Level 14 [ part 2 ]. Erised and Dragons

Harry used his cloak of invisibility and told me and Ron how he found a mirror that showed his family. Ron and I were excited but for different reasons. Ron wanted to see Harry's family, while I wanted to know what I truly desired.

In the evening after hours of searching, three of us, barely fitting under invisibility cloak, somehow got into the room with the mirror. Because, my descriptive skills are honestly lacking, no other words except for "big and tall" did not come to mind, when I saw the mirror.

After we came in and Harry looked into the mirror, he tried to show us what he saw to Ron and me, but unfortunately for him, we didn't see a thing in it. Then Ron tried standing before it and saw manifestation of his true desires. Then I understood why mirror was called "Erised". This word backwards is "desirE". Both funny and sad, knowing that whatever you see in the mirror is an unfulfilled dream.

Soon, Harry and Ron started arguing and me being lost in thoughts didn't notice how this argument started. But I didn't need to intervene, because soon our trio heard some noise from outside in the corridor.

It was that annoying cat of Filch. Mrs. Norris. Thankfully we were able to hide under cloak in time, but it scared me shitless, nonetheless. I didn't think it was that dangerous to come here.

『 Sneak 21 ➔ 22 』

Well, that is a nice bonus.

In any case, after staring for some time cat went away and we decided to go back to our dorms, before cat has called Filch. I really wanted to look into the mirror to see what my desire was, but it will be postponed I suppose. Thanks to one of my abilities I have better memory and recall, so I mostly memorized way here from Gryffindor tower.

We reached the tower soon and those two went to sleep, while I decided to check that mirror. I had nothing to fear, because I can Save&Load anytime.

'Save progress'

〖Save ⟳〗

I made it there safely in the first try. Probably was lucky. Although, I must admit I did lose my way twice while looking for that room.

Then I looked in the mirror and saw myself there. Standing in the circle of fire, while lightning was screeching in my hands. Smile was on my face, while people from beyond the circle were throwing spells at me. Why smile? Because all spells were ineffective against my defense. True invincibility. Or better to be said I was wielding power so immense and unparalleled that I was invincible.

Hm, so was it, power, that I desired? Never thought of myself as power hungry, but I suppose that explains my unquenching desire for knowledge.

My desire was so simple, yet so strong. After thinking about it for some time power could make sure I will survive. Will grant me wealth and prosperity. Will help me achieve success. Power is foundation for everything. I understood it clearly now.

Personally, I always thought that understanding your desire is the only way to achieve your happiness. Because if you know it well enough, you can either set yourself on fulfilling it or forgo impossible desire to pick a new one. Controlling and fulfilling desires is the way to happiness for me and I will continue walking this path.

I was in deep thought for some time. I yawned and understood that I need to go sleep. Because I was too lazy to go back myself and honestly wanted to have more time to sleep, I decided to just load latest save I made, saving myself some time. Literally.

However, it was my first-time loading a save, so I asked the system.

'How do I load to a save, system?'

[Think 'Return to' and then mentally picture the moment you want to return to or second option if you know the number of the save you can say 'Return to moment 3' for example. ]

'Can I say, "return to last saved moment?"'

[Yes, you can. As long as system has a clear understanding of your will, command will be done.]

'Return to last saved moment'

For a second my vision blanked and all I saw was darkness, but in the next moment I was in my room standing, ready to go out for a mirror.

That was faster than I expected.

Anyway, it's time to sleep.

*Week later*

These past few days Potter was gloomy and deep in thought. I assumed he was going every day to look into that mirror. I wanted to talk him out of this, but then decided against it. In original he somehow got his desire under control, right? So, he can do this now as well.

And I was right. Today when we got to breakfast, I saw him there a tad bit livelier than before.

By that time students started returning for a beginning of the term. Granger returned a day before term started and sufficiently berated us for not finding who Flamel is, but I surprised all three of them.

This week, I finally find out the book that mentions him. Thank god, I had upper hand, knowing he was an alchemist, but even then, I had to go through ton of books before I was able to find one that mentions him. This dude is not old. He is freaking ancient.

"Who said we didn't? I know who he is."

"Really? Why didn't you tell us? Who is he?" Harry anxiously asked.

"I found it in the book I borrowed from library yesterday. As you know I go to sleep very late, because I am reading before sleep. So, I had no opportunity to tell you yet as I found mention of him in that period. Didn't want to wake you up. We will discuss it after breakfast."


We quickly finished food in our plates and went to find some empty classroom to discuss who Flamel is. After telling the trio who he is and showing them the book where I found him they understood what was guarded by that dog.

After that days went by and Potter brought us the news: Snape will be referring next match.

Ron was against it and tried to convince Harry against playing.

Hermione briefly looked at me before saying that maybe it was better if he avoided the game.

Apparently all three of them were still suspicious about Snape. Not much I can do about it.

Anyway, Harry still decided to play, because there was no other Seeker.

At that moment Neville came in, or better to be said "fell in", as he was cursed with leg-lock and couldn't walk properly. So, while others were laughing Hermione wanted to use counter-curse spell but was a tad bit late. I already casted the spell and his legs sprang apart.

Thanks to library, high magical talent, fast reading, amazing memory and high-level magic skills learning simple magic is easy. So now I know at least a dozen of spells, excluding the ones from a spellbook.

*After Quidditch match*

Harry came all gloomy while telling us how he heard Snape threatening Quirrell and they assumed that Quirrell was some kind of a hero, that stood up to a villain.

I honestly wanted to hit my head with wall. Really? A hero? This golden trio sure is a biased bunch. I can't even persuade them, because that will only distance them from me. So annoying…

Moreover, due to my previous suspicion of Quirrell now they think that he was the one who was counter-jinxing the broom and he tried to save Harry, while Snape wanted to kill him.

Anyway, exams were coming and that was emphasized at least fifty times by Hermione. Plus, we got ton of homework, so I had little time to grind. After all, I can read fast, but I can't write as fast.

*One of the days in library*

We were sitting studying and preparing our homework, when Hagrid suspiciously shuffled into view. Redhead and Potter started loudly speaking about Flamel and the stone left and right, which scared me to the point where I might need to switch pants.

Who the heck tells highly guarded secret out loud in the place with so many people?

So, they argued a little with Hagrid and in the end he invited us to his hut later to discuss whatever we wanted, as long as we don't speak about it in common areas. After he left, Hermione was interested in what he was hiding. Ron decided to see what he was researching and in which section. It was dragon's section. Interesting. I think this is the moment where he will hatch the dragon or something like this.

Then we talked about dragons and apparently Ron's brother researching dragons. I somehow missed that info, huh. Anyway, two types of dragons still live in Britain : Common Welsh Green and Hebridean Blacks.

Maybe in the future I will try hunt few of those. From alchemy books I read, every dragon is a trove of ingredients. With them I can grind alchemy and wand making skills easily.

After finishing lessons for today we went to visit Hagrid's hut.

*Progress since last chapter*

『 Alchemy 26 ➔ 27 | Sneak 21 ➔ 22 | Speech 23 』

『 Studying 27 ➔ 28 | Wand Making 26 | Herbology 23 』

『 Magic Channeling 25 ➔ 27 | Magic Chanting 21 ➔ 22 』

『 Magic Gesturing 22 | Magic Theory 31 』

『 Astronomy 21 | Riding Expertise 21 』

『 Crafting 19 ➔ 20 | Playing Games 17 』

*Comment on progress. Do you want to see it in every chapter?*