Safe Haven.
No 'decent' sex crazed neighbors in sight. Rhea slumped onto the pure bliss of her couch. But the moment she slumped onto the couch, she remembered that she still had work to do! Rhea sat upright from the couch. Sasha would murder her if she didn't finish her job!
Rhea grabbed her laptop and turned it on. She flexed her hands. Then, put on her author glasses and flipped on the work switch. But what happened next really caught her off guard. In that instant, she could have seriously forgotten how to breathe. There was a notification message that displayed on her laptop screen.
It read "Dear BDSM Junkies members...For new members, we make sure to automatically subscribe you on the latest news~ It's also that day of the week everyone has been waiting for. Tune in tonight around 8pm and catch the twins live!"
By TWINS, Rhea's cursed brain automatically assumed Aziel and Zeven. How frightful! The sex crazed twins were now haunting her computer. They really weren't going to leave her alone. And curse Rhea because she just kept looking at the screen. Her cursor hovered above the button to proceed to the site.
Rhea shook her head. NO. She shouldn't. Her memory was still burned by that strange porn video she watched earlier on. BUT...What if she could use this as evidence if and when they do torture her to have her keep quiet about their celebrity status. She scrolled toward the button again. The twins were beginning to show signs of decency by going out their way to help her today.
PSH, DON'T BE A FOOL. Rhea scrolled away from the button for the last time, heaving a sigh of annoyance. Even if they were decent today, it could mean the sex crazed twins were only fooling her to get her to trust them. Tomorrow could be entirely different than the facade they put up today.
Rhea spent so much time battling her inner turmoil that she didn't realize the small italicized sentence underneath that said, "We'll automatically direct you to our site within 10 seconds to the latest video that will be streamed live~"
She blinked furiously as her screen flashed back to the nightmare she visited this morning. Not only was it directed to BSDM Junkies site but specifically to a dark screen which had a countdown of the time before the video would be streamed live. In the chat box, there was already 40,000 viewers logged into the video.
Rhea had to steady herself on the couch so she wouldn't crash along with her precious laptop or Sasha would really murder her. The numbers kept quickly climbing up with only five minutes left to go. Rhea stupidly looked on at the comments in the chat box. Her eyes couldn't stop scrolling on the comments that were flooding in.
Still_In_Jail: LOL. I thought I was going to be first but 40k other horny ppl are here already.
Belle34114567: Ahhhhh I'm so excited~ Anyone have clues on what the twins will gift us with today?"
_SonaLikesMilkkk1: Idk but my tissues are ready for the nosebleeds again. COME AT ME, MY BOIS!
Still_In_Jail: In their last video, Aziel said it would be based on fan votes. This ought to be interesting...
Truffless123: 4 MORE MINUTES GUYS!
Urmom009: I'm so excited!! Been waiting for two weeks urggg...
The count down hadn't even finished yet but the dark screen flashed to reveal the twins. The twins were seated side by side, surprisingly fully dressed as she thought they'd be naked. Both had their hair dangerously slicked back. Aziel sported a fully buttoned up white collared shirt. Zeven wore the fully buttoned up black collared shirt. Like this, they were truly twins of two contrasting sides.
Even through the screen, they were too dazzling for Rhea to even glimpse at.
Aziel smirked and leaned in, "Hullo everyone~"
And by this point, the viewership had reached 60,000 with the chat box flooding in with a comment per second trying to greet Aziel in return.
Now it was Zeven's turn to break the chat box. "It's been a while. Hope you haven't missed us too much. Aziel and I just finished moving in to our new place so we haven't had the time to go live."
Truffless123: HOUSE TOUR!!!
After truffles demanded a house tour, several other commentators began to ask for the same thing. And then, a message popped up saying, "Truffless123 has donated 100 ropes to Aziel and Zeven!".
Zeven smiled, "Thank you Truffles for the donation."
Aziel looked over to Zeven and shrugged. "Hmm what do you say brother? Should we give them a house tour in thanks of Truffle's donation? Our sub seems to be running late too..."
"Why not? I don't see the problem in doing so..." the camera grew shaky as Aziel took it off from what seemed like the camera stand. "Alright ladies and gents, prepare to be amazed! Zeven is pretty camera shy so I'll be doing the tour."
There were a few more rope donations after Truffles, or what Rhea perceived as the site's currency.
Zeven filmed the room that they were in, with Aziel standing around as the guide. The room was dimly lit and encased in grey marble flooring and black walls. There was a bed in the corner of the room, which was the only normal object in there. What shocked Rhea was the...VARIOUS DEVICES. Various devices that resembled what she found that fateful day before meeting the sex crazed twins. What she found inside that dreaded box.
Her eyes! It scrolled through the sex crazed devices on the wall. A vibrator. A rope. Chains. Blindfolds. Cuffs. Straps. Gags. And weird long whip looking things. There were several other devices she was unsure of and didn't want to be sure of.
Truffless123: IT'S BEAUTIFUL.
_SonaLikesMilkkk1: I'm having a nosebleed guys...
Aziel coughed. "I'm sure you all know what this room is...Anyway, we'll be back here soon enough...And tada, here is our living room and kitchen. Aziel styled the living room while yours truly styled the kitchen."
Still_In_Jail: OMG. Please come do my house.
FurryKitten: You guys have such great taste!!!
He kept his word and gave the viewers a complete house tour. They even panned over the bookshelf to which a viewer asked "You're a fan of Faye Wolfe?" Rhea's heart stopped. How Ironic. No one would think Faye Wolfe herself, also Rhea Everson, was actually a viewer in the audience! Suddenly, Aziel's expression grew soft as he answered the question with a nod.
"Ah, we're huge fanboys...See here. Zeven and I have every book of hers. If you have the chance, do me a favor and buy her books. You won't regret it...Now, off to our rooms!"
It still felt strange to know the twins were fans of hers. Hearing even Aziel praise her made things that much more strange. Of course, she didn't have a say as to what kind of people admired her works but this made it harder for her to continue to put them in a bad light. Rhea's final verdict...the sex crazed twins were still...decent when they weren't doing strange things behind the camera.
Aziel showed the viewers his room and Zeven's room. Interestingly enough, Zeven's room had patterns of blue and white. It was generally neat with a dusty looking microphone amidst posters of bands and celebrities. He also had some books and a large telescope possibly for astrology and star viewing.
Urmom009: Zeven, my love, you're into singing and astrology too?!! So much talent.
Aziel answered for Zeven with a wink. "That's not the only thing my brother is talented at. He can take you on a big dipper, wilder than anything you've ever experienced."
The camera shook a little as Zeven reached forward to pinch Aziel's cheek. "You're a little cheeky today."
"Owww, okay. Let go before I file family abuse!"
They then moved to Aziel's room, which was encased in creamy white colors. Immediately, what caught everyone's attention was his electric keyboard at the center. Rhea did remember Zeven pointing out Aziel was a pianist. Unlike Zeven's room, Aziel's room was a complete mess. Additional things she noticed was that strangely enough, there was a bunch of random plants lined on the window sill.
Rhea heard what sounded like Zeven's chuckle as he spoke the next words, "Get this. Aziel has a habit of talking to his plants."
FurryKitten: HAHA. Cute...
TheRealAnna: LOL I love it. Why can I picture Aziel doing this?
Aziel turned away and coughed under his breath. "It's not funny. Talking to your plants help them flourish..."
And then suddenly, the house tour came to a stop as the doorbell rang. Aziel seriously looked into the camera lens and said with the straightest face possible,
"I'm afraid the house tour is coming to an end. Heh. Who's ready for some spanking?"