Akkikan40 UBTC 169-176

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 169 This is improper


Unlike Isao, who felt conflicted when he knew the identity of the boy, the boy was curious about the identity of this young man. 

"Thank you..." 

Shiba Tatsuya said, then asked, "Are you a martial artist?" His voice was unlike that of a child; he had this maturity that is usually seen in children, but even so, his eyes and face were those of a boy. 

Still, Tatsuya was curious about the identity of this young man. While he wasn't sure about Isao's age, it might not be wrong to say that Isao should be in high school or in his 20s. 

Or might it be more? 

After all, even his mother and aunt appeared younger than their age. 

Nevertheless, it might be his first time showing an interest in someone, yet this was normal, especially when he saw someone who had such a skilled fighting ability. Moreover, he could tell that Isao never used magic, and everything was done with his physical ability. 

Whether it was his breathing, posture, or anything, it was impossible to see an opening in him. 

As it was his first time seeing someone like Isao, Tatsuya tried to use his "Elemental Sight" ability, an ability that allowed him to see detailed information about anything until the point of atoms. 

Yet, before he was able to use this ability, Isao flicked his forehead, and because of that, Tatsuya didn't dare to use this ability again, especially when he could tell that he wasn't Isao's opponent and he didn't want to antagonize him, especially when he had to protect Miyuki. 

Who was he? 

While most of his emotions were erased, leaving only his love for his little sister, Tatsuya was a human, and he was different from a robot, where it was absolute. Sometimes, something known as a miracle existed, so while it should be impossible, he felt curious about this young man. 

"Martial artist? No." Isao yawned, then walked toward the fifty men that he had beaten up. "I am just a bum. Unemployed." While saying that, he took out all the wallets of those people and took out all of their money.

Even if some of them had woken up, they didn't even dare to say anything when Isao took their money. 

"...you did a crime," Tatsuya said speechlessly when he saw how skillful Isao was in taking out the money from the wallets of those people who tried to harm him. It was true that they tried to surround him and beat him, but Isao took all of their money as if it was something natural, he couldn't help but say. 

"I am not." Isao shook his head and said, "They have asked me for a lesson, and this is their tuition." He suddenly kicked one of those people and asked, "Right?" 


The man nodded obediently. 

"See?" Isao then looked at Tatsuya with a smile, causing this boy to look at him with a blank expression. 

"Now, go," Isao said, then shooed them away. "I have collected the tuition, but if you feel unsatisfied, you can come to me again." 


Fifty men, including Tatsuya, stared at Isao for a while before those fifty men quickly ran away while helping each other as their bodies were hurt. 

"Call more people. Don't forget to bring your wallets, or else you will go home naked." 

Hearing those words, all of them quickly moved faster. 

Isao looked at all the money in his hands and smiled, feeling melancholy and nostalgic about his old job when he was still a bad guy. However, he had changed, so he wouldn't do something so low, such as extorting money from someone. All of that money was tuition for their education so they could become a better person in the future. 

'Hopefully, they'll be able to call more people.' 

Still, Isao had to say that he was surprised that in 2092, there were still many who used cash. He thought that they would disappear, but then again, he felt that cash was impossible to disappear, especially when how easy it was to hide them. 

While Isao thought so, Tatsuya kept staring at Isao blankly. After all, it was his first time seeing someone admit that they were a bum or unemployed. Everyone wanted to appear cool or better than others, so they usually showed they were better, exaggerating their achievements, but this guy told him that he was a bum. 

Even if Tatsuya had hardly any emotions, he was speechless. 

"Then, boy, see you later. Just go home since you might be targeted if you are still here." 

Isao didn't really want to get involved with Tatsuya, the strongest in the world. Moreover, Tatsuya's family was hardly normal, and many of them were even crazier than Tatsuya. Moreover, he had gained Tatsuya's DNA, so there was no need for him to do anything. 

As for the girl, naturally, he didn't forget. 

[You have acquired Shiba Miyuki's DNA.]

[Do you want to absorb it?]

Separating part of his body, Isao controlled it and touched Miyaki, who was still sleeping secretly. 

Yes, Tatsuya was the strongest man in the whole world, but he wasn't omnipotent. If he hadn't used his "Elemental Sight," it would have been impossible for him to notice what Isao did, as his senses and physical ability were just slightly better than normal humans without magic.


When Isao was about to leave, Tatsuya suddenly stopped him. "What's wrong, boy?" 

"I am not a boy. I have a name." Frankly, Tatsuya felt unhappy being called a "boy" by Isao as their age shouldn't be much different, right? "I have a name. My name is Shiba Tatsuya." 

"So, what's wrong, Tatsuya?" Isao asked lazily. 


While Tatsuya was speechless, being called by his first name directly, he said firmly, "I have a job for you." 

"You have a job for me?" Isao looked at Tatsuya strangely. 

"Be my martial arts teacher. I will pay you well," Tatsuya said firmly, thinking that if he could learn under Isao, then he could be more powerful. 

While Tatsuya was the strongest, he was still a young man, after all, and like any other boy, he wished to become the strongest. 

Isao laughed and said, "Come to me when you have your parents' permission." 

Hearing Isao's words, Tatsuya hesitated, realizing with his position, he knew that he had already crossed his limit, but even so—

"Wh-What's your name... sir?" 

While Isao might appear young, Tatsuya thought that Isao might be older than Isao appeared to be. 

"Iinuma Isao." 

As Isao said his name, he left and vanished from Tatsuya's sight. 

Tatsuya was surprised and tried to search for Isao, but he couldn't find him anywhere, which made him realize he might have underestimated Isao's strength. However, again, this also made him curious. "...who is he?" 

On the other hand, after Isao left Tatsuya, he quickly established his identity in this world. Using his second ability, he simply manipulated the people and easily established his legal identity. He quickly became a local since he knew that no one would try to search for his information, especially when he had moved away from Tatsuya, and frankly, he didn't want to get involved with this young man whose only emotion was his love toward his little sister. 

Still, after he finished creating his identity, he went on a solo trip, trying various local dishes before sitting on the bench and watching the sunset. 

While eating octopus rice, sata andagi, hirayaaichi, pork egg onigiri, Okinawa soba, a rare unique flavor of cup noodles, and shaved ice, Isao wondered what he should do in this world. He had the DNA of the strongest and the smartest in this world, so why should he stay? 

Moreover, unlike those fifty men, even if Tatsuya was just a middle school student, he learned, and Isao understood many things from Tatsuya's DNA alone. At the same time, he had to admit that it felt strange, as he became the strongest so easily after he got Tatsuya's DNA. 

Everything was so easy that it made him strange, which made him wonder what he did in the world of "Danmachi" and "Kimetsu no Yaiba." 

'I should have come to this world earlier.' 

Still, he thought that there were many things that he could learn from this world, so it was too early for him to go back. 


Only Isao heard a familiar voice calling his name, so he turned and saw Tatsuya, but it seemed Tatsuya wasn't the only one. 

Just like before, Tatsuya's little sister was there, but she wasn't the only one who accompanied Tatsuya since there was also a beautiful woman in her mid-20s and—

When their eyes met, it seemed like there was an electricity current that sparked their bodies, causing their bodies to shiver, but Isao quickly looked away, thinking that he wasn't a bad person anymore and he couldn't make a move on the married woman, and the woman was the same as she knew how improper her gaze was as she was a wife and a mother, but after she noticed he also looked away, she became curious and put her gaze on him with a gaze that shouldn't be shown by a woman of her identity. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 170 Anywhere, he will be in danger

19 hours ago


A familiar voice drew Isao's attention. He turned to see Tatsuya standing there with his family, a sight that made his lips twitch. 


Tatsuya called Isao, but he didn't immediately walk toward him. Instead, he looked at his mother and his little sister, waiting for their permission. 

On the other hand, Tatsuya's little sister, mother, and also a woman who appeared like a bodyguard observed Isao, who appeared so relaxed and enjoyed his food while watching the sunset. 

Yet, even so, while he appeared so decadent, they could see the masculine, mysterious, yet decadent charm, especially when he ate a cup of noodles. If they made a comparison, he would appear like Shiba Miyuki, the little sister of Tatsuya, who was so beautiful that she attracted the eyes of many whenever she walked. 

Still, he was a man, and he also wasn't like those princes or aristocrats who gave otherworldly feelings. 

Instead, he was like a barbarian king who did what he wished to do unscrupulously, without anyone able to stop him, conquering and making everyone succumb with his power and charm. 

Watching his figure from a distance, the woman who appeared in her mid-20s couldn't help but blush. 

At the same time, the mother and the little sister of Tatsuya weren't much better since they were surprised to see someone so handsome. 

