Become Seduced

This stylish grand departure depicted Dane Lennox and his wife Prisana Visalyaputra scurrying to part from the elections in a limo. Courtesy of protecting each candidate as there were many politicians that were targeted for their lives, a situation was arranged where candidates were picked up and dropped off by a driver in a limo.

As the media and public swarmed over them, they climbed into the limo.

The driver pulled up and waved a hand among the chaos, "...Over here, sir!"

Dane looked back to Cleo as the both of them mutually nodded toward one another. Cleo eventually spoke, "Oh alright, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone."

"Wait! Thank you Cleo, for warding off the media and public for us."

Cleo sighed, still continuing to look back over his shoulder as the coast had been clear for a while now. "I'm only doing my job as a secretary and truthfully, I would do anything for you Prisana."