Her Resolve

UPDATE: I fixed the previous chapter to suggestions/complaints I agreed with lol which align with this chapter. I know Prisana is still weak by showing her thoughts but that's because she just met Erica for the first time in a while so I made that hard choice for her to show her emotions. Thanks for your comments I really do listen!!


Prisana couldn't bare to remain at their home any longer or stand to watch as the pair shamelessly flaunted their love for each other. Everything she planned out, shattered after his next move all because she spilled her ugly truths. But Prisana was tired of beating around the bush so that's why she was giving Giovanni the truths.

These three months were a living hell. It would become living in the depths of hell if she continued to linger and beat around the bush. Prisana packed a pair of clothes, her mother's picture, and even that diamond rose she couldn't throw away.

It was cowardly of her to run but if she wanted her revenge then she would have to take that first step toward independence. She would turn to the one person who she believed would take her in.

Aunt Florence. Her aunt betrayed her once before but just this one time she desperately prayed her aunt would take her in until she could find an apartment or apply for the dorms. It wasn't much but she already sold a good portion of her wardrobe and high end jewelry and shoes which would help sustain her living expenses for a few months until she found a part time job.

Giovanni or her father could fake some story about why she disappeared. They could tip off the media. She didn't care anymore. When Prisana saw Erica and Giovanni kissing and imagined them making love under the same roof, she couldn't stomach to stay around any longer.

Prisana left during the dead of night, before he could even think to increase surveillance on her. She quietly tiptoed through the glossy marble floors. Every now and then, a squeak in the floorboards would make her heart jump. Finally, she reached the back door of the jail of a castle.

At last she would be free!

Her heart soared knowing that freedom was so close and within arms reach. All she had to do was grasp the door handle.

"Where do you think you're running off to? I already told you I wouldn't make the same mistake twice," came that voice that she loathed so much.

Her heart beat so loud it hurt her eardrums.

She didn't waste time to turn around. Instead, she fumbled for the door handles and rushed outside to the night cold air that blew away at her hair. The cold didn't bother her much. What bothered her was Giovanni's shadowy figure chasing after her. By now she was carrying her own suitcase so it wouldn't drag against the grass or dirt to slow her down.

Only when she passed by the gates to the mansion, did Prisana sigh in relief. Her relief ended when one of her foot tripped over a small pebble and threw her suitcase scattered onto the floor.


It was the only memento she had of her mother. She fumbled for her mother's picture in the dark. Giovanni took advantage of the moment to cease her relentless escape. He took her away toward an area where shadows were dark and light was scarce. Giovanni pinned her down with both of her hands held over her head.

She kicked him and squirmed and opened her mouth to scream. He sealed her lips with his, taking in her screams. Prisana couldn't believe what was happening as she felt his disgusting lips on hers. She was the main character of a horror story. With all her might as he stuck his tongue in, she bit both his lip and tongue and watched as moon shadows reflected blood coming from his mouth.

The terrifying and loving husband didn't stop there. Giovanni ravaged her neck in endless kisses as his hands lightly brushed over her clothes. He traced his fingers over the neckline of her shirt.

"I'm sorry for I am sinning...But I can't stand it. I can't stand that another man has taken you as his. I can't stand that you're probably running off to him, again. If I have to, I'll take you by...force!"

The sound of her shirt tearing echoed. Her breasts were now indecently exposed.

Prisana's hands wriggled free just in time to strike him on the head as her knee slammed against his groin. This left him writhing in pain. Forget her mother's picture! She dashed out the gates as fast as the night breeze could carry her. When she finally lost him, she took a deep breath to hold back the shaking that wouldn't stop.

She hugged herself to cover her chest and kept going forward.

It only took her a good hour or so as she walked through the Wellington estates, large and grand mansions situation in the hills, to find civilization. Car lights flashed through her as she struggled to make out cab drivers. She waved down what looked to be like a cab driver. A sleek black car honked from behind but she paid no mind to the angry driver.

Prisana climbed in the cab, looking at every direction in fear that Giovanni hired men out to find her.

He had every means to.

Her heart sank and her body stiffened when large male hands grabbed her from behind. But she flailed about helplessly to cause a scene so he wouldn't take her back to that jail of a castle.

"Stop! Let me go!" she shouted, angrily glaring at Giovanni but her face fell in relieved tears as she laid eyes on him.

"Shh, relax Prisana. It's just me. Dane."