Akkikan40 UBTC 186-187

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 186 Aiz wishes to help

39 minutes ago

"...what are you doing here?" 

Isao couldn't help but ask that question with confusion and blank expression as it was impossible for him to have a good impression of Aiz after all of that. 

Yes, Aiz might be the heroine who was loved by the original protagonist, but he wasn't the original protagonist. 

More importantly, he was committed and had a girlfriend. 

While it was true that he couldn't be loyal to her and even slept with other women, he had never been serious with those women, and he was being forced by them into copulation.

Yes, he might not hate being forced by those women, but even so, this was for humanity, for the world. 

Once again, if he didn't accept their advances, who knew what they would do to the world? 

They were goddesses, the highest beings who could determine the fate of everything at their whims! 

So, while he might enjoy the process, his purpose was for the good, peace, and prosperity of everyone! 

However, Aiz was different. 

She might be strong, but she wasn't strong enough to bring a calamity to the world, so it was impossible for him to give her a good eye. Even if she tried to tell him herself, he would never accept her! 


Or rather, he couldn't imagine that she would force herself into him at all, considering how pure and how silly this young woman was. Even if Aiz might be known as a powerful adventurer and even worshipped by many, in his eyes, she was just someone with a communication issue. 

So, when he asked this question, Aiz could only lower her head, squirming, moving her feet uncomfortably, and unable to say anything. 

Isao didn't have "Tada-kun" as his nickname, and Aiz didn't have "Komi-san" as her nickname, so it was impossible for him to be so gentle with her, but he could tell that she was about to say something, so he waited.

If she said something bad, then he would throw her out from the window of his room. 

While his room was on the third floor, he knew that Aiz should be alright even if she was thrown out. 

"...I am sorry." 


"I am sorry." 

Aiz apologized. "I-I am sorry for hurting you. It-It's my fault. I-I am sorry." 

After a long pause, those simple words were the only ones that came out from her lips. 

Isao stared at Aiz, feeling strangely petty for some reason. He had aimed to become a good person, yet he couldn't help but feel hatred toward this young woman, even though an understanding could be gained when two people talked. 

Yes, this young woman almost killed him, but he also had broken her nose and jaw in return. 

Was it even? 

Frankly, it's not. 

Isao was almost killed, and if he wasn't strong enough, he would be as good as gone. He wouldn't be able to meet his wives, children, and women anymore.

If all the worlds that existed on his journey were peaceful, then there was no need for him to be working hard to become stronger in this world, but he knew that it wasn't. 

All the worlds that he had been in were in turmoil, and to be able to take care of his family well; he had to become stronger. 

Yet this young woman almost killed him, so it was impossible for their relationship to be amicable. He wouldn't do revenge, but he didn't want her to be so close to his side. 

"It's fine. Just go back. Don't bother me now." 

However, Aiz didn't leave and stood there in silence. 


"I-I will take care of you..." 


"I-I will take care of you until you are healthy," Liz said as she looked at Isao with determined eyes. 


Isao looked at Aiz in a daze and asked flately, "Can you take care of people?" 

"...." Aiz. 

Could she? 

No way! 

All of her time was spent in the dungeon and getting stronger; how could she even have time to take care of a person? 

More importantly, as most of the people on the Loki Familia were strong due to the blessing and could heal up so easily with just a potion, there was hardly anyone who spent their days in bed all the time. Moreover, those who had serious damage died directly. 

Lastly, with Aiz's personality, how could she even take the initiative to take care of people? 

She might appear cute, but Isao knew well that this young woman was quite selfish, and as long as it was to become stronger, she would do anything. 

In others' eyes, she might be a pure young woman who wished to help others, but Isao knew that she just wanted to learn his secret to become stronger. 

While it was true that he couldn't deny that her wish to help him might be sincere, he just didn't want her to be by his side. 

Yet, with how stubborn Aiz was, it was impossible for her to leave. 

Even if Isao told her to leave, Aiz just stood there. 

"Go out." 

Hearing his voice, Aiz hesitated, but in the end, she became stubborn. "L-Let me help you... I-I might not have experience in taking care of people, but... I-I can learn." 

"Who do you learn from?" 


Why did you ask me a question? 

Isao lay on his bed and decided to give up. 

However, watching Isao's reaction, Aiz moved closer cautiously before she took a chair and sat on the side of his bed. 

Isao glanced at Aiz before he started to think how important it was for him to become strong. Being weak wasn't good at all, and even if he tried to become a good person and try to avoid any troubles, many would come to cause him trouble. 


Why do people love to cause trouble? 

Wasn't it better for everyone to live with peace and love? 

Yet, as a bad person previously, he also understood why many conflicts happened. 

Still, instead of thinking about such complicated things, he thought about his plan to become stronger in this world. 

'Ah, I want to be comforted by Demeter...' 

On the other hand, Aiz kept watching him without looking away. His handsome face, his manly figure, and vigorous body, yet somehow there was this hint of melancholy on his face as if he bore many hidden things on his body. 

If only she knew that he was thinking of being comforted by Demeter...

