao nodded at Hestia, who could accept the two easily, then looked at Hephaestus and thanked her. "Thank you for the weapon, Hephaestus. I love them." 

"It's fine. You don't have to worry." Hephaestus waved her hand with ease and showed a bright smile, happy that he loved the weapons. 

"....." Syr. 

"By the way, how much are they?" Isao asked curiously. 

Hephaestus hesitated, but Isao said, "You don't have to worry. No matter how much it is, I will repay you." If it was Hephaestus, he didn't mind using his body to repay her. 



"500 million Valis," Hephaestus said with a sigh. 

"...." Everyone. 

Isao took a deep breath and decided to lie down. 

"Ah, Isao-kun! What's wrong? Airmid-kun, Isao-kun is still hurt from the War Game! Please check on him!" Hestia panicked when Isao suddenly fell. 

"...I don't think the War Game is the reason why he is like that," Airmid said calmly. 

Isao looked at the unfamiliar ceiling and wondered why it had always been the good guy who was being tormented. 

Open app


Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 157 I lost my virginity

4 days ago

Sipping his cold drink in silence, Isao was like that mysterious character in many stories. While his bangs and glasses covered some of his features, his side profile was just irresistible to anyone who saw him. 

Yet, if one thought that he was in silence because he thought about world peace, then they would be wrong since he was thinking about his debt. 

'500 million Valis...' 

It was more than twice the original debt of the protagonist. 

When he thought about his debt, he couldn't help but wish to cry, but he knew that it was impossible for Hephaestus to take advantage of him, considering their relationship and all, and this price was fair, especially from both materials, crafts, and many other factors.

No, even if she took advantage of him, he didn't mind, but then again, 

Yet, this made him helpless since after he had to take hundreds of people, he was shouldered with such a heavy debt. 

'Even though I just want to have an easy slice of life...' 

Still, as usual, he had gotten used to the hard life. 

Whether it was in the world of "High School of the Dead" or "Kimetsu no Yaiba," he had many adversities that one couldn't imagine. 

Yet, when he compared it to the difficulty he encountered in this world...

'After being targeted by a homo, then a debt...' 

Isao was exhausted. Not physically, but mentally. 

Those who knew his situation looked at him in a complex mood, as they didn't know how to console him. After all, it was their first time seeing someone who had just fought a hard battle and was being weighed by such a sum of debt. 

"Drink first." Mia suddenly placed a large glass of ale in front of Isao. "Today is your happy day. Victory from your enemy. You should let go of everyone and have fun!" 

"Yeah, yeah! You should go and have fun now!" Eina tried her best to comfort him. 

"The cheapskate Mama is treating you, you know, nyaa? You should take advantage of it while you can, nyaa!" 

"Chloe, is that how you see me?" Mia looked at Chloe with a glare. 

"I-I was just joking, nyaa! I just want to light up the mood, nyaa!" Chloe laughed nervously. 

Isao's nose twitched, and he pushed the glass away. "I don't drink alcohol." 

"Why not? It feels good, nyaa! You can forget everything with alcohol, nyaa."

Isao glanced at Chloe, who somehow gave him sage-like advice, but he thought that this woman must have often escaped reality by drowning herself in alcohol. "I am not someone who is running away with alcohol. Also, I am not depressed due to the debt. I am just thinking about how to repay it." 


This guy was sure different, they thought. 

If someone heard that they would have 500 million valis, they might give up or escape reality, but like how Isao fought the impossibility by facing hundreds of opponents singlehandedly, this time, it was the same since he didn't give up and thought of a way to pay his debt. 

"You know... instead of using your reward from the War Game to tend to those who were injured in the War Game, how about you just keep them yourselves?" 

Even though they knew that Isao had 500 million in debt, Daphne and Cassandra didn't seem to change their thoughts on joining Hestia Familia. While this treatment didn't take all of his reward, the sum was quite a lot. 

"Don't underestimate me." Isao only glanced at Daphne and said, "I have decided to use that money to treat them. I won't change my opinion. Don't mention this again in the future." 

"Um..." Daphne was scolded, but somehow, she smiled at his words. 

"But you don't have to worry. I won't trouble you with this debt. When we enter the dungeon, I will share our loot fairly, depending on our performance." 

Even if he needed money, he wasn't going to be so desperate to be stingy and take all of their money, too. 

"You don't have to worry about that!" 

"Yeah, you should talk about your debt first." 

