Level 14 [ part 1 ]. New abilities


'System show all skills and add progress they did since Halloween.'

[Affirmative. Information is being modified… Done. ]

『 Studying 25 ➔ 27 | Speech 21 ➔ 23 | Herbology 22 ➔ 23 』

『 Alchemy 23 ➔ 26 | Wand Making 26 | Astronomy 20 ➔ 21 』

『 Sneak 18 ➔ 21 | Riding Expertise 20 ➔ 21 』

『 Magic Theory 30 ➔ 31 | Magic Chanting 20 ➔ 21 』

『 Magic Gesturing 21 ➔ 22 | Magic Channeling 21 ➔ 25 』

『 ❃Crafting 15 ➔ 19 | ❃Playing Games 15 ➔ 17 』

'I assume this symbol of yours '❃' means that this skill is new and was acquired in this period of progress?'


And below that, personal info was located.

『 Level 12 ➣ Can increase 』

『 Health ➣ Improvement : 0 』

『 Magicka ➣ Improvement : 11 』

『 Stamina ➣ Improvement : 0 』

『 Number of skill points: 2 』

I increased the level and put another point into magicka

『 Level 13 ➣ Not enough experience 』…

『 Magicka ➣ Improvement : 11 ➔ 12 』…

『 Number of skill points: 2 ➔ 3 』

After finishing a level up, I decided to take a look at new abilities that can be obtained. Two tier 1 abilities from new skills, new tier 2 abilities for Channeling, Riding Expertise and Sneaking. But because I did not take tier 1 abilities, I can't take tier 2 abilities.

Also, interesting thing I noticed is that tier 2 abilities do not necessarily appear at 20th level of skill. For example, new abilities for 'Magic Channeling' appeared only when I reached level 25 in the skill.

So, not all skills get tier 2 abilities at level 20. Interesting…

Anyway, I do not have that much of a choice. I picked a path of raising my magic power until I can rival adults and then maybe invest into other skills. Maybe this path is not perfect, but I am following it anyway, because I see no better options here.

Moreover, I always can load to previous moment in time.

Tier 2 abilities need tier 1 abilities to be opened, so even if I see some interesting tier 2 ability now, to get it I have to spend 2 points, because except for magic and studying I have tier 1 ability only in speech. And the only tier 2 ability in speech is not very interesting, or better to be said – not very appropriate at the moment.

〖Lady Killer〗

〖 You look better in the eyes of the opposite gender and have higher chance of influencing them. Opposites gender falls in the love with you stronger. Easier to seduce opposite gender. Speech experiences a buff while speaking with opposite gender. 〗

It is simply overpowered with ton of buffs and bonuses, but problem is these things can be both positive and negative. Woman who loves you very strongly can be deadly. Yandere girl is not one of my dreams, especially in the world where love potion is real. Plus, how this ability can be helpful when I am 11?

Therefore, my conclusion is: "Good ability, bad timing". Maybe in year 5?

Anyway, I digress once more. Okay, new abilities, focus!

*10 minutes later*

I have taken a look at new abilities and honestly new tier 2 ability in Sneak is omega strong and I barely could fight an urge to waste 2 points, because currently ability will be just useless. At least until the end of year 1. Maybe on Summer?

〖Hidden Attack〗

〖 When hidden and you enemy is not informed of your presence, attacks done to that enemy are tripled in strength. 〗

This is the real world and not some RPG. Just doubled strength of normal 'Flipendo' can hurt a human and even lead to a temporary daze from fall at my level of magic channeling. What if I will empower, concentrate the spell and then triple the output?

Force will probably send person flying with so many G's(atmospheres) that his body will break even before landing. And even 'landing' will be more like crushing into bloody mess. Strong ability and I really wanted it, but currently I did not need it, because I wasn't fighting anyone or sneaking into enemy bases.

Magic abilities at least empower all magic, not just attacking spells, so despite all my dreams to be 'overpowered terminator', I will continue focusing on grinding magic skills and getting magic abilities. Maybe I am too narrow minded and can't see the whole picture…

Whatever, at least tier 2 ability in 'Magic Channeling' not one bit weaker.

〖Dual Channeling〗

〖 You can have 2 active channels of magic, without either of them suffering any loss in power, concentration or amount. 〗

What it meant is that I can freely cast magic from 2 channels without any loss in power of that magic. In this world it is not impossible to cast from 2 hands, but most wizards have one wand for a reason.

I started on the path of dual casting but what I am doing is forcefully channeling magic from one source into two points using one channel. My body quickly switches between two points which is essentially how computer schedules tasks.

