Simple Wish

The news about the senator's recent downfall in publicity according to his plans to kill his own daughter and elledged filthy crimes, pummeled the media in no time at all. He hadn't been put behind bars because of course, his wealth could sustain him out of it. Even then, Prisana had watched this man she once knew lose everything all in the blink of an eye.

In the television, he shunned his face away from the media for the first time as they bomboarded him with questions.

No more was he a senator but just a wretched man. Jersey was in chaos after the elections to appoint a new temporary senator to uphold balance and structure. Before the screen, flashed a very familiar man she had grown accustomed to seeing over the years.

None other than Reed Blair, Giovanni's father, stepped in to fill in that heavy plate. He stood against the podium with a stern smile. Reed Blair...He was a strange man that knew both her father and mother.