For Your Fans

"Remember, breathe. Just like that. In and out," Maya said, instructing and assisting with breathing techniques.

Sasha had rushed Rhea to the back room where her doctor Maya was waiting in the case of an emergency like this. Maya had the room darkened to Rhea's liking and played relaxing music to soothe her nerves. When Rhea arrived, she thought it was a panic attack. But to her horror, not even Maya could confirm that.

Then what the hell was that gnawing feeling in her heart?

"Good. Everything from your heart rate and complexion seems normal...Rhea, This isn't your usual burst of panic attacks. I think, your heart was just going through some type of excitement. Did something happen that you can think of which may be the reason for this excitement?"

Her memories quickly flashed to the twins kissing her hand. When she remembered it, her heart did a weird twist. Of course, the twins must have put some weird spell on her! Or even, cursed her with some weird voodoo black magic stuff. Whatever it was, her heart wouldn't stop hurting.

"THAT. Um, what if two sex crazed brothers that you aren't really fond of, kiss your hand and that's why your heart is hurting?"

"Excuse me...What? Sex crazed brothers?"

Rhea covered her mouth. Oops. She can't believe she finally voiced out their wretched nickname. "Sorry. I mean, what if boys you don't really like kiss your hand. And that's why your heart hurts."

Both Sasha and Maya looked at each other knowingly. Only Rhea was the one in the dark.

Maya sighed and put her hand on Rhea's shoulder. "That, my poor girl, is attraction. Kind of like watching a drama and then the male lead makes your heart beat."

"Or when you hold hands or kiss a boy, you get this strange jittery feeling of attraction or nervousness," Sasha added. "Are you sure you don't like these boys?"

At least Rhea was cordial with her neighbors now but 'like' was a strong, passionate and foreign word.

"NO," Rhea spoke almost too violently. "Heck. W-Wouldn't anyone's heart feel weird if someone were to kiss your hand?"

The gall of those twins. She was still looking at her hand like some cursed object.

Sasha thought about it but then shook her head. "...Say, did you really hate it? If it were me, I'd be gushing about it nonstop as well! They're a bunch of cute looking boys."

Rhea shook her head in disbelief. She didn't want to hear anymore.

Maya seemed to get it and clapped her hands together, "Well that's great! On the bright side, it wasn't a panic attack...But say, I'm surprised that you're doing rather well outside. You would refuse to come out and rather hang yourself. What good thing happened?"

What happened? Definitely not a good thing. Unfortunately, Maya didn't even know half of the story. Rhea was being forced to countlessly come out of her safe haven more than she's had in a very long time. All because of those damn twins. She wanted her normal life back where she'd never had to step out into the outside world.

"...I'm not sure. I swear, I've been a decent human being and have done nothing to deserve this."

Sasha stepped in and lightly patted Rhea on the shoulder. "Listen, we are saying that you're doing a great job. Your fans are eagerly waiting outside for you so cheer up and knock the rest of the special fan event out of the park, hmm?"

Rhea had a gut feeling that this was going to turn out for the worse. She was beginning to believe there was no such thing as bad endings and that it was just a series of misfortunate events one after the other. Usually some author events ended after the signing event. So, she had no clue what else the fans had in store. More like, Rhea was dreading whatever they had in store for the special event.

Truly, she wanted to wrap herself in a blanket and call it today. After all she was kissed two times by the sex crazed twins! But Sasha dragged her over to the door. Now Rhea was like a sack of potatoes to be carried around everywhere. She'd however, rather be a sack of potatoes than Rhea Everson.

"Off we go."

"I think I'm going to puke."

"Then puke."

"...You're one evil, uncaring editor!"

"I'm just saying to do what makes you feel better."

"Then I'll go home."

Sasha held her by the shoulders. "Oh no you don't! Remember, for your fans."


Rhea kept repeating this inside her head as she somehow ended up front and center of attention with a microphone, with the sex crazed twins seated in the front row.