Akkikan40 UBTC 177-185

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 177 Woman


2 days ago

In the morning, the weather wasn't as good as it was rainy, yet even if the weather wasn't good, Miya's mood was good, and her body was as good as ever, which was rare. 

Was it due to him? 

The transformative power of love was evident in Miya's physical being. It was as if her body was being rewound, the years melting away, leaving her feeling youthful and vibrant. Love, it seemed, had the power to turn back time. Her withered body became rosy and moist because of his care. Moreover, instead of being exhausted, her weakened body also became stronger as she was constantly being held by him. 

Yes, she might be a little old, and with her age, it wouldn't be weird of her to be Isao's mother, yet in his arms, such a problem known as age was just a minor problem. 

In his eyes, she was the most attractive woman, and he ravaged every part of her body in a way that she had never imagined. Yet, instead of hating it due to how vulgar it was, she also let herself fall into his embrace, letting him play with her body as he wished, forgetting her identity and only focusing on becoming his woman. It was also fortunate that all of her clothes appeared reserved, hiding most of her skin, so her children couldn't see the marks that had been left by Isao. 

Yet, the thought of pregnancy made her hesitate. 

It wasn't because she didn't want to be impregnated by him, or she knew how wrong their relationship was as they had an affair, or even including her children. 

The hesitation in her mind came from the origin of her family. 

As a magician and a member of a certain powerful magician family, it was impossible for their child between them to have a normal life. 

At the same time, she didn't want to trouble him, especially when she knew that she didn't have a long life. She could tell that her death was near, and she thought of treating their meeting as her memory at the last moment of her life. 

In her monochrome-like life, where she constantly made mistakes, Isao came into her life, bringing color into her world. 

This time, she wouldn't make the same mistake, but then, the thought of his raw cock entering deep into her ripened crack, ejecting his thick white juice, causing her womb to spread open, wishing to be impregnated. 

While she didn't realize it, her expression was rather lewd. 

Still, as she sipped her morning coffee brewed by Isao, she listened to the conversation between Isao, Miyuki, and Tatsuya. 

"Is black coffee delicious?" Miyuki looked at Isao and Tatsuya, who drank the bitter coffee with ease. 

"You are a child, so it is normal that you don't think it is delicious." 

"I-I am not a child! I want one, too! Let me try it!" 

Miyuki puffed her cheeks, showing her annoyance. 

"No, you might waste my coffee if you don't drink it." Isao then glanced at Tatsuya and said, "Tatsuya, share some of yours with your little sister." 

"Do you want to try it, Miyuki?" Tatsuya asked, ready to give the cup of coffee prepared by Isao. While it tasted bitter, he didn't hate it, and frankly, it was quite delicious as there were many hints of chocolate and roasted almond. 

"Is-Is that okay?" Miyuki asked with a blush, looking at Tatsuya's cup, thinking that she would have an indirect kiss. 

"Yes." Tatsuya nodded. 

As the two siblings had their more than-normal average sibling relationship, Miya looked at her two children and asked, "Yesterday, Captain Kazama invited you to the base, right?" 

"Yes, mother." Tatsuya nodded, but Miyuki furrowed her brows, showing her dislike of the bitter coffee, sticking out her small tongue. 

"Miyuki, you are a girl. You shouldn't show such a shameful appearance," Miya said calmly. 

"Ye-Yes!" Miyuki quickly fixed her attitude, but she felt that her mother had somehow become gentler and kinder. She wasn't sure why, but she liked this mother of hers now. 

"Then, you should accept his invitation." 

"Is that fine?" Tatsuya asked in surprise, then looked at Miyuki. There was Isao, so he tried not to talk about how he was Miyuki's guardian, someone whose purpose was to give his life to protect his little sister. 

As for Kazama's invitation to Isao to visit the base, Tatsuya had asked Isao, but as expected, Isao didn't have much of an interest.

"Miyuki, do you want to follow your older brother?" Miya asked. 

"Ye-Yes!" Miyuki hurriedly nodded with a happy smile. 

"Then, you two can go to the base; we're okay here," Miya said softly, like a gentle mother. 

Yet, whether it was Isao or the sleepy Honami, she knew that this was just Miya's disguise since after Miyuki and Tatsuya left, Miya definitely would take off her mother's mask and become a woman once again. 

If her womanly face was shown to her husband, then it was all fine, but this face was shown to a young man, who wasn't even her husband, a stranger that she had met in a few days. 

Yet, even if their meeting was short, she had thought of him as his woman, giving her body and heart to him. 

So, when Tatsuya and Miyuki left, Miya said, "Honami-san, you must be sleepy, right? You can rest in your room. I will have Isao-san to protect me." 


Honami wanted to say "no," but she sighed helplessly, then looked at Isao, bowing her head. "Please take care of madam, Isao-kun." As she said so, she looked at the young man, who held the body of her madam every moment he could. 

Whenever they were together, it was impossible for them to be inseparable. 

Yet, instead of hating him, she felt jealous. Jealous toward Miya, who could give her everything to this young man, and enjoyed the life of a woman who had fallen in love. 

"Leave her to me. I will protect her with everything I have." 

Hearing his words, Honami sighed helplessly, then left for her room. Still, when she left, Isao could no longer control himself and hugged his older lover. Even if she might not be the most beautiful, she was his taste and always gave him a lingering feeling that was impossible to erase. 

"Sending your children away to spend your time with me, you have become so perverted, Miya." 

"...it was all your fault." Miya clung to him tightly, biting her lower lip as she thought about what would happen after this. 

"Then, let me take responsibility." 

Holding her in his arms, Isao carried her to the room, ready to start their lovemaking. 


"Do you want to try it here~? 

"Here? In the living room?" 


"How about in the kitchen?" 


As there were only two, no one could stop them from their affair. Their bodies were scorching, wishing to be together once again, feeling the joy that came when their genitals connected. 

"Don't pull out..." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah." With her white, plump legs wrapped around his waist tightly, she whispered softly, "Pour everything inside. Make me pregnant." 

At that moment, something snapped within him, and he poured everything inside her. 


Her sweet cry was like an animal; her body was tense, feeling his semen entering her womb, realizing how he had impregnated her. 

This shouldn't happen to her, especially for a woman of her position, yet even if she tried not to, it was impossible, especially when this young man had conquered her. 

As her soft hands rubbed against his soft hair, Miya bit his earlobe lightly, obsessively, licking his neck with her tongue, and whispered sweetly, "I love you..." 

This feeling when she felt protected, safe, peaceful, and excited... she was going to treasure every moment with him. 

"Me too, Miya." 

Gazing into each other, his pitch-dark eyes drowned her in the rapture of flesh before starting another adult, obscene kiss. 

Such days continued, and whenever they had a chance, they held each other and never parted away until a warning about the possible war was coming. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 178 Leave the rest to me



It was early morning, as usual. 

Practicing martial arts, enjoying their breakfast together, and resting with a cup of coffee or tea, everything was normal until the tranquility of the morning was violently shattered by a blaring alarm that cut through the peaceful atmosphere, its sound reaching every corner of the city. 

As the alarm sounded, a hologram screen appeared along with the sudden announcement from the mayor. 

"This is an alert from the National Defense Force. While traveling 10 km east of Tonakijima, a Japanese patrol boat came under attack by a submarine of unknown origin and went missing. Our forces were deployed immediately, but we have yet to apprehend or sink the vessel. The Kerama Islands have been subjugated to a missile attack from the sea, and the port facilities have suffered damage. We urge those of you watching this broadcast now to follow the emergency manual and start the evacuation process quickly and calmly. 

"Repeat. This is an alert from..." 

Isao watched all of this in silence and could feel his thumb throbbing. Moreover, unlike before, it was even more painful than the previous one. 


Isao bit his thumb, trying to control it while thinking the more danger he encountered, the more painful his thumb would be. It was at this moment that Tatsuya came and reported that he got a call from Captain Kazama. 

"I have received a phone call from Captain Kazama of Onna Base suggesting that we evacuate to the shelter on base." 

At the same time, a call suddenly came, but somehow, Isao decided to leave the living room. "I will wait outside." 

"Yes..." Miya nodded softly since she could tell who had called her at that moment. 

Then, as expected, Honami, who received the call soon, gave the phone to Miya and told her that this call came from Maya, who was also Miya's twin sister. 

On the other hand, Tatsuya looked at Isao strangely as he could see Isao closed his ears, trying not to get involved in their family matter. 

Yet, Miya, who had been living in the dream, knew that she had to wake up from her dream and face her reality. At this moment, she was no longer Isao's woman, but a member of the family of a certain magician clan. 

"Hello, Maya?" 

"Nee-san? It's been a while."

A sweet, flirty voice was soon heard from the opposite. "Things certainly seem to be hectic down there." 

"Yes, you are right about that." 

"Have you heard from Captain Kazama?" 

"About the shelter on the base? I see. So it was you who pulled those strings. Thank you. But as the enemy forces' target, wouldn't the base be more dangerous?" 

"We're talking about an enemy that wouldn't bother with rules like "never attack non-military facilities." The fact that they'd stoop to anything surely isn't lost on you, Nee-san." 

The memory from the past returned and haunted her once again.

Yet, she tried not to show her feelings through her expression and answered softly, "That's true." 

As the two talked, Miya made up her decision. "Very well." 

"I am relieved you're quick to understand. Also, do you mind one more piece of advice?" 