Yet, this was a normal thing, especially when Isao's appearance had been enhanced due to gaining the DNA of those deities in the world of "Danmachi." 

While the people in the world of "Danmachi" might have gotten used to seeing the charm of those deities, as there were many of them, in the world of "Mahouka," someone with such an appearance was rare. 

With this appearance, even if he was a bum, he would be treated like a panda in China. As long as he consummated and made children, they would pay him instead of the other way around. 

More importantly, Isao also hadn't used all of his charm, especially after he got Freya's DNA. 

If he really used Freya's DNA, then his charm alone could make all the people in this world his slaves. 

Nevertheless, the three women somehow understood why Tatsuya told them that it would be easy to find them. 

"Are you Iinuma Isao?"

A mature woman with an elegant charm and hair tied in a bun walked slowly toward Isao. 

Even though she wasn't young anymore and was pregnant with two children, her charm was impossible to ignore, but Isao could see how weak this woman was. 

"Madam." The woman in her mid-20s quickly tried to stop the woman as she wasn't sure whether Isao was dangerous or not, but for one thing, even if he was dangerous. At the same time, she also felt regret as she knew that with her identity, she shouldn't think something might happen between her and Isao. 

Sakurai Honami was a modified human created to become a guardian and protector of the mother of Tatsuya and Miyuki, giving her life and everything to protect Shiba Miya. 

"It's fine. He doesn't seem dangerous. If you are worried, you can stand by my side." 


While hesitating, Honami nodded, following Miya's whim as she wished to see Isao's closer. 

Or rather, Isao appeared so harmless. 

If one made a comparison, he was like a large bear who appeared silly yet extremely dangerous. 

At the same time, it was definitely too risky for a married woman like him to approach him as a woman of others had always been his favorite. 

Even if Isao had changed, he knew that his nature couldn't change, and he just... couldn't help but be attracted to this woman, even though he knew that he shouldn't to. 

"Are you Iinuma Isao-san?" The mature woman asked softly. 

"Yes." Isao nodded, then glanced at Tatsuya, who followed the group a step behind and then asked, "Are you... related to the boy." 

"....." Tatsuya. 

"I am his mother," the woman said softly. "My name is Shiba Miya. Nice to meet you, Iinuma-san." 

Isao glanced at Tatsuya speechlessly since he didn't expect that Tatsuya would really bring his mother and family here. 

Still, when Tatsuya saw Isao's reaction, he wanted to laugh somehow. 

At the same time, Miyuki Shiba, the little sister of Tatsuya, looked at Isao curiously, feeling quite strange, and also wondered how strong this young man was as her older brother insisted on learning under Isao. 

While Miyuki knew that her older brother might not have the talent of a magician, his talent in another was so strong that it brought awe to everyone. 

Yet, Tatsuya praised Isao so generously, telling his mother how strong Isao was and that he wished to learn under Isao. 

Still facing the polite Miya, Isao quickly put aside his cup of noodles and stood up, introducing himself. He held Miya, who extended her hand toward him. "Nice to meet you, Shiba-san. Let me introduce my name again. My name is Iinuma Isao." 

[You have acquired Shiba Miya's DNA.]

[Do you want to absorb it?]

Yet, instead of her DNA, Isao couldn't help but be attracted by Miya's hand, which held his hand softly. Her age didn't diminish her charm. Instead, it added a charm that was impossible for a younger woman to show. 

At the same time, when they stood so close, the scent of her gentle perfume tickled his nose. If it had been before, he might have done something sorry to this woman, but at this moment, he was different as he was someone who had faced many trials and tribulations. 

Moreover, as he had failed to stop his lust toward Freya and Demeter, he had learned from his mistakes and wouldn't make the same mistake once again. 

Still, when Miya held his hand, she felt her body so hot,, like she was being burnt on the fire, especially when his eyes faced hers, and he never looked away. Her legs wavered, feeling weak, but as his hand firmly held her, somehow, she quickly recovered and stabilized herself. Or rather, she didn't want to appear weak in front of her two children. Still, she was glad that they faced the sunset, or else everyone would notice the flash on her face. 

However, when Isao stood up, all of them quickly felt the pressure that came from him. 

After his adventures in many worlds, Isao's height also increased, and he was just slightly below 190 cm. 

His frame could easily intimidate anyone, yet even so, he didn't have the bulky muscles that most women hated. Instead, his muscles were compact, giving a beauty that one could only see in a real Greek god. 

If Ares, the War of God, descended, it would be like him, they thought. 

Still, Isao wondered whether it was appropriate for him to hold Miya's hand, but she didn't let him go, so he didn't pull his hand away. 

"My son told me that you were a powerful martial artist, and you also happened to need a job." Miya looked at Isao and said, "If you don't mind, can you become my son's teacher?" 

Nevertheless, everyone felt surprised by Miya's proactiveness. 

Still, no one said anything since Miya's magic made her possess exceedingly insightful intuition. 

Miya would know when to be suspicious of others and when to be on her guard with danger lurking about. Her intuition was set above the rest, earning her the title "Mistress of Lethe."

Yet, did she not realize what kind of a danger she would bring by inviting this young man as her son's teacher?


"Sorry, I refuse." Isao decided to reject. 

Not only because he didn't want to harm the wife of others anymore, he also didn't want to enter the troublesome situation of Tatsuya and his family. 

Yes, Tatsuya might be the strongest, but the trouble that came with him was excessively high. 

Isao might be tempted by Tatsuya's mother, but... he wasn't a bad guy anymore. 

"Why did you refuse? Didn't you need a job? More importantly, aren't you ashamed to be a bum at your age?" Miya said sharply and held him tighter. 

"..." 4x

Isao was speechless and looked at Tatsuya again, who somehow appeared mischievous at him. 

Still, he didn't really want to get involved with Tatsuya's family. 

It wasn't like he couldn't handle the troubles that might befall him when he followed them, but he was just too lazy since he had encountered many troubles in various worlds, so he just wanted to relax in this world and become a normal person, but it seemed as if he gained the luck or the fate of Tatsuya, he felt that it was impossible. 


"Even though... I am not really sure, but I can tell that your family's situation is complicated." Isao was helpless. "I don't really want to get involved." 

"..." 4x

Even though Isao never asked anything, they could tell that he was sharp since he quickly understood how complicated their family situation was, and somehow, it was also understandable why Isao was reluctant to become Tatsuya's teacher. 

"Oh, if that's what you are worried about, then you don't have to worry. We won't stay too long in Okinawa, and you will only be my son's martial arts teacher during our stay in Okinawa. After that, we won't bother you, and I will greatly reward you," Miya said softly. 


Isao blinked his eyes. 

Was it his imagination, but... was he being seduced? 

Still, when Isao considered what might happen in this place while the protagonist was around, he felt that he might need to stay with them, at least until they left Okinawa. 

Moreover, once again, as he wished to become a good person, how could he let them face danger? 

After mulling for a while, Isao sighed helplessly, then nodded. "...okay." 

Hearing those words, Tatsuya sighed in relief and felt happy, but he wasn't the only one who was happy. 

"Good." Miya nodded softly and said, "Let's stay at our villa. It is more convenient if you stay at our place to teach my son." 


Isao wasn't wrong. 

This housewife tried to seduce him.

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 171 Once again, I might become a stepfather

19 hours ago

Still, while Isao had decided to teach Tatsuya, he couldn't help but ask, "But are you sure to hire me just like that?" He thought that Miya wished to test him first before hiring him, but she didn't seem to have any doubts and hired him directly. 

"I have never doubted my son. He will never lie," Miya said calmly, yet it showed the confidence she had that it was impossible for Tatsuya to lie. "But you are right. I am quite curious about your ability." He then looked at Isao and asked, "If you don't mind, can you fight Tatsuya?" 

"Here?" Isao looked at Miya strangely. 

"Do you mind, Tatsuya?" Miya looked at her son.

"I don't, Madam," Tatsuya responded, his voice devoid of any emotion, like a robot programmed to obey. His detachment was almost chilling. 

"....." Isao. 

"For now, call me a Mother," Miya said softly. 

Tatsuya looked at Miya for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, Mother." 

Hearing the exchange between the mother and son, somehow, Miyuki and Honami felt happy and made their eyes moist. Frankly, considering their family situation, they should be in doubt of Isao and always be careful, but then again, as Miya, the leader of this party, had made up her decision, there was nothing they could do, and they could see that Isao was harmless.

More importantly, it was the first time for Tatsuya to have an interest in others, so they couldn't help but feel curious about Isao. 

Tatsuya had told them that Isao could beat fifty people with ease. Even if all of them were just normal people, it was still an amazing feat. 

"You okay with this, Tatsuya?" 

"Yes." Tatsuya nodded. "Please give me your all." 

