The Auction

A loud voice erupted from the stage, fortunately silencing the circle that Prisana was part of. Any more lies, then she would surely puke all over her 'loving husband'. Some man dressed formally coughed under his breath.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to the initial candidate party and auction held in regards to Senator Visalyaputra's council. Now the moment you have all been waiting for...We will begin the auction."

Prisana yawned as rare and intricate items were presented. But as three of the items were bought, her attention grew more and more interested. The crowd, including Prisana, began to grow amazed as they realized a certain man was buying each and every item at ridiculous prices. He allowed no room for anyone else to bid.

"...Going once," the announcer standing on the stage shouted. "Going twice...And sold once again to the man in black!"

The crowd clapped their hands and some even cursed as they could not outbid the man in black. The man in black stood against the wall. One couldn't help but be drawn to how dark his attire fit him with his short black hair and dark eyes. He was easy on the eyes but perhaps, lethal to the touch. The man in black regarded everyone with an aura of disdain.

Her attention caught hold of another item that the announcer wheeled out. A glass rose was situated inside a clear case, so elegant and regal. Prisana's eyes sparkled like a million shining suns as she observed such fine details. The glass rose before her was beautiful, unlike anything she has ever seen before.

"This item here is a rose made out of diamonds. It's shape and style was carved none other than the one and only...Ah! We have a bidder."

A woman at the front of the crowd offered 1 million. Prisana looked to the man in black to see if he would spew another ridiculous offer. She gasped, startled that his glossy dark eyes found hers among the throng of the crowd. Prisana swore that he was staring directly at her. That wasn't the strangest part.

The strangest part happened when her heart beat a fire so rapid it knocked her breath away. She shook her head. What was wrong with her? He wasn't the most handsome man in the room and definitely not the most hideous. And yet, she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Prisana couldn't take her eyes away when she continued soaking him in, even when he turned to the announcer.

"Ten million," the man in black shouted as the crowd gasped at such a high offer.

"Okay going once, twice, and...Sold to the generous man in black! My my, I wonder who the lucky girl tonight is to receive this ten million rose—"

The announcer stopped speaking as the man in black walked toward the crowd. Toward what Prisana in all her insane thoughts, believed was toward her. He kept looking at her without pausing a beat. The crowd made way as he stalked through until she found him mere steps away from her. One of her arms were draped under Giovanni's so he took her other hand into his.

When his hands touched her own, it was as if the sun and the stars crashed to align in the universe. He placed a soft kiss against her knuckles and compared to Harry, she didn't mind how long he lingered because she felt this indescribable hotness rushing over her. She let out her breath as his gruff voice spoke the next words.

"The lucky girl is her."