"No, go right ahead." 

"Circumstances being what they are... I believe that you should release Tatsuya." 

"Are you being serious?" 

At that moment, Miya's tone quickly changed, and she raised her voice subconsciously. 

Tatsuya, who was involved, was silent, and never said a single thing, as everything was their decision. 

"What I mean is, you should disable his limiter temporarily. I am sure you can manipulate him at will without lifting a finger, can't you?" 

Miya fell into silence and didn't answer her little sister's question. 


"...let me think about it." 


"Is there something wrong?" 

"It feels like something has changed within you somehow." 

"Is that so?" 

"Yeah! Did something happen? Can you share it with me?" Miya sounded so curious, wondering what was happening to her stoic older sister during her stay in Okinawa.

"Let's talk later after all of this is over." 

It was impossible to tell what Miya did on this trip with Isao, so she chose to end this conversation. 

"You are right, but you should use him, Nee-san, if you don't want something similar to happen to Miyuki and the others." 

Miya maintained her poker face, never showing anyone what she felt at that moment. 

"Then, Nee-san, please be careful." 

"Right. Thank you." 

As the call hung, Honami asked, "Madam, what did Maya-sama say?" 

"It seems that she was the one who arranged for us to shelter on base." 

"Then, the phone call that Tatsuya-kun received?"

"That's what that was about." Miya then looked at Isao, who had returned. "What do you think, Isao-kun?" 

As Miya's question fell, everyone stared at Isao. They knew that Isao had good intuition, and they wondered what Isao thought about their decision. 

"It's more dangerous here than in the base. At least, in the base, there are soldiers who protect us." 

"Is that so?" Miya nodded, then looked at Tatsuya. "Tatsuya, tell Captain that we'll be accepting his offer and ask someone to pick us up." 

"Understood." Tatsuya nodded. 

Still watching her son leave, Miya hesitated once again. Even though this was something that she had prepared when she thought about what would happen to her son after all of this, as a mother, it was impossible for her to stay callous and cold. 

"You don't have to worry. Let me handle everything." 

As if reading her worry, Miya looked at Isao, who said those words. "I..." 

"Shh... it's fine. You have given me everything, so this time, let me give you all." 

Isao patted her back softly and said, "Let's go to the base now. I will help Tatsuya and Honami first." 



His words gave her that, and Miya knew that she didn't view him wrongly. He was this type of person, and he would do anything to protect her and her family. 

Like her deceased father, who destroyed everything that had hurt his daughter, even ready to give his life, she could see such a back from Isao, yet that was why she closed her eyes, trying to keep her tears from spilling out, thinking how they would be separated later. 

Soon after, the pick-up from the military came and brought them to the shelter, and when they arrived, the one who welcomed them was someone familiar, a man who had fought Tatsuya on his first day in Okinawa. 

"I'm Lance Corporal Higaki." Lance made a military salute to them, then said, "For now, I will be taking you to the break room on the second floor." 

"Sorry, can you put us at the common shelter for everyone?" Isao suddenly said. 


Lance was confused and asked, "...Is that okay?" 

"Yes, it isn't fair if we're being treated differently from others." 

"Is that so? Then, we will take you there." 

As Isao had said those words, Lance brought them to the general shelter located underground, which was filled with people. 

Isao took them to the edge so it could give them some space from others. 

"Sorry for making such a decision even though you aren't good with a crowd." 

As they heard Isao's apology, Miya shook her head softly and asked, "Is there something wrong with the break room on the second floor?" She asked with a doubt. Even though she wasn't good with the crowd, she decided to follow Isao obediently. 

"If this base is attacked, those who will be targeted are those important people that can stay in the break room." 

"...you are right." 

Instead of hundreds of commoners, the weight and conquests of taking a hostage of one influential person were heavier. 

While the public said every life was equal, in reality, it was impossible for everyone to be equal as sometimes one was above many and many below one. 

"Though, let's just be quiet and don't cause a panic." 


Only, if there was a reason why he was in this place more than the others was because he wanted to become a good person. 

Instead of saving a few people with positions, Isao wanted to save hundreds of commoners. 

Nevertheless, even though they were inside the shelter, no one felt safe. They were all tense, wondering whether they could keep their lives in this battle. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sounds of gunshots sounded everywhere, and as the noise became closer, Isao suddenly stood up. 

"Tatsuya, try to close Miyuki's eyes." 

Tatsuya wasn't sure, but he followed Isao's words. 

Soon, many people suddenly scrambled inside, holding assault rifles, then shouted in the broken Japanese language, clearly showing their hostility and ready to shoot them at any moment. 



While they were confused, they followed Isao's words and subconsciously closed their children's eyes, but naturally, this brought fury from those unknown soldiers; only at that moment, the heads of all of those people suddenly disappeared, and their blood spurted out from their beheaded bodies and fell, then dying helplessly. 

Before them, a figure wearing a short, aloha shirt and sandals, holding a bewitching saber, killing all of those people mercilessly. 

Tatsuya didn't blink, and his eyes never looked away from his teacher, who had shown him his power for the first time. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 179 The strongest creature in the world



"I am sorry for our negligence." 

Captain Kazama and his soldiers bowed their heads and apologized as they had a cold sweat after they watched the beheaded enemy soldiers. The cut was clean, and the blood didn't even dirty the figure who killed those soldiers. 

Frankly, their appearance was so late since they only appeared a few minutes after Isao finished taking the enemy's soldiers. 

Unlike when he faced the Apollo Familia, this time, he decided to kill. Why? It wasn't because he was cruel but because his opponents were soldiers.

Unlike the adventurers who fought monsters for money and glory, the soldiers fought for their homeland, and even if they used their lives, they would take down the threat that might endanger their country. 

Moreover, with how many people were inside this shelter, he was afraid that those enemy soldiers might go crazy after being incapacitated and then shoot their assault rifles into all of the people who retreated inside the shelter. 

"Also, thank you." 

Nevertheless, Kazama didn't forget to thank Isao, as Isao had protected everyone in the shelter. It was his dereliction of duty, letting many soldiers protect the VIP, leaving those commoners. 

"Tell me the situation." 


Leaving the shelter, Isao brought Miya and everyone with him while listening to the situation of the war from Kazama. 

Unlike before, there was no trace of disdain or disobedience as Isao stopped being low-key. Moreover, he could kill so many people with ease without using magic, and with only a single saber, he protected everyone. 

Even if he just wore an aloha shirt, shorts, and sandals, everyone respected him. 

Yet, how? 

How could he do all of this without magic? 

More importantly, what was with his body?

Even if Tatsuya didn't use his "Elemental Sight" to observe Isao's body, he could see Isao's body was brimming with energy and power. It was as if everyone would be pushed away as they tried to get closer to an aura that exuded from his body. 

Or rather, how could a human even create such an aura like those in manga?! 

Still, if Isao had to describe why he could exude such an aura, it was because of an intent.

When one got angry, their appearance became scary, and those with a chicken heart would be frightened. 

His situation was like that. 

When his feats and prowess were shown, it was impossible for one to look down at him, especially when they met his sharp eyes. 

In Kazama's eyes, he thought that Isao was a former soldier or a mercenary who happened to take a trip to Okinawa. 

As for whether Isao was a magician or not, it didn't matter since the power that was shown wasn't something that Kazama and all the soldiers in this base could handle. 

More importantly, if possible, Kazama wanted to get Isao's help to fight the enemies that were about to ravage their homeland. 

"The enemy is sending multiple amphibious crafts toward the Onno Village shoreline. The enemy has command of the waters near the Kerama Islands. Thanks to the work of guerillas colluding with the enemy, crew members are being thwarted in transit. About 80% of the guerillas have been wiped out. The Airborne Unit at this base will soon be mobilizing to enemy ground troops." 

Inwardly, as Isao listened to Kazama's report, he felt helpless since his holiday ended up like this after all. While there was no doubt his meeting with Miya and Tatsuya was great, in the end, they had parted ways due to the war that was about to befall this country. 

In the original, it would be Tatsuya who came out to handle all of this, but—

"Take all of them to the safest place, and then I will go to battle." 

"Thank you." Kazama nodded. "We'll take them to the Air Defense Command Room. The armor there is twice as thick as the shelters." 

Isao then looked at Tatsuya and Honami. "Tatsuya, Honami, protect them, okay?" 

"Yes." Honami nodded. 

However, Tatsuya said, "Please take me with you." Yes, Isao was powerful, but he also hoped that he could do something, and he believed that his strength could be a great help to his teacher. 

"What are you saying? You are just a kid." Isao rubbed Tatsuya's head helplessly. 

"I am not. Also, stop rubbing my head like that." 

While Tatsuya's tone was as deadpan as ever, he was clearly irritated by Isao's action, but he couldn't escape from his hand, so he could only let himself be held like this, and at the same time... he thought that it might be his last time to see him. 

"Tatsuya, listen to Isao-san," Miya said sternly.

"Yes..." Tatsuya couldn't fight Miya's order. 

"Miyuki, don't let your brother go to the battlefield, okay?" Isao looked at Miyuki and said softly. 

"Ye-Yes!" Miyuki might be the youngest, but at this moment, her eyes were wet, knowing what Isao would do after this. 

Lastly, Isao looked at Miya with his kindest smile and said softly, "Take care." 


Miya looked at his gentle expression, clenched her skirt tightly with her slender hands, and said softly, with an affection that was almost visible, "Be safe..." Her voice was trembling, but she tried to be strong and without looking away from him. 