Isao only smiled. "I don't think that you can force me to give my all." 


Tatsuya took a deep breath, but he didn't say anything. Still, his eyes showed a determined and fighting spirit, ready to show his skill, as he felt unhappy being underestimated. Frankly, he shouldn't feel an emotion as his emotions had been erased by her mother in exchange for an Artificial Magic Calculation Area, leaving only his love and care for his little sister. 

Still, even so, once again, Tatsuya was a human and wasn't a machine that was absolute. 

"Let's go to the beach. The sand is softer than the concrete road." 

Isao cleaned up the bench with the help of Tatsuya, who was eager to have a spar against him, before the two walked toward the beach, facing each other. Unlike Miya and Honami, who maintained a certain distance from the two, Miyuki came closer, watching them intently. 

"Is this okay, Madam?" Honami asked in doubt since Miya's safety was more important than anything for her. While she didn't think that Isao would harm them, it was necessary to take precautions. 

"It'll be fine. I know that he won't harm us. Instead, I think that we might be able to gain a lot from him," Miya said calmly. 

"But... is he a magician?" Honami asked since she felt that Isao was so much different from a normal civilian. 

Rather, with Isao's charming appearance, she felt that it was impossible for him not to be a magician. 

Like Miyuki, who was genetically modified, Isao should be similar. 

Miya also thought so since she also felt that it was impossible for one to have such a handsome appearance without being genetically modified, but—

"While they are in the spar, tell someone to search for his information," Miya said softly in a voice that could only be heard by Honami. 

With the power of her family, it was easy to find out Isao's information, yet even if she knew, it wouldn't change her thoughts toward him. 

Instead of the information on the record, she believed more in her insight. 

This might be strange to her, yet when she was with him, she felt at peace, the solace that had disappeared after she had altered her sister's experience.

The death of her father, the experience of her sister, and everything that had happened in her life.

If she were strong and could do everything, then it would be fine, but unfortunately, she was weak. She could do nothing, and she kept making mistakes, which kept piling up, and in the end, she used her son as a tool for revenge. 

Still, when he was there, it felt like... she forgot everything. 

Her mind seemed to be in a state that she had never tasted, enveloped by his strong body, tightly, as she was unable to breathe, yet somehow, it gave her joy and safety that she had never felt before.

However, it was impossible for her to show such an emotion, especially toward a young man like Isao and in front of her children. 


On the other hand, Honami nodded respectfully, yet her gaze couldn't look away from Isao. 

Still, as they had their little conversation, Isao and Tatsuya faced each other. 


Hearing Isao's taunt, Tatsuya took a deep breath and made his first move. 


Tatsuya appeared in front of Isao instantly, giving a lethal strike into Isao's body, but somehow, Isao seemed to be able to read his intention and grasped his wrist. Subconsciously, he wanted to retract his arm, trying to escape from Isao's grasp, but as his body tried to fight back, it seemed to be out of control, and he was controlled like a toy before his body seemed to float in the air, then fall on the beach of sand. 

"....." 4x

Not only Tatsuya but Miya, Miyuki, and Honami blinked their eyes since before they realized anything, Tatsuya had already fallen on the beach.


Miyuki was startled and looked at her older brother worriedly, but at the same time, her gaze at Isao quickly changed, realizing how powerful this young man was. 


'If I use a magic...' 

Yet, when she thought so, as she looked at Isao, she felt like she was drowning, but when she was about to drown in despair, she was pulled up and somehow greeted by Isao's gentle smile.

Somehow, all of her despair disappeared, and what greeted her was dusk after the darkest night. 


Miyuki shook her head, realizing Isao wasn't as simple as she thought to be, yet with such an appearance, how could he be simple?' 

As she lamented her naivety, she couldn't help but think, 'Is he a magician too?' 

Still, she couldn't find any trace of magic from Isao, so she wasn't sure; at the same time, when she saw that Tatsuya was okay, she sighed in relief, thinking that she might be overthinking and blaming herself for being impulsive, thinking that Isao had heard her older brother. 

Moreover, as this was a martial art exchange, wasn't it normal for one to be hurt? 

"...is this aikido?" 

Tatsuya stood up and asked curiously. 

"It's something similar." Isao thought for a while and nodded. "But I guess, you like something that is more straightforward and defeats your enemy in one blow, right?" 

"Yes." Tatsuya nodded with bright eyes and was amazed as Isao could tell what he wished from just a single exchange. 

While this gentle martial art was powerful, it wasn't effective or efficient, especially when Tatsuya mostly used it to protect Miyuki and defeat his opponent as soon as possible. If he used something like Aikido to protect Miyuki, then their opponents would have hurt her already. 

Swift, precise, and efficient.

Isao knew those types of martial arts were something that Tatsuya wished to get, and if possible, be able to adapt to every situation. 

"Hmm..." Isao thought for a while and said, "To be honest, fist-to-fist isn't my forte." 

"...isn't your forte?" Tatsuya's lips twitched since if fist-to-fist wasn't Isao's forte, then how strong was Isao when Isao used his specialty?

"Then, what is your forte?" 

"When you can force me to give my all, then I will show it to you." 

"...." Tatsuya. 

Isao only smiled at Tatsuya's reaction and said, "But I will show you my favorite." 

"Please." While Tatsuya knew that he was too weak at this moment, he wanted to see Isao at his peak. Well, even the technique that Isao might show wasn't weak; he wanted to see Isao's favorite technique. 

Miya, Miyuki, and Honami also felt curious, but then they saw the air around Isao quickly change. 

Isao suddenly moved strangely, and under their perception, he had become harmless like those flowers they saw in the park and made everyone subconsciously relax their guards, but soon after, his movement became graceful and beautiful, like a blooming orchid, causing them to be in a daze. 

Only at that moment did Tatsuya widen his eyes as he saw Isao's fist right before him, ready to pummel him, breaking him into pieces.

As expected, Isao didn't hit him, but as usual, he flicked Tatsuya's forehead. 


Tatsuya covered his forehead in pain, and he was sure that it was red. 

Yet, Miya, Miyuki, and Honami were dumbfounded since everything Isao did was purely physical ability and martial arts. There was no trace of magic, but at that moment, they realized that they had been hypnotized, stunned still by his graceful movement. 

"...is that a dance?" Miyuki asked curiously. 

"Yup." Isao nodded. "Well, it's a bit late, so I will go back now." Even though they might think that he would agree with teaching Tatsuya, he decided not to do it after all since he was afraid to make a mistake, especially when he noticed the gaze that was given by their mother. 

"Wait!" Miya quickly approached him, trying to stop him. Even though she was weak, her movement was rather fast when she tried to stop Isao. "Where are you going?" 

"...I am going back." 

"I have told you that you would stay at our villa, right?" Miya then looked at Miyuki and Tatsuya. "You two must have a lot of questions to ask for him, right?" 

Hearing their mother's question, Miyuki and Tatsuya nodded. 

While Tatsuya wanted to know how Isao could make him fall into a daze with just a martial art, Miyuki was curious about Isao's graceful technique. 

"As we stay at Okinawa, please stay at our villa so you can teach my children thoroughly," Miya said softly, and she insisted that he stay. 

Hearing Miya's words, Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Honami anticipated Isao's stay, thinking that they could ask him many things, but Isao didn't think so, especially when Miya's hand tightly grasped his wrist. 


When he heard that request, Isao wondered what he should do. 

Only when he looked at Tatsuya and Miyuki, who seemed excited and innocent, thinking that nothing would happen, did he become speechless. 

Will you be okay with me being your stepfather? 


As he agreed, Miya showed a sweet smile on her stern and cold face. 

'Oh, shit...' 

Isao was sure that he would become a bad guy tonight. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 172 What should I do?


4 days ago

Two sides of the same coin. 

Even though Isao might become a bad person tonight, as long as he didn't forget his original intention, he believed that everything would be okay. 

Yet, at the same time, while his instinct told him that something might happen tonight, he shouldn't jump to a conclusion. 

More importantly, who could stop him in this world? 

As he gained Tatsuya's DNA, he became the strongest in the world. 

Or rather, he was above Tatsuya since, unlike Tatsuya, who was just a boy, Isao's body had been enhanced by a blessing from a goddess and various DNAs he gained from all the creatures he had met during his adventures in various worlds. 

Frankly, if there was a reason why Miya seemed to be proactive about him, he could only say that it was all because of Miya's ability as a magician, which made her able to have the insight to judge people whether they would harm or be trusted. 

As Isao had gained Miya's DNA, he also got this ability, and what made him relieved was that he knew that Miya, Miyuki, Honami, and Tatsuya wouldn't do something harmful to him such as catching him in a laboratory. 

Still, as he made his dinner, somehow, Miyuki asked, "Is there a point to cook by yourselves?" 

