Chapter 10 Found

Time to meet my bride.

The dark aura heard his master. Then I will return to my body once the master is here. Later the ruler of this place would want to meet my subject. I need to he more alert to keep her safe or I will never return to my body.

"When will she wake up? why did she suddenly passed out?" Sorairo asks worriedly. They are already in the field, they were given money so they quickly follow. A little later after they arrive at the field Cue suddenly falls unconscious.

"I don't know this is the first time it happened. Iro, do you see it?" he said pertaining to the dark aura.

"Obviously, it is the reason why I followed you guys being close to it we will certainly escape death, but those who doesn't acknowledge it's presence surely they will die."

Surprised in knowing the reason why he is still alive even seeing the aura Bali thinks deeply. "But it seems Cue does not see it. Do you know the reason? Or do you know what is that thing?"

He is older than Sorairo but he doesn't know entirely what is the dark aura.

While Sorairo only knew from his parents memories.

"The dark aura is sent by it's master to watch over it's bride to be. I don't know exactly the details but this is the customs in the Dark Clan from the Black district. Since we are very far from their continent and judging from the dark aura it's master is not a simple person. Usually, the farthest the aura from it's master the weaker it's presence but this one it is very strong and even you don't see it the presence is very strong."

Apocca has seven district or continent. Red district is located in the South while Grey district is located in the South West part and Black district is in the opposite direction of Grey district and the continent is separated by the Black Sea. You can travel the other six district by land, but to reach Black district you need to ride sea carriages. Boats or ships can't cross the Black Sea only the sea carriages carried by Lusca's can be used to cross. Lusca is a sea creatures that looks like a shark but has tentacles. This creatures can ward off other sea creatures that might attack the passengers.

"Then I conclude that this gathering is something to do with that thing. Wait! Did you say bride to be? Is Cue betrothed already!" Bali looked at the people in the center of the field.

"Yes! it's only the reason why she is being followed by the aura. Also she can't see or even sense it due to the fact that her entire being is already used to the dark aura since she was born. Now I think I get it why she suddenly passed out."

Thinking when Bali found the baby Cue, the dark aura is already there, at first he didn't sense it because he is weak. He didn't see who left the baby in that place.

"I think her husband to be is making his move and Cue's body is slowly adjusting to accommodate a stronger presence."

"Are those people from the Black district that strong?" Bali is getting goosebumps, and a little excited, he already heard things about the Black district if possible he also wanted to go there with Cue.

"I see in my father's memory that his grandpa told him way before they are still human had tried to get in that territory. Money is found everywhere in that place gold chunks are everywhere but it is useless there and it is treated just like a rock. Seeing that the most valuable thing in that place treated as a useless thing his grandpa sense that the place is really dangerous. He went back as fast as he could."

At the center Luna Jacqui stands up and started to say what does she want to happen. "I gathered everyone to know the total population of people here in my territory. Maybe you are wondering why we spent money just to make sure that all of you are gathered here? One thing for sure I can get back the money. For now let's officially start the gathering you are free to eat or enjoy now but you are not allowed to get out of here till I say so." Going back to her seat she started so silently observed the dark aura.

Almost every one came together so it's hard to point out whom the aura is watching. She focus on looking at the side where a girl is in the ground laying down. She was a little surprised when she saw a familiar silhouette walking to the girl.

Tristan came from the Black district so not only he's familiar with the aura he also knows who is it's master. He also went near it to greet the dark aura and apologize for not noticing that the little girl is on his watch. He is once one of the Prince in the continent so he knows that he is slightly lower than the dark aura who's master is not someone you can ignore. The other reason why he is the number one assassin in the whole world is because of his origins.

"Greetings, I apologized for what I did yesterday." He is lazy but he have great respects to those who are stronger than him.

The aura only nod to him.

"So this is the one." Luna Jacqui murmured when she reach Tristan. The others didn't mind them they keep doing what makes them happy. Like eating non-stop, hitting some girls or challenge some to a duel...

"Hey kiddo what happened to this girl."

"My little sis suddenly loss consciousness but I think she is ok."

"Why not bring her to my place, she could relax there and I will give her a change of clothes." The Luna offered.

Bali thinks that this is a little bit the same as what happened in the Zombie territory. So he agreed.

Having great sense of smell the Luna immediately look at the other little boy holding the hand of the girl. Something strange, he smell like the zombies but he looks different.

"May I ask, is that your little brother?"

The group is walking to the Luna's house since she already found what she is looking for she doesn't care about the people in the field.

"Yes, he is our little brother. Is there a problem Luna Jacqui?" Bali answers immediately. Even if he is a little cold towards Sorairo sometimes the little guy means a lot to Bali too.

"I know I don't look like my big bro and sis but I am their little brother!" I know we don't share blood but the three of us is closer than the those real siblings. If Cue heard this she will surely get in a fight.

What strange siblings.