Pretend Best Friend

"...And you're saying she tried to shoot you, then jumped out from the window...Two stories high?" the detective asked Leo, looking at him in utter disbelief. 

The devil was growing agitated as it didn't seem like even the detective believed him. Even more unsettling was that his best friend in the whole universe hadn't said a single word to him when he arrived to find his office in shambles.

...Knocked over furniture, a gaping cracked window, and a hacked laptop.

He sighed and repeated himself again in a thunderous voice, "Why yes. Do you not believe my words or do you think I'm lying to you?"

The detective jumped and shook his head. "N-No, of course not Mr. Duval. It's just almost strange how the cameras are broken and yet you claim a woman did all of this, even jumping that far down without any trace of blood outside."