Some explanation for magic talent and HP power levels

** Following content is explanations and have little to do with actual story. However it will help you to perceive story in the way intended by the author. Thank you.


There was a review telling that MC power growth was very ubrupt and now he kills dragon left and right. So there are needs for some explanation.


HP Universe is not an ABSOLUTE power universe where you cultivate until power level 2 and now all level 1 can be slaughtered.

HP universe is closer to how real world works and YES, I know how it sounds. You see, in real world, your quality or quantity matter much less than your variability. What I mean is "adapt to survive". So if dragon has impenetrable skin and is resistant to charms, there are ways around, like it was portrayed in the fourth book. Great wizards can be killed in their sleep, no matter how good they are, like it was portrayed by the first wielder and creator of the elder wand. So on and so forth.

So in HP power can be considered your dueling prowess or amount of spells/charms you know, because again versatility wins over everything.

In HP Universe strong wizards are not unkillable or immortal. Otherwise whole point with making horcruxes is useless. So killing a dragon by causing a mini nuclear reaction in its brain is pretty valid kill solution. And that's to any creature with a brain I would say.

Is MC strong or powerful? By any means no. In his magic channeling he already reached a level of a high level genius adult wizard, but that doesn't mean he has an arsenal or experience to wield this skill. His dueling experience is non-existant. His library of mastered charms is not very big. He know a lot of powerful charms and curses, but not forbidden curses. They are forbidden for a reason after all.

However, MC is very versatile and wields spells and skills, that make sure he can escape any situation, especially coupled with his inventory and save system(which may or may not be removed in the future). So, please don't think it's a cultivation novel or something of a similar sort.

Universe is different, so thinking should be different as well.

Now to the explanation of the Magical Talent that MC increases with every raise in Magicka.

I gave explanations somewhere along the way, but then I thought that it's clear and deleted it. So now, I am gonna try to make a detailed explanation of what is what and what it does)

First, WHAT is Magical Talent:

It's literally how talented you are when it comes to magic. However, talent is not equal power. Talent helps you get power faster AND defines limits till which you can grow power.

So for example Hermione's talent is lower than Potter's talent. However, due to amount of time spent in studying Hermione is actually as strong if not stronger than Harry.

Obviously, normal people can't increase their talent. Our MC is a very nice exception.


-- speed of learning magic

-- speed of mastering spells

-- maximal power of the spells and magic overall

-- efficiency of magic channeling

-- increased comprehension of magic

-- better magic source (and yes people in HP carry magic in them and don't start me on the bullshit that they only use magic from the atmosphere. If that was true, then there wouldn't have been division on muggles and wizards. And nobody would've feared Voldy as the strongest.)

-- better source = pumping spells with more magic

And the last part, EXAMPLES:

MC in the beginning 1 talent.

Hermione ~ 3.5 talent

Ron ~ 4.5 talent (Barely studies, but somehow keeps up with Hermione and Harry. If you tell me he has less talent, then I don't understand this world. To me personally, both Ron and Harry are examples of people who are talented but lazy to fully exploit their potential. While Hermione is the opposite. Example of extreme hard work. )

Harry ~ 5 talent

Snape ~ 7 talent (I mean if creating curses from second year in Hogwarts doesn't count as being genius, than what does? I personally think, that he is weak in HP story only because he spent most of his life wallowing over Harry's mother death. )

Voldy ~ 8 talent (and don't start me on "But how could Harry win then? and bla and bla". He was fighting Harry with destroyed piece of soul and another's wand. Topic closed)

Dumbledore ~ 7 talent (Genius? Yes. But not even close to Voldy. He wins only by experience and the wand.)



MC at the end of the Volume 3 ~ 4.9 talent


*End Spoiler*

Any questions left????