Isao looked at the two women, who were so stupid, wishing to give their money to him. "Listen, I am glad you want to help me, but while you are okay now, you might have resentment in the future, so we have to be fair and separate the matters of emotions from the problem of money. Moreover, I have invited you to my Familia, so of course, I will take care of you two instead of making you my slaves or maids who will follow my bidding obediently." 

"Um..." 2x

Somehow, even if Isao was the one who decimated their Familia, Daphne, and Cassandra were glad to join him. 

Yet those who heard his words felt quite jealous of the two. 

"It's fine. You don't have to worry about your debt. You can repay it slowly." Hephaestus, who sat by Isao's side while drinking an ale, patted his shoulder, telling him that she was okay to wait for so long. 

"Kuh... my Isao-kun... is going to be tarnished by Hephaestus." 

Unlike Isao, who refused to drink alcohol to drown himself in sorrow, Hestia had already drunk, crying, thinking that Isao would use his body to repay their debt to Hephaestus. 

"...thank you, Hephaestus." 

While Isao thanked Hephaestus, he sighed helplessly as he noticed her lewd smile. He thought of various plots on the hentai where the husband bore so many debts, and the wife needed to bear them by letting the husband's boss hold her. 

While Isao and Hestia didn't marry each other, he felt that Hestia was like the husband whose wife was taken, and he was a wife who was at the mercy of the debtor. 

"You don't want your husband to lose his job, right?" 

"Please, I will do anything." 

"Then, let's see how sincere your willingness is." 


Isao drank his cold milk again, wondering whether it was karma as he also often played the bad guy role, who made the wife of others serve him when he was a bad guy.

If he was a bad guy, he could just escape this debt, but he was a good guy, so he had to be responsible. 

Still, Syr stared at Hephaestus with an unreadable expression on her face. 

"But Chloe is right! Let's party first!" 


With those words, all of them had fun on the "Hostess of Fertility," especially when Mia had told them that it was free. 

Mia also didn't mind since the number of people who followed Isao wasn't much, and as usual, she had a good impression of Isao. 

"I am going to the toilet first." 

Leaving everyone, he went to the toilet, but when one of the figures glanced at him and said, "Runoa, take care of the rest for me. I need to go to the toilet." 

"Ha?" Runoa Faust looked at the naughty cat, who walked toward the toilet with twitching lips. Hesitating, she sighed helplessly since she knew that it was too late to stop. 

On the other hand, Isao, who cleared up his bladder, had already thought about what kind of business he was going to enter. While previously, he was going to make an easy and relaxing cafe and bookstore, he needed a lot of money, so he had to change his plan. 

'Let's work hard tomorrow.' 

Today, he was just going to rest, but when he was about to leave the toilet, suddenly, he was pushed inside, and the door was closed again. 

"Huh? Chloe, what are you doing here?" 

Isao might have noticed that this cat woman was outside the door, but he didn't expect that she would do something so daring. 

"Hehe... are you nervous, nyaa?" Chloe laughed at Isao's reaction, moving closer, pressing her slim and graceful body against his nether region, using her knee, and rubbing it softly. "It has become so hard, nyaa~?" Her body somehow became so hot, and her hands naughtily rubbed against his chest as she gazed at his manly yet awkward face. 

Still, wasn't it a little too big? 

Lowering her head, she sucked a deep breath at his towering erection. 

"This isn't good. Everyone is outside. Moreover, aren't you still in the middle of work?" 

Isao wasn't a bad guy anymore. 

How could he play around? 

He was a father and a husband. 

Even if his wives and children were in a different world, he had to be loyal! 

"...you are not persuasive when you are so hard on something like this, nyaa." Chloe moved her face against his neck, then sniffed his scent. "You smell good, nyaa..." 




"I have told you before that Onee-chan is going to teach you a lot of things, right~?" 


Isao blinked his eyes, staring into Chloe's lustful eyes. 

Unlike his previous opponents, Chloe was a Level 4 adventurer, and he was just a Level 2 adventurer. He knew that no matter what tricks he had, it was meaningless in front of overwhelming power, so he knew that there was nothing he could do. 

At the same time, as he didn't want Chloe to do something to his Familia, he knew that he had to sacrifice himself. 

'I'm sorry.' 

He apologized inwardly, but there was nothing he could do. 

It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that he thought this cat woman was cute or something. 


Believe in him!

With a reddened face, Isao said softly, "Onee-chan... it's my first time, so be gentle, okay?" 


At that moment, Chloe went berserk!

