Chapter 21

"How was the interview." The secretary asked Audrey. Immediately Audrey walked out the next person walked in.

"A lot of people really came for the interview. There is no way I will get the job." Audrey thought, sadly.

The interview was for the post of the editor and editor in chief. Audrey wondered why a huge publishing company like this will be looking for such vital positions as that of an editor.

"I don't know how I did. Your boss is quite a handful." Audrey replied sighing.

The secretary laughed. "Don't let it get to you he's like that with everyone. They say he's a little bit damaged. He's even worse with his workers. That's why we are having this interview now. People resign from here on daily basis. He can chew your head for not putting a comma in a magazine and I am not exaggerating. The people who have it worse are the editors."

"Is he that meticulous as to find a missing comma?" I asked raising a brow.

"Nah. He's perpetually angry. Anyway my name is Clara. Hopefully we will meet again." The secretary smiled outstretching her hands for me to take. I did.

"Hopefully we will. I never forget a face so I would always remember yours." Audrey replied. She gave her a side hug and quickly left the office feeling Down.

It was obvious to Audrey that Lucas would not by any chance give her the job and that hurt her more than she expected.

It hurt her more that sweet innocent nerd Lucas had become so angry and embittered all because of her.

Because of the turn out of the interview Audrey was very moody the whole day. And even at night when Michael came back from work she pretended to be asleep so she wouldn't have to talk to him, but he noticed her eyes flutter.

"Hey dear, how was the interview?" He asked placing his laptop on the bed. "I know you are not asleep baby."

"Good." She replied. She fake yawned to get him of her case but it didn't work.

"You look moody. The interview must have been really bad if you are already sleeping by 7." Michael taunted infuriating Audrey more and more. He pecked her on her chin and smiled. "Don't be a sour loser babe, You can still work somewhere else. I could build you your own publishing house if you want."

"Michael! Give it up already! yes it was bad Alright. Will check another firm tomorrow its no biggie and I don't need you to build a publishing house for me."

"Alright. Alright. Let me let you rest. Because it is obvious you want to transfer the aggression meant for whoever interviewed you to me." He chuckled, he kissed her cheeks over and over again. "Sleep well."

She hissed at him and closed her eyes wishing tears not to fall from them.


Michael was more than happy with the news at least his wife won't be working with her ex. It was not as if he didn't trust her but there was a limit. There was a limit to everything right!

His happiness was however very much short lived when he was woken up by Audrey's loud screams by four am. It was so unlike her to wake up that early so Michael went on the defense thinking something really terrible had happened.

"Oh my God. I've just been accepted to work as the editor in chief of Lucas publishing house. Didn't think I'll get it." She said clutching her phone in her hands an excited look on her face.

Michael took in a deep breath, at least now he knew that it wasn't something bad that happened.

"Oh, I'm happy for you." He simply said, relaxing on the comforter. Audrey didn't see the lies in Michael's statement, she was too happy to see it. She hugged him tightly and kissed him.

"Thanks I owe you one." She said. They made love that morning. A very, very unsatisfied love making by Audrey's standard. She didn't mind today, for some reasons she was very very happy and Michael not satisfying her could not change it.