A Dance For Two

"...Oh Ace! Come out where ever you are," Leo shouted down the hall, walking out of the library room. "I've lost. The speech started already..."

The devil had searched every damn table downstairs and was sure he thoroughly examined every room upstairs. Of course, the guard at the left end of the stairs let him up without question. Just one look and people's faces contorted to fear. The damn brat even copied the devil by tipping the guard to make sure he didn't tell Leo if he traveled upstairs. 

Leo did the same with a higher tip and received word the brat was somewhere upstairs.

That left him with only one other room unchecked. And yet that should be even impossible for the kid himself since it's doors were locked with a strict guard...On the ground? The devil blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't seeing things. And yet the guard was indeed on the ground, possibly dead or unconscious.