"Let's have sukiyaki tonight." 

Waving his hand, Isao left with Kazama. "Lend me armor or something. I don't want to be recognized." 

"Yes." Kazama nodded. "Sanada, find him an Armor Suit and gear! Airborne, we move in 10!" Still, he looked at Isao and asked curiously, "By the way, are you a magician?" 

"Why do you ask such a stupid question? I am a normal human." Isao looked at Kazama lazily and said, "You should search for my information, right?" 


It was because Kazama had searched for Isao's information and couldn't help but be in doubt, as the strength shown by Isao couldn't be done by a mere human. 


This was a weak creature that needed to be protected by them, the magician. 

Yet, this human was able to do a feat that even a magician was impossible to do. 

"Anyway, just tell me where the enemy is, and I will slay them." 

"Yes." Kazama was helpless, but there was nothing he could do, yet inwardly, he wondered whether Isao was a superpower user, a rare human that was capable of using the feat of magic without using Activation Sequences or any other ritual, unlike Modern Magic or Ancient Magic. 

Yet, no matter what, it didn't matter, as Isao was their ally. 

"By the way, after I finish them, pay me." 

"Okay." Kazama was decisive, and it was easy to talk with Isao. 

Getting the Armor Suit, Isao wore it and took out his two trusted weapons, a saber, and a one-handed poleaxe, before entering the battlefield. 

As Isao entered the battlefield, Kazama took a deep breath before he followed him. 

On the other hand, in Isao's words, Miya, Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Honami were brought to the Command and Control Center after passing through five blast doors. 

On a floor around the size of four classrooms with no windows and no walls connected directly to the outside, around 30 operators sat in front of three rows of consoles in one hall, while opposite the large wall-mounted screen was an entrance leading to eight single mezzanine rooms. 

After confirming the safety of the room, they sat as they watched the desktop monitor, watching the feats that were down by Isao with dumbfounded expressions. 

What they saw was a total massacre. 

With his two weapons, Isao rampaged over the battlefield, either cutting, chopping, or smashing those soldiers and their vehicles into wrecks. Moreover, his speed was like a cheetah, or even more, almost impossible to be followed by the cameras. 

Watching this feat, Honami was dumbfounded, wondering how Miya's weak body could handle Isao's strong physical ability. 

If Miya knew what Honami thought, she might slap this woman directly, but at this moment, she didn't bother to do all of those things as her eyes never looked away from his figure. 

Whether Tatsuya or Miyuki were even more so. 

Miyuki might have a hard time watching this, as the bloody scene before her was too much for a girl of her age to see, but Tatsuya didn't have a problem and just watched the feat that was done by his teacher. 

Isao's figure was so radiant. 

He was like the light during the darkest moment. 

The dusk pierced the dark night. 

At this moment, Isao was no longer a good guy wannabe, but he could become a good guy if he wished to. 

In the end, his bad and good sides were two sides of the same coin. 

It was impossible to erase his bad side, but it was impossible for him to sink into evilness once again. 

For the enemy soldiers, he was a demon, yet for the allies, he was an angel, a hero, or anything that they worshipped as they were saved by him. 

Still, even if Isao was merciless, he let go of those who had raised the white flag and didn't touch them, only moving toward those who still tried to kill. 

With his hard work, it didn't take a long time before all the enemies that had entered the shoreline had been defeated by him. 

His black armor was still clean, without any blood, yet his two weapons emitted a vile, cursed-like aura that somehow bewitched those who saw them, so he quickly put the two when it was all over. 

Standing at the shoreline, Isao stood straight, watching toward the direction that made his thumb throbbing. 

"It isn't over yet, right?" 

As his voice fell, Kazama, who had been following him, breathed heavily, exhausted, but hearing his question, he removed his helmet and then nodded helplessly. "I have gotten a message from HQ that a detachment of the enemy fleet is approaching from Aguni. Two high-speed cruisers and four destroyers." 

"They are at this direction, right?" 

"Yes." Kazama was solemn, then said, "Their artillery is estimated to come into range in 20 minutes." 

"Have you found a way to intercept them?" 

"I apologize. No. There are no torpedo boats, no anti-ship aircraft." Kazama showed a wry smile and said, "As you have said, I am nothing but a useless soldier." While saying so, the others never stopped as the order to retreat was announced. 

In 20 minutes, this coast would be destroyed by the enemy with their cruisers and destroyers that were equipped with Fleming Launchers (initially known as railguns, but as their size increased, their names changed). 

The rate of fire of these weapons is overwhelmingly superior to that of gunpowder-based weapons, and since there's no need to include propellant or propulsion systems, they have far more destructive capacity than missiles. However, their range was no better than, or in some cases inferior to, traditional naval guns. 

Fleming launchers emphasize the rarest of fires, and the recoil from extending their range while attempting to maintain that rate would lead to significant adverse effects on the hull, which cannot be ignored. 

Thus, the ground attacks the power of state-of-the-art modern warships, which are said to be over ten times more effective than those of ships a century ago. Within the range of Fleming launchers, even a single ship can turn entire districts into a sea of flames. 

The launchers are effective not only against the urban areas but also against fortifications. If two cruisers began raining fire, the average magician wouldn't stand a chance. 

In other words, as long as those cruisers and destroyers came within the range of their attack, then this war was as good as over. Everyone would die, and their fate was in the hands of the enemy. 

Still, Isao wasn't the only one who knew all of this since soon, Tatsuya came along with Honami. 


Isao looked at Tatsuya, who came on the motorcycle with Honami helplessly. "Why did you come here?" 

"I will help. I will destroy those fleets." 

With his magic, Tatsuya knew that he could do it. 

Yes, his teacher was amazing, but could Isao face those fleets? 

Isao was helpless, realizing that they were worried about him, but while he was happy, this wasn't the time for Tatsuya to become a weapon. 

"By the way, you haven't seen my serious, right?" 


Tatsuya was dumbfounded by Isao's words since it meant... Isao hadn't gotten serious at all?

If so, then how strong was Isao? 

"Those fleets might be a little troublesome, but they are not my opponents." 

Isao then turned and jumped into the ocean. "Wait here, I will end them." 

As he fell into the water, he moved like a sailfish, piercing through the waves. 

Tatsuya, Honami, Kazama, and Sanada Shigeru, one of the soldiers who came with Kazama, watched Isao, who disappeared within the ocean, yet soon, their eyes were attracted to the two cruisers and four destroyers in the distance as the complete fleets of the enemies, being destroyed by something. 

From one to two, from two to four, then all of them were destroyed, leaving only a burning sea in the distance. 

No one could talk, and all of them only stared at this scene in disbelief. 

Soon after, they saw him return, seemingly lazy, yet unlike before; his armor was completely destroyed, his hair was wet, blood streamed from his forehead, turning half of his face bloody red, and there were burnt scars on half of his chest and many bullet wounds on his body. 

Yet even with all of that, his steps were firm and never wavered.

Still, the one that attracted their attention the most was the mark of the spider lily and centipede on his neck, which appeared so evil yet beautiful. 


Tatsuya quickly approached Isao, ready to help him heal, but his head was once again being rubbed by Isao with his special magic, "Regrowth," which made him able to restore Isao to the previous state. 

However, before Tatsuya was able to do anything, Isao stopped him by rubbing his head again. 

"Don't. I can heal by myself, and you are not strong enough to heal me." 

"..." Tatsuya. 

"Listen to me. You are still young. There is no need for you to force yourselves to become a weapon. You are free to choose your own future. You have me on your back." 

If there was something that made him helpless about Tatsuya, it was how Tatsuya would accept all the fate that came toward him, forcing him into a weapon that should destroy everything. 

What was the age of Tatsuya? 

Yet, everyone told him to become a weapon obediently. 

Still, as someone who was biologically modified, leaving only his emotion toward his little sister, Tatsuya could handle all of this by himself. 

At the same time, Isao knew that if there was a reason why Miya was so cold toward her son, it was because she knew that Tatsuya's future would be horrible, filled with blood and being used as a weapon. 

However, as a mother, Miya could do nothing, especially when she was about to die, so before she passed away, she hardened herself, forcing her son to grow up faster, faster, so Tatsuya wouldn't be swallowed by everything. 

While it was awkward, it was how Miya showed her love and care for her son. 

However, Isao had come, and he changed Tatsuya's fate. 

Well, Tatsuya would become his stepson anyway, so naturally, he would protect Tatsuya, and he also owed him, especially when he got Tatsuya's DNA so easily. 

No matter what, Isao, who had become a good guy, didn't think it was right to force Tatsuya, who was a child, to become a soldier, a weapon, or even a tool for the war, even though as a magician, it was Tatsuya's fate to become the tool of the war. 


Tatsuya's emotion might be erased, yet he wondered why tears streamed from his eyes. 

"Let's go back. I am hungry." 

"...I think you should go to the hospital first," Honami, who had been silent, said speechlessly. 

"Can you make sukiyaki at the hospital?" 

"...I don't know, but we need to stop your bleeding first!" 

Honami tried to tend to Isao's wounds, but when they were about to leave, Isao said, "Oh, Kazama, don't forget my money." 

"...." Honami and Tatsuya. 


Kazama answered as he made a military salute toward Isao and his subordinates. 

As Isao left, no one stopped him. 

Yet, from this Okinawa Defense Naval Battle, his figure would definitely become infamous. 

