Game Over


Rhea felt like she was going to puke. All eyes were on her. The long line in front of her made her woozy, almost like fainting. She tried hard to conceal her shortness of breath but it was difficult as her chest kept squeezing.

Sasha elbowed her. "Smile."

"I am smiling," Rhea said through gritted teeth, trying her best to smile but knowing it probably appeared more like a foreboding creepy smile.

"...Naturally. You look like you want to murder someone."

Rhea did want to murder someone. Herself.

The special fan event had been rented out in an event hall by the company. Both the company and the fans had organized the event so Rhea had no clue what to expect. The only thing she expected was the signing part where she sat down outside in front of the event hall and was forced to greet her fans.

One of her first fans came and set a book down. Rhea tried her best to flash her a natural smile but failed. She knew she was shaking like a frightened rabbit but couldn't stop the tremors from persisting.

"...Er Faye? You look sick, are you alright?"

Rhea quickly signed her book and nearly launched it back so she wouldn't have to touch a stranger. "I'm fine."

No, this wouldn't work. If she wanted to fool people, namely Aziel and Zeven, then she had to act the part. That's right! No way in hell would she reveal her true identity! Rhea appeared more bright this time as she smiled much more naturally than before.

"...Sorry, I'm just a little nervous. You do know what they say about me, I haven't gone out to the public ever since my writing debut due to my extreme and severe shyness."

And then suddenly, the nameless fan took Rhea's hand without her permission. She was going to squeal but the fan's words spoke to her heart. "Everyone, let's give Faye some strength! She is shy...Listen, I've always been a huge fan. Before my grandmother died, she would read your books and read them to me like a ritual every night. She would always say that one day she wanted to meet you but of course fate took her away so soon."

The fan clutched the book to her chest. "So the fact that I can meet you here and even get your signature means a lot to both me and my grandmother."

Her works had that much of an impact on people?

"Thank you! Please continue writing more books and coming out to events like this, I'm sure all your fans would only love you even more~!"

Rhea exchanged a confused look with Sasha. But Sasha only returned her confused look with a warm gaze.

Sasha leaned down and happily whispered, "I know with your condition it's hard...That's why I prepared a doctor on standby just in case but don't you see?"

Sasha gestured to the fans waiting in line chattering eagerly among themselves.

"They all love you and are here to meet you in person and tell you how much they have been impacted by your works. A strong connection with the author and the readers only make the book much more valuable like a gem if there is a deeper connection to reach out to you."

She pat Rhea on the back. "...Hang in there for your fans and let me know when you've reached your limit."

As much as she wanted to run away back to her safe haven, one look at her fans made her stay rooted to the spot. They were all so dazzling, smiling and eagerly waiting for their turn to greet Faye Wolfe. Almost immediately, something warm filled her heart. Rhea kept gritting her teeth and smiling the painful anxiety away that kept persisting.

This was for her precious fans!

The signing was going almost too well. At least until she heard female screams in the distance. This made Rhea freeze up to stone again as her heart nearly stopped beating altogether. Anxiety kicked back in. That's right. Those sex crazed twins! She almost forgot about the reason why she got roped into this in the first place. It was all because of them.

To Rhea's expectations, there were actually two crowds of fans. One of them of course, was the crowd of fans waiting in line to greet Rhea. And the larger crowd was the one swarming the shiny white sports car. The car she was all too familiar with when she had desperately asked for help to get to Damien's concert.



The screams were so loud, Rhea was beginning to question the true purpose of this fan event. It was more like Aziel and Zeven's event than her own. Aziel and Zeven's fans held up posters and continued shouting their names. Strangely enough, they were beginning to resemble famous celebrities that were being swarmed upon.

Rhea slowly but frightfully turned her head to the dazzling brightness that made her dark creature self feel blind. Both were dressed overly the top today with contrasting light and dark colors. Rhea was becoming used to Aziel's choice of light creamy colors and Zeven's choice of darker colors in their wardrobe. They wore casual jeans paired with a nice fitted blazer.

Aziel was the first one to wave at their fans with a killer smile, "Hello junkies...woah!"

Some fan pushed a white shirt toward Aziel, "Can you please please sign my shirt?!"

"Hah, sure thing. You can form a line and my brother and I will gladly greet each and every one of you."

"Junkies, you all look lovely today," Zeven greeted with a bashful tilt of his head.

Another crazy fan jumped so high that Rhea swore it was inhumanely impossible. "You look lovelier Zeven!"

Thank god. Perhaps the twins would be so busy with their own fans that they wouldn't have time to greet her just yet. That's right. Rhea could spend this time looking for an escape route. Her eyes wandered off far into the distance but Sasha's terrifying medusa like figure hovered in her view, blocking every possible escape route in sight.

Sasha was like the final boss of her video game. An undefeated foe that stood in her way to peace and freedom. But she wouldn't give in. She dared to bolt from the fan in front of her but it was too late. Rhea's insides screamed with agony when Sasha turned around and did the one thing that made Rhea really want to murder her like the boss in her game.

Sasha grinned and waved at the twins to catch their attention, "...Why hello there...Aziel! Zeven! It's Sasha, I'm the editor in charge that has been corresponding with the two of you through email. I'm glad you could make it here without any troubles..."

Rhea was doomed.