Chapter 9 Hidden

"Strengthen the security for now don't let anyone enters or leave Civili, till we know how many people are in my territory."

"But it's against the rules Luna."

Black eyes, black short hair till her nape, pale skin and red lips. She wears an armor and a half moon Crest is engraved in it. Luna Jacqui really look domineering but not arrogant. She looks very strong. She have a scar in her lips but she is still very beautiful. Since she is a hybrid she should be healed easily and her skin would be flawless, only that one scar that made by no one knows who except the Luna herself.

"The visionaries said that chaos will befall Civili, I can't let that happened."

"But Luna if we suddenly implement the tight security the people will get curious and they will do anything to know something in advance. Also are they willing to come to the gathering tommorow." someone said in the council of vampires.

"Why not pay them money to silence them and make them comply." said one from the leaders of Slayers association. "Money solves everything!" he added.

"You are right! So who is willing to pay?" asked the Luna.

"I nominate Tristan Suinen!" shouted Kirto.

He was kicked immediately that sent him flying to the door by Tristan.

Tristan is only here to watch the leaders meeting. The slayers building is the venue of the meeting about the gathering in the field. They wanted to gather everyone to know how many is currently in Civili. They never asks for entry and they never count people that come and go. There are no securities in the boundaries but every building has a Centaur guarding the door.

The leaders are compose of the councils from the vampire side, leaders from the slayers association, royalties that stays in the Civili and Luna Jacqui.

"Good to see you here Tristan. I thought you are never interested in meetings cause I never seen you attend before."

"Good to see you too Luna Jacqui. Tell Markus to stop threatening me already you know threats don't work on me."

Markus is Tristan's squad leader he's only a year older than the later.

"Hahaha. Ignore him my dear Jacqui if we don't threaten him he will never listen to us."

Gossips fill the hall. About how Luna and Markus came to be. Since before Markus doesn't have any connections to the vampires or wolves or about mates and he doesn't know how to deal with Jacqui. Everyone thinks that Markus is going to reject Jacqui because of her scar but Jacqui is lucky because Markus only thinks of getting stronger and he is not interested in beautiful girls or their flesh. When he comes to understand what mates are he wholeheartedly accepts Jacqui.

Luna Jacqui ears turned pink when Markus mentioned her. Markus is her mate and he should be an alpha but it doesn't suits Markus and he is only human. He just supports the Luna with whatever he can, also Jacqui is stronger than Markus because Markus is only a strong human.

"Address me... properly... dear... if you don't want to get punished."

Hehehe. Markus suddenly chokes and he is coughing hardly. Jacqui just watched him while Tristan is ignoring him.

"Back to the topic. Tristan do you think you can pay the people?"

"No. Even all my wealth isn't enough to pay twenty-five percent of the population. If I'm the owner of this building I wouldn't mind paying." yes if he is the mysterious owner of the slayers building he really wouldn't mind spending his money if he is that rich.

"How about this everyone here will contribute half of your wealth. It's time that I collect your rents for staying in my territory. I know that you already earned more than enough money. Since you have high positions in my place we all know that everyone here present are the wealthiest in Civili. If you don't want to agree with me I will allow you to leave Civili now." After saying Jacqui smiled, a meaningful smile. If you leave all your wealth will stay in my territory don't think about bringing it with you.

"Half of our wealth isn't a small amount!" an elder said in the council of vampires.

"Then you are free to go."

The moment the elder stand up his head suddenly falls to the ground and his body follows. The others gulps and afraid to move.

Tristan sat again in his seat. No one sees how fast he cuts the elders head. No one knew except Markus and Jacqui. Not even the other vampires in the council could see what happened.

"Now who else wants to leave? No one? Good that's good! Now let's prepare for the gathering."

Luna Jacqui didn't give order to Tristan but she comes to understand how Tristan thinks sometimes. You only want one person to spend all his money to pay the people? Tristan don't mind spending but putting all works to him is a big no! He didn't think twice on leaving the throne. Do you think you can just put him on the spot and let's him handle everything? He is a lazy person but he is the best among the bestest assassin in the whole world and only Jacqui and Markus and the Slayers association building owner knows it.

The dead vampire elder wealth immediately transferred to the Civili Treasury and it it owned by the Luna. Everyone present unwillingly complied and transferred the half of their wealth then safely left the place. Now Luna Jacqui only hopes that the Treasury have enough to pay the people to follow their order. The gathering is only very simple. Yes they want to know exactly how many people are there in Civili but the Luna has a hidden agenda and it's to find the owner of the dark aura.

The visionaries said that she could prevent the chaos if a dark entity bless her. She sent people to observe the dark aura but none returned. Also in the vision if she isn't blessed by it death will consume Civili at first it will be normal that people dies but soon cases of strange death in Civili spread in the entire world that people stop to enter Civili. The place become deserted and poor that the Grey district was left behind by the whole world.

Jacqui went to her parents to get her children then go home.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad I'm here to pick up the kids. Thank you for watching them." she's in a hurry that she didn't bother to enter her home before.

"Come in here first. I haven't seen you in a while." said her dad. Now that Jacqui is the one ruling the Civili her parents lives normally.

"Mom! look grandpa gave me a toy car!" said his son running to her and gave her a kiss while her daughter is walking while eating a lollipop.

"Momma come try this it is very yummy." the cute little girl said.

The little boy is 5 and the little girl is 4.

Back in the Sulums Cue finds Bali and Sor.

Tsk. Not a good day! That fake Father of mine destroyed the day!

"Hey Cue, you hold Iro he is clean already."

"You can put me down Bali. I don't need someone to hold me I'm already big." Sorairo really grows fast now he is like a 5 year old child. "Hey Cue! are you listening!?"

"Yes what did you say again?" Lost in her thoughts Cue suddenly falls down cause she tripped.

The two boys laugh hard before they help her up.

"Hahahahaha what kind of sh*t trips itself?" Bali is laughing hard and he is holding his stomach.

"Hahahaha I'm amazed even you falls down your face is still the same. Do you think the ground is not hurt by your face Cue?"

Sorairo continues to laugh pausing to look Cue's face and then laugh again he is rolling back in forth in the ground that he is dirty again.

Cue grabs Bali's hand that helps her stand up. Pissed she kneed Bali's stomach hard that the guys eyes almost popped out of it's pockets. Sorairo stops laughing immediately.