"Miyuki..." Tatsuya looked at his little sister, wondering why she was so rude. 

"It's fine, Tatsuya." 

Hearing Isao's answer, Tatsuya sighed in relief, but then being called Tatsuya was better than being called "boy," he thought. 

"Is it so weird of me to cook something?" Still, Isao couldn't help but ask. 

"It is." Miyuki nodded. "We have a robot that can help with household problems, right? Why don't you just use that?" 

As it was in 2092. Naturally, the development of technology was more advanced, and from those four DNA, Isao also understood that there were machines used to help with household problems. 

'Now, I understand why there are only a few of them.' 

Isao thought that there was something weird since even though Miya appeared like a wealthy lady, the people she brought with her were limited as it only consisted of her two children and single bodyguard, but then he also understood that whether it was their food, cleaning, and many others were taken care of by machine, which was more convenient, efficient, and cheap. 

So, there was no doubt that his act of cooking by himself made all of them feel weird. 

"You can say that it is my hobby," Isao said. 

"Hobby?" Miyuki felt weird. 

"Also, it seems that you think my food tastes worse than something made by a machine." Isao felt that he was being challenged by this little girl. "Let me show you what real cooking is." 

"...." 2x

Why did it feel like they saw him blazing in the fiery fire? 

Still, Miyuki didn't hate Isao's presence since, with Isao, her mother told her to call Tatsuya "Onii-sama," and Tatsuya could call Miya "mother" and her "Miyuki." 

This was something that she had never imagined before. 

While Miyuki felt sorry for her real father, she felt like Isao; they were like a real family. 

Yet, this couldn't be helped, especially when her father was in a lower position, someone invited her to become a son-in-law, and more importantly, he was using her mother's mother all the time for various reasons, which made her speechless and wonder where his dignity was. 

"What are you going to cook?" 

Miya also stood near the kitchen and asked curiously. Like her children, it might have been her first time having a meal prepared like this after she had lost her parents and sister. 

"You haven't tried an Okinawa dish, right? I will cook it for all of you." 

"...so you really come from Okinawa?" Tatsuya asked with a doubt. 

"Why? Did you doubt me?" 

"For Okinawa people, your skin is too light." 

As Okinawa was closer to the equator, the sun was particularly intense. There were two seasons instead of four in this location, so it was normal for one to have a darker skin color. 

Yet, Tatsuya couldn't see such a skin on Isao's. 

Or rather, Isao's skin was so much better than anyone's that it made Miya and Honami feel slightly jealous. 

"Did you use skin care or something?" Honami asked curiously. 

"It's all natural."

After all, all the worlds that he had ever entered were worlds in the past or zombie-filled worlds. In such worlds, how could he care about skincare?

Somehow, those words brought resentment from Miya and Honami. 

Still, they were soon attracted to his cooking skills, from how he wielded a cooking knife and all other actions, including the scent of the food. 

When the smell of food spread inside the room, they felt their stomachs rumbling. 

Tatsuya looked at his stomach weirdly, but he didn't say anything and kept staring at Isao, who seemed to taste the food in satisfaction. 

"Is it delicious?" Miya asked curiously. 

"Do you want to try it?" Isao took a spoon for Miya to taste, and somehow, he tried to feed on her.

"...." Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Honami. 

No one thought that Isao had put poison on the foods, especially when all of them watched the process; he also had tasted the food by himself, and how Tatsuya had used the "Elemental Sight" on the foods from time to time, but then again, wasn't this guy so brave, trying to feed Miya? 

After all, Miya always appeared stern and strict, so wouldn't she be angry when Isao tried to tease her like this? 

Only Miya lightly pulled her finger behind her ear softly, opened her wet and moist lips, sticking out her tongue to touch the food from his spoon before she let him feed on her. 

"Hn~! Delicious~!" 

Miya was surprised as she covered her lips with her hand, showing the modesty of a woman. Yet, the taste of the food was more special than she had thought, especially when it warmed up her entire body. 

"Is it really so delicious, Okaa-sama?" Miyuki asked with doubt since her mother's reaction seemed to be exaggerated. 

Tatsuya and Honami also wondered whether the food was really that delicious, as it was their first time to see such an expression from Miya. 

"Yes." Miya nodded, and at the same time, it was her imagination, but her body felt better somehow.

On the other hand, Isao was silent for a while before he threw the thought away. Still, watching the three, who were more cornered about the food instead of what he did with Miya, he sighed helplessly. 

Yet, he also knew that due to many things that happened in the past century, the matter of sexuality wasn't as open as before.

Moreover, due to the little Ice Age that happened in the past, everyone's clothes had become more reserved, and most of their bodies were hidden. 

Still, even if Miya appeared reserved with her luxurious dress, the shape of her mature, luscious body made it impossible for him not to have a strange thought on his mind. 

"By the way, you three, help me to bring the plates." 

"O-Okay." 3x

The three quickly helped him, and then soon, the dinner was ready and served on the table. 

Unlike with the robot, the dinner took quite a while to prepare, but when they tasted the food, their eyes shone, and somehow, they forgot their manner. 

"Miyuki, Tatsuya, where is your manner?" 

Still, Miya didn't forget the two and lightly chid her children. 

Hearing their mother's words, Miyuki and Tatsuya quickly slowed down and ate the food slowly. 

"Listen to your mother. There are still a lot of them, and no one will rob your food," Isao said, looking at the two. 

"Um." 2x

Only Honami felt strange, wondering why Isao was like the father of the two. 

Well, Isao had become an experienced father or a stepfather, so it didn't really matter to him. 

Nevertheless, the dinner seemed to be more festive, and the dry atmosphere that existed on this trip somehow disappeared when Isao was there. 

At the same time, while Tatsuya felt that it was subtle, he could feel that his body felt better after he ate Isao's food. He could even see his mother had a good appetite, even though she rarely ate anything due to her weak constitution after constantly using her magic. 

Yet, after tasting this food, somehow, they felt reluctant when they thought they would be separated from him after they left Okinawa. 

Still, Isao would be with them during their stay in Okinawa, so Tatsuya wished to talk with him more about martial arts and many other things. 

"Tatsuya, Miyuki, you two go to sleep soon. Tomorrow, you can ask him for training in the morning," Miya said strictly. 

While the two felt reluctant, they could only follow Miya's words. When they left, Miya said, "Honami-san, please lead Iinuma-san to his room." 

"...I am really going to stay?" Isao looked at Miya strangely. 

"Yes." Miya nodded. "I have said it before, right?" 

Isao thought for a while, but since he didn't have a place to stay, he decided to agree. 

"Then, Iinuma-kun, please follow me," Honami said with a gentle smile, leading him to his room. 


"By the way, did you learn martial arts from childhood, Iinuma-kun?" 

Still, as they walked to his room, Honami asked him various questions. 

"Hmm... I am not." 

"Huh? Really?" 

"Yes." Isao nodded. "I didn't learn any martial arts until a few years ago." He didn't lie since he only learned his martial arts after he visited the "Kimetsu no Yaiba." Before that, he had never learned anything and only focused on improving his physical ability and health. 

"But you are so strong!" 

Honami thought that Isao learned his skill from childhood and became a master, but it seemed that wasn't the case. 

"Just say that I am more talented than others." 

"...I have never expected that you are so narcissistic, Iinuma-san." 

"That's the fact, though." 

The two smiled, then chuckled. 

Facing Honami, even though she appeared gentle and kind, Isao knew that she also had many worries, but then again, they had only met in a few hours, and he knew that it would be too much of him to ask about her life, so his motto during his stay in this villa was to never ask anything. 

Isao only wanted to learn about this world slowly, steadily, and peacefully, but then again, he felt that it might be a little hard after he got involved with Tatsuya. 

Still, he didn't hate Tatsuya, so it didn't matter. 

Moreover, as he had decided to take this job, he wouldn't quit halfway as it didn't fit with his personality, who tried to become a good person. 

"This is your room, Iinuma-san. If you need anything, please tell me." 

"Thank you, Sakurai-san." 


After Isao entered the room, Honami took a deep breath, trying to calm her beating heart. She knew that it was impossible and there was no possibility between them, especially due to her identity, yet she couldn't help but feel at a loss before shaking her head, wondering why they had to meet when nothing would happen between them. 

As she let out a helpless sigh, Isao was in his room, taking a bath, thinking about what he should do in this world. At the same time, he wondered whether he should go back, as this world was as good as his when he got Tatsuya's DNA. 

But then, again, it would be a shame if he just went back so soon, especially when he knew that he had to face many things in the world of "Danmachi." 

Isao wanted to relax for a bit. 