Nevertheless, Aiz had so many questions on her mind, but she knew that she couldn't ask him, especially after what had happened between them. 

As for her assets, while all of them were taken by Isao, she didn't care at all as she knew that Riveria and her Familia would take care of most of her daily necessities, and with her power, she could make a lot of money with ease. 

Still, she was thinking deeply when suddenly Isao said, "By the way, Wallenstein, call me the nurse for me?" 

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Aiz quickly asked worriedly. 

"No, I want to take a piss." 


"I can't move my hands, so I need to ask the nurse to help me to take a piss on the urinal—" 

"I will help you." 


Isao looked at Aiz strangely, but she appeared determined. 

"I will help you to take a piss." 

"...are you serious?" Isao's expression even became strange. 

"Yes, let me help you." As Aiz nodded, she moved into his trousers and was about to take them off. 


Isao wondered how many times they had met, yet with how their relationship was; their relationship shouldn't be so close that he could show his penis to this young woman, right? 

"It's fine. I can handle this." 

While saying so, Aiz stripped him off, and her hands reached for his trousers. 

Even if Isao wanted to stop her, his hands were unable to move as they were wrapped tightly by Airmid.

Soon his penis, a part that shouldn't be exposed to Aiz, someone who wasn't even his girlfriend or woman, was suddenly on full display in front of the young woman. 


Isao wondered what he should do at this moment. 

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Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City 187 Isao is sullied

38 minutes ago

"It's big and fat..."

Aiz murmured as she looked at Isao's penis, but it wasn't her first time as she also had seen her father's during her childhood.

"It's bigger than father's..."

Isao didn't know what to say. His penis was still limp and wasn't hard at all, yet Aiz said those words to him, which made him feel a strange feeling.

"Aiz, stop it... you don't have to do it."

Still, he tried to struggle, but Aiz directly put her weight on his stomach, making him stop squirming. "Stop moving. If you continue to move, I can't put it into the urinal."

Why have your words become so smooth now?

When Aiz apologized, she stuttered, but now?

Why were her words so clear?

Yet, as a Level 2 adventurer, it was impossible for him to fight against the Level 5 adventurer, so in the end, Isao could only let Aiz to help him to take a piss.

Still, as Aiz faced his penis, Isao couldn't see her expression, but at this moment, her face flushed red, watching the penis of another for the first time. However, while she wanted to observe it more, she didn't forget her original intention.

"...I just need to put it here, right?"

Aiz took a urinal from the bottom of the bed, but Isao hesitated. "Are you sure?" After all, he was about to take out something dirty from his penis, but was she going to help him that much?


The beautiful golden-haired young woman took his penis and held the urinal in another hand, trying to guide his penis into her opening of the urinal.

Yet, as her soft and warm hand held his penis, Isao had a hard time trying to endure his erection.

Or rather, he might go crazy if this continued any longer.

At this moment, Isao suddenly thought of Gyomei Himejima, who often chanted a sutra, and somehow, that's what he did. Yet when he wondered how Aiz Wallenstein, the sword princess and the powerful adventurer that was worshipped by many, held his penis, it was impossible for him not to feel anything.

Her hand grabbed his penis boldly and even pushed it to the urinal.

"It won't fit..."

Aiz frowned, struggling as his penis was larger than the opening of the urinal. Moreover, even if he tried not to erect, some of the blood of his body pumped into his limp penis, making it gradually even bigger.

Isao took a deep breath to breath, and said, "You don't have to put everything in. Only the glans."

"Oh, the head of your penis is called a glans," Aiz nodded while murmuring before holding his glans and aiming it at the entrance of the urinal. "You can take a piss."


Isao shed silent tears at this moment, feeling that he had been sullied. He was no longer pure, and it was impossible for him to marry others.

'I am sorry, Eina, Hestia.'

Once again, Isao cursed himself for being weak!

If he had been stronger, then would he have been humiliated by Aiz like this?

Yet, he really needed to take a piss, so he released his piss into the urinal under the watch of Aiz, who held his penis like a hose, trying to water the garden.

The two didn't say anything, and when he finished, Aiz took out the urinal and then wiped his penis tenderly with a tissue. Only, as she wiped his glans, she started to play with it, stroking it softly with her hand and causing it to harden and gradually become bigger and bigger.

"...it-it becomes big..."

Aiz was dumbfounded.

Isao didn't say anything and just looked away, feeling dead inside.

Yet, instead of admonition and scolding, or even humiliation, Aiz was worried. "Is-Is this okay?"


Isao looked at Aiz, who was genuinely worried about him, which made him speechless and guilty. "Th-That's okay. It's a normal reaction."

"Normal reaction?" Aiz was surprised. "Why?"

"Well... if a woman touches it, it will become hard..." Isao realized how hard it was to talk with an airhead. "You shouldn't touch it and stop playing with it." He realized that instead of being scared, Aiz started to play with his erection, holding it with her two beautiful hands.

"It's like a sword..."


"I will take care of it."


"I will take care of it."

At this moment, Aiz sat on his legs, stopping him from moving or escaping while holding his erection as she faced him. Still, watching his expression at this moment, she couldn't imagine that this was a young man who was so cruel that he would give her a direct headbutt to crack her nose bone.

