Ugly Emotions

Screw trying to come up with words. Prisana's blood boiled furiously as she stomped over to where Erica stood. She didn't even say anything. Her hands went straight toward pulling Erica's red hair and she even managed to pull off some of the fake extensions which fell onto the floor. Erica screamed as Prisana slapped her across the face.

Prisana was a little surprised herself as she never thought she'd be this angry. She had to look at her hands to make sure this was really her, bursting out of anger and pulling on Erica's hair. Every time she ran the scenario of meeting Erica in her head, she always ended in a puddle of tears. Reality was much violent than she imagined.

"Giovanni! Get your crazy wife off of me! Ah!"

He only sighed and covered his face with his hand. Then he flickered his gaze over to Clarice who peeked from out the entryway with other servants, at the scene unfolding.

"Clairce! Could you separate the two from each other?"

Clarice appeared at their sides in a flash. She plucked Prisana away and into her arms as she clawed for Erica's blood. As Prisana was held captive by Clairce, Erica took this chance to slap Prisana's face. One of her long nails scratched her cheek and she could feel the blood run down to her chin.

Why did things turn out like this?

Before, they would spend each day gossiping about their daily lives and went on outings with one another almost everywhere across the world. Now, once her sister and best friend, clung to Prisana's own so called husband. Prisana held her cheek. She looked at the blood smeared on her hands to confirm this was reality.

How terrifying. Feelings of hatred and revenge replaced love and filled her entire insides in an instant.

"Giovanni," Erica whined. "She hit me."

Prisana refused to look at Giovanni or she feared her claws would find him too.

"Erica, you hurt her. I said I never wanted you to hurt her. Only I can hurt her."

What sort of twisted things was he spouting? God, she didn't know if she could survive the month with her deranged husband and Erica, in the same house. Maybe she should have considered being Dane's mistress as that fate was better than this one. She was already still feeling sick from watching their passionate kiss moments earlier.

"B-But she started it."

"It doesn't change the fact that you hurt her. If you do it again I won't be so forgiving," he turned to Clarice and reached out his hand to touch Prisana's cheek but she glared at his hand until he eventually gave up. "Clarice, put Erica's bags in my room."

"From now on, Erica will be living with us. I love her dearly so please treat her well hmm?"

"She's your mistress. It shouldn't matter if I torture her or skin her alive," Prisana stated.

Revenge was the last thing on her mind but as she saw the two of them together it only brought about this ugly side of her she never knew existed.

"What happened to you? Why are you so crazy?" Erica asked, her voice tinged with a sadness that made her blood boil even further.

"The both of you made me this way."

"Sorry," Erica apologized and Prisana could really see the remorse laced in her eyes.

She took a deep, heart shattering breath upon hearing that one word.

"Sorry? That's all you have to say to me?"

"I love Giovanni. I've always loved him. I'm sorry that I betrayed you but I don't regret a single thing because I want to be with him."

"Hah! It's too late for apologies and it all makes sense now. You chose a man over me. Anyway, I'll disappear soon enough so go ahead and prepare that marriage certificate."

"Fine," was all Giovanni said. "Do whatever you want. You can try and escape but I will always find you even if I have to scour the ends of the earth in search of you."

"Just let her disappear. Haven't you already gotten what you wanted?" Erica pleaded him.

"No, not yet. I still need her..."

"For what? Is it because you still love her?"

There was silence that met her question. Prisana knew the truth. He hated her. At this moment in time, Prisana really wanted to pack her bags to live out in the wilderness. Why? Because Giovanni kissed Erica again and this time, he carried her so her arms and legs were wrapped over him.

"The one I love is you. We still need to make our relationship public but I need to see the look on his face when he sees news that his darling daughter is being pushed aside as her husband is taken by another. I need more...His ultimate ruin."

Her father? What was his role in this? Prisana wasn't able to ask any further as the pair she once loved, continued their passionate kisses.

The pair walked off inside the jail of a castle, leaving behind a trail of disgust directed toward them. Prisana always believed meeting Erica would be anti climatic. Erica would ask for her forgiveness and tell her everything was a mistake. To this, they would work things out and be best friends once again.

But Erica knew what she was doing. Prisana also knew Erica's betrayal was that of a lifetime.

She could only stare at their backs furiously and curse herself for being unable to do anything. This was it. The last straw. If she wanted revenge, she needed to leave her loving husband and his mistress.