Processor core does only one task at one point of time and after doing part of it, switches to next task. Because processor works and switches very fast you feel like it's doing multiple tasks. Same thing about my body without this ability, but slower and less efficient.

Because most spells do not need the constant flow of magic, especially charming I can switch quick enough for it look like double casting, but if it was some real fight, I wouldn't be able to switch quick enough.

I am actually not sure if there is a practice to naturally increase number of channels or train true double casting. After all, my knowledge of magic is miniscule.

Maybe there are even wizards, who wield 2 wands, which with my current knowledge won't make sense. Because wand concentrates and channels magic in caster's body to a point. So, technically it will be similar to frying an egg using 2 pans, I think.

However, nothing is certain. Moreover, ability description says nothing about 2 hands but more about 2 channels. It gives me ability to have 2 channels, but I am not sure if channel is a source of magic or just a path to some deeper source inside a human body.

I admit, that my previous assumption was that channeling called 'channeling' because it draws power from some source. However, after thinking deeply over the meaning of this ability I started doubting that my source of magic and channel are 2 different things. After all, I never found any direct mentions of source of magic. Only channeling.


I have so many questions. The deeper I go into magic theory the more questions start to appear. Maybe I am just overthinking it. I will ignore this for now.

Crafting is something I will continue grinding because I got interested in it and I am improving magic skills(mostly channeling) with it. Taking ability in this tree was a good idea, but the ability got me into contemplation once more due to its description.

〖Crafts Connection〗

〖 Items crafted have better compatibility with other skills and abilities of the user. Effects applied to it by user are stronger. 〗

The part about applied effects got me thinking about enchanted items and enchanting overall. I know that it's possible to enchant items in this world and give some extraordinary traits to them.

As long as I won't be one-shot or lose consciousness, I can load to previous save no matter how grievous the wound is. So, if I had items enchanted to defend my life from such killing spells, my survivability will experience tremendous growth.

I will need to research that.

And the last skill 'Playing Games' ability gave mixed feelings.

〖Good Player 0/5 〗

〖 You are good in all games. 〗

Honestly, I don't play games that often, so I will ignore ability for now.

Overall from 4 new abilities and some old abilities, I have not found anything that would truly interest me, except for dual casting.

In my opinion, that is the only thing that can increase rate at which I improve my magic channeling. After all, the more I channel the more experience I get, so doubling experience gathering will be nice.

'System, can you show me all my abilities?'

[Indeed, I can. Outputting…]

〖Abilities list〗

➤ Strong argument 1/4 (25)

➤ Remarkable Comprehension 1/3 (30)

➤ Fast Reading 1/2 (65)

➤ Better memory 1/3 (45)

➤ Better concentration 1/2 (45)

➤ Less Gestures 1/2 (50)

➤ Empowering

➤ Concentration

➤ Less Chants 1/2 (50)

➤ Dual Channeling

Wow, I got a lot of abilities, huh? Also, I will be able to upgrade some of those abilities soon. That is great!

Now, let's look at saves.

'System show me my saves, please.'

〖Saves list〗

---- Race Picked

---- Before entering bathroom

---- Fifth abilities pick

---- Before sorting

---- First 2 abilities

---- Second 2 abilities

---- Waiting after duel

---- Third abilities pick

---- Using books

---- Fourth abilities pick

My naming conventions are horrible, but whatever. Also, save does not have description about it and its name should be short. Thankfully, I can rename them later, so coming up with catchy name is not a problem if I have more more than 1 try.

But in any case, I need to delete at least 2 saves, perfect will be 4 saves. Which of them are the most useless now?

I can safely delete 'Using books' made before starting using books. Month has passed, but I did not feel any repercussions from using them, so I am more or less sure I am safe.

In addition to this there is 'First 2 abilities' and 'Second 2 abilities'. Right now, I am assured that these 4 first abilities I acquired were a right pick for me, so I do not need that backup anymore.

I can probably delete 'Third abilities pick' and 'Waiting after duel', because I don't feel I will need them in the future.

Overall, I have 3 saves I will delete and 2 saves that look useless enough to be deleted.

'System delete the saves number: 9, 5, 6, 8, and 7.'

[Confirm deletion of saves 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.]

Nice. These saves go in order. I just noticed it.

'I confirm'

[Affirmative. Processing… ]

I suppose I am done for today.


'Okay. I am going to sleep now. Have a good sleep, system!'

[I don't sleep. That is purely biological process...]

I smiled and fell asleep.