Nevertheless, Isao was going to remember this humiliation and return it one hundredfold to Chloe soon! 


"Isao-kun? Are you fine?" 

Unlike the others, who were drunk, Syr walked toward the toilet, as it had been a while since he had returned. 

Only, when she moved closer—

"Hmn~! Oh~! Too much~! Isao-kun~! Nyaa~! Oh~!" 

"Shh... be quiet. You will make anyone notice." 

"Kiss me, nyaa~! Shut my lips, nyaa~!" 

The familiar voice of the naughty cat sounded from inside the toilet, yet unlike before, this voice was so obscene that it caused anyone to flush red and wet. 

Yet, Syr clenched her fists, digging her nails deep into her palms, thinking that she had to make her move soon, but before that, she pressed her ear closer, listening to the cry of who was bullied. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 158 Chef Isao

4 days ago

"Then, I will leave first." 

"Okay, nyaa..." 

Chloe sounded so lethargic and exhausted. "By the way, can you call Runoa here too, nyaa?" 

"...are you sure?" Isao looked at Chloe in doubt. 

"....do you want to do it with her too, nyaa?" Chloe was speechless, but she knew that this guy was still lively, which made her flush, feeling wet once again. 

"What are you talking about? How could I think of that? If you didn't force me..." Isao looked at Chloe with a hurtful expression. 

"...." Chloe. 

"But I am worried about you. Is it okay for others to know?" 

"I think it is too late, nyaa..." 

"Oh, right." 

Isao sighed helplessly, feeling helpless by how powerful all the waitresses in this place were. He felt ashamed as he was unable to fight against Chloe, letting himself be dirtied by this naughty cat. 


While Chloe wasn't sure what Isao was thinking, she knew that this guy was a bastard, nyaa~! 

"Then, I will leave first. Be careful." 


Feeling a gentle kiss on her sweaty forehead, Chloe nodded happily while kissing his lips again, but he avoided her kiss as there was a trace of whiteness on her pink cherry lips. 

"...even though it is yours, nyaa..." Chloe sulked, but Isao decided to ignore her and left. Still, when he pushed the door, it stuck, which made him speechless; then, as expected, he saw a familiar short-haired female human with fleshy lips. 


While Isao was startled, he didn't forget his manner and greeted Runoa politely like a good person be. 

"Ah, um, Isao-kun." Runoa blushed, feeling embarrassed as she was found out, but she had to say this guy was really a bastard! 

How could you show such a warm and gentle expression after what you did to Chloe?!


Excuse himself, Isao returned to everyone once again, as it had been 18 minutes since he had stayed in the toilet. Yes, he didn't have enough, but it couldn't be helped when one considered the place and time. 

"Where have you been, Isao-kun?" Hestia complained. 

"I have had trouble on the toilet before." 

Watching his pure, virgin goddess, Isao knew that he couldn't let Hestia know what had happened inside the toilet. What had happened there needed to be kept a secret as he didn't want her to feel responsible for what had happened to him, who had become a victim and being bullied sexually by that naughty cat. 

Yes, as long as he could protect this smile, Isao was okay with being bullied by Chloe. 

'It's hard to become a good person...' 

Yet, when he thought so, he pretended not to notice Syr's reddened ears and admonished gazes, Syr's gentle smile with cold eyes, or Mia, who was glaring at him. 

Using his ability to create ice, Isao sipped his milk once again, thinking that his life as a good person was hard. 

On the other hand, Runoa entered the toilet and was hit by an intense, obscene smell, and Chloe lay on the toilet helplessly. 

"...you are so lewd." 

Runoa couldn't help but think so, as Chloe was just a mess; her legs were wide open, showing her pristine body was sullied by a beast with many parts of her body covered by his semen. 

"...he is lying to me, nyaa. That guy definitely isn't a virgin, nyaa..." 

Chloe complained, yet even if she was exhausted, it was clear that she was satisfied. 

"...so it is good?" 

"Amazing, nyaa..." Chloe sighed. "I can't be satisfied with my fingers now, nyaa... he has to take a respondbility of me, nyaa..." 


Runoa sighed helplessly with a blush on her face, then noticed a strange item on the side. "What is that?" 

"Hmm? Oh, it's a condom. He told me it was used so I wouldn't get pregnant," Chloe said, looking at how full the condom was. "Look at his semen. If he shot all of them inside me, I would have a lot of kitties soon, nyaa." 

From the condom, it was easy to tell how thick and so much his semen was. 

