Chapter 19 High

Upon reaching the door Cue face becomes disappointed.

Wait a sister?... but I can't remember Kil telling me about me having a sibling... he only stated me meeting my "parents" not a "sibling".

Cue slowly opened the door and when she finally saw the one looking for her she shut the door again.

That's not my sister... maybe an adoptive sister? She doesn't look beautiful like me so yeah. She is only an adoptive one. Cue can't help but curse the woman outside and her parents. I can't believe they adopted an ugly woman! Pale... pointed nose... red hair and red eyebrows... elongated chin and dark red lips! Not even close to the servants of the Phoenagon I am imagining! Well Lukileon really didn't say about me having a sibling.

"Hey Father. Say... that preggy woman outside is the one looking for me? Claiming to be my sister?" Cue asked really confused.


"It cannot be... poor me I can't believe I have a sister like that..." Cue grows in an area that is harsh and cruel. She isn't really a good person because of what life made her see. "Well let her in and let us receive her the Luz family way." Cue said with a playful smile.

She clearly read about the Luz history and customs. "If you don't like a person you shouldn't learn to like that person." She clearly remember this from the first page of the book about Luz.

Cue sat on Lukileon's lap and she puts her head on his neck. Lukileon can't help but gulped. In this position they will welcome their guest, its improper but who cares.

Here comes his wife naughtiness, he recalls one time how Cue manage to explode the whole house in one of their lifetime. But he knew her well.

Tristan lead the way for Katalina, and the pregnant woman is busy looking around the hallway. Every where she looked things look classy, expensive and almost all she saw are custom made. The paintings, lamps, vases, glass cabinets... all with the initial of Luz. Also they are walking now in a red carpet. The flowers and plants are rare and some are even not allowed in the market.

This house is really the grandest she has ever seen. It could be compared to the Phoenigon's castle! What kind of family is the Luz!

"Here is Katalina. Excuse me Master... and Milady." Tristan presented without any respect when saying the woman's name but with great respects towards Cue and Lukileon that he bowed only to them.

"Hi, I am Katalina Phoenagon Gensi." She said with all smiles but with a little sarcasm because Tristan didn't introduced her properly. Her face turned sour little by little when she noticed that the other two is busy sharing an intimate kiss. Damn you two! You should pay your respects to me! "Let me rephrase it. I am Princess Katalina Phoenagon Gensi." she said a little louder gaining a deadly stare from Cue and Lukileon.

Lukileon stopped kissing Cue and look at the woman in front of them then continues to kiss and tease his wife again, then tickling Cue's sides. "Stop it Kil, someone is watching" she whispered at Lukileon's ear then she blew a little air that tickles the guy making him more hot.

The couple act shamelessly and they doesn't have a care one bit.

Katalina turned red from rage of being treated as a mannequin. These two!!! If mother and father knew that they treated me this way they will regret that they ever lived!

"Ahem. Excuse me but can I sit? You see I am pregnant and I have been standing outside for a long time."

"Oh, You may excuse yourself." Lukileon quickly answered without looking at Katalina and he grab Cue's soft mountains. Though what he mean is, Katalina is excuse to leave them alone.

"Hey! I said there is someone watching! You can't give them a live po*n!" Cue abruptly stands up and her brasserie fall on the floor. She didn't notice that her husband successfully managed to detach its lock.

Turning red from embarrassment she sit straight and crossed her arms then looked away from Lukileon.

"Who are you again?" Cue turns to Katalina and ignore Lukileon that is trying to soothe her.

Katalina clearly saw the brasserie below the couch but she didn't know what she's going to say anymore but... How shameless!!!

"I am Katalina Phoenagon Gensi."

"So? who is Katalina Phoenagon Gensi? You keep saying that but can't you see that no one minds that name?"

Since Katalina feet are sore she already make herself comfortable sitting while still letting her servant stands up. Even though she should offer her to sit down cause she's a "kind daughter" of the Phoenagon.

"I am the daughter of Lucia and Justein Phoenagon, from the Black district... Your family." Katalina said a little sad and teary eyes. "Father and Mother is busy with the kingdom so I come her to finally meet you. My lost little sister."

Justein... so that's where my name Tein is derived from.

"Adoptive daughter." Cue clears Katalina's words. "My husband here already explained to me everything. So you don't have to waste your efforts in explaining about my family."

"Oh, sorry I forget that I am not their real daughter... it's just that they really treated me well like I am their real daughter and not just an adoptive one." she said wiping her non-existent tears but she looked really hurt in the eyes of the fools. Shit! Since I didn't have any information on Luz I forgotten that they have a connection with Phoenagon! This is getting harder than I thought!

"Not to burst your bubbles but it doesn't concern me either they treat you right or not. But what troubles me is why a pregnant woman like yourself risk to get here. Grey district and Black district is like a world apart complete opposite ways unless you didn't come here with a good intention."

"No, no, no... I came from the Blue district I stayed at my husband place. I only came here to visit you and check if you are doing well now that we find that you are alive." she answered defensively. Dammit! how can she piece it together clearly she's not a fool like her parents or is this really their daughter?

"Still not a passable explanation. You see, if my parents find out news about me they should be the one running to where I am now. Or if they are really my parents they will let me be and not send someone to come over to me. Cause if I were them I will be very embarrassed to show myself to my child that I haven't found till she's grown-up."

Tsk. tsk. tsk. How can this woman fool the Phoenagon? It's a shame she's pregnant so I can't play with her properly. Tsk. tsk. tsk.

Wait! I have an idea! I can push her from the stair outside the main door then she's not going to be pregnant anymore then we can be the best playmates!

Now Cue's mind is getting crazy. She's having mixed emotion that she felt high. Noticing Cue's psychopathic eyes Lukileon hugs her and motion Tristan to escort Katalina out. Limo is busy handling some business so Tristan is the one serving Lukileon.

From hearing that someone is looking for her then to being disappointed. Cue's is really down, sad and hurt but she hides it well.

Lukileon manage to distract her by kissing her but he knows deep down his wife will not be able to handle too much emotions at once. He knows that when this happens Cue will feel high. Too much emotions is like a drug to his wife.