Chapter 20 A story

D*mn those two! Shameless they don't have any manners! I better finish my task here or Wuntan will come and find me again, it's getting hard these days to get out of his sight. It seems he's getting suspicious of me!

It is hard for her to move freely since she's pregnant and Wuntan is keeping his eyes on her. "This child better be useful or I will just get rid of it too!"

"Madam I think we should stay low for now... I sense someone is watching us. I just don't know if it's your husband's men or not." the servant said with her head low.

Katalina kicked the servant hard. "Worthless! so worthless! If in the first place you should found out information about the Luz everything will be easy! Worthless garbage!" she continues kicking the girl till she spat blood.

This servant of her has a condition she doesn't feel any pain so Katalina really like her because she can beat it and it will never complain. They are in her room so she can do anything to the servant. The servant can't complain cause Katalina used her family as a hostage and just a word from Katalina the servant family will die.

Back at the Luz...

Lukileon is busy calming down his wife, while Bali and Sorairo are pacing back and forth. Cue is very quiet and back to her poker face, she looked calm on the surface but Lukileon knows her well if she is still who she is. "You two stop what you are doing and just eat the salad. Then leave."

Hearing what Lukileon just said Bali and Sorairo quickly went to the kitchen and eat the salad but when they arrive just a small amount is left. It was Tristan who ate it and also Limo who just finished his bath.

"Are you two so poor?! How come you almost finished the salad Cue made for us?! You have already eaten a lots cause you are rich, while Iro and I barely taste all the good foods."

Having difficulty in sharing a small amount of salad left with Sorairo, Bali quickly eat half of it in one mouthful and Sorairo quickly followed afraid that Tristan and Limo will eat it.

"These two adults don't know how to conduct themselves in front of the youngsters like us Bali, it looked like they are more pitiful than us. Let's go out before Sir Lukileon kick us out."

Tristan and Limo almost spill out what they eat when they heard the ridiculed of the two boys, who are so much younger than they are.

When the two left Tristan and Limo gets serious and immediately forgot what the other two said.

"Did you finish your "important" business?" Tristan ask pertaining to the full course that Limo missed last time.

"What do you care about my businesses! Did you serve the Master well? If I hear him complain you need to cut a thousand bamboo tips!"

Tristan's eyes grew big, he forgets for a moment that the monster in front of him is his Sensei(teacher), his master the one who taught him how to be the best assassin in the whole world. Sometimes he really forgets to respect him cause of his activities.

Thinking about finishing his full course he feels energized and relax. Completing a meal really makes one really happy and content. Limo gave Tristan the lightest punishment he could give because no one can make his mood go bad. If he could have some take outs it would be more a bliss moment for him, Limo thought for quite a long time before leaving the house again. "You should go to the slayers association before doing your punishment. You know what to do."

"Kil, do you know her?"

"Her whole family is behind what happened to you being separated from your parents."

"Why didn't you intervene? Clearly you have all the information you need... Do you want me to handle them, myself? But I am lazy just thinking about it." Cue isn't very bright but if she's given the right information she could understand the whole situation.

"I know you wouldn't want me to interfere. Or I should just get rid of them?" he said grinning and his eyes were so deep that no one could decipher them.

"Kil, how old are you? How come you know me well, more than I know myself?" Looking at nothing but the empty space. Cue suddenly gets curious of her husband. She said she's going with the flow but without knowing anything it is very dangerous.

Lukileon was surprised of her question. It is the first time that Cue asked something about him. "Guess?" grinning like he is going to kill someone that how he looks to others but for Cue it is a cute expression.

"In the middle of the night I kept having dreams that makes me suddenly wake up... Those look like nightmares but sometimes it feels so real that I think all those are memories of the past but I can't exactly remember the dream. Lukileon... tell me what are those. Are there my memories? Or just nightmares..."

Cue doesn't mind if Lukileon is very old cause it's just a number besides the man beside her doesn't look old. She doesn't care about numbers all that's important is that the man is sincere in his words and actions to her. Also even if Lukileon doesn't tell her everything as long as he doesn't lie she will accept as there might be a hidden reason.

Then again it surprised Lukileon that his wife didn't guess but make another inquiry. So this time he is pondering if he should tell everything... but knowing everything might backfire.

"I can tell you a story but I will not say if all are true events." He can tell everything, he won't hide anything from Cue, but if those beings found out. Maybe he will lose his dear love and will never have the chance to see her ever again.

Looking confused Cue tilts her head to the side. What's the point of telling me a story if I will not be able to know the facts from bluffs. A big question mark appears above her head but it's invincible to the eyes.