Still, as he thought so, he sat on the sofa inside his room, watching the beach at night, enjoying his time. Yet, it was hard, especially when he thought of Miya's figure, who kept resurfacing in his mind. 

'Let's go back.' 

In the world of "Danmachi," he was still in Demeter's room so he could ask for Demeter's comfort, then went back after he had calmed himself. 


Knock! Knock! Knock!


The door was gently opened, and the figure of a woman he had always dreamed of after he came to this world appeared before him. 

"Sorry for bothering you, Iinuma-san, but do you mind if we talk?" 


Miya smiled, then closed the door. 

However, Honami, who was outside of Isao's room, was in a dilemma and panicked as she wondered what she should do.

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 173 Sorry, I will be a bad guy tonight


4 days ago

"Please sit here, Shiba-san." 


Miya felt slightly nervous, especially when she realized what she had done, yet when she felt his eyes were on her entire body, she felt giddy and strangely hot. 

Yet, how could his eyes not be on her body? 

After all, unlike her previous dress, which made her appear like an elegant, mature woman, her current dress made her appear like a gentle mother, yet, even with that dress, it was impossible to hide the sensuality from that body. 

Her current dress featured bold, light purple silk camisole pajamas that showed off her thin, small shoulders.

Her ample breasts were prominent in the dress, showing a single, small mole in one of those bountiful whitenesses. 

Fortunately, she still wore a long cardigan to give a little warmth to her body and also hid her beautiful body from the eyes of the man who wasn't her husband.

"Do you need me for something, Shiba-san?" 

"Let's have a little talk," Miya said softly as she sat on his opposite side, watching the quiet sea from the window of his room. "By the way, are you drinking?" While saying that, she showed a bottle of red wine in her hand. 

"No, I don't drink alcohol." Isao shook his head and asked worriedly, "Are you okay to drink alcohol?" 

"It should be fine if it's only a sip or two." Miya didn't mind even if Isao didn't drink any alcohol and poured a small amount of wine into the glass given by Isao.

Inside the guest room where Isao stayed had been provided with many necessities, and it was complete with many things. Moreover, even if they needed something, the machine could handle most of the things, so it was all fine. 

"I don't know why... I feel better somehow... so I want to take a sip or two." 

"Well, just be careful not to drink so much." 


As she sipped her wine lightly, letting it wet her red lips, Miya took a secret peek at Isao's side profile. Young, she thought. Currently, she is 44, and she isn't young anymore. She wasn't as beautiful as before, but then again, she didn't think that she was ugly. Yet, watching his calm expression, watching the sea and the waves calmly, she shook her head softly, thinking how arrogant she thought that he would be attracted to her. 

'Instead of me, he should be attracted to Honami-san...' 

It might be because it was her first time feeling something like this; she didn't know what to do and only made an assumption in her mind.

So what about her current husband?

Her current husband was someone chosen based on genetic matching to create exceptional offspring. There were no feelings or whatever... or rather, she had never thought that it was okay for her to enjoy her life when she thought about what she did to her sister. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Ah, um, sorry to make you worry." 

Miya was startled and apologized softly when she noticed his concerned expression. 

Isao looked at Miya for a while and said, while pointing at the bottle of wine, "Let me have some of that." 

"...didn't you say that you don't drink alcohol?" 

"Let me accompany you. You seem lonely." 

While Isao didn't drink alcohol, he didn't mind drinking some. Still, as he thought about alcohol, he thought about a wine god that could turn many people into slaves or addicts of alcohol in the world of "Danmachi." 

'I should copy his DNA,' he thought. 

It wasn't like he wanted to make someone into an addict, but alcohol was a profitable business, after all. 

"Thanks." Miya smiled softly at his words. 

Isao looked at Miya and said, "You should smile often, you know?" 

"Why so?" Miya looked at Isao with doubt. 

"You look more beautiful this way." 


Still, Miya stared at Isao for a while and asked, "...did you often seduce women this way?" 

Isao was speechless and said, "I have never said that to anyone."

Miya smiled and said, "Really? Why do I think that you are so skillful?" 

"You are the first one." 

Yes, in this world, Miya was the first one to say those words. 

"While I am happy, I am the wife of someone and the mother of two. You should say those words to someone who is younger and single, okay?" 

Unlike before, Miya appeared stern, as if she was trying to admonish him. 

"...especially when you are so young. I can be your mother, you know? Instead of me, you should say that to Honami-san." 

"But I think that you are more charming than her," Isao said truthfully. 

Miya giggled with slightly reddish cheeks. "I am happy even if it's just lip service." 

"That's not true. If you are single, I might try to seduce you." 

Yes, Isao was no longer a bad guy, so knowing that Miya was the wife of someone and a mother, he decided to retreat. 

"Oh~? How will you seduce me, then~?" Miya asked curiously. 


"I am curious. I have never been seduced, after all." 

Miya smiled sweetly, yet mischievously, as she looked at him with curiosity. 

"Hmm... I will probably come straight forward to you, telling you that I want to get to know you and tell you that I am attracted to you." 

"...you sure straightforward." Miya blushed since Isao told her that he was attracted to her. 

"If I don't come at you in a straightforward manner, then you will be suspicious of me, right? In the worst case, I will be rejected anyway." 

"Fufufu... you shouldn't give up. Try to seduce me more." 

Isao rolled his eyes, watching how Miya had a great time teasing him, but he didn't mind since it was fun to talk with this mature woman. 

Under the ambiguous exchange, Isao was like a seasoned fisherman, reeling the fish, sometimes pulling, and sometimes, letting go. 

As they sat next to each other, they talked about many things, such as Okinawa, food, and many others. Naturally, Isao avoided all the topics that were related to her family and sensitive matters. I only focused on having a great time and telling her about a great place to see in Okinawa or many other parts of the country. 

Frankly, he was grateful to those fifty men that he had beaten up. While the memory of those fifty men seemed worthless, he gained many topics that he could talk about with Miya. 

Isao knew that Miya was a magician, so it was impossible for her to leave the country, especially with her identity. 

Nor did she wish to, probably, as her memory of a foreign country definitely wasn't good. 

Still, as they talked, time also moved faster, and it was quite late. 

"I should go back. It isn't good of me to stay too late." 

"Let me send you until the door." 

"There is no need to. I am just leaving this room, right?" 

Only when she stood up did she lose her balance. Fortunately, Isao caught her and held her from behind. 

His strong arms caught her firmly, and she felt safe in his arms. 

However, this closeness was too much, especially for her, who was a wife of others. 

Miya shouldn't let him hold her like this, letting his strong body press against hers.

"...I-I am sorry. It seems that I drink too much..." 

Still, it was her fault, so she apologized. 

On the tropical island, in a place where there was hardly anyone who knew them, an impulse sometimes appeared in their minds. 

So, instead of letting her go, Isao hugged her tighter. 

As her heart beat so fast, Miya felt that her rationality slowly melted by the heat of his young and strong body, especially when his erection was clearly felt on her buttocks, making her lower body weak and wet.


Her voice was stern, and she stared at him with a cold gaze. 

Miya needed to tell this young man how wrong what he was about to do was. 

Isao also sobered and slightly loosened his arms around Miya's body. "I am sorry, Miya. You are so attractive that I can't help but... to do this." He thought that he could control himself, yet it seemed that he couldn't. 

Her gentle scent that tickled his nose, her soft body on his arms, the ambiguous atmosphere between them, and this sudden closeness due to an accident. 

All of those elements made him almost lose control. 

Still, when he said that, Miya didn't move and kept staring at him with a dignified expression, yet somehow, it was like she was trying to hide and stop something that shouldn't be felt by a woman of her identity. 

Watching this, he felt like he should try it again. 

With Miya's identity, it was impossible for her to make a move, so if there was someone who was wrong, it should be him who couldn't stop being a bad guy and touching the wives of others. 

As he approached her slowly, Miya knew that she could escape. No, he gave her time to escape, thinking it through, yet this advance of his made her mind chaotic, and her body became hotter and hotter until she could only let him kiss her lips. 


A gentle kiss. 

His lips gently savored her lips, softly and tenderly telling her that everything was going to be okay. 

Instead of pushing him away, her arms were on his chest, letting a man who wasn't her husband kiss her, letting him feel something that she had never felt before until suddenly he showed his fangs and let her feel the feeling of a real kiss. 

The dignified woman who tried to bear everything on her own could only succumb and let herself fall. 

Kissing and hugging, the two were inseparable until their lips parted, gazing into each other before she let herself be devoured by him.


On the other hand, Honami, who was so sleepy as she stood outside the door, suddenly awoke. She quickly stood up, realizing that she had slacked her duty. 


Honami wondered whether Miya had returned to her room, but then, if Miya had returned, Miya should have reminded him, and she should have known about it as she stood in front of the door of Isao's room. 