The strongest creature in the world. 

The Beast. 

Iinuma Isao. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 180 Let's go back first


12 hours ago

"Hmn~! S-Slow down~! I-Isao-san... Yo-You will make my voice to leak out~! The-They might hear us~!" " 

"Miya! Miya!" 

Inside the private toilet at the airport, Miya sat on Isao, letting her big buttocks sit on his thighs as his hardened cock pierced deep into her soaked pussy. 

Neither of them took off their clothes. 

Miya only lifted her skirt, then sat on him as she let him pound from behind in the sitting position. 

Isao didn't hate this position as Miya's hair was right on his nose, letting him enjoy the scent of her shampoo and pheromone. 

At that moment, he was unstoppable, holding her waist tightly, never letting her go. 

Yet, even if he pounded her violently, Miya didn't stop him and just bit the handkerchief, letting him play with her ripened body. Moreover, as Honami stood outside and in charge of protection, she knew that everything would be okay. 

Still, in the end, she changed her position by facing him, kissing his lips lewdly, clinging to him without letting him go, and soon, her vagina tightened, never letting his cock before she felt his semen injected deep inside her womb. 


Miya clung tightly, trying to stop her sweet voice from leaking out before she lay motionlessly on his support. 

Unlike before, this time, Isao didn't wear a condom, and he let everything pour deep inside her. 

She would probably be pregnant. 

Or she might have already gotten pregnant by his child, but even so, it didn't matter since she wished to be impregnated by him. 

More importantly, Miya wasn't sure whether she could meet him again. 

"...are you going to leave?" 

"If you want to meet, then let's meet." 

"Really? You are not lying, right?" Miya looked at Isao, holding his cheek obsessively, staring into his dark eyes. As she gazed into him, she looked at his body that had recovered. There were no traces of wounds, burns, or other injuries. Everything returned to normal, which she was glad for. 

As for his identity, did it matter? 

She loved him, and he loved her. 

That's what mattered. 

"I am not." Isao put his face against her neck, smelling the lewd scent that exuded from her soft body. "We can meet any moment, but I might not be in Okinawa later." 

"Where are you going?" Miya asked curiously. "Do you want to go to Tokyo with me? You can live at my place." 

"...what about your husband?" Isao looked at Miya strangely. 

"I will divorce him." Miya was decisive. More importantly, even if they were together, she could see that her children weren't rejecting him and that he took care of them well. 


Isao blinked and asked, "Do you want to marry me?" 

Miya blushed, then she fell in silence for a while and said, "No." 


"I am so much older than you. I can be your mother. How can I be your wife?" 

Instead of her, Miya felt that Honami was more suitable to become his wife. 

"Why not? Let's get married. You will be my wife then. I want to hold you every day." 

"...I will die if you hold me every day." Her body wasn't strong, and Miya was sure that she would be wrecked if she was held by him every day. Yet, the thought of having herself in his arms all the time, somewhere, made her pussy twitch, thinking how wonderful it was. 

"Still, I want to say it in a more romantic place than in the toilet, though." 


Miya was speechless, then chuckled, resting her forehead against his. "Come to me, okay?" 

"Um." Isao nodded. "I will visit you." 

The two kissed each other for a while before they parted ways. 

Standing up, Miya put on her panties and smoothed out the skirt of her dress before her buttocks were patted by Isao. 


"No, you are exhausted after all." 

"It should be okay. I can sleep on the airplane." 

"Then, one more time." 

"Geez... you really are..." 

To that end, they spent a little longer in the toilet before they left under Honami's helpless gaze. 

It had been two days after the conflict in Okinawa, and naturally, Isao didn't go to the hospital and just went to spend another day with Miya and the others. Somehow, after that, their relationship had become closer, but when there was a meeting, there was also a parting. 

Soon, it was their time to part. 

"Huh? Are you not going to go with us, Iinuma-san?" Miyuki looked at Isao reluctantly. Even though Isao only joined them for a while, many changes happened due to him, and she knew that if there was a reason why her mother had become kinder to Tatsuya, it was all due to Isao. 

Tatsuya was the same since he wanted to learn many things from Isao, and he didn't want to part away. 

"No." Isao shook his head and said, "I won't go with you." 

"No way..." Miyuki was disappointed, and Tatsuya was even more disappointed. 

"Don't be sad. It isn't like we won't meet again. If you miss me, you can contact me, but don't contact me all the time. It is annoying." 

"..." Everyone. 

"What's your plan after this?" Miya asked. 

"Hmm... probably, I will wander around, trying many foods in various regions. I don't lack money after all." 

Yup, Isao didn't have a business or even an unemployed, but he didn't lack money, especially when Miya gave him a card that he could use anytime for his daily needs. 

As long as he didn't spend on luxury, there was no doubt that he could live well. 

Or rather, even if he lived in luxury, it was even okay. 

At that moment, Isao knew that he had become a boy toy, someone who was being kept by a wealthy, mature woman to live. 

While his pride as a man was slightly hurt, he didn't really mind as this was also another path that he should try, especially when all the worlds that he had visited, he had been working hard, managing various businesses. 

In this world, he didn't work, but even so, 

"...you sure are so carefree." Miya sighed helplessly. 

Not only Miya but Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Honami were speechless, but somehow, they could imagine that Isao could live well even if he didn't have a job. 

"You can't be like that, Iinuma-san! You need a proper job! Be Onii-sama's teacher, okay? We can pay you well!" 

If Isao were by their side, Miyuki knew that her mother would be happy and Tatsuya wouldn't have to fight, which was great. 

"Won't your father be jealous if I am by your side later?" Isao asked curiously. 

"It should be okay. Our relationship isn't that close, to begin with," Miyuki said confidently. 


Was that something that you should say? 

However, Isao also knew that Miya's husband wasn't someone who could be respected either, especially when her husband was just mooching Miya's money. 

While Isao was the same, he never asked for Miya's money, and he could protect their family. 

In a world where power was necessary, even if he did nothing, he knew that he would be well-fed. 

Nevertheless, his decision didn't change, and he didn't follow them to return to Tokyo. 

"Be careful. Take care of your health." 

"You too. Don't play around too much." 

Isao looked at Miya helplessly, then looked at Miyuki and Tatsuya, who had been pulled by Honami somewhere, so he hugged Miya in his arms softly, and she embraced tightly. 

"I will miss you." 

"Me too." 

The two stayed like that for a while before they parted, but somehow, Miya's hand became naughty, lightly holding his penis from the blind spot, which made him speechless, but he didn't say anything and just watched him leave from the airport with everyone. 

Watching them leave, Isao planned to wander around this country, learning various knowledge and many others before returning to the world of "Danmachi" as he realized that even if he was the strongest in this world, his life wouldn't be easy, especially when a conflict between countries would explode at any moment. 

Isao had become the central figure that could easily tilt the balance of world power, and that was why when Miya and her children left Okinawa, Kazama and his soldiers came to him. 

Watching them all salute him, Isao didn't show much interest, so he asked, "Have you sent the money to me, Kazama?" 

"Yes." Kazama nodded. "I have sent you the money, Iinuma-kun." 

Money was a simple thing, and there was no hesitation in the military and government if they could get Isao's good side through money. 

"Thanks." Isao thought that that money could become a capital for his venture in this world. 

"But can you tell me what your plan is after this, Iinuma-san?" 

If possible, Kazama and the others wished for Isao to join the military, especially when his existence could ease the dependence on the national defense of this country from the Ten Master Clans. 

Yet, they knew they couldn't force him since if they showed the slightest hostility, they would be as good as gone. 

"I am too lazy to work, so I will probably search for a wealthy lady to take care of me." 

"..." Kazama and the soldiers. 

They couldn't say a single word since this guy's answer was so shameless, but when they saw Isao's face and physical ability... somehow, even if this guy didn't work, many kind ladies would take care of him. 


"If you don't mind, how about I introduce you to a charming woman?" Kazama said straightforwardly. 


Isao blinked his eyes at Kazama, then said straightforwardly, "Let me remind you that I am only interested in an older woman or a married woman." When he said so, no shame appeared on his face. 

"...yes, you don't have to worry." Kazama's stoic face was almost broken, but he nodded. 


Isao blinked his eyes, staring at Kazama, who was also staring at him. 

Only, at this moment, Kazama's boss, Saeki Hiromi, felt that her nose was slightly itchy. 

"...did someone talk about me?" 

Still, Isao didn't answer Kazama's invitation since he had decided to go back to the world of "Danmachi." 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 181 Someone always wants to hurt me (Danmachi)


12 hours ago

Wearing his clothes, Isao took a deep breath, feeling relaxed due to the softness of his hand and the gentle scent that reminded him of the mother of his classmate in the world of "Highschool of the Dead." 

Returning to the world of "Danmachi," Isao was still in Demeter's room, rubbing her large buttocks that were as soft as jelly. 

Yet Demeter screamed lewdly, holding her pillow tightly as her honey-colored hair was held by Isao tightly in his hand. She was pounded by him from behind and kept crying sweetly, unable to hold her voice. 

"Oh~! Oh~! Oh~!" 

Unlike humans, demi-humans, and other races that lived in the lower world, Isao didn't have to be afraid of making the goddess pregnant, so he didn't wear his condom, letting his raw cock enter her warm, soft, soaked pussy. 

Nevertheless, it surprised him that no one realized that he had disappeared from this world, and as usual, the time stopped when he was in the world of "Mahouka." 

