Ten Minutes

Today would mark the first day of attending XXX University. She kept fidgeting in her seat, grasping at the sides of the car for support. Even knowing Dane was beside her navigating through the campus wasn't doing much to help the nerves. He put a knowing hand against hers and chuckled while glanicng at her momentarily.

"Relax. You'll be fine."

"It's like I'm going into a foreign world. I've only gone to all girl's academies and seen the same people all my life. What if I don't fit in?..."

"Of course you won't fit in. You're beautiful. You'd turn heads at every corner."

She didn't believe a word.

"...Oh Dane dearest, I take back my words. Buy me a degree."

The sound of the car pulling over and coming to a complete stop, filled her ears. She knew they were at their destination and soon it would be time for their lover's parting. 

"Prisana, look at me."