Frankly, there was contraception magic, and Chloe thought that she had to learn it so that next time, they could do it raw. 

"Stop saying something stupid! Hurry up and clean up!" 

"Ah, help me, nyaa. My legs are dead! I can't move, nyaa!" 

As Runoa let out a helpless sigh, she looked at Chloe's white, smooth legs that were covered in sweat and some of his semen that dripped out. They were trembling like newborn fawns, showing how exceptional Isao was as he could defeat a Level 4 adventurer with his Level 2. 

Staring at the condom that filled with his semen, Runoa felt her face was hot before she shook her head. Her dream was to marry a nice, gentle, and normal man and then have a nice and simple place where she could laze around and be spoiled by her husband dearly. 

She definitely couldn't allow herself to be seduced by a scumbag! 


Isao wasn't sure what was on the mind of Runoa, but even if he knew, he could only apologize as he was sure that he had caused her trouble. If possible, he wanted to properly apologize to her and come to her Familia. 

'If I'm not wrong, should she be from Demeter Familia?' 

Yeah, next time, let's visit Runoa's Familia, Isao thought secretly. 

"But you are too popular, Isao-kun! Did you know that Freya came to him, wishing to exchange you with her new boy? Hmph! I refused her! There is no way that I will exchange you with anyone! You can only be mine!" 

As Hestia was drunk, she started to ramble, talking about her experiences when she talked with many deities who had an interest in him before and after the War Game. 

"Stop drinking, Hestia." 

Watching how this petite goddess drank, Isao was speechless. 

"Then, how about you cook for me? The last dish is nice. I want to taste something you cooked! If you cook for me, I will stop drinking." 

"Don't get ahead of yourselves." 

Did this goddess think that he was a butler or something? 

"Ah, you can cook, Isao-kun?" Eina was surprised. 

"It's a good chance!" Somehow, Mia also joined. "Go and cook something. It's your party, right? You should treat your guests well." 


Isao looked at everyone who looked at him in anticipation, which made him sigh helplessly. Rolling the long sleeves of his white shirt, he asked, "Do you have an apron that I can use?" 


Wearing the apron given by Mia, Isao thought about what kind of food he should make. 

'With all of these numbers, then it should be that.' 

Frankly, he was too lazy to cook, so he decided to make something simple. Taking out the ingredients from his space inventory, he prepared to cook, then asked, "Mama, can I use your ingredients?" 

"Sure." Mia nodded, feeling curious about what Isao was going to make, and frankly, she wanted him to become her employee as she was sure that many would come to visit her pub if he became an employee. 

But then again, she was also afraid that he would eat all of them, which made her face flush red. 


Isao noticed Mia's flush face and wondered whether she had a cold, and ignored the other possibility. "By the way, you guys are fine with a little spicy, right?" 


All of them nodded at the same time. 

To be honest, they didn't care what he was going to cook, and as long as it was cooked by him, they were fine. 

However, as Hestia's stomach had been pampered by Isao's food, she couldn't wait to eat more of his food. 

At the same time, Hephaestus wondered whether she should use that debt to make Isao work by her side all the time since, with how busy she was, it would be great to have a man who could take care of her house. 

If Isao knew what Hephaestus thought, he would sigh helplessly, as he wanted to become strong, not to become a household husband. 

Nevertheless, all of them watched him cooking the rice, cutting the vegetable's meat, and browning the onion, causing a delicious smell to spread everywhere before. Yet, all of that was pale when they saw him putting a block of something with a chocolate color. 

"What is that?" Mia asked with a doubt. 

"Curry," Isao answered. "It's a rare good, but since it is a rare occasion, I will use it." 

"You never used that before," Hestia said with a sulk. 

"There is no rare occasion, after all." 

"....." Hestia. 

Yet, how could Isao say that he could get the curry after he replicated Mukoda Tsuyoshi's DNA after he visited the world of "Tondemo Skill?

Frankly, he was glad that he had replicated Mukoda's DNA, as it gave him many conveniences. As long as there was money, he could buy anything, from food and daily necessities to cosmetics, electrical appliances, vehicles, and many other things. 

'If I use this skill, then shouldn't I make money?' 

There was no need to get something expensive; if he got spices, he was sure that he could make a lot of money. 

Still, the food was a good business, but he wanted to try other businesses as he wanted to protect himself in this world. 

In the large pot, there was a thick brown soup with various ingredients that emitted a pungent, aromatic, and delicious smell. 