His stay in the world of "Mahouka" might be short, especially when he had decided to return to this world just after the conflict in Okinawa. 

At the same time, he also knew that even if he was lustful, there were some women that he could take care of his everything and those who should just play around. 

A woman like Miya was definitely someone that he didn't mind being with. Even if she was a little older than him, it was nothing compared to the age of the goddess. 

Still, to become a good person, he realized that he should be truthful to his heart. He shouldn't have lied and disguised himself as someone who was all pure and hypocritical. 

There was nothing wrong with feeling lustful toward those goddesses as they were all beautiful and lewd. 

Yet, if they wanted him to be serious, then... well, he could only say sorry, but if they wished for his help to comfort them, then he would do his best! 

This should be a good person, and he should aim to be! 

Isao wasn't a hypocrite, and it was impossible for him to reject those goddesses who came to him. Not only because he wasn't a monk who threw all of his worldly desires, but he also didn't want those goddesses to be sad. More importantly, even if those goddesses might appear like normal people, they were beings that could bring disaster to humanity.

As a weak person, he could only succumb to their advances, especially when he didn't want the rest of the races in the lower world to be tormented due to his rejecting the advances of those goddesses. 

Even in the original, due to Bell rejecting Freya, she would use her charm to control the entire Orario, turning all of the people into her slaves so she can get his hand on the protagonist. 

If Hestia didn't care about Bell, then everyone would be as good as gone being controlled as Freya's slaves. 

Isao definitely didn't want something similar to happen. 

If he rejected Demeter, then would all the people in this world be starving as they didn't have a supply of food? 

To save all the people in this world, Isao was going to sacrifice himself! 

To not make those goddesses enraged, he was going to bear this responsibility to calm them down! 

At the same time, Isao knew that sooner or later, they would be bored of him, so it didn't matter. At that moment, his thought was like those wives or mature ladies in the hentai manga, who thought that those men who played with their ripened bodies would be bored of them sooner or later. 

As long as he kept his love for Eina and Hestia in this world, everything would be okay, he thought. 

Yet, what he didn't know, after feeling his cock and being treated like an animal by him, it was impossible for those goddesses to return to their previous life and have others to hold them. 

At this moment, only he could comfort them, especially when he could tell their weak points, knowing their fetish, changing their size, and even controlling the stimulation on their bodies, or even every part of their bodies, through his biokinesis ability. 

If Eros ever existed, then it would be Isao. 

Nevertheless, even if he had to comfort two goddesses on the same day, Isao kept working hard for the safety of the lower world. Even if this body was hollowed, he couldn't give up since the burden of the world was on his shoulders! 

"I will go back first." 

"Are you not going to stay...?" 

"Hestia will get angry with me if I stay outside too much." 

"Fufufu..." Demeter giggled sweetly. "It's her first time to have someone who she loves, after all..." Still thinking about his beast-like nature that ravaged her mature body violently until she was addicted, she approached him and asked in a whisper, "...can you come again tomorrow~?" 

"...you want me to come again?" 

"Of course~!" Demeter approached him and pressed two heavyweights against his body, which quickly caused his body to be pulled by the intense gravity. 

Isao's lips twitched, and asked helplessly, "Are you really Hestia's friend?" 

"It's because I am her friend that I have to watch you out, so you don't play with those wild vixens on the Orario." Demeter tapped his forehead, then kissed his lips lovingly. "Whenever you need someone to comfort you, just come to me, okay~! My body is yours~!" 

After she said so, she put her soft and warm hand on his erection and held it in force that almost made him snap. 

Isao took a deep breath and said, "To be honest, I am interested in farming. Please teach me, Demeter." 

"Of course~! Anytime, Dear~!" Demeter was ready to teach Isao with all of her might! 

The two kissed before Isao went back to the bookstore, but when he was about to leave, he met someone unexpected. 


Runoa Faust, the waitress of the Hostess of Fertility, was also surprised to see Isao. "Isao-kun? What are you doing here?" 

"I should be the one who asks you that question. Are you part of Demeter Familia?" Isao asked with a doubt. 

"Yes." Runoa then looked at Isao strangely and asked, "Do you think that I am not suitable to be part of Demeter Familia?" 

"No, I think that it suits you well." 


"Yeah." Isao nodded. "By the way, I have something to do, so I have to go now." 

"Um, see you!" 

"Yeah, see you." 

While Isao said so, he quickly ran away as fast as possible, hoping that Runoa wouldn't ask him another question. 

Nevertheless, as he ran, Runoa thought that Isao might be in a hurry, but then, she wondered what that naughty guy was doing in the Demeter Familia. Still, a certain possibility came to her mind, and she quickly approached Demeter's house, knocking on the door lightly, and calling her the name of her goddess. 

"Demeter-sama? Are you there?" 

Runoa didn't receive an answer, so she pushed the door slightly and called softly, "Demeter-sama..." Only the lewd scent was permitted on the entire house. It was so thick that it was almost suffocating, and then soon, she saw Demeter's sleeping figure. 

Demeter appeared so exhausted, yet her expression was so dreamy and satisfying. 

Watching this, Runoa knew that Isao was a bad guy! 

Still, to keep the majesty of her goddess, Runoa closed the door, letting the goddess rest, yet somehow, she knew that she had to talk to Isao sooner or later. 

On the other hand, Isao went to the bookstore, bought some ingredients for dinner, and got ready to pick Hestia back home. On his way, he thought that he should go to the dungeon since he needed to grow stronger. He shouldn't let those goddesses play with him anymore, but then again, he also knew that there were some bad goddesses and good goddesses. 

As for Demeter, who wished to make everyone able to eat, Isao thought that goddess was kind, but he knew that he had to watch her out, so in case she tried to do something bad, he could stop her. 

It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that he wanted to sleep with her again. 


Yet, due to his good deed, he thought that he should get a good reward soon. 

Walking upstairs, Isao opened the door and called Hestia. "Hestia, let's go back." 

"Okay~!" Hestia quickly let go of her book and jumped toward him, but before she was able to do that, someone suddenly stood up before Isao, stopping her from hugging the man she loved so much. 

"It hurts!" 

Yet, Isao couldn't pay attention to Hestia since someone had appeared before him without good intentions. 

"Let's have a duel." 

The kindness he had given wasn't paid with the same kindness. Instead, he knew that he had met a troublesome matter. 

________. ________

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 182 Inexplicable Duel


2 hours ago

Golden eyes, long golden hair, and a beauty that even exceeded some goddesses. 

Isao was familiar with this young woman as it wasn't their first meeting, yet, watching her emotionless face as she challenged him to the duel... he really didn't want to meet her at that moment. 

At this moment, he also lamented about his life. 

'What's wrong with my life...?' 

Isao yearned for a moment of respite, a chance to strengthen himself without the weight of the world on his shoulders. But it seemed that such a place, a sanctuary, was beyond his reach.

In the world of "High School of the Dead," Isao needed to build the society and erase those "things" from the world. 

In the world of "Kimetsu no Yaiba," wars were everywhere, and the world war was about to begin. 

In the world of "Mahouka," as he had shown his power in place of Tatsuya, he became the center of everything, and somehow, he could imagine the country, all dangerous people, and even the world would pull all of their attention to him. 

In the world of "Tondemo," there was no beautiful mature woman. Even the queen of the kingdom, who summoned Mukoda and three heroes, was rather horrendous. 

Then, what about the world of "Danmachi"?

While it was true that Isao had erased the danger that came from Apollo, there were still many goddesses who tried to get their hands on him, and if he refused them, he could imagine how extreme their actions would be. 

His body was already working hard to save the world, yet why did someone want to cause him trouble again?

"...you are?" 

Still facing the threat that came from the Level 5 adventurer, Isao knew that he couldn't run away. 


The young woman blinked her eyes for a moment, then tilted her head. 

"I mean... what's your name?" 

"Ah, my name is Aiz Wallenstein." 

Aiz felt strange since there was someone who didn't know her name, but even so, she introduced herself. 

"I see." Isao extended his hand, and Aiz held his hand subconsciously. "My name is Iinuma Isao. Nice to meet you, Wallenstein-san." 

"Ah, um, nice to meet you." 

[You have acquired Aiz Wallenstein's DNA.]

[Do you want to absorb it?]

Her beautiful and emotionless expression reminded anyone of a doll. 

Sometimes, Isao even heard that someone called Aiz a "Doll Princess," considering her nature and personality, but as they were so close like this, he understood why she was called a doll. 

Or rather, this young woman had a communication issue. 

However, such a problem wasn't a problem, especially when she was gorgeous, and even if she had such a trait, many would still court her. 

Yet, Aiz wasn't his type at all, and Isao was too lazy to face this young woman, who suddenly came, standing before him, and asked him for a duel. 

Isao had just saved everyone in the world from starvation by calming the anger of Demeter, the goddess of food, so how could he have the energy to duel? 

"Aiz, what are you doing?!" 

Fortunately, someone with common sense stopped Aiz. 

"Riveria-san?" Isao looked at the beautiful high elf with her jade-colored hair. Compared to Aiz, this mature beauty was more his type. Unfortunately, elves were a troublesome race, especially with how highly strung and sensitive they were, but fortunately, they were a peace-loving and rational race. 

"I am sorry for her, Isao-kun." Riveria tried to stop Aiz and then apologized to Isao. 