'So cute~!'

It was her first time to feel like this, but Aiz thought, and she wished to help and tease him more~!

"So, how should I take care of it?" Aiz asked.


Isao looked at Aiz, who seriously asked that question. He fell in silence for a while and wasn't sure what to do.

Should he?



At this moment, Isao decided to go on since he knew that it was impossible to fight Aiz in his current situation. "...I need to ejaculate."

"Ejaculate? How can I help you to ejaculate?"

"Stroke it with your hands and rub the glans."

"Stroke it with my hand and rub the glans? Like this?"

As Aiz said so, she stroked his penis slowly, carefully, yet with enough force that gave him stimulation.

Was this the talent of the "Sword Princess?"

As long as she held something like a sword, would she be able to master it?

"Yeah... that's good..."

There was no clumsiness; her hands moved with utmost care to give him an ejaculation and comfort him from his uncomfortable state. Moreover, hearing his words, her movements also became skillful as she moved her hands while observing his expression.

Even though he didn't appear to want to, Aiz could see how much pleasure she had given to him, which caused the emotionless expression on her expression to break and become a smile.

"...are you sure that you want to make me ejaculate?"

"Un." Aiz nodded without hesitation. "That's my job, right? I will make you ejaculate. How do you feel? Does it feel good?"


"Really? Then I will do more."

There was no need for his instructions anymore.

As an adventurer, while she became strong due to the teaching of many, her talents, experiences, and observations were also factors why she became one of the strongest adventurers in the Orario.

With his pre-cum, it was easier to stroke his erection, and as Aiz watched his expression, she thought for a while, opened her thin lips, and poured her saliva on his erection, making it even wetter and easier to stroke.

Watching all of this, Isao, who wished to become a good person, felt that it was so hard.

Why were there so many temptations around him?

While he didn't want to have any involvement with Aiz, why did she give him a handjob at this moment!?

Yet, he couldn't deny the comfort of his erection, and he could only let out a comfortable sigh, leaking a sexy noise that caused Aiz to become more excited.

"Just let me know when you are about to ejaculate."

While Aiz said so, she leaned forward, showing a glimpse of her cleavage from the side of her clothes, which was the perfect size. They weren't as big as Hestia or Demeter or flat like Tiona or Loki. They were just the ideal and exquisite size, with two beautiful pink nipples that were taut and stiff due to the heat that she felt on her body for the first time.

"I am going to come, Wallenstein-san."



"If you don't call me Aiz, I won't let you cum."


Isao was helpless, but as Aiz looked at him mischievously with a pout, he sighed and said, "Aiz."

"Okay, are you going to ejaculate? What should I do with the semen? Should I put it on the urinal?

Naturally, Aiz wasn't sure what to do with his semen, so she asked subconsciously, reaching the urinal and trying to catch his ejaculation, but—

"No, no. Airmid and others will get angry if you put it on the urinal."

"Then, where—"

"Ah, I am coming now, Aiz!"

"Ugh... there is no other way!"

Isao didn't hesitate and ejaculated, thinking that he would cum at Aiz's face or a tissue, but unexpectedly, she would put his glans onto her lips, catching his semen with her beautiful lips.


With the feeling of warmth and wetness on the glans of his penis, Isao saw that Aiz swallowed his glans in her mouth. He wasn't sure what she thought, but she used her thin, cherry lips to catch his dirty semen.


Aiz received his ejaculation in her mouth.


Isao couldn't care anything at the moment, and incredible pleasure couldn't be stopped as he poured all of his semen into Aiz's mouth.

While he did so, Aiz never took her mouth away from his cock. She tried to catch all of his semen that ejaculated in her mouth and store it there, sucking it deep, even making a deep sink on her two smooth cheeks.


Hearing the slight moan from Aiz's mouth, Isao poured everything and didn't even show mercy, sullying her beautiful lips with his semen.

Aiz supported his penis firmly with her hands and caught all of the semen in her mouth, never letting it go until he released everything.


Aiz removed her mouth from his glans, and even if the amount was incredible, her calm expression never broke. At this moment, her mouth was full of his semen, and somehow, she swallowed all of it.


Aiz drank all of the semen in her mouth with a clear gulping sound.

Isao couldn't say anything and just stared at this scene in a daze.

As Aiz drank, she never let go of his penis, and when she finished drinking all of them, she lightly pulled her hair behind her ear, then stuck out her tongue, cleaning up his penis with her tongue.

"Hmn~! It's a bit bitter, but I don't hate it at all.."

it was a strange taste, but she didn't hate it.

Still, as she cleaned up his penis, it began to harden once again.

"Oh? Let me comfort you more."

"Wa-Wait, Aiz!"

Yet, Aiz didn't listen to him and continued to give him comfort with her hands and mouth.

Only at this moment, the cute captain of the Dian Cecht Familia, Airmid, watched this scene in a daze with a reddened face, unable to believe it, yet she couldn't look away until Isao finished so many cums inside Aiz's beautiful lips.