Unforgettable Past

*Clink! Clink! Clink! Clink!*

Sounds of chains rattled as a caravan was moving through the streets of a city. "Move faster" yelled a large man with a whip in his hand


A whip sounded, "Argh!" yelled a boy cuffed in chains as the whip landed on his body, eyes red as tears fell down his cheeks. "Stop crying and move boy!" the man yelled as he kicked the boy on the back.

The caravan was dragging men, women and children as rows of chains were cuffed to their hands. "We will stop here for now" said a man from inside a covered carriage, as they stopped in front of a brothel.

The women and children were shivering as they knew what their fates would be if they were picked here. They had travelled from city to city being sold off one by one, some as slaves, prostitutes, workers and even as soldiers. Children were treated the same way as the adults.

Being sold to be a soldier didn't seem too bad, until they found out that they were to be sent out into uncharted territory to investigate it. Most of them died, being killed or eaten by monsters, plants and even giant insects.

Those who survived did not last long as some would commit suicide due to the nightmares they got from seeing what happened to their companions. Especially when they were sent again into the forest to investigate more.

Workers would be sent to mines or farms, struggling to survive in harsh environments and lack of food and water as they work every single day and night.

They were paid in food or water, so if they did not have enough, little to no food was given. The owners would then be given a rusty knife to them to go find food in the nearby forests if they ever complained or whined.

Prostitutes and sex slaves were treated the same way as workers, the food n water they got depends on how many men they sleep with. If not many men wanted or got tired of them, they would be kicked out to survive on their own which usually ends up being raped or even killed by outsiders who didn't have enough money to go to the brothels.

Slaves depended on who bought them, some owners did not care as long as you do the work given. Others took pleasure in abusing and insulting, never satisfied with the work done by the slaves. Basically it depends on the luck each person had.

Ace luck was bad from young as he was abandoned by his family at the age of six when bandits attacked their settlement one night. His parents kicked him away when they saw that he was slowing them down.

Unfortunately, they were captured by the bandits but he made it out alive. He watched his mother being shared among the bandits after the settlement was destroyed. His father was bounded and forced to watch before being cut down. Many of those captured shared the same fate as his parents.

He ran into the forest with the other escaping settlers only to find out that nowhere was safe. Monsters came and snatched them off one by one, muffled screams were heard everywhere around him.

He managed to run far away until he got so tired, he fainted at what seemed to be a dirt road. He thought he died only to be rudely awaken by large men dragging his body across the road and chaining his hands to a caravan forcing him to walk.

His bad luck continued as he was picked by a noble in the city, who loved torturing his slaves. Everyday he and the other slaves would get beaten up for anything wrong that they did in the jobs given, some even though it was nicely done.

He would be worked to the bone everyday, cleaning, gardening, buying groceries. It all sounds easy but the house the noble lived in was a huge three floors mansion which had many furnitures and each floor could fit a hundred people comfortably.

His luck suddenly changed for when he had reached his teen years. A flying monster known as the 'Four Winged Fury' which was an eagle that had mutated, attacked the mansion destroying the top floor. The difference was it was looking for something, only to find that some of its eggs were being cooked in the kitchen.

Poor chef who was also a slave was insta killed and eaten. The noble tried to run away only to be torn to shreds by the giant talons it had. As it was about to continue on its killing spree, it was attacked by a group of knights who were hailed as heroes by the city's people at the time.

Ace who was working in the toilet at the time saw that there was only one egg left on the basket, he took it to his living space and hid it under his bed. After some time, the Fury was killed by a spear embedded into the heart. Although half of the mansion was destroyed, many people cheered for them in killing the monster.

Ace saw the opportunity in this and brought the egg away to the outskirts of the forest where he built a small treehouse with wooden spikes around to protect it. He continued to live in the house, surviving by killing small monsters and selling the skins for money.