"It's fine, but why are you here, Riveria-san?" Isao asked with doubt, and Hestia also quickly stood by his side, staring at Aiz with her best unkind gaze, but instead of making her appear angry, her puffy cheeks made her look so cute, like a puffer fish. 

Isao had the urge to poke Hestia's cheek somehow, but while he had such an urge, he listened to Riveria's reason why she was there. 

"Eina told me that this place was yours. It is a great place." 

There were books, the place was comfortable, and it was quiet. 

Riveria liked this place a lot, and if possible, she wanted to come again, but would it be possible for them to make an enemy with Isao? 

Moreover, Riveria also felt quite sorry for Isao, especially when he faced many things after he came to Orario, yet suddenly Aiz, the Level 5 adventurer, came and challenged him. 

If Isao was stronger, then Riveria was sure that he would have a dead vengeance against the Loki Familia, especially when Bete and Loki had made a bad impression on him. 

Lastly, as Eina chose Isao, Riveria wished to help him, especially when she thought about their last exchange. 

"I see." Isao nodded with a gentle smile. "Thank you for your patronage. If you have a request about the book, you can ask me; I will try to search it for you." 

"Really? Is that fine?" Riveria was surprised as she hadn't expected this service. 

"If it's another, they might not be confident, but I believe that I can do it." 

In this world, his connections and information-gathering skills were the best in the world. 

Still, as the two didn't talk for too long, Isao once again excused himself. 

Yet, when he thought that he could run away, Aiz once again stood before him. "Do you need something from me, Wallenstein-san?" 

"Let's have a duel." 

Aiz's expression never changed, and it was as emotionless as ever, but her voice was slightly nervous, yet it was also filled with determination, showing that she wouldn't leave him no matter what until he was ready to have a duel with her. 

"Hey, you are being unreasonable! Isao-kun is just a Level 2 adventurer! Do you want to bully him?!" 

It was impossible for Hestia not to get angry. When she thought that they would have a peaceful and comfortable life, trouble suddenly came once again, and this time, it came from the Loki Familia, which made her helpless. 

"Aiz, Goddess Hestia is correct. The difference in your level is too much. Your duel is unfair." 

Riveria looked at Aiz helplessly, but as someone who had always taken care of her from childhood, she knew that Aiz just wanted to become stronger. However, was there any need to challenge Isao? 

"It's... fine. I will limit my power to Level 2. By then, it will be fine, right?" Aiz wasn't good at talking, but even so, her wish to fight Isao didn't change. 

Yes, this duel was unfair, especially when she was a Level 5 adventurer and Isao was just a Level 2 adventurer, but if she limited her level to Level 2, then it would be fine, right? 

Watching how stubborn Aiz was, Hestia and Riveria were at a loss. 

On the other hand, Isao looked at the two and wondered why they didn't try again to stop Aiz. 

Yet, Isao could only sigh and knew that he couldn't escape from this duel. 

"Before I accept this duel, I want you to agree to some of my requirements." 


As long as Aiz could have a duel with Isao and understand why Isao could become so strong, then she would do anything! 

"First, you have to limit your power like me, and if you break that limit, you will lose instantly." 


"By the way, how much are your assets?" 

"Asset?" Aiz was confused, but she told Isao honestly, "About this much..." 

"...you don't have much of an asset." Isao was speechless about Aiz's total assets. 

"...." Aiz was speechless and blushed, but then she made an excuse, "The weapons and armor aren't cheap..." 

"Well... it doesn't matter, but if I win, I want all of your assets, and if you win, you can ask me anything." 

"Yes." Aiz nodded without hesitation. 

"Aiz!" Riveria looked at Aiz in shock. 

"I want to do this, Riveria. Don't... stop me." Aiz had made up her decision, and she wouldn't stop no matter what. 

"Aiz..." Watching her determined and obsessed eyes, Riveria felt helpless, but when she thought about their bet, she felt that it should be okay as it was just an asset, and with Aiz's skill, it should be easy for her to get more money. Moreover, losing all of her money could be a good lesson for Aiz. 

'Wait, why am I under the assumption that Aiz will lose?' 

Yet somehow, Riveria had a hard time thinking how Isao would lose, especially when he had defeated Bete, who was also a Level 5 adventurer. 

'No, no. Aiz will win.' 

Riveria tried to shake the uneasy feeling in her heart and believed that Aiz would win. 

"If you are fine with anything, then as for the place of the duel, how about your Familia's headquarters?" 


As Isao agreed to her duel, Aiz clenched her firsts in excitement, thinking that his secret to becoming stronger was just before her eyes! 

"...." 2x

Only Hestia and Riveria had to say that Isao was full of guts. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 183 My request is a pervy request


2 hours ago

Twilight Manor. 

Located in the northern area of Orario, a huge structure built on a small area of land with the middle tower as the tallest structure. Those from afar would think of this place as a living flame. 

Here, in this formidable fortress, resided the Loki Familia, a beacon of strength and unity in Orario. Renowned as one of the most powerful Familias, their headquarters was a testament to their might and influence. 

Yet, Isao came to this headquarters and faced Aiz, who was known as one of the strongest adventurers in the Orario, who was also known as the "Sword Princess." 

Naturally, all the members of the Loki Familia who were present were dumbfounded as they didn't expect the naughty young man, who ran away after saying that he would have a fair duel, would suddenly appear at their headquarters and face Aiz, his previous opponent at that! 

"Shorty, is your child a dumbass?" Loki asked Hestia speechlessly. It was all good that Isao had run away, yet she didn't expect that Isao would come to her headquarters to have a duel with her lovely Aiz! 

If this guy wasn't a dumbass, then what was he? 

"It's all of your children's fault!" It was impossible for Hestia to give Loki a good eye, and she quickly put all the blame on Isao. "If it isn't for your children, then I will have a lovely dinner with my Isao-kun! Your girl wouldn't let him go and kept pestering him!" 

"Huh? Really?" Loki looked at Riveria, who was present at the conflict.

"Yes..." Riveria sighed helplessly. 

"..." Loki looked at Aiz speechlessly, wondering why her lovely Aiz would get so hung up with children from her rival. While she had to admit that Isao was so handsome that she didn't mind sleeping with him, she didn't think that Aiz was someone who would fall in love, especially when she knew about Aiz's obsession. 

But, as she observed Isao from the side like others, Loki thought that he looked pretty good. 

Young, heroic, and manly. 

Loki could imagine that all the women would swarm toward him. "By the way, your children won't fall for my Aiz, right?" 

"Hmph!" Hestia snorted. "Your sword princess isn't his type at all!" 

"Huh? My Aiz-tan is the cutest! Take that back, shorty!" 

"But my Isao-kun is the most handsome here!" 

"...you are right." Loki nodded. 

Hey, how could you say that? Weren't you our goddesses? 

The male members of the Loki Familia wanted to complain about their goddess, but when they saw Isao, they had to admit that this guy was so handsome, and somehow, they wanted Aiz to beat this guy up! 

"Beat him up, Aiz!" 

"Attack on his face!" 

"Don't let this scumbag win!" 

"Stop being a loser! You are embarrassing me!" Loki looked at the male members of her Familia, who tried to jeer at Isao, feeling ashamed, but then, it was her first time to see Aiz have an interest in someone other than fighting, and frankly, if Isao could enter her Familia, then it would be great. "By the way, how about you let him enter my Familia? That guy is more suitable at my Familia, you know? I can protect him from any sluts, whores, or homos." 

In the beginning, Isao's trouble came from being chased by a homo god due to his handsome appearance, and this definitely wouldn't be the only one. 

Loki was sure that there would be many goddesses, or gods, who wished to get their hands on him, making him into their toy, breaking his determined and heroic expression to a helpless one. 


When Loki imagined how Isao would beg for mercy while she molested him, she could feel her face was hot, and she became horny somehow. 

"Stop being perverted, you drunkard! Isao-kun can only be mine! It is impossible for you to get him!" 

"Hmph!" Loki felt embarrassed when Hestia discovered that she thought a pervy thing about Isao, but then she said, "But you know, compared to me, you should be wary of that slut goddess." 


Hestia lowered her head, feeling anxious about that slutty goddess that Loki mentioned, but then she took a deep breath and said, "Isao-kun isn't so weak that he will be tempted by that goddess! More importantly, that goddess... shouldn't be his type, right?" 

"Hmm... well... if he is like Mama Mia, then I guess he should be fine..." Loki thought for a while and agreed. 

"Kuhh! I hate being petite!" For the first time in her life, Hestia hated her petite body! 

Hestia wished to have a muscular and strong body! 

Loki glanced at Hestia and then patted her back softly. 


Isao glanced at Hestia and Loki speechlessly, wondering how long the misunderstanding that Mia Grand was his type would last, but he decided to ignore them. Still, he could see that everyone's eyes were on him, but he didn't care, and his eyes were on Aiz. He took his saber and said, "You remember our bets and rules, right?" 

"Yes." Aiz nodded as she took her rapier.

"Try to repeat it and say it in front of everyone." 

"I will limit my level to a Level 2, and if I lose, I will give you all my assets." 

Hearing the bet, everyone was startled since they didn't expect that they would make a bet. More importantly, Aiz would limit her power to a Level 2 so she could have a fair duel with Isao. 


"...is this okay?" 

"She is going to take her advantage away." 

The cute elf, the Amazoness sisters, and many started to whisper, wondering whether Aiz would be okay in this duel. 

