Naughty Foreplay

"What?" came his incredulous voice, sparked by the video cam nearly falling down.

"Promise me you won't laugh."

"...This isn't a laughing matter lynx, but I vow it."

"It's shameful but I had my dream of you half naked. You kissed me and then went to...tease me! I mean, it was still you but then it was the Dane version in my dream."

"Pfft. Hahaha!" he laughed wholeheartedly as a beautiful smile upturned that brooding facade.

"Hey," she scolded him through pointed eyes. "I thought you vowed not to laugh?"

"That was before I heard your troubles. Prisana, you shouldn't be ashamed. It's natural for one's body to feel aroused and seek pleasure."

"I know but god, I'm so embarassed because it made me so wonton! It's all your fault. This body was aroused by the dream version of you...So I'm sorry, I haven't abstained at all."

"Don't be sorry," he chuckled this and then looked at her seriously.