Isao took a spoon, tasting the curry, which he nodded as the taste was nice. 

"How is it?" Hestia asked curiously. 

"Open your mouth." Isao fed Hestia, letting her taste the curry. 

"Ahh..." Hestia opened her pink, cute lips obediently, letting him put the spoon gently into her mouth before tasting the curry. "It's delicious!" It was her first time tasting such food, and frankly, it was delicious! 

"..." Everyone. 

"That's good." 

Isao nodded, took a plate, put in freshly cooked rice, and poured a curry with various ingredients on top of it. Naturally, he made the presentation quite different, making it appear as a delicious and salivating dish. 

"Who wants to eat first?" 

Somehow, they all raised their hands. 

Still, as they were ready to taste the food, suddenly the door of the pub opened. 

"Mama, what's with this smell? It's so delicious! I want it!" 

Their party was interrupted. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 159 Does he have a girlfriend?

4 days ago


Hestia looked at the sudden guest with some stains of curry on her cheek with an annoyed expression. 

"Huh? Shorty? What are you doing here?" 

Isao looked at the squinting goddess with red hair, which was tied in a ponytail and flat-chested. Even though this goddess was much taller than his goddess, her chest was as flat as the street of Orario, he thought. 

Yet, as a good person, he couldn't judge someone from their chest. 

Moreover, instead of focusing on physical appearance, he should focus on inner beauty. 

"Is it good, Eina?" 

"Um, delicious!" 

Eina nodded obediently as she ate. 

Or rather, no one could stop eating! 

When they saw Loki, somehow, they moved fast, trying to finish their food as soon as possible. 

While he talked and served the curries to the many others, Loki came to Hestia while looking at Isao curiously. 

"We're celebrating here." 

"Celebrating? Do you have money for it?" 

After all, this place wasn't cheap. 

"I am not a poor goddess anymore!" Hestia said proudly as she showed her proud chest, too. 


'Say someone who has 500 million Valis...' 

Yet, everyone kept quiet about it since it was a rare time for Hestia to be happy. 

"Ugh..." Loki looked at Hestia with a complicated gaze as this goddess, who was also a rival of hers, had become an existence that was impossible to defeat! 

Not only was Hestia's chest huge, but she was cute, and more importantly, her Familia members were powerful! 

'How come this shorty is so lucky?!' 

"By the way, is it him?" Loki looked at Isao, who was at the counter with a doubt. 

"Yup." Hestia nodded and said proudly, "He is Isao Iinuma! My first Familia member!" 

"Really? Where is his tattoo? I saw that he had this flower and centipede-like tattoo," Loki said while staring at Isao, moving so close. 

"...is there something wrong?" Isao looked at Loki, who was so close as if wanting to kiss him. 

"Hey, don't get so close to him!" Hestia quickly pulled Loki away. 

"But now you mention where your tattoo is," Hephaestus asked curiously. 

In the War Game before, if there was something that attracted everyone the most, except for his handsome and powerful strength, it would be his unique tattoo, which was the first time someone had chosen a centipede and a red spider lily as a tattoo. 

If it was Loki, Isao didn't care, but as Hephaestus asked him, he decided to show it. 

"I can make it disappear or appear like this." 

Soon, the familiar red spider lily and centipede mark on his neck emerged, glowing in the beautiful yet fierce. 

"Oh... can I touch it?" 

While saying that, Syr touched his neck, touching the place where his mark emerged. 

"..." Isao. 

"..." Everyone. 

"Syr-chan... how could you cheat on me?" Loki cried, but then she stole Hestia's curry plate and ate the curry as she was curious about its taste. "Delicious!" 

"Dammit, Loki! Don't steal my food!" Hestia quickly took her curry rice. 

Loki didn't stop Hestia and looked at Isao, whose neck was still touched by Syr. "Did he cook it for you all?" 


"...fighting, handsome, powerful skills, and cooking?" Loki looked at Hestia with a complicated look. "You are too lucky, right?" More importantly, with the wealth gained from the Apollo Familia, she didn't doubt that Hestia had become wealthy! 

"Right? He is amazing!" Hestia became even more proud, hearing Loki's words. 

"What flower is this, Isao-kun?" Syr asked curiously. Centipede aside, she was curious about the type of flower on his neck, yet she had to say the combination of both tattoos were hot~! 

"Red spider lily." 

"Red spider lily?" 

"It's the flower of the dead." 

"....." Everyone. 