If Aiz fought a duel with Isao when she was a Level 5 adventurer, no one could doubt her victory, but if she limited her power to Level 2, then could she be able to win? 

All of them had seen how powerful Isao was, and more importantly, this guy was so cunning! 

While Isao might be brave enough to accept Aiz's duel and even bring the duel to the Twilight Manor under everyone's eyes, they knew that this guy could even run away after saying that he would have a fair duel. 

Only Loki looked at Isao strangely and asked Hestia, "Are you in need of money, Shorty?" 

"We have a lot of debts..." Hestia sighed. 

"But he is sure to be a dumbass." Loki sighed and said with a perverted expression, "If I am in his place, I will ask Aiz-tan a pervy request!" 

"He isn't like you! He is pure!" Hestia snorted. 

"...I think that pure is the last word that is suitable for him, you know?" Loki looked at Hestia speechlessly. 

"..." Hestia. 

Only the three leaders of the Loki Familia discussed this duel with interest. 

"What do you think of this duel, Gareth, Riveria?" A blonde plum, who was also the leader of the Loki Familia, looked at a beautiful high-elf and a powerful dwarf, who were his old comrades. 

"Isn't it obvious that our princess is going to win?" Gareth, the stout dwarf, said with a smile.

"Is that so?" Finn nodded, then looked at Riveria. "What do you think, Riveria?" 

"...I don't know." 

"You don't think that Aiz will win, Riveria?" Gareth furrowed. 

"You've seen his strength in the previous War Game, right? In terms of combat, especially against humans, he is probably the best in the Orario. If he is at the same level as us, I can imagine that Hestia Familia could become a major Familia under his leadership. More importantly, he is cunning. He might have a trick or two under his sleeves." 

Riveria knew that Isao was cunning, so she watched Isao because she didn't want Aiz to be hurt. 

While Gareth wanted to argue, he also had to say that Isao had the best combat prowess among all the adventurers in the Orario. 

If he were a Level 2 adventurer, he wouldn't believe that he could mimic the feat that was done by Isao. 

However, as a Level 6 adventurer, his pride didn't allow him to think that he would lose, especially when Isao was just a Level 2. 

"A trick is a trick, after all. More importantly, he is here at our headquarters, and there is no way that he can do the trick with so many eyes on him. Or rather, he wants us to see that he isn't a pushover and wants to have a fair duel with our princess," Finn said solemnly. 

"...." Riveria and Gareth. 

"But then, I don't think that our princess will lose, especially when we have taught her everything," Finn said confidently. 

Hearing Finn's words, Riveria and Gareth smiled, thinking about the experiences they shared when they taught the little Aiz. That handful of children had become powerful adventurers. While they were happy, they had to say they had become quite emotional, as if Aiz would go on an adventure on her own, leaving them, but this was part of a parent, they thought.

Still, for Aiz, this duel was everything. "If I win, you will accept one of my requests, right?"

"Yes." Isao nodded. 

Hestia frowned and asked Loki with concern, "Your child won't ask a pervy request to my Isao-kun, right?" 

"She won't dumbass!" Loki snorted. If it was Tiona, then she couldn't say that, but this was Aiz, after all, and then she fell into silence for a while. 

"What's with that silence?! I definitely won't allow her to ask a pervy request!" 

"She definitely won't! My Aiz-tan is pure!" 

As the two goddesses argued and made everyone feel speechless, Isao and Aiz were ready to face each other. Their eyes never looked away, and in their eyes, only each other's existence was registered. 

At the same time, everyone's eyes were on them. 

No one looked away, especially when they felt the tension between Isao and Aiz. 

This time, Isao wouldn't do something so sneaky and would fight Aiz fairly; this is what they knew. 

The cute mage elf, the Amazoness sisters, the cat girl, the werewolf man, and many others kept their eyes on the two until, finally, Isao and Aiz made their move! 

Their duel started! 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 184 The Victor

An hour ago

Isao and Aiz made their move at the same time, and they also made the same move. 

They took their first steps with their left foot; they also clashed their blades with the same movement and aimed at the same place. 

Everything was the same! 

Yet, in this bizarre moment, it was as if they were witnessing a duality, two Aiz existing in the same space and time.


"Is it only me, or do I see two Aiz-san?" 

"Wa-Wait, what's wrong with my eyes?!" 

Everyone was dumbfounded by the scene before them, perplexed and confused as two Aiz existed at the same time, but they knew that this wasn't the case. 

Instead, Isao copied Aiz perfectly! 

"This..." 3x

Unlike the others who were confused, the expressions of Finn, Gareth, and Riveria quickly turned into startling, confusion, and dumbfounded as they recalled the famous figure that had haunted them. 

Unlike the others, the three had been in the Orario for so long, so they naturally knew that even though they were Level 6 adventurers and known as one of the strongest, they weren't the strongest at all, and there were many powerful adventurers that were much stronger than them in the past! 

Isao's ability to mimic Aiz's swordsmanship instantly reminded them of a certain strong adventurer who was known as one of the strongest. 

"Finn... Gareth..." Riveria couldn't show her shock. 

"I can see it..." Gareth widened his eyes. 

"...is he her child or something?" Finn was at a loss. 

If so, then they could tell why Isao was so strong! 


Silence, Incarnation of Talent, or even Monster of Calamitous Talent. 

This name might be unfamiliar to the new generation of adventurers, but for three, it was impossible for them to forget about her, as she was one of the strongest adventurers during their time. 

She was also one of the Level 7 adventurers and was the leader of the Hera Familia, one of the strongest Familia before the Dark Era of the Orario, a peaceful and golden era that no one could imagine. 

Her ability was outrageous, as she could mimic the technique she had seen once. Whatever the techniques, with just one glance, all the techniques that one had trained in for decades could be mastered! 

Her existence brought despair to many, and even Riveria, Gareth, and Finn didn't think that they could defeat her if she still lived till now. 

If Isao was her son, then...?

Somehow, they felt strange, but then again, the time had changed, and they were known as the strongest. 

However, her son suddenly appeared, and this somehow made them unsettled. 

"If she has a son, who is the man?" Gareth asked. 

"...not that guy, right?" Riveria asked strangely. 

"Ah... but I can imagine that it will be him." 

At the same time, the figure of a powerful man appeared in their minds, one of the strongest adventurers of that time. 

If the two strongest adventurers were together and made a child, then what would happen? 

Watching Isao, who could master Aiz's technique with just a glance, they somehow had a forbidding thought. 

'Aiz, you have to win...' 3x

This was no longer the duel between Isao and Aiz, but it was a duel between their descendants. 

If Aiz won, then it would all be great, but if Isao won, 

At that moment, their eyes never looked away from the duel. 

Or rather, no one looked away since, at this moment, Aiz was at a disadvantage! 

Limiting her power to Level 2, Aiz didn't have an advantage except for her experience as an adventurer, which was much longer than Isao. 

In the duel with the swords, with her experience and talent, Aiz should have won with ease even if she limited her power to a Level 2, yet the reality said different things. 

When their power was the same, Isao had the upper hand. When Aiz limited her power to a Level 2, he was the winner, especially when he could easily master her technique, knowing her weakness, and even took advantage of that. 

"It's time to end it." 

As Aiz's expression became heavy with the more exchanges they had, Isao suddenly said those words that made her feel like he had raised his tempo! 

More importantly, she could feel that the grip on the handle of her rapier became loose, and it might even be thrown out. 

'Am I going to lose?' 

Such a thought appeared in her mind, and this made her desperate. The thought of losing to Level 2 made her grim, and this made her wonder whether her hard work was meaningless. 


'No, I won't lose!' 

Aiz became persistent, and it was impossible for her to admit defeat. At that moment, her grip loosened and became firm once again, and her physical ability increased dramatically! 

"Aiz!" 3x

The three were startled since Aiz broke her limit! 

Ais had broken her limit, and at this moment, she used her power as a Level 5 adventurer! 

While the lower-level members couldn't understand anything, those executives were dumbfounded as they didn't expect Aiz would be so desperate. 

More importantly, Isao was about to die! 

As Aiz broke her limit, her speed, power, and everything increased dramatically, and the power behind her sword was no longer as weak as before. 

When Aiz stabbed her sword, she also aimed for the vital, and if Isao was hit, even if Isao didn't die, the conquests would be disastrous! 

No one could stop Aiz, and everything was too late. 

Aiz also realized this, and she was stunned, realizing her mistake, but she couldn't stop!

Only Isao was so angry at this moment that he raised his arm to block this sword. 

At that moment, everyone was stunned and couldn't say a single word as Isao's left arm was torn. 

Isao sacrificed his left arm and let Aiz tear it apart. 

The bloody scene stunned everyone, and Aiz also didn't expect Isao to do this to stop her from doing something so extreme. 

With that movement, Aiz's attack was avoided and redirected, but when they thought that this would be over, Isao suddenly stepped in and gave Aiz a harsh headbutt to Aiz's face! 


Aiz felt her nose was broken, and it was all bloody. 

Isao, whose forehead had become as hard as steel due to Tanjiro's DNA and the blessing from Hestia, directly smashed Aiz's face with all of his might. 

Yet, this wasn't the end since he also used his remaining hand to pummel Aiz's face. 


Using his remaining fist, Isao punched Aiz's beautiful face, broken her jaw, and the force of that punch threw her into the distant pillar. 

Aiz was smashed into a pillar by Isao and fell under the wrecked structure. 