In other words, Miya was still inside. 

While she knew it was wrong, Honami decided to peek inside because, as a guardian, it was her duty to protect the safety of her master. Gently opening the door, hoping that no one would notice her before, her eyes widened as the dignified and elegant woman who made people look at her in awe was no longer there. 

Under the dim light, her master was there, being hugged by a man who wasn't her husband, naked, bare, showing the beauty of her mature body. She appeared so lewd, letting herself drown in a sea of pleasure as her cries echoed within the room, clearly enjoying the obscene act. 

Honami closed her mouth as she widened her eyes, yet she couldn't look away, watching the two as she felt her panties were wet.

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 174 It's too late


3 days ago

It had been a while, but Miya felt that she had a good sleep. 

In the abyss where there was no light, she found the light that led her to a beautiful place with many flowers. 

In that place, he was there, accompanying, holding her, giving her something that she had never felt before. 

Only the two. 

Miya let herself be held by him from behind, enjoying the feeling of being protected. 

It was beautiful, she thought, but suddenly she felt someone call her name and she turned, watching a young woman, who was looking at her with a crazed-like smile. 

"You killed me!" 

At that moment, Miya woke up abruptly, breathing heavily, and cold sweats covered her ripe, naked body. 


Miya looked around and felt at a loss when she saw him nowhere, but then she heard his voice from the outside. This made her slowly stand up, reaching for the blanket to cover her naked body, then move her plump, white thighs and slowly walk toward the window, peeking toward the yard. 

She saw Tatsuya and Miyuki in the yard, along with Isao, who taught the two martial arts. 

Watching the three, a gentle smile appeared on her beautiful face, and then a blush covered her face, thinking of the kind of absurdity and craziness she had done with someone who wasn't her husband. 

Yet, when she thought about last night... 

Her expression was in a state of dream, thinking of the wonderful things that happened between them as he conquered her, letting her feel the joy of a woman with his hard, thick, and large erection. 

Even though he was no longer inside her, she could feel that he was inside, overwriting everything, making her only think about him. 

Yet, she also knew that she wasn't worthy to be someone who could be by his side, especially for what she had done to her family. 

As she quietly watched the three, she saw that Isao seemed to notice her and winked at her, causing her body to throb, recalling his embrace, blushing, before she quickly escaped from that bad boy! 

Still, she was a married woman, and she wasn't a young girl who knew nothing, so while she was helpless, she tried to force herself to think that it was all just a one-time mistake and that she wouldn't do this again. 

As she calmed herself, Miya knew that she couldn't be seen inside his room, so she called Honami to help her return to her room. 

While hesitating, Honami entered the room, looking haggard yet awkwardly toward her master. 


"Help me to go back to my room..." 

There was no need to explain anything. 

The guardian's job was to submissively protect their master. 

Honami walked toward her master, watching how rosy, beautiful, and younger Miya had become. At the same time, Miya also appeared so cheerful, like a beautiful flower that was watered by the most skillful gardener on the richest soil. 

Honami bit her lower lips, recalling the womanly expression that appeared on the face of her master. She could tell that her master enjoyed his embrace, like a woman entrusting everything to the man, yet she wondered whether it was okay. 

Under that constant struggle for morality, Honami sent Miya to the master bedroom before Miya glanced at Honami and said, "Help me to take a bath, Honami-san." 

"Ah, yes." 

As Miya showed off her naked body, Honami even gasped when she saw many red marks, which were clearly hickeys, on Miya's beautiful shoulders and slender neck. 

"He is a bad boy." 

Watching Honami's expression, Miya reminded Honami, especially when Honami appeared so innocent. "Be careful. He might seduce you if you appear easy in front of him." 

"Ye-Yes!" Honami could only nod obediently, thinking that Isao was really a bad boy~! 

On the other hand, Isao taught Tatsuya and Miyuki everything. He didn't hold anything and told everything that they wanted to know. 

"So, is your martial art inspired by the phenomenon in the world?" Tatsuya asked. 

"Yup." Isao nodded. "Sun, flower, water, insect, thunder, stone, and many others." 

"I-Insect?" Miyuki shivered. 

"There are many martial arts that mimic an insect movement, you know? There is even something known as a praying mantis fist." 

"Is it strong?" Tatsuya asked curiously. 

"Of course." Isao nodded. "Insects might be small, but many of them have extraordinary abilities that you have never imagined. If those insects are the size of a human, they might dominate the world." 


While Tatsuya thought of Isao's words, Miyuki shivered, disgusted by the image of a large insect in her mind. 

"Can you show me this insect movement?" Tatsuya asked. "Yesterday was a flower, right?" 

"Yeah, yesterday was a flower." Isao looked at Tatsuya and said, "But let's not focus on the style or whatever; I will teach you slowly and determine which style is suitable for you." 

"Yes, Sensei!" 

Then, that morning, the two sparred, fighting each other, while Isao fixed Tatsuya's bad habit, making him even stronger in physical ability. At the same time, he thought of teaching Tatsuya Akaza's martial arts. 

Even though Isao had beaten Akaza quite easily, it was mostly because his body was much stronger than Akaza, but if Akaza had a physical ability like him along with the martial art that Akaza had mastered, Akaza would be a human nuclear bomb. 

"You want to learn too, Miyuki?" 

While Isao didn't really want to call Miyuki by her first name, she told him that it was okay, so he just called her directly since it was quite bothersome to call her "Tatsuya's little sister." 

"Is that fine?" Miyuki asked. 

"Sure." Isao nodded. "It doesn't matter whether I teach one or two." 

"..." Tatsuya was speechless, but he didn't say much since he could tell that Isao really taught the two seriously, and at the same time, he could see that Isao lacked interest in Miyuki. 

Miyuki could also feel it, but she didn't mind and felt happy since she had always been treated like candy, and everyone always surrounded her, bothering her with unnecessary attention, so Isao's normal attitude was welcomed by her. 

"I want to dance like martial arts!" Miyuki somehow acted like his daughter. 

"Yes, yes." 

Even though Isao had slept with their mother, it was impossible for him to say that, and frankly, he felt guilty as he let his desire overwhelm him.

'Even though I have promised not to touch a woman with a husband anymore...' 

Isao still recalled his vow where he promised that he wouldn't touch a mature woman with a husband, especially after his case with Amane, but it seemed that no matter how hard he tried, it was really impossible for him to deny his nature. 

'No! This is the last time! This is the last time!' 

Isao vowed again within his heart, as he didn't want Tatsuya and Miyuki to know what he had done. 

Still, as he taught the two of them attentively, letting them feel the growth and improvement in their bodies, a voice stopped them. 

"You all take a rest for a moment. You haven't eaten breakfast, right?" 

When they heard this voice, they realized that they hadn't eaten anything except for fruits and milk. 

Still, when the source of this voice met Isao's gaze, the stillness, like emotion, wavered and became ferocious waves that made her recall what had happened between them last night. 

While Miya was slightly tipsy due to the red wine, she knew that she let him do all of that based on her consent. Even if she said nothing, she agreed to let him ravage her ripened body and awaken the woman's instinct in her body that succumbed to him, who embraced her tightly, letting her enjoy the pleasure of flesh that she had never felt before. 

Her beautiful, mature face turned crimson, and she looked away. 

While Isao took a deep breath, trying to calm the fiery lust on his body, Tatsuya and Miyuki felt their mother was weird, yet they didn't mind since somehow... it felt like Miya, who had always been cold, really became the mother for the two somehow. 

Only Honami tried to glare at Isao, trying to stop this beast from touching her master again! 

Yet, when Isao glanced at her, she could only lower her head as she was afraid when he put his attention on her, she would be pulled into an inescapable abyss. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 175 My thumb is throbbing


3 days ago

"Do you have a plan after this?" 

Being told to eat breakfast, Isao cooked breakfast in the place of the machine. Unlike before, he knew that all the foods he cooked had a special effect on boosting someone's status, whether it was their physical ability, spiritual, or magic. 

Moreover, his food also tasted more delicious. 

If there was a reason for this, Isao could only say that it was all due to Mukoda's DNA, which also gave him the ability to shop online and better talent in cooking. 

True, this unique ability didn't grant him direct offensive power, but it helped him much, particularly during his frequent trips into uncharted worlds. 

Still, when Miyuki saw her mother eat Isao's food without leaving anything, she smiled, thinking that her mother had become much healthier after Isao came. 

'Is it also due to Demeter's DNA?'

As the goddess of good, Isao thought that Demeter's DNA also further increased his talent for cooking food. 

"I have never thought that a food cooked by hand tasted so much different..." Tatsuya murmured. Frankly, he wasn't so picky with his food since, in his mind, food was nothing but fuel to move his body. As long as it could fill him, he was okay with anything, yet the food cooked by Isao was different. It made his body stronger, and this warmth made him comfortable somehow.

