Grab Your Tissues

'Who's ready for some spanking?'

His words kept repeating inside of her head until she remembered what exactly would happen if she kept stupidly watching. RHEA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! By now, Rhea's inner turmoil made her fumble for the red exit button to save her future. But it was too late. She froze because Zeven walked back and filmed the black torture room. She couldn't stop now.

The camera was now back in it's original position, mainly focusing on the bed. Zeven entertained the audience alone with Aziel's absence. He sheepishly looked at the camera, almost making Rhea feel shy for him herself. Like Aziel said, he did look more uncomfortable out of the two in front of the camera.

Zeven cleared his throat.

"...We've said that last time we wanted to do something different. I'm going to set up a poll so you junkies can choose which two items Aziel and I will be using on our sub today...Ah, and she's also a very special guest I'm sure you all have seen on Junkies. Care to take a guess?"

The chat box was being filled with wild guesses, all of which Rhea had no clue about.

Aziel had disappeared but shortly returned with a red haired beauty. Her head was concealed with a lacy black mask that covered head to neck, along with only a sheer thin black lingerie. She had an amazing body to which Rhea looked down at herself, wondering why the twins even commented about her body being their 'ideal type'.

thelazywalrus: NO WAY. All the number one streamers in one video...

Stardust881: Oh look, it's Iris! Omg...Isn't she the number 1 streaming girl on Junkies?


_PervertedGrandpa: Iris! So beautiful. I'm sure this live stream will be another hit too.

The girl named Iris confidently walked up to the camera and smiled, so beautifully that the chat box really was going to blow up and shut down. Even Rhea couldn't help but look on in awe at her beauty radiating so much just from a smile alone.

She waved and did this girly tilt with her head, "Hi everyone, it's Iris from Junkies~ I'm here as a surprise guest because the twins asked me to join them today. I'm very excited to be sharing such a big live project with everyone. Please continue watching and enjoy what we have in store for you all!"

Aziel nodded in agreement. "After receiving so many comments and going through many discussions with Iris, we thought it was about time for this to happen. We love you all and wanted to do our best to make you, our precious fans happy...I'm not sure if you noticed but next week will be the first year anniversary of when we joined junkies and started this journey."

"Thanks for the support you've always given us. Happy anniversary, junkies..." Zeven offered with a bright smile as he sheepishly looked into the camera. "Ah, looks like the poll are in. Iris, would you like to be the guest of honor to reveal which two items won?"

"S-Sure thing," she sweetly whispered with a faint blush, completely having heart eyes for both Aziel and Zeven. Rhea noticed Iris couldn't stop ogling over the two beside her as she finally turned to look at the results. "...Hmm...Oh! Now, this is something. The two items that won are the classic...Chains and blindfold."

Aziel and Zeven looked at each other and nodded. Aziel made the first move to offer Iris his hand. Then, Zeven offered his hand to her as well. Both sex crazed twins were on either side of Iris. Iris accepted their hands without hesitation. It was both so private and sensual, that Rhea felt like she was looking through their windows in person, watching as the twins led her to the bed.

She wondered if any of them were feeling nervous or embarrassed but they all seemed relaxed, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

They gently settled her onto the edge of the bed. Aziel moved toward the camera and positioned it so that the view of the three of them on the bed could be seen in a better light. Zeven was busy grabbing the silver chains from the wall.

After grabbing holding of the chains, Zeven leaned down and whispered in an apologetic voice so even the audience watching could hear, "I'm apologizing in advance. This might hurt a little."

Iris shook her head. "Anything you two do to me, I think I'll be fine as long as it feels good."

"Don't worry sweetie," Aziel added, as he circled around her with the blindfold in his hand. "We'll make you feel so fucking good, you won't remember our names...Hah alright, last thing before we start...Your safe word is stop."

She flirted with her eyes before the blindfold could wrap her to complete darkness. "I'm looking forward to it...Very much. And okay, I'm ready."