Everyone was at a loss for words as they didn't expect this scene. 

At the same time, watching their princess be pummeled, they should get angry, but watching Isao, who had lost one of his arms, and watching the bloody arm where they could even see his bone, all of them gulped. 

Isao breathed heavily, then fixed his dislocated fist, then picked up his torn arm on the ground. 

"Riveria-san, don't forget to tell her about my bet," Isao said calmly as he looked at the beautiful high elf with a calm gaze. 

"Ah, um..." Riveria nodded dumbly. 

Not only her but watching Isao, who could stay calm even if his arm was torn, made them uneasy, and they couldn't help but step back from him even if their level was higher than him. 

"Hestia, let's go back." 

Isao didn't have any intentions to stay at this place any longer. 

"Ah, um." Hestia quickly approached Isao and then asked in panic. "A-Are you okay?! Your arm! Your forehead!" 

"...sorry, let me pass out for a moment." 


As Hestia was in a panic when Isao passed out, the others looked at Isao with a complicated gaze since they knew that in this duel, he was the victor. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 185 I am ready to kill you anytime!

An hour ago

"I have reattached your arm, but don't move it for a while. You should wait at least a month or so." 

"How about a week?" 

"...do you want your arm to be torn once again?" Airmid looked at Isao with a stern gaze. 

After his duel with Aiz, Isao was brought directly to the Dian Cecht Familia and was taken care of by Airmid. Naturally, all the payments were taken care of by Loki Familia, which was Aiz's fault.

While the Loki Familia were quite overbearing, they were quite responsible. 

Or rather, they weren't a bad guy, but then, it was impossible for him to have a good impression of them, especially after what Aiz did to him. 

Yes, Isao could regenerate his own arm, but if he couldn't? 

More importantly, if he couldn't stop and redirect Aiz's full power blow, then he could imagine that his fate would be much worse! 

He couldn't care even if Aiz had a dark past or something, but as their relationship wasn't so close and she was the one who had asked for this duel, couldn't she at least respect it? 

They had vowed to make it fair, and the two of them used the power of a Level 2 adventurer to fight each other, but Aiz broke that vow and almost made him disabled. 

If Isao could have a good impression of Aiz, then he was simply an idiot! 

"Who has cut your arm? What happened?" 

When Airmid asked this question, Aiz, whose face had recovered due to the healing potion and due to her higher level, lowered her head in shame. As she was unable to accept the result of her duel, she decided to go all out and broke those vows, which put Isao in this situation. 

If Aiz was a bad woman, then she would throw away all of her responsibilities, but fortunately, she wasn't. But then again, was she a good person who almost turned Isao into a disabled person? 

At this moment, watching him on the hospital bed filled her with endless guilt, but with her taciturn nature, it was impossible for her to express her thoughts. 

Or rather, she didn't know what to do at all and could only stay with everyone in silence and unable to say a single word. 

"Listen, Loki, if you dare to do something to my Isao-kun, then even if I am not your match now, I will do my best to make you feel the same pain as me..." 

Hestia was still in tears as she said those words to Loki in a low voice, which was clearly out of her character.

"I... I know... you don't have to worry... this is all an accident, okay? I will take responsibility..." Loki said, full of sweat. 

Even if Hestia might be lazy and unreliable, if she was angry, she definitely wasn't someone who could be looked down upon. 

As someone who took care of the divine fire and was also chosen as one of the Twelve Olympians definitely wasn't to be underestimated. 

More importantly, unlike Loki, who had enemies everywhere, Hestia had many friends; even that nasty, crazy, and extremely hysterical woman, Hera, was her friend. 

If Hestia was serious, Loki could imagine that she and her children would be surrounded. 

Rather, even Isao, Hestia's children, also followed Hestia's example and made many powerful acquaintances. 

"But then, why did the Sword Princess also have a broken nose?" Airmid asked with doubt. 

"A-Airmid, there is something that you should know, and you shouldn't know..." Tiona didn't have her usual cheerfulness, and she was quite awkward while looking at Isao, who was in bed with a loss since she knew that what had happened between him and Ais, their relationship had become even more strained, and she wondered whether they could be together. 

Yet, when she thought about his ruthless figure that dared to sacrifice his left arm for victory, Tiona felt her body was hot. 

Isao ignored Tiona and didn't say anything, but then, soon, Cassandra and Daphne came and were dumbfounded when they saw Isao and Hestia were surrounded by the Loki Familia. Still, they were even more dumbfounded when they learned that Isao had won against the Sword Princess, Aiz Wallenstein. 

"We'll take full responsibility for your wound and all the expenses," Finn said without hesitation, but he sighed inwardly, thinking that their Familia sure had so many expenses, which made him helpless. However, he didn't hesitate to spend money on Isao's treatment since he really didn't want to make this person the enemy of his Familia. 

"Aiz, go and apologize." 

"...I am sorry." 

Watching Aiz apologize obediently, Finn sighed helplessly. "I know that it is hard for you to forgive her, but please forgive her. For the bet, I will make sure that she will pay everything." 

The rest also weren't much better and looked at Aiz helplessly. 

Yet, it was impossible for Isao to swallow this anger somehow. 

At the same time, somehow, he had the urge to bring destruction to the Loki Family by using "Gram Demolition," an ability to erase someone's existence into energy or shoot a "Material Burst," a magic that allowed him to create destruction. 

Even if the Loki Familia had many beautiful women, so what? 

At that moment, his patience had already hit the limit. 

Yet, Isao knew that it was also childish of him to destroy everything due to this problem. At the same time, he also had broken Aiz's jaw and nose before. More importantly, as usual, he passed out to test them for what they would do. 

If they tried to harm him, then he would erase them, but all of them directly brought him to the Dian Cecht Familia and gave him the best treatment to attach his arm back.

Yup, Isao could regenerate his arm. However, when he thought that the Loki Familia would pay a lot of money for his treatment, he didn't do anything and let Airmid heal him. 

Still, all of them were in silence, waiting for his answer, wondering what Isao would say. 

As for Hestia, Daphne, and Cassandra, no matter what, they would follow him. 

"Denatus." Isao looked at Finn and said, "When the Denatus comes, help my goddess to stop others from giving me a weird nickname." 

"Loki." Finn sighed in relief when he heard Isao's request and quickly looked at Loki. 

"Okay, okay. Leave it to me." Loki patted her flat chest, trying to reassure Isao. "With me and your goddess backing, no one will give you a weird nickname, but what kind of nickname do you want?" 

"Let's talk later. I want to rest." 

Hearing his words, they didn't force him, so he decided to leave since it was impossible for Isao to make a good impression on someone who tore his arm apart. 

As they apologized once again, they repaid him everything and gave him all of Aiz's assets, which was the bet of his duel with Aiz. 

"You should go back. I want to rest here." 

Still, Isao wanted to be alone, so he decided to send Hestia, Daphne, and Cassandra back. 

"Are you sure? Who will take care of you if you need something?" Hestia asked worriedly. 

"Yeah, at least you should have Cassandra or me watch you," Daphne said as she was worried that something might happen to Isao. 

"Yes, yes." Cassandra nodded. 

"It will be fine. You don't have to worry. Let me rest. I... just want to have time to be alone and to think about many things." 

To be honest, Isao was exhausted, and he was afraid that he might lash out his emotions at those whom he was close to. Instead of having them by his side, he wanted them to leave him for now. 

While they didn't want to, they decided to follow his wish. More importantly, as he was at the Dian Cecht Familia, his safety should be guaranteed as no one would attack a Familia that could heal them. 

"Then, we'll visit you tomorrow! Ah, what do you want to eat? I will cook breakfast for you," Hestia quickly said. 

"Just... an onigiri." 

"Okay, I will make a lot for you~!" Hestia kept chattering before she was pulled by Daphne and Cassandra. 

Isao didn't sigh and just lay on his bed, wondering whether he should go to another world once again. Tatsuya's DNA was nice and all, but then again, it was too powerful somehow, and unless he had to, he didn't want to kill. Miyuki's DNA was almost the same as her ability. It was also highly destructive, and it was aimed at killing people. 

Yet, he also knew that going to another world meant that he might also face another danger, so he might as well get stronger in this world for a while. 

Nevertheless, when the Loki Familia left, Finn couldn't help but scold Aiz, "Aiz, you should control yourselves. You shouldn't let emotion take control of you. He is merciful, you know? When you fought him before, I could see a killing intent in his eyes as he was ready to kill you, but fortunately, he only smashed your face." 

"Huh? How could he kill Aiz?!" Tiona was dumbfounded. 

"Aiz was about to kill him, so how could you expect him to be gentle?" Finn asked speechlessly. 

"....." Everyone. 

Frankly, hearing Finn's words, they felt complex. When they heard Isao wanted to kill Aiz, they felt speechless and also angry, wondering how one could be so cruel that he could even kill such a beautiful young woman, but when they thought that Aiz also was about to kill him, they couldn't say anything. 

Somehow, having a broken nose and jaw seemed to be quite a lenient punishment, especially when Aiz healed so quickly. 

Still, Finn kept scolding Aiz, but he never heard any words from her. "Aiz, are you listening to me?" He turned and looked around, but he was unable to find Aiz anywhere. He blinked his eyes and asked, "Where is Aiz?" 

"....." Everyone. 

Only in Isao's room did he look at the figure which he had just fought before. 

"...what are you doing here?" 

In his room, Aiz appeared and stood before his bed.