"If you open a restaurant, it will be a great hit, Iinuma-san," Honami said while wiping her thin, wet lips. 

"Opening a restaurant is troublesome, though." Isao looked at them, then asked, "So, do you want to practice, or do you have a plan after this?" 

"What do you think?" Miya didn't answer and asked Isao's opinion. 

"It's a rare time for you to visit Okinawa, after all. You should enjoy this trip more." 

"Is that so?" Yet, watching his calm expression as if nothing had happened between them, Miya felt slight resentment within her heart. 

"You don't have to worry. I am a master at having fun." 

'Including sleeping with the mother of your student?' Miya rolled her eyes, feeling helpless, wondering why she was swayed by his seduction. 

"Do you have a request or something?" Isao asked. 

Still, no one could answer his question, and they all looked at Miya, the master of the house. 

"A place that isn't hot," Miya said after a moment of thought. 

"I think that you should visit Hokkaido instead of Okinawa." 

"If you say it that way... it seems you are right." 

At this moment, Miya also wondered why she visited Okinawa in the summer when the summer in Hokkaido seemed to be more comfortable. Moreover, considering her weak body, an activity that didn't take much of a toll on her body was also important. 

Yet, somehow, after she was being held by him, her body seemed to be a little stronger. 

Miya wondered why, though. 

"How about the sea? Can you sail on a boat?" 

"...you sure ask a weird question." Isao looked at Miya weirdly and asked, "Do you think that I am a sailor or something?" 

"So, can you sail or not?" 

"...I can, though." 

Isao didn't lie since he believed that he could sail on the ship even though in the 2092 the ship might be quite advanced, but then again, as long as he touched the captain of the ship, everything would be okay. 

"Okay, let's go to the sea." Miya made up her plan decisively, then looked at the three. "You three, go and prepare yourselves." 

"Yes, Mother." 2x

"Yes, Madam." 

Unlike before, Tatsuya was no longer calling Miya "madam" but "mother." 

Was it good?

Tatsuya hardly had any emotions, so Isao could tell that Tatsuya was probably confused by his new feelings at that moment, but Isao was sure that this wasn't something bad. 

If Isao had to say, it was like how blind people would have their other senses to become sharper and adapt to their situation. Even if Tatsuya lost his feelings due to an experiment done by her mother and aunt, his body should have adapted and tried to learn the new feeling he felt in a different way. 

Still watching the three prepare themselves and leave the room, Miya sighed in relief, thinking that it was a chance for her to talk with Isao, but suddenly, she was hugged by someone from behind. Even if she didn't see who the person who hugged her was, she could tell who this person was. 

"What are you doing?" 

Her red eyes stared dangerously at Isao, who dared to do something so shameful in such a dangerous situation. 

"Sorry, I just can't help it. I miss you." 

Isao didn't care about Miya's anger, and he felt like... she was even more beautiful when she showed her temper. 

Unlike last night when she showed the whiteness of her body, this time, she appeared reserved, hiding most of her skin as she didn't want anyone to see the redness that was caused by this bad guy! 

Pressing his face against her white nape, he loved the scent of her perfume, which made her recall a rose flower. 

"Please watch your conduct." Miya was helpless, but she still said sternly with an admonished gaze, "I don't want Miyuki and Tatsuya to know what is happening between us." 

"I know." Isao nodded softly. "You are the wife of someone and also the mother of two. I won't do anything that will make the two sad or make your life miserable, but can you kiss me? If you kiss me, I will let you go." 


Miya was taken aback but kept staring at him, hoping that Isao would let her go, but no matter how long he didn't let her go, she could feel the dangerous feelings that she wanted to forget kept resurfacing, her heart was thumping whenever she thought that Tatsuya or Miyuki might return any moment, which made her helpless as she was unable to control this emotion. 

"...only a kiss. No more than that, okay?" 

Miya sighed helplessly and decided to give up.


Watching his happy expression, Miya rolled her beautiful eyes, then closed them, waiting for him to kiss her. 

"No, I want you to be the one who kisses me." 

Still, Isao was more naughty than she had thought. 


Unlike before, Isao wished for Miya to take the initiative instead of him. "If you are not in a hurry, they will return and see us, you know?" 

Miya kept staring at him but then sighed, moved toward his lips, and kissed him.


Subconsciously, she leaked out a sweet noise from her red lips. Her lipsticks might stick onto him, but it didn't matter, and what she thought of was only the joy that came from pressing each other's lips, which made her body become fiery once again, wishing him to be inside her, but then, she underestimated this guy's naughtiness as he wished to do more to her. 

However, as she was in his arms, she could do nothing and let him ravage her lips and body, but then, when she almost lost her breath, he parted his lips from hers. 


Hearing his words and watching this smile, Miya's face flushed red, letting out a helpless sigh as she leaned onto his chest.

"...be patient. When the two fall asleep at night, we can do it again..." 

Her voice was low, but Isao could hear it clearly. 


"Yeah, so be patient, okay~? 


Still, the two didn't let go of the embrace and leaned against each other until Isao suddenly told her to fix her lipstick since they would return soon. 

"How can you tell?" Miya asked curiously as she fixed her lipstick. 

"I have a sharp sense, so you don't have to worry even if we're on the outside." 

"Scoundrel!" Miya scolded him harshly. "I won't do it outside!" 

"Is it okay in the room?" Isao asked curiously. 


Miya gave up since this guy was so shameless! 

Nevertheless, they soon parted as Miyuki, Honami, and Tatsuya returned and acted as if nothing had happened. While they appeared close, it was a normal relationship, but then, as the group of five went on a trip together, it would be impossible if one didn't think of them as a family. 

Their first destination was shopping, since within their group, there were three women, and it was impossible if they didn't want to go shopping. 

Only the males in this group, Isao and Tatsuya, had to bring all of the items Miya had bought. 

Still, watching Isao, who also brought the items like him, he couldn't help but smile. 

"Is there something funny, Tatsuya?" Isao's lips twitched since he didn't expect Tatsuya to smile in this situation. 

"No, I don't know why, but I feel strangely happy." 

"...don't feel happy in this type of situation." 

Tatsuya only showed a soft smile at Isao's words. 

However, along their trip, Miya brought Isao many clothes, or rather, along with Tatsuya, the group of three females, telling the two to put on various clothes and wear them as if a doll to dress up. 

"Okaa-sama, how about this one?" 

"Hmm... that one isn't bad at all." 

"Madam, this one is also good!" 

"You are right." Miya nodded, then looked at Isao and Tatsuya. "Isao-san, Tatsuya, go and change into those clothes." 

While Tatsuya was helpless, he was glad that he wasn't the only one. 


Somehow, being ignored and treated as a servant was easier than being told to wear various clothes by his mother, little sister, and Honami, Tatsuya thought. Still, hopefully, his teacher could do something about this situation. 

"Be patient, Tatsuya. They are creatures known as women. You can't use logic on them." 

"...then, what should I do?" 

If so, what should he do? 

"Just be patient. Sooner or later, they will be satisfied, and we can go back." 

Unfortunately, the energy of Miya, Miyuki, and Honami was greater than the two thought. 

Isao and Tatsuya looked at each other before they let out a helpless sigh. Fortunately, they decided to have lunch and fill their energy after a long, arduous torment caused by the three women. 

Nevertheless, Isao quickly told them to change their destination to something other than the shopping mall, which Tatsuya agreed to. 

Miya, Miyuki, and Honami agreed, so after that, the group of five visited various places in Okinawa, from historical monuments to the beauty of nature to taking a photo and tasting the local foods. 

While the food might not be healthy, hygienic, or wasn't as delicious as Isao cooked, somehow, they wanted to try it, especially when they saw Isao kept tasting various foods. 

Naturally, all of them were bought by Miya, who was a wealthy woman. 

At this moment, Isao realized that even if he didn't have money, just by relying on his handsome face, he could live well. However, his pride as a man didn't allow him to become a gigolo (forgetting that he used his body to repay his debt to Hephaestus), so he thought of doing business in this world, but let's do it later. 

Still, they soon went to the sea, borrowing the yacht and letting Isao control it. 

As expected, he could control the yacht well, and everyone seemed to enjoy the trip. 

"I thought you were lying," Miya said with a smile, looking at Isao, who controlled the yacht. 

"I am not." Isao shook his head and said, "My number one virtue is that I never lie." 


Miya rolled her eyes but then watched her children, who were outside, and after confirming that everything was okay, she leaned on his shoulder. 

"Miya?" Isao was surprised by her bold action. 

Miya didn't say anything, only put her hand against his pants, rubbing it softly. 

