
The rearview mirror reflected a man who was both trembling with nervousness and uncertainty. Dane watched as the hooded Jake with the same grey jacket bit on his nails like mad. All he could do was sigh watching his unfortunate struggles to calm himself down. 

Dane had picked up Jake before his flight, out of his good guy conscience. That conscience was now not so sure he made the right choice as it seemed Jake would melt to a puddle of mess any second. 

They both left the taxi cab and entered the airport together with Jake trailing behind him like some criminal on the loose. According to his sources, Clarissa Devonshire worked at XXX Flight and would be getting ready to depart an hour before Dane's own flight. He looked around and expectedly found the plane she was scheduled to be on.

He sighed as he realized that Jake hade stopped walking entirely, "What are you doing, getting cold feet now?"