Greatest Prize

The very moment that they had parted ways from the driver and climbed into their home, feverish passion never ceased but only ignited further. Heaven and hell already broke loose from the bumpy car ride but Dane couldn't hold himself back any longer. It was frightening but he wanted to bury himself inside of her yet again even though she seemed so sensitive still from earlier. He lightly touched her arm and reveled that she shuddered sweetly into him.

The door shut and when it did, he urged her bare back against the door. He found her dark locks twriled at his fingertips. His lips forever found hers in a never ending seduction that sent estacy pouring one over the other until helpless groans were all that surrounded them. Dane could only sigh into her mouth. These lips have seduced him thousands of times and he would never be able to get enough until they were bruised.