"...don't play around." 

"This is my revenge." Miya showed a sweet smile, put her chin against his shoulder as she blew hot air, and whispered, "Don't play around with a housewife, boy~!" 


Isao was in silence, turned to face Miya, who looked at him with a mischievous smile, but suddenly he felt his thumb throbbing. This wasn't the first time his thumb felt like this. 

Or rather, after he got Finn Deimne's DNA, he could tell whether he would encounter something bad or not through his throbbing thumb. 


Isao frowned, then quickly changed the direction of the yacht. 

"What's wrong?" 

Miya was startled by the sudden change of course of the yacht, and the others quickly entered the control room, asking what had happened. 

"I just feel something bad. Let's go back to the port." 

While they wondered how Isao could tell that something bad might happen, they decided to believe in him. 

Still, when they returned to the villa, they understood why Isao said that something might happen to them, especially at night when Captain Kazama Harunobu from the Japanese Self-Defense Force came to visit. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 176 There are many who is hurt


2 days ago

"Submarine?" 4x

As Kazama came and told them, Miya, Miyuki, Tatsuya, and Honami were startled, but they kept their expressions calm. 

Still, as a child, Miyuki couldn't help but glance at Isao curiously, and somehow understood why Isao told them to go back before. 

Still, Kazama noticed Miyuki's gaze, and somehow, his gaze followed Miyuki's before he was startled. 

'How can I miss him?!' 

There weren't four of them, but five of them were in this villa. 

More importantly, how could he ignore Isao, who had such a radiant presence? 

Even if Kazama was a man, he could say that Isao was the most handsome man that he had ever seen, yet why did he ignore him? Why didn't he notice his presence? 

Was it magic? 

No, he didn't even notice the presence of magic being used. 

Then, martial arts? 

As a seasoned soldier, Kazama should have been able to maintain his calm, yet unfortunately, he couldn't, which shows how shocked he was. 

On the other hand, Tatsuya looked at Isao with doubt, wondering what Isao had done. 

"I made him ignore my presence," Isao said since he noticed Tatsuya's gaze. He didn't lower his voice and made all of them understand. 

"Excuse me, you are...?" Kazama asked, full of sweat, as if he were facing a dangerous beast.

If Kazama had to describe his situation, it was like he came to Siberia, walking in the forest, only realizing behind him a tiger was about to bite him to death. 

Being noticed by Kazama due to Miyuki, Isao didn't hide his presence anymore and radiated his fighting spirit. Even if it was only weak, Kazama, who was a magician, felt like... he might fall anytime. It was fortunate that Kazama sat down, or else he would show his pathetic state to everyone. 

"My name is Iinuma Isao, and I am unemployed." 

"....." Everyone. 

"You are not now, right?" Miya sighed." 

"Oh, right." Isao nodded. "Though I am now being hired as a martial arts teacher." 

"...martial arts teacher?" Kazama was in doubt. "Is this a martial art?" 

So, it wasn't magic? 

Yet, how? 

Could this technique be taught to others? 

However, Kazama wasn't stupid, and he knew that any more questions would be rude. 

"So, before, we were close to being targeted by a submarine?" Isao asked in doubt. 

"Yes." Kazama nodded respectfully and said, "We don't know the specific submarine, but we found that your yacht happened to be nearby." 


How troublesome...

Whether it was Isao or Miya, they thought so. 

While Miya kept her poker face, showing a gentle smile, she sighed inwardly, wondering why she asked Isao to sail on the yacht previously. 

"Isn't that extremely irresponsible, Captain? What was the use of our taxes if you couldn't work? What if something happened to all of us due to your carelessness? Are you taking your job seriously?!" 

Isao knew that if he wasn't aggressive, it would be Kazama who was aggressive. 

There was no doubt that Kazama came here to question their identity and wonder whether they had a relationship with that unknown submarine that entered their country's ocean. 

"I apologize for our irresponsibility, but can I ask you how you could tell why you decided to back away and return to the port?" Kazama asked politely, yet his words clearly told them whether they got information from that unknown submarine, which made them or Isao related to the enemy they didn't know. 

"It's intuition." 

"...intution?" Kazama looked at Isao with doubt. 

"Yup." Isao nodded and said with a gentle smile, "Like how I could guess there would be an incompetent soldier that would come here to ask useless questions."


This was simply a provocation, yet it was quite refreshing when it was told with such a gentle smile. 

Kazama took a deep breath and said, "Thank you for your cooperation." He didn't have any evidence that they were related to the unknown submarine, and if there was a reason why he came here, it was because their yacht was one of the yachts that sailed on the sea at the time the unknown submarine was seen. 

Being pointed like a criminal definitely wasn't a happy thing, but this was his job, and Kazama had to do it to protect the safety of everyone in the country. 

However, while Isao was a good person, he didn't want to be bullied. 

Or rather, Kazama should be glad that Isao didn't intend to control him. 

"I hope that you can find out the identity of this submarine for our safety, Captain." 

Somehow, the words of the captain seemed to be sarcasm, yet Kazama also knew that this was a little petty attack from Isao. 

If this was a fighting game, what Isao did was do a lower kick all the time, harassing him without being able to do anything. 

Yet, it didn't change the fact that Kazama knew that he was incompetent as he was unable to discover the problem that loomed within this area. 

"I will." 

The two shook hands with each other. 

Still, Kazama also had a small heart, so facing this pretty boy, he thought of holding Isao's hand tightly to give him a little pain. 


Kazama sweated profusely, trying to hold the pain in his hand as he lowered his head, unable to meet Isao's eyes. 

There was no magic, and everything was done with pure physical ability. 

'Master martial art...' 

As someone who also learned to be a martial artist, Kazama could tell that Isao's skill was above his. 

[You have acquired Kazama Harunobu's DNA.]

[Do you want to absorb it?]

Even if Kazama wasn't that particularly powerful, Isao didn't mind and decided to accept his DNA, especially when he could get information about the JSDF through Kazama's DNA. 


"Tatsuya, you should send Captain Kazama off."

"Yes, Mother." 

With that, the visit to Kazama ended, and Tatsuya and Miyuki sent him off to the outside. 

"You have the power to detect danger, Isao-san?" Miya asked softly. 

"I do." Isao nodded. "That's why I didn't really want to accept your offer before." 

"...." 2x

Miya and Honami were speechless by his answer, and somehow, they understood why Isao was so reluctant to accept Miya's offer even though she would pay him generously. 


"Then why did you accept my offer?" Miya asked curiously, staring at him playfully with her beautiful eyes. 

"You seduced me," Isao said innocently with a helpless sigh. 

Miya snorted at his shameless words, then pulled his cheeky cheek. 

"It hurts! Miya, it hurts! Stop it!"

"Then, stop being so cheeky~!" 

As the two flirted when Tatsuya and Miyuki left, Honami let out a helpless sigh, wondering why she had been tormented like this. 

Could you flirt somewhere?! 

On the other hand, Kazama, who was being sent by Tatsuya and Miyuki, held his hand in pain, but fortunately, he knew that it wasn't broken, which was Isao's kindness. 

Watching Kazama, who was in pain, the two didn't say anything, only shook their heads inwardly. 

"Is your teacher a magician?" 


"...no?" Kazama looked at Tatsuya strangely, but since Tatsuya had said so, it should have been true. Why should one lie when one is a magician or not?

Frankly, Tatsuya wasn't even sure whether Isao was a magician or not, but in his mind, it didn't really matter. 

Still, when they reached the military car, they happened to meet the group of guys who Tatsuya had fought on their first day in Okinawa. 

As the two met, Kazama realized everything and then told the guy to apologize to Tatsuya before inviting Tatsuya to the base as he served as an instructor. 

"You are free to come anytime. I am sure that you will find it interesting." 

Tatsuya was a rare gem, Kazama thought, as Tatsuya was able to defeat a trained magician in fist-to-fist combat, but then, what was Isao; who could defeat him in the confrontation?

"If possible, try to invite him." 

"It's all Sensei's decision; I can't force him." 

While Tatsuya was interested in the military, he wasn't sure about Isao's thoughts. 

"Is that so? But you are all welcome there." 

Leaving those words, Kazama then left the villa while holding the hand that was still throbbing due to the handshake with Isao. 

Still, Isao didn't care about their exchange, and when night came, he slipped into Miya's room. 

Why Miya's room? 

It was because they knew that no one would come to enter her room, and frankly, it was more spacious and comfortable, especially in terms of voice insulation. 

The young man held her body tightly, never letting her go, as Miya could only succumb to the pleasure. 

"Hmn~! S-Slow down~! Hmn~! I-Isao-san~! Oh~!" 

Only, as the guardian of Miya, Honami could cry since she couldn't fall asleep that night again.