Rock, Paper...Malfunction

In Rhea's role playing games, when she is defeated by the boss and turned over to the 'game over' screen, the game ends. But now she was faced with the cruel reality of life continuing even though she knew she'd already come face to face with the bad end.

Do you know how sometimes there was a final boss like Sasha and then it turned out it really wasn't the final boss but another even greater final boss like the twins?

That was this exact situation.

Deep breaths, Rhea.

Their footsteps were becoming painfully closer until they stopped. She had her head down the whole time, refusing to look up.

"Ah Sasha! Thank you for all your help," boomed Aziel's voice but he took a long sigh as he looked at Sasha's direction. "Wait. Did we meet somewhere already? You seem familiar."


Rhea completely forgot this important fact. The twins met Sasha when she opened the door to reveal her naked body! She frantically looked over to Sasha to come up with a good excuse. She looked at Rhea oddly but gave in. For right now, Rhea loved Sasha for playing along.

Sasha smiled it away and waved her hand as if to dismiss his worries. "Oh my god. Seriously, it's you guys? What a coincidence! You're my friend's neighbor...Aziel and Zeven. Rhea talks about you all the time."

"Huh, I knew you seemed familiar and...I suppose what she talks about are probably how lewd and evil we are."

Not too far off the mark. Rhea Everson, now Faye Wolfe, really wanted to agree with Aziel's statement for once. But hey, they were sort of decent now in her eyes after that incident where they helped her. Yet, still lewd and evil in terms of bedroom activities though.

"We really appreciate all of the help despite your friend's dislike toward us Sasha, and...Ms. Wolfe?"

Zeven calling out to her made her entire being shake with anxiety. Being outside was hard enough in itself. Coming face to face with this misunderstanding was even more troublesome for poor Rhea's heart. She couldn't stop thinking, what if they found out it was actually just their shut in neighbor?

She repeated inside her head, 'You are Faye Wolfe. She wouldn't cower in front of sex crazed twins. Rhea would but not the strong image of Faye! You are strong, beautiful, and confident!.'

"Hello boys," Rhea finally looked their way and spoke in a girly tone while completely giving them her best smile in a desperate attempt to fool them.

For the life of her, she had no acting skills but as a shut in, she watched a lot of movies and dramas. And right now, Rhea was pulling inspiration to impersonate this confident and pretty character from a popular drama she binge watched for a week straight. It was supposedly a popular girl in high school whom everyone adored and spoiled.

Both of the sex crazed twins were quiet. Through the dark shades, it was hard to make out if her cover was blown or not. Rhea was trying to keep her hyperventilating at its lowest while waiting for their reaction.

"We're your number one fanboys," both of them stated in utmost seriousness, in unison.


Was this a bad joke? She waited but they weren't laughing at all. Rhea knew they liked her works but...Number one fanboys? Gosh, even Rhea was embarrassed for them for admitting that out loud in front of everyone. They were much too proud too even care about their image at this point.

"...Aziel, wipe off that stupid look on your face. You're sparkling like a boy in grade school..."

To Rhea's surprise, Aziel was beaming at Rhea. He had heart shaped eyes. Even his whole aura was emanating flowers and daisies of the like.

"Shut up Zeven...Heh like you're one to talk, you're fanboying too. Wipe off that even more stupid look off of your face."

She turned to Zeven and like Aziel said, there was also stars in his eyes. Rhea's heart crashed like stars falling from the night sky when both their gazes roamed over her. It wasn't even about her body. Their attention kept flickering over to her eyes, as if wanting to completely shed off the dark shades. Seriously, these freaking twins were looking at her too much, that even Rhea felt their beloved fans begin to stare daggers into her soul.

"Ms. Wolfe, would you please sign my book?" Zeven blurted out politely, extending out one of her books.

All fans eyes were on her. She unwillingly took the book and gasped. Nightingale...Her first book.

"...This book," Rhea trailed off.

"Your first book. It holds a special place in my heart."

Zeven did protect this book from being 'stolen' when she went to lay some ground rules. Seeing his hopeful eyes made it hard for her author's heart not to sign. She reached for her pen.

Aziel popped his head in to interrupt the signing and looked behind his shoulder. "...Ms. Wolfe, could you sign my books as well? I've brought every single book you've ever written...Thank you, just leave it there."

Suddenly, some strange man strolling along a red wagon full of her books reached them. He silently nodded toward Aziel farewell as Rhea dumbly looked on at each book she had to sign for. They towered on the red wagon and looked like they would tumble on the ground at any second.

Zeven put a hand on his face. "...Aziel. Who told you bring the entire collection?"

"Unlike you, each one of her books holds a special place in my heart."

The sex crazed twins were practically butting heads at this point. Rhea forced a smile and gestured to the line, "I would love to sign your books but as you can see, other fans have been waiting patiently...IN LINE. Please wait your turn like the other fans."