Still, Loki laughed and said, "Hey, your name is Iinuma Isao, right?" 


"I am Loki! As you can tell, I am the goddess of the famous Loki Familia!" Loki said proudly. 


"How about you ditch this goddess and join my Familia?" Loki asked. 

"Loki!" Hestia was angry. 

"Sorry, I won't join your Familia." If Isao hadn't met Hestia, then he might have thought that joining a Loki Familia might have been good, but as he had decided to be with Hestia, then it was impossible for him to change. 

"Isao-kun..." Hestia was moved by Isao's words. 

Nevertheless, hearing his answer, whether Syr or Hephaestus, sighed in relief since it would be troublesome if Isao joined the Loki Familia. 

"That's a shame..." Loki sighed in regret. "But I won't take my offer. If you are unsatisfied with this useless goddess, you can come to me anytime." 


"I won't." 

Still, his answer was the same. 

Hearing his answer, Loki wondered whether Isao had the taste of a woman like Hestia, but after watching all the women by his side, she felt that wasn't the case. 

"Ah, it's Isao-kun!" 

Suddenly, the loud noise came once again. 

"I saw your fight! It's amazing! You are so powerful!" 

Isao then saw a group of Loki Familia coming inside the Hostess of Fertility all together before his attention was brought by the petite Amazoness. 

"Thank you, Hiryute-san." 

"Tiona! Call me, Tiona!" 


"..." Tiona. 

Loki looked at the blushing Tiona, then moved closer to Hestia. "Hey, Shorty, can I ask you a question?" 

"What?" Hestia looked at Loki unkindly. 

"Does he have a girlfriend? What about my Tiona? She is a cute girl," Loki said since she thought that it wouldn't be a bad idea to have Isao marry Tiona. 

"Look around him and Hephaestus beside me," Hestia said calmly before she let out a helpless sigh. 

"..." Hephaestus. 

Loki looked at Hephaestus, then those women around Isao. All of them were beautiful, and each of them didn't lose to the female members of her Familia. Still, more than that, when she saw their chests and then stared at Tiona's pitiful chest, she could only sigh and say, "Mama, can I ask for alcohol?" 

"Wait for a moment." 

Nevertheless, when everyone saw Isao was there, the members of the Loki Familia were stunned. While he might have worn glasses and not swept his hair back, the beautiful yet grotesque red spider lily and centipede tattoo on his neck was impossible to forget. 

Or rather, as they had just watched his War Game, defeating hundreds of people alone when he was just a Level 2 adventurer made them unable to forget about him. 

Those who were Level 3 adventurers from the Loki Familia could only bow down, and those who were Level 4 adventurers hesitated, wondering whether they could defeat him. 

Only the Level 5 and Level 6 adventurers of the Loki Familia believed that they could defeat Isao, but then again, all of them had to agree that Isao was powerful and ruthless. 

Being powerful aside, his character, which could kill someone without hesitation, made no one wish to become his enemy, and it was better to have a friendly relationship with him. 

Aiz stared at Isao, seemingly wishing to say something, but as she didn't have the experience to take the initiative to talk with someone, she didn't know what to do and just stood still, watching him interact with Tiona and the others. 

"Ah, Isao-kun." Finn was surprised and then greeted Isao with a gentle smile. 

"Captain Finn." 

"Finn, please call me that." 

"Okay, Finn." 

Watching Isao and Finn interact with ease, everyone sighed in relief and was glad that Finn had always been reliable. 

"Huh? Eina?" 

Only Riveria, the Level 6 elf on the Loki Familia, was surprised to see someone familiar. 

"Ah, Riverisa-sama." Eina was startled when she saw Riveria and quickly stood up. 

"You don't have to be so nervous." Riveria quickly stopped Eina to show her respect, then asked, "Are you close to him?" She glanced at Isao and thought about the thin, weak young man who could slay the powerful monster on the Middle Floors of the dungeon.

"Yes." Eina nodded with a sweet smile and a slight blush. 

"Oh?" Riveria could tell the relationship between Isao and Eina seemed unusual, but then, this also made her slightly depressed since even though she was almost a hundred years old, she didn't have experience with the opposite gender. 

Nevertheless, among elves, she was still young, so there was no need to worry, right? 

Still, Aiz became fidgety, staring at Isao, wondering what she should say to attract his attention. 

Only one person always causes trouble, especially when he notices that the young woman, whom he likes secretly, always focuses on the figure of Isao. 

"Hmph!" Bete snorted. "He just beat a group of trash. What was the point of fawning on him?!" 


