May I have this dance?

Those that were close enough to hear the commotion watched on in stark silence. No one said a thing. Not even her father. Their faces were ones of shock and confusion. Prisana couldn't pull away herself, as she was too mesmerized in how achingly familiar he seemed. When he touched her hand, it felt right. It felt as if now all was right with the universe.

"Tell me, who are you and why are you openly flirting with my daughter in front of her husband?" her father's voice was the first one to command him.

"Elias Blackwell."

Immediately after Elias revealed his name, the crowd erupted to hushed whispers. They quieted down as Prisana's father shot them a stare. He turned to his bodyguard Sam and they began whispering among themselves. No one dared to speak a word as many were frightened of her father's wrath.

"...Ah, I heard of you. You're that new and mysterious CEO of Silver Linings, are you not? Ha, no wonder you were able to splurge on all those items without a second thought."

"Yes. As for your daughter, I knew she was the one and only Senator Visalyaputra's daughter so I gifted her the rose to show my conviction. And everything else I bid and obtained this evening...I would like to gift them to you Senator."

Prisana's father regarded him warily.

"...To what do I owe you for such generosity?"

"Pardon me, I am one of the newer candidates running to become a part of your board of council members. My intentions weren't to bribe you from the start but now that it's come to this, I'm bribing and begging you to consider me as I have connections and ties to politics that would benefit this country."

Prisana's father, the wicked and straight laced politician, laughed. He laughed and at that moment Prisana couldn't believe her ears because he never laughed ever since mother passed away. This laugh was the genuine kind. For a split second she believed that it was her father. But her father she once knew disappeared as he cleared his throat and reverted to the current version of himself.

"You humor me. A politician never speaks the truth but you've already broken that rule."

"Senator. I'm not a politician. I'm a business man and the way I do things," Elias paused and once again Prisana had this unsettling feeling that he was watching her because his gaze flickered over to her for a brief moment. "Once I have my sights set on something, I will never let it go. I'll desperately drive forth to get what I yearn for even if rules must be broken. I'll push boundaries and wreck havoc on earth until victory is mine."

"Hmph. You speak grand words. I thank you for the items you gift to me and my daughter. But you must know my son in law here Giovanni is running for the position too. I favor him so everything you do must exceed everything he does if you wish to act upon your words tonight. Elias Blackwell huh...I shall remember you in good faith."

Elias nodded toward her father to bade him farewell. Prisana's father walked off into the crowd to greet others who yearned to obtain his attention. The large crowd that gathered dispersed and only a few lingered as some realized the man in black stood rooted next to Prisana and Giovanni.

"Elias Blackwell, know your place. I don't know who you think you are but keep your hands off of my wife," came Giovanni's low and threatening voice.

Since when did Giovanni become so obsessive over her? He shouldn't even care that some other man was giving her attention because Gio hated her himself. To Prisana, his extreme possessive husband act was truly beginning to get on her nerves.

"I am not yours. I'm no one's," Prisana hissed under her breath so it could only reach Giovanni's ears.

He squeezed tighter over her waist. She flinched as he was almost suffocating her. Prisana glared at him and clawed her nails into his skin in which he held her other hand. The scene to other's viewpoints must have resembled two large feral predators fighting over their prey. But Elias won this round. Or rather, Giovanni never stood a chance.

Elias was larger and far stronger than Giovanni as it took him only one tug for Prisana to fall into his arms.

"You're right," Elias gave in and Prisana felt a little disappointed. "She's yours. I'm only borrowing what's yours. Won't you allow me a dance for gifting your wife a ten million dollar rose?"

Prisana nearly did a double take as her heart leaped. The gall of this man! Was he not the least bit intimidated by Giovanni? Even Harry backed off earlier when Gio warned him. And for the life of Prisana, she couldn't ballroom or dance in general to save a life. He was asking for the impossible.

Elias spoke these words out loud so nearly every person within arms reach could hear. They even began to gossip about Giovanni.

'A loving husband is one thing but an extremely possessive one?'

'He should let the man dance with his wife as he did gift her a ten million rose.'

'Surely one dance won't end their marriage...'

A flashing smile from Elias prompted Giovanni to grind his teeth together. Giovanni panned over the audience and to Prisana. He frowned deeply at first but a smile began to creep onto his lips and when it did, Prisana grew restless.

"So be it then. You can borrow my wife but," Giovanni made a show of tugging at Prisana's arm so she was held captive by both men on either side. "I must remind her before she is swept away in the arms of another man, who she belongs to."

Giovanni leaned in and Prisana could only wonder why his face was coming too close for comfort. He stopped right before he reached her lips as if he were hesitating and thinking deeply about something. No one predicted the 'loving husband's' next move.

Without mercy or warning, Giovanni placed his lips over hers to claim them as his. In front of everyone present. In front of Elias.