Dark Dungeon Ceremony (6)

Suddenly as always, Rhea was this small ant among crazy kinky weirdos staring her down. She couldn't quite breathe again. They were all staring at her. Of course, most stares were daggers, possibly wondering how a potato like herself managed to hook up with lean hot french fries such as the kinky twins.

"One of our new subs Rhea, is a bit shy but yeah we'll be occupied tonight with her ladies~" Aziel said with so much suave that Rhea wanted to puke.

Gabe was at fault but she couldn't really be mad at a stranger she just met. Although she was sure Gabe could already feel her murderous intentions as he moved seats away from her. If there was a god out there, Rhea hoped he could hear her prayers to get her out of this mess.

Thankfully, attention temporarily shifted from her and back to the twins as people ran up to congratulate them. Nonetheless, Rhea could still feel the stares. She had to get out of there so she could breathe.

"...Rhea! Where are you going?" Gabe asked but she couldn't seem to hear him.

Right now, all she needed was fresh air. She moved past the crowds that also began to disperse outside. Finally when she opened the doors, she felt like she could finally breathe. And yet, this was also her limit. The twins were too busy to take her back to her safe haven at the moment. Suddenly, Rhea remembered what Julian said to her.

"Say, if you get tired of the twins then come find me in the orgy room."

Oh she was tired and done with the twins already. Rhea wanted to return to her safe haven. Perhaps if she found this orgy room then she could go back where she most wanted to return to.

Rhea cautiously approached a stranger, "E-E-Excuse me!...Where can I find the orgy room?"

"Ah, orgy room? Just make that left and turn to the door on the right. Heh, you won't miss it."

She nodded her head as thanks and began following the stranger's directions. Make a left...Then turn to the door on the right...Okay, she was there. The door before her were large double doors coated in red. She opened it and immediately the smell of cigarettes and other unknown substances wafted through her nose.

But what stopped her in her tracks were the naked bodies on top of each other. And some, INSIDE each other. Foam or slobber trailed out of Rhea's mouth. But she couldn't move from the shock. Where the hell was Julian trying to lead her into.

"There's a strange girl by the doorway..."

"Ah," came that familiar voice Rhea wasn't so sure she was relieved to hear anymore. "Strange neighbor girl."

Julian unhooked himself from the pretty red haired girl and wrapped a towel over his fully erect cock. Rhea's eyes bulged and flew to the wall. She couldn't believe she just saw that. Or rather, she couldn't believe she was even here in this goddamn weird orgy room full of naked people having sex.

"J-J-Julian, is this what you meant?!"

He scratched his head as he snaked an arm around Rhea's waist. "This isn't what you meant?"

"No!" she hissed at him and clawed his arm until he let her go.

"Ouch. Okay, I'm sorry. I was being suggestive but I don't even like to force my women anyway...Hey, are you okay?"

Rhea was so not okay. She couldn't even move. Much less, breathe. Julian was waving his hand at her but she couldn't quite focus. Her anxiety was settling in. She didn't know any of these people and Julian tried to trick her. Rhea slowly backed away but Julian reached out for her and led her to one of the couches.

"Relax, I won't do anything to you...Everyone, mind your own damn business. Hey, can someone give her something to drink and calm her down?"

"Here you go Julian."

"Thanks Ted...Here drink this and calm down. Shit, should we call a doctor right now?"

She took deep breaths and accepted the cup of water Julian gave her. Rhea downed every last drop and squeezed her eyes shut until she could breathe again. Even though she didn't want to trust Julian anymore, he was helping her calm down. She kept steadying her breath but as soon as she thought she was okay, her mind began reeling as if hazy.

Something carnal and strange rushed through her entire body in an instant.

Julian pat her back. "Are you okay now?"

He looked into her feverish eyes and seemed a bit taken aback.

"Mmh...I don't know...I feel strange..."

"...Oh fuck! Fucking Ted, I didn't mean that kind of drink."

"I-I didn't know you meant water!"

"Shit, the twins are gonna kill me."

The door burst open.

"...And how are we going to kill you Julie?" Aziel asked softly, as he settled his gaze between Julian's hands on a very distraught Rhea.

It didn't even take much for Aziel to rush over there and grab Julian by his neck. This pretty much shocked everyone in the room to stop whatever lewd sex act they were currently doing.

Julian choked. "Chill! This...Ack...Was an accident, I swear it."

Zeven rushed to Rhea's side and held her in his arms. There was so much concern laced in his eyes that she felt bad for even trusting Julian instead of the twins. She just needed space and an urgent way to go back home but now she couldn't even process her surroundings. Rhea snaked her hand up Zeven's chest.

"Hot...Zeven, my whole body is on fire..." tears were brimming the corner of her eyes. "Make it go away."

"Damn it Julie, what did you do to her?"

"I'm telling you it was an accident! I was trying to help her but accidentally gave her anaphrodisiac. She'll be fine once she comes...She's your sub, isn't she? Just help her release."

What were they talking about? Rhea was so scared. She must have put this all on herself. Was she sick with something? Did she need to see a doctor? It was strange. Her body was on fire. Even the places Zeven held were simmering and igniting her further. She was so confused.

Aziel shoved him to the ground and walked over to Zeven, "Come on, let's take her to one of the private rooms in the back."

With the help of Zeven and Aziel, they led her someplace far from the crowd of whispering strangers. It was a dark hallway at first and then another darkly lit room with two candles hanging on the walls. She didn't care too much to pay any attention since her body kept burning feverishly.

Zeven settled her onto the bed,"Rhea, how do you feel?"

She touched her body, running her hands through her breasts and thighs. "I feel terrible...Hot. Like I need something but I don't particularly want it."

"Do you trust us?" Aziel asked. "We need you to trust us. We won't go further than what is needed. We just want to help you ease the effects."

They were the only people she could trust at the moment so she nodded through hazy half open eyes.