We Did It

Any other time, Dane would have murdered the devil for wrapping an arm around his lynx but right now, there was another man on the very top of his murder list.

Senator Visalyaputra.

One look at Prisana broken and sullied on the screen, forced him to snap. He couldn't even begin to describe this surging emotion inside of him. Right when he found Prisana facing the senator all by herself on the screen, he dropped whatever he was doing to find her. Looking at her now, he didn't think rage could boil until every vein popped but it did. 

Prisana's neatly done hair had been tousled and torn by that man's hands. Her makeup was in shambles, with the smear of her lipstick outlining the bruise at her cheek. It was too much for him to bear. The beast inside was shaking.