Chapter 20

When it got to Audrey's turn to go in for the interview, she was still not calm at all, but she could easily mask her fear.

It was one of her many talents.

The door was opened for her by the ever smiling secretary who had returned to her duty post. Audrey walked gracefully into the office with her head held up high.

Lucas, The boss, sat down on his chair with a frown on his face, his clothing disheveled. His tie was unknot and he looked like he was about to blow.

Audrey noticed that his office was damn fine just like him. Even in a dishevelled state Lucas looked sexy as hell.

The library in Lucas's office was huger than Audrey had expected. 'He is still a nerd' She thought, almost smiling.

The office was all white which Audrey could remember was his favourite colour. He Sat down there all handsome and tired..

She didn't sit down at once even if she figured that she should have.

She instead stayed still watching him. Her heart was beating at an alarming state, but that was not the problem. The problem was her vagina, she was really excited to see Lucas again and unlike her heart Audrey didn't know how to control her pussy.

"Good morning, Audrey Harrington right? Lucas said, sounding very irritated.

"Yes." She nodded, instantly taking her mind out of the gutter.

"Please sit." He said emotionlessly. His face remained blank even as he spoke.

Lucas's blank expression and emotionless voice didn't bother Audrey. She knew Lucas like she knew herself. And one thing he had In common with her friend Sarah was that they were both experts In hiding what they truly felt. As a matter of fact they could be going through a mirage of emotions but they could still maintain a blank face.

She couldn't tell if that trait of theirs was a weakness or strength, although she was more often convinced that it was a weakness. I mean people ought to be able to own up to their emotions. But whatever rocks their boat anyway. Whatever rocks their boat.

Audrey took her sit and faced Lucas squarely.

"Good morning to you too, Lucas Pedro." She replied, doing well to hide her emotions also. Two can play the game.

She sucked in air and held it in her lungs.

Lucas nodded and outstretched his hands. She looked at them and raised her brows confused at what he wanted.

"Hand me your CV ma'am, please do not act dumb. I'm quite busy in case you haven't noticed." He exhaled, looking very irritated.

Then and there Audrey knew that Lucas was definitely not going to give her the job. He sure still hated her with every fibre of his being. He should. He really should, he had every right to hate her she had left him.

But the way he acted so cold towards her hurt her so much she just kept blabbing through out the interview. When he finally said that she could leave she was more than happy to, although she was a bit sad that she had embarrassed herself in front of Lucas of all people.

She never should have come to his publishing house even if it was the best in the city, though she wanted the best. I mean who goes to interview in a firm owned by an ex. Especially not an ex you broke his heart.