At that moment, all the good atmosphere disappeared. 

"Bete..." Finn looked at Bete with annoyance, yet also helpless, wondering when this dog could change.

If it was before, they might not have said anything about Bete's rude words, but this time, it was different. 

"Bete..." Even Loki frowned at Bete, especially when she saw the gaze of Hephaestus become sharp. 

"BETE, SHUT UP!" Tiona was more straightforward and quickly got angry at Bete. 

Bete could see everyone's eyes on him, but the more they did this, the more he became stubborn. "I am not wrong! His opponents were just trash with Level 3 or 2 at best! What's so great about it?!" 

Only Finn wondered whether this stupid dog had forgotten that Isao had defeated all of them when Isao was just a Level 2 adventurer. 

Still, suddenly, Bete felt that everything was still stunned, and he felt lethargic and dizzy as if he were inside an unstoppable merry-go-round. As he was in a daze, he suddenly felt his cheek lightly slapped, causing him to wake up. 


Bete realized that he had fallen on his bottom as he looked up at Isao, who was just walking away with a yawn after Isao slapped him. 

"...." Everyone. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 160 We're just a small poisonous shrimp

4 days ago


Even though Isao didn't say anything and just walked away, Bete could feel the disdain and how Isao viewed him like the other trash. 


Bete's head was high, and he felt an intense anger, ready to fight, but—

At that moment, many eyes were on him, showing a dangerous light, ready to attack him at the same time. 

Whether it was Mia, Syr, Runoa, or Chloe, who had just recovered, showing their hostility to Bete and even ready to fight Bete. 

Even Cassandra, Daphne, Hestia, Eina, and Hephaestus looked at Bete with a frown. 

What did Isao do? 


Yet, why did this wild dog try to bite him?

Nevertheless, everyone's eyes on Isao changed, realizing how strong Isao was. 

While his feat of defeating hundreds of people was amazing, this time, his feat of defeating Bete was even more so, as Bete was a Level 5 adventurer. Even worse, Bete was unable to do anything, and the others also were unable to react. When everything was over, everything was as good as it was over. 

Bete lay on the ground, being slapped lightly, and then Isao left with a bored expression. 

"You lose Bete." Loki looked at Bete with a laugh, then said, "Go out and cool yourselves." 

Hearing his goddess' words and the hostility of waitresses in this pub, Bete also started to calm down, but he still glared at Isao. Unlike before, he didn't say anything and just left, but he kicked the door with all of his might, causing it to be destroyed. 


"..." Everyone.

While they were stunned, Bete didn't care, but Mia was so angry that her body emitted a powerful and dangerous aura. 

"We-We'll repay that door..." Finn quickly said. 

"100 million Valis," Mia said while glaring at the Loki Familia. 

Syr also stood by Mia's side, staring at them with a smile. 

Watching this, Mia said, "If you don't want to, then you all will go on a war with me, all the girls, and Freya Familia." 

"...." Everyone. 

This time, Isao didn't back down and supported Mia, who wished to charge Bete with 100 million Valis. 


Fighting against the Freya Familia definitely wasn't something that they could do, so whether they wished or not, Finn knew that they had to pay 100 million Valis. 

Frankly, the door itself wasn't that expensive, but Mia wanted to remind them that there was a price if they wanted to mess around in this pub. 

"100 million Valis... that idiot dog..." Loki's expression was so ugly, but she knew that this was something that they had to do, especially when Mia was a Level 6 adventurer and had the backing of the Freya Familia. 

'Moreover, there are also all of them...' 

Loki glanced at the group of people around the pub helplessly. 

"Let's go back. It's already too late." 

Still, when everything was solved, Isao didn't intend to stay in the pub any longer as he wasn't in the mood to go back. 

"Eina, I will send it back to you first. You guys wait here first, and let's go back to the new place together." 


Loki and Finn wanted to say something, but they couldn't because Isao had left with Eina. 

Watching the two left, Riveria hesitated for a while, then followed them. "I am going after him first." 


Finn and the others nodded since they knew Riveria's relationship with Eina, and hopefully, Riveria could ease up the relationship with Isao through Eina. 

Yes, Isao might be weak, but no one ever thought of becoming his opponent, and many of them cursed Bete, causing their Familia so much trouble. 

"Hey, your child is too uptight." Loki looked at Hestia and said lazily, "Isn't he afraid he's going to become the enemy of one of the strongest Familia in the Orario?" 

