Late Night Magic

A house was not a home without her beast. Bailey never returned from what, could be her busy affairs from the Iron Horse. Cleo left to tend to his beloved cats. That left only Prisana alone in this large modern mansion. She plopped herself onto the bed after a long day of orientation.

She didn't even realize but she kept smiling, recalling how she was able to exchange numbers with a few of her upcoming classmates. This was only the first university she explored and yet her heart knew it was the one. Her giddy excitement took over and she fumbled for Dane's number.

The call went straight to voicemail.

God, how she missed her beast. The bed was lonely. She was lonely. Prisana tossed and turned and before she knew it, Dane had appeared before her.

Her beast of a husband was standing there in front, fully naked. She seized his glorious chest muscles and those perky nipples, like a lynx ready to pounce at any moment.

Dane, you're back?