Dark Dungeon Ceremony (5)

WHAT? She looked over to the three men and they shrugged it off so casually Rhea thought she heard wrong. Instead of wanting to murder Rhea for being with the twins, Iris was actually somewhat into her? She didn't understand what was going on. Or more like, had her hearing gone completely bad?

Iris's eyes continued to glow at her. "What's your name? Are you into girls mmph!..."

Aziel covered Iris's mouth. "Pipe down. One, you're causing a scene. Two, our sub is er...extremely shy. See! Her eyes are rolling in the back of her head as we speak!"

The wretched twin wasn't wrong. Rhea's eyes were rolling in the back of her head. Iris kept regarding her with heart struck eyes. Gabe reached over and pulled Iris in for a hug.

"You don't even greet your senior huh?" Gabe said with a chuckle, then turned to Rhea. "Sad news for you Iris but she's straight as a stick. My gay radar doesn't tingle with her."

"Gay radar?" Rhea uttered.

"Oh you know, we gay people have a knack for just knowing when someone is for the same sex."

Iris rolled her eyes. "There's such a thing as straight until wet..."

Suddenly, the strange conversation about Rhea's sexuality came to a stop as an announcer came onto the stage. Everyone clapped for him until he settled in front of the microphone.

"Hello Junkies, I'm glad you all could make it. Tonight is a special once a year award ceremony to honor our lovely stars of junkies...Enough from me, let's see what the big boss has to say for himself."

The big boss? Rhea was the only one in the dark apparently. Everyone else seemed completely unfazed. Her attention turned to quite possibly, one of the tallest and well built man she had ever laid eyes on. The man looked to be in his fifties with sizzling styled shining grey hair and a noticeable wrinkle here and there but that didn't obscure how well age did his charming looks.

On either side of the man, were two scantily clad women in leather and gags. They walked to the side of him as if he were some prized pimp. The scene was so surreal that Rhea turned to look at Aziel and Zeven in shock but they simply shrugged it off. Were they now part of some strange crime syndicate?

Rhea wanted out!

The big boss settled himself in front of the microphone with a bright smile but before he could speak, fan girls louder than Aziel and Zeven's club, screamed on the top of their lungs. Rhea swore she heard someone scream, "Daddy".

He held up the wine as a toast. "For you junkies. Tonight, we give out awards and indulge in our darkest desires."

As the big boss continued to talk, Gabe leaned over and whispered into Rhea's ear. "Big boss V'laine is the creator of junkies. In his younger days, he was also one of the biggest porn stars in the kinky world. So yeah, he's kind of big legend and such a daddy~"

Rhea was completely clueless about the porn industry. This big boss V'laine guy in front of her did look like he could be someone's father, if that's what everyone meant. Yet, it was such a strange thing to call him. V'laine continued to speak until he exited the stage with the two women at his side.

The announcer took over and began to call out names to receive awards. Rhea was shocked. There were crazy awards like fastest cum shot award and other things she practically covered her ears to. Even though she didn't quite understand, there were always groups that received the award like two gay men or a man and a woman.

"...And finally, the top award of popularity and views goes to...Aziel and Zeven!"

Gabe pushed Rhea's shoulder, "...Go on. Subs have to accompany their doms to the stage or it will embarrass them."

Surprisingly Aziel was the one to shake his head though his words weren't ever nice. "Are you kidding? She's staying here with you or we'll be in the news of how a woman fainted during the award ceremony."

"Aziel's actually right," Zeven turned more reassuringly at Rhea. "We don't want to ask you this anymore than you're already doing us a big favor by being here."

"But..." Gabe continued.

Aziel and Zeven rose from their seats and slowly made their way toward the stage. Slowly because they were busy greeting their fans on the way. There were a few whispers about where their sub were but other than that, most were too preoccupied with how scandalous looking even the twins appeared on stage.

Seriously, she could see pink nipples and the outlines of their hotdogs!

"Zeven and I are honored to be receiving this reward. Honestly, without our fans this wouldn't have been possible. We were just some college boys trying to earn some side cash and lo and behold, fame just hit us overnight without any of us foreseeing the future here now."

Zeven nodded and took his turn to say the last line. "Thank you junkies for the award, we'll continue meeting your expectations."

Before they could exit the stage, someone shouted, "Where's your sub? Does that mean I have a chance tonight?"

"Me too?" another girl from the audience asked.

There was this awkward silence as Aziel tried to answer but of course Gabe had to go and make Rhea almost pee her pants. Gabe forced Rhea's arm up in a hand raise. She glared at him.

"Here!" Gabe shouted and literally all eyes were on her, even the spotlight flickered over to Rhea.

Was Rhea really doomed to die before she even reached thirty?