Both immediately looked so dejected like puppies who weren't able to get their treat. Even the girls waiting in line began to feel bad. Unlike when they first laid eyes on 'Faye Wolfe', their moods darkened and they glowered while walking away to the end of the line.

"It's okay!" someone in the line shouted.

"Yeah! We can wait. This event was originally for you guys."

The sex crazed twins immediately brightened up and came running to Rhea in a heartbeat.

Rhea wanted to scream at her fans because she didn't want to interact with the brothers anymore, in fear of her identity being discovered. But of course, she ended up obediently signing each book with the both of them staring holes through her. By the end of signing Aziel's books, her cheeks were hurting from smiling and her hands were aching from the endless signatures.

Instead of moving on like she thought they would, Aziel and Zeven stayed rooted to the spot. They looked at her expectantly.


"...At a lot of fan events, authors shake their fans hands," Aziel stated, looking at Rhea's hand.

"I WILL NOT..." Rhea was interrupted as Sasha forcefully grabbed her hand.

"Ms. Wolfe is a little shy. Don't mind her. Here's her hand," Sasha offered her hand like it was a piece of meat getting sold at the meat market and whispered into Rhea's ear. "We've come this far, don't mess things up for your fans or reveal your identity because you wanted to keep this a secret. You were doing fine shaking hands earlier. Why can't you do it now?"

Because these were her freaking sex crazed neighbors! Rhea took a deep shattering breath, unsure if her smile was even 'natural' anymore. The twins didn't take her hand. But instead, they were having an intense staring contest.

"Best out of three…" Aziel muttered, glaring at Zeven.

"Don't be a chicken. Once is fine."

"Just when I was going easy on you too!"

For a moment, Rhea and all the fans were quiet and worried about what was about to transpire. The both of them raised their hand in the air. Aziel formed his hand into a scissor. Zeven formed his hand into a paper. Rhea started at them blankly.

What the hell? Did they just seriously have a rock, paper, and scissor contest? They just wasted a few seconds of her life she'd never get back. But most of all, she couldn't believe they were fighting over a stupid handshake. If they knew it was Rhea, they'd think twice about shaking her hand. Rhea found a very disappointed Zeven and an enthusiastic Aziel beside one another.

Aziel slowly reached out for Rhea's hand and the moment his hand touched hers, she heard this girly yelp, "Kyaa!"

Rhea first looked around but eventually realized it was Aziel himself who screamed like a girl. This was getting stranger and stranger by the minute. She awkwardly smiled and tried to pull away but for some reason, Aziel held onto her hand.

Aziel boldly continued to grasp Rhea's hand while she was pretty sure foam was bubbling out of her mouth by now. If she wasn't Faye Wolfe at the moment, she'd have bitten his hand already or screamed. Rhea still jumped but she clawed into her own palms to remain as she was or she'd give herself completely away.

"Eek?...I-I mean, what do you think you are doing, violating my personal space like this?" Rhea tried pulling away but Aziel leaned down dangerously close and smiled.

Something touched her knuckles. She looked down. He placed a feather soft kiss on her knuckles. No way. Was she dreaming? The crowd went wild. Fans began to take pictures. Now...Knives, arrows, and daggers were all getting prepared to launch at Rhea anytime now. She was still twenty nine years young with a whole life left to live! Aziel was purposely signing her up for an early death.

"I couldn't help myself, Ms. Wolfe. You're absolutely stunning."

S-Stunning?! Rhea blushed. But then, she shook her head. He called 'Faye Wolfe' stunning and not the actual Rhea Everson.

As if that wasn't enough to cause obvious shakes and tremors and a complete breakdown, Zeven snatched her hand from Aziel. The crowd went even more wild than before that it hurt her ears. What the hell was this turning into? A live drama? She wanted to melt to a puddle on the floor. These twins were going to be the death of her!

"Excuse me…?" Rhea wasn't able to fully scream at Aziel or ask what Zeven's intentions were on time.

"I'm disinfecting Aziel's kiss," he roughly whispered as it was his turn to lean down.

Again, without permission, Zeven did as he pleased just like that wretched brother of his and placed a kiss over where Aziel had kissed. The touch yet again sent shivers down her spine. Rhea was speechless. Her body grew rigid. This was the last straw. Her limit reached.

Sasha dragged the shaking and speechless Rhea away while shouting, "Pardon, our author is EXTREMELY shy with all of the attention. We'll return for the rest of the special fan activities. See you all shortly!"

Rhea was malfunctioning. Her heart had reached it's limit. She looked to her hand that was smothered in unwelcome and cursed kisses.

Her precious hands...Now, she was cursed by both twins! She wanted to wash her hands for a lifetime until she could completely get rid of the horrific memories of the twins kissing her hand, from her poor mind.

And yet, what frightened her most was that she wasn't sure if this was another panic attack or entirely something else.