Zeven expertly bound her hands to each bed pole on the top. Then, he also bound her legs with the chains on the lower poles. He carefully made sure Iris was completely comfortable as she sat upright against the bed frame. Aziel finished tying the blindfold at her eyes.

Aziel chuckled and asked a question that screwed with Rhea's own mind. He whispered dangerously close to Iris's ear, "Now that you're completely restricted, you must tell us the truth or we'll punish you severely...Do you prefer Zeven"

Stardust881: Zeven all the way baby.

iloveaziel22: AZIELLLL

Truffless123: Why not both, Iris?!

Rhea was already hyperventilating at this moment in time. She was treading to unknown territory and she really didn't know how she'd ever find the way back out. Her damn eyes were forever glued to her cursed laptop. His words echoed. Aziel or Zeven? For the life of her, she would never choose nor would she know who to even pick.

Iris answered confidently, "Is it selfish to say I prefer both?"

Zeven actually dared to lift one of her legs so one of her buttocks were exposed. Iris immediately gasped, with excitement. He shook his head with a grin. Rhea really couldn't watch at how much Zeven could change from the video. He was no longer all that camera shy.

"Bad girls need to be punished like Aziel said..." his hand first rubbed the roundish shape of her ass before giving it a firm slap. The sound echoed in the room. "...If you are selfish again then I won't be so forgiving the next time."

Iris moaned in pleasure, when Rhea was almost horrified, believing she should be hurt and angry. Instead what pooled inside Iris's eyes were ones of desire as she answered back, "Yes, I won't be selfish again! Mmh please, all I want is to please the both of you."

"Good," Aziel answered in a very demeaning tone that sent shivers down Rhea's spine. "Then we expect you to pleasure us before we pleasure you."

The sound of Aziel's zipper becoming undone made Rhea's eyes bulge. She finally covered her eyes with both hands before the grand reveal.

"Suck my cock in all the way," Aziel's words came out more like a rough demand.

But of course even though she covered her eyes, she could still hear every indecent thing going on. This was so much worse than just hearing the sex crazed twins from beyond the walls! Rhea didn't want to admit it but she felt something bubble up inside of her. She squeezed her legs together and gasped as she heard slurping sounds.

Her mind already knew what could be happening. OH MY GOD. She was legit panicking. Rhea wasn't sure if she had the guts to continue watching the live porn. It was making her uncomfortable, especially knowing they were only next door to her. What's more, Aziel's breathless sighs and all the indecent sucking were making Rhea blush nonstop.

Shortly after Rhea regained her breathing, the sound of Zeven's zipper became undone and he spoke almost with jealously purposely laced in his voice, "Don't forget about me. Stroke mine with your hand. There, just like that. Mmh...Hah..."

Rhea's heart felt like it could beat out of her chest and be tossed away somewhere in a faraway land that wasn't earth. She uncovered her eyes. Sweat dripped from her entire body by now. Just like her thoughts imagined it...Iris was still seated upright against the bed, blindfolded and chained. She desperately sucked Aziel's cock from the side while she stroked onto Zeven's cock in front.

Such a lewd sight to behold!

Her eyes flew to the uncensored view of their cocks just out for everyone to see. Both of their cocks were fully erect, making Rhea shudder with crippling shock. Their size was...NO, STOP IT RHEA. She felt something drip onto her hands. She looked down and realized it was blood. HER NOSE WAS BLEEDING! Rhea grabbed tissues to stuff it inside her polluted nose.

That was the last straw she could take while shutting off her laptop completely and becoming a blanket monster. She kept rocking herself on the bed, chanting the verses from the bible and trying to distract her indecent thoughts.

It was no one's fault but Rhea's. She simply asked for it, knowingly remaining as a viewer.

Now...Rhea didn't think she could ever really look at her sex crazed neighbor's the same, having seen their private parts behind the screen!