Level 1. Where the hell, am I ?

It was a chilly night with rain going outside. And in that weather, I had to leave the warmth of my house to help my friend. Or to be precise, make sure he gets home because he was heavily drunk, and somebody called me from his phone. I spent a few hours to get him home and put him into the bed.

While going back home under the curtain of rain, I was thinking:

'Why the heck am I such a good friend? I mean c' mon, it's a Saturday! I wanted to sleep, and this idiot needed to drink himself to smithereens today...'

Okay, finally I see the 24/7 shop, which means it is 5 more minutes till home and warmth... and dry clothes.

In a few minutes, I got to the place, where I usually crossed the road to get to my house. I decided to cross the road right there because it was night and traffic was minimal. I looked on both sides of the road and started walking.

In the middle of that process, my phone ringed and I took it out to check who was it, when suddenly I was blinded by a quickly approaching light.

'What the heck?'

I looked to my left, where the light came from and the last thought that came to my mind was: 'Truck-kun? Is that you?'


Well, apparently, I was hit and I clearly remembered the moments after the hit.

It was painful and the adrenalin in my body was unable to mitigate such sudden pain. I had many broken bones and even more broken organs.

'Can organs break?' and other similar silly thoughts started appearing in my mind due to adrenalin and other compounds kicking in. After a minute or maybe even less, the pain started fading, as well as my consciousness.

'My last thoughts were about the fact that I will become sage in my next life, he-he'


When I opened my eyes, the first thing that greeted me was the grim face of a huge man or maybe even a giant who looked at me seriously and asked:

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

And after that he paused. And by paused I do not mean a pause in speech, but more of a freeze in time. Or maybe the whole world froze?

'What the heck is going on?'

[You are in process of a pick]

Words suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, which kinda spooked me.

'What is this?' I thought.

[This is a System and I am your smart assistant that represents the system]


[Game System]

'WAIT. Game system? Like level up and skills type of system?'


'Do not answer like an MC in Japanese novel, please. The setting is different...'


'Well in any case. What is going on? Where am I?'

[You are in a magic academy. Without rights to be present in such an academy, you were apprehended for looking suspicious. You were noticed in the process of going through defensive wards. How exactly you appeared so far into the grounds of the academy is unknown.]

'Let me be clear. I was caught during the crossing of the border into a location, where I appeared completely unexpectedly, and somebody caught me during that crossing and considers me currently a prisoner.'


'I think I know what game you are from... You are not going to change, aren't you? Now, what will I do?'

[Pick a race]



'At least tell me who is this guy'

[His name is Hagrid]

'... no way ...'

It was at this moment he knew, he got fucked up... by the system


'Same name and stature as the guy in Harry Potter? Are you kidding me?'

[Not just the same.]

I exhaled...

[He is that exact Hagrid because you are in the Harry Potter world! CONGRATULATIONS]

'... Are you a troll?'

[No. Why?]

'Cause you trolling me now. What the heck, from all universes that I knew well, you have thrown me into the one, I knew nothing about? The only thing I know about this world is that Snape is the good guy, and 2 idiots and 1 smart girl will save the world.'

[Isn't it fun? Adventure!]

I understood, that I did not understand a thing.

'Whatever. So, what about that race? What choice do I have?'



1. Human

2. Elf

3. Goblin

4. Vampire

5. Lycanthrope

6. Dragon


[By thinking about a race, more information will be shown]

'Wow! Dragon?'


[A very strong magical beast divided into many subspecies. They mostly use flames, claws, and their tail as weapons. Will be probably killed on spot by wizards in Hogwarts]

'Why even show it?! In the middle of a territory where I can be one-shot, you want me to become a dragon and probably die. System what is wrong with you?'


'It totally screws me over, isn't it? Whatever! Elf'


[Small magical beings capable of apparition into most of the places and wandless magic, though not as powerful as human wand magic. Due to many rules are mostly enslaved by wizards and witches until freed. If enslaved, they are under huge restrictions from their masters.]



[Small magical beings capable of wandless magic, though not as powerful as human wand magic. Due to many rules are mostly subservient to wizards and witches and thought to be happy with that arrangement. Smart and sly, they became an important part of the wizards' economy. Have excellent skills in craftsmanship.]



[Magical undead being, that is weak to sunlight and garlic. Physically stronger than humans, but magically mostly the same. Feed on blood, which makes them a potential danger to wizards' society.]



[Cursed humans that without their choice transform into a wolf on nights with a full moon. Their bite in wolf form inflicts curses onto others. Physically and magically the same as humans. Unsafe transformations shorten lifespan and possibly permanently damages the body.]

'All forms so far are freaking traps! What the heck? One is suicide, one is a slave, one is a servant, the other is undead and the last one is a curse? Why even show them?'

[So that you can freely pick a race!]

'Just say that you want me to pick a human...'

[It will be completely your choice]

'... Human'

[Human wizard or witch, depending on your gender.]



[Your pick: ]


[Your gender: ]


[Your age: ]

'I can even pick age? Then can you tell me which year is it? Is it the same as the one when Harry Potter started studying in the academy?'


'Indeed... Then I pick 11 years old!'

[Now it's time to pick your appearance. Your original appearance from the previous Universe will be taken. Would you like to adjust it?]

'Will there be any consequences to changing appearance?'

[Indeed. Modification of phenotype includes rearranging your genes. So, there is always a risk that this can have harmful consequences. ]

'Example please?'

[Genetic diseases, organ failure, and possible mutations. That's only predictable consequences. Of course, the chance is very low.]

'Low chance?! It's a chance of freaking organ failure! Even if the chance is one in a million, I would not take it. Plus, my outer appearance wasn't that bad and if I start at 11 than most things can be fixed with a healthy lifestyle and working out.'

[Then, do you wish to proceed with the current arrangement?]

I saw myself but younger, when I was 10 or maybe 11 years old. Not too skinny, not too bulky. I can't say I was very beautiful. All in all, mediocre. Pretty tall for a kid. Dark curly hair. Dark eyes. Thin lips and a very short haircut, due to not liking long hair. Eyebrows were thick and black as well. The nose was with a little hump. Overall nothing much. If you asked me which race I belonged to, then it would be Asian.

'Yes. Proceed.'

[Pick a name: ]

'Hmm... I know the game you are from and I know that we are in the Magical World. Let my name be the name of the greatest et'Ada and leader of Magna-Ge - Magnus '

[Congratulations Magnus.]

[Your progress is saved]

'Wait, what?'