Unlike the Apollo Familia, the Loki Familia was one of the strongest Familias on the Orario. 

Was it worth it to become the enemy of such a Familia? 

"We might be a small and weak Familia, but we're not afraid of challenges." Unlike before, Hestia's voice was tough. "In your eyes, we might be a small shrimp, but we're a poisonous shrimp. We might not be your opponent, and you can trample us any moment, but if you try to touch us, we won't let go of your Familia, you won't be unscathed, and you will completely be sorry."

Hestia knew that Isao didn't want to kill others, and if possible, she didn't want him to enter the same way as before, but if someone tried to antagonize him, then she was going to give her everything. 

Not only her, but the others were also ready to support him. 

Still, Hestia jumped happily inside since she knew that she had said something cool~! 

'Thank you, Isao-kun!' 

Hestia thought about Isao's description of their Familia as a poisonous shrimp, and she was glad she remembered them. 


Loki fell in silence, watching how this shorty had changed so much. 

Yes, Hestia Familia might be a small shrimp with just three members, and all of them were just Level 2 adventurers, yet was that all of their powers? 

In just short of a moment, Isao had already built his power and gained the support of Hephaestus, the largest blacksmith Familia, and everyone on the Hostess of Fertility. There might have been more Familias that he was closely tied with, and attacking him meant that they would antagonize all of them. 

Instead of questioning whether it was worth it to become the enemy of her Familia, Loki should question herself: was it worth it to make the enemy of Hestia Familia due to Bete? 

"Sorry, sorry." 

Loki apologized with ease and didn't care, even if she lost her face in front of her rival. At the same time, she realized how huge the change brought by Isao to Hestia was. "Bete is always acting like that whether it is with our Familia or other Familia." 

"Then, you should try to educate him since there is some Familia that he can't mess around with," Hestia said simply, showing her dignity as a goddess. 

Even if Bete always acted like that, so what? 

It was because all Bete met was just a coward, but this time, Bete had hit a tough nail. 

This nail might be small, but it was unbending and sharp. 

With everyone's help, the Loki Familia might be able to win, but they might bleed and even contract tetanus because the nail was rusted, then dying and destroyed. 

'What a troublesome problem...' 2x

Loki and Finn sighed helplessly. If it was just another small Familia, then it was all fine, but Hestia Familia was different. 

Isao Iinuma, the leader of this Familia, was ruthless and mysterious, especially when they didn't even know how he could easily take down Bete. 

Once again, they cursed Bete for causing them trouble.

"Moreover, it isn't me who you should apologize to." Hestia then ignored Loki, and she started to wonder whether Isao had sent Eina because he wanted to make a move on his cute advisor. 

"Mama, get me a strong drink!" 

Hestia cried, wondering when Isao would make a move on her! 

"....." Mia. 

On the other hand, Eina glanced at Isao, who appeared calm. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Are you okay?" Eina asked, then reached for his hand as if wishing to comfort him. 

"This kind of problem is nothing. I have encountered a worse situation, right?" 

"...you are right." While Eina was speechless, she nodded softly and grasped his hand tighter as if afraid that he would disappear. 

"There is no need to hold me so strongly. I won't disappear." 

"Really? You won't?" 

"I won't." Isao nodded and said, "After all, I don't want someone to be sad." 

Eina blushed, looking at him shyly, then nodded. "You are right. I will be sad if you leave." 

"...isn't elf supposed to be shy and reserved?" 

"I am a half-elf." Eina leaned on his shoulder, turning her head slightly to look at his handsome face for a while. "If I don't do this, then I am afraid that you won't make a move." 


Isao wanted to say that she shouldn't be with him, but then again, someone was just so stubborn, and even if he didn't want to harm another good woman, she kept making a move, cornering him, leaving him without any choices except for making a move on her. 

Watching his head move slowly toward her, Eina felt her face was hot, but she closed her eyes, ready to accept her first kiss. 

Slow and steady, yet when he saw the danger, he took Eina's chaste lips without hesitation. 

Warm and sweet. 

Isao thought as he held her in his arms; she clung to him. 

Even though they just pressed their lips against each other, it felt incredible, yet as expected, Isao didn't have enough, and his tongue became slightly naughty, moving slippery, then entered Eina's wet and warm mouth, entering deep as he locked her tongue. 

Still, the one who had been following them couldn't control her temper anymore and coughed with all of her might to remind them that they were still in the middle of the street! 

Cough! Cough! Cough!