PLEASE, read this, before you proceed to this book.

I would like to talk with you about a few things, that you may or may not like.

First of all, MC - main character - is a person who has little to no knowledge about the HP - harry potter - Universe. All of his knowledge is based on films and that's it.

Second, MC is a human and not a character from a chinese novel. He makes mistakes, he forgets things and he sometimes contradicts himself.

Third, MC is realist. So, his choices will be pragmatic most of the time. So don't expect a guy who has no knowledge about the Hoggwarts school suddenly pick Slytherin because the reader wants it. NO! He sees 4 schools. 2 about which he knows nothing. One which is considered evil or whatnot and he knows nothing as well and the final one is the only one he more or less knowledgeable about. Choice is obvious I think.

Fourth, MC like most humans on Earth likes his life. Which means in an unknown world where random spell can send you to heaven, he needs to somehow preserve his life. At the same time he knows about existence of the guy who has a plot armor and can survive anything that story throws at him. So, he has two choices. First one is going solo into unknown and dangerous world. Second, I assume I don't need to tell. I hope I don't need to tell which choice he made either.

Guys and gals, I am happy to hear your feedback. But! I am tired of listening shit like "MC did this? OMG! So stupid. Dropping". Want to drop? Do so, no problems. But if you are leaving a comment like this, don't just say it is stupid. Give a sound reasoning. And if you have none and you simply don't like the choice MC made, than I am sorry to hear it, but don't hate on story because of this.

Also, after reading, make sure to leave some review. It's my first work after all.

The book will have a main story and side stories that will be made after the main one. Main story won't go above 100 chapters. I am not going to needlessly lengthen it.

Main story will be based on HP Universe and the whole storyline will be happening there.

Side stories will be made in other Universes.

-- NO HAREM in the story.

-- NO Romance in the main story, but it is in plans for side stories.

-- Hermione Granger NOT a possible female lead. She is meant for Harry Potter and that's the way it will be.


Other than that, there is a Discord Server dedicated to novel and related activities. There you may find unedited chapters few days prior to their release. Come join it. Plus it's a nice way to affect future of this fanfic, cause there you can discuss your ideas directly with me.

Link to discord: