Level 14 [ part 3 ]. Did I break the story?

After visiting Hagrid, our golden trio tried to get info about defense used on the stone, beside the dog. Hagrid being a simple person, was goaded pretty quickly especially by sweet talker like Hermione.

Her skill of getting people to do what she needs is surprising, because her EQ is pretty low. It seems that it's true indeed that high enough IQ can cower for any weakness, huh? When she knows, what goal needs to be achieved via talking, she talks like a professional philosopher with year of experience in giving speeches.

In any case after getting information, we found out that next professors helped with defense: Trout, Flitwick, McGonagall, Quirrell, Snape and Dumbledore. But of course, our friendly biased bunch has accentuated their attention on Snape's name.

They started asking if anyone else knows how to go around the dog, but he assured us that only him and Dumbledore know. Then, Ron noticed an egg in the fireplace and Hagrid started explaining about it and how he got it.

Also, just interesting bit of info! He is really obsessed with the egg. And I mean, insanely obsessed! Honestly, when I saw it in the film, I though having a dragon was just a childish dream, but in reality Hagrid was dead set on having it, despite all the problems it can bring.

Granger and even Weasley mentioned some of the issues that come with growing a dragon in the backyard, but he just ignored them. I never focused on this issue, but now that I appeared here, having a dragon is against the law. And this giant dude is okay with it. I mean it is not a turtle to be hidden in a one room hut. It's a DRAGON! Really?!

And what's the most insane thing is how he got an egg.

Golden trio and Hagrid did not even question how he got a freaking dragon egg that he dreamed of, from a complete stranger in a tavern, by winning it in game of cards. Yup. No problems. Nothing suspicious.

I honestly wanted to speak up but decided against it to avoid destroying canon and bringing chaos to story.

*Day of hatching*

In the morning we received the letter telling us about hatching. Ron wanted to skip herbology to see the hatching, but me and Granger were severely against it. Me because every lesson was a grind, while dragon wasn't and her because skipping lesson is an unacceptable idea. Thus, Ron and Hermione started arguing.

Of course, in the process of the argument between these two, Malfoy heard some stuff. This blondie really like to meddle in things that do not concern him. So, he obviously followed us and now dragon needs to be dealt with and fast. First thing that came to mind was Ron's brother, but Hermione said about it before I could it even open my mouth.

So, it was decided to send his brother, Charley, a letter describing a situation and asking for advice. He answered and all was good and merry, dragon will be dealt with on Saturday when Charley's friends will take dragon away.

However, everything was going so well. Almost too good to be true, so Ron got sick.

He was bit by the dragon and of course her fangs were poisonous. He fell ill and got into the hospital. There Malfoy came to gloat over him and of course he found out about Saturday through the letter that was in the book, which Malfoy took.

Now I understand why this trio was constantly in the middle of some mess. They are idiots… and I don't mean intellectually. I mean their mindset in dealing with things is idiotic.

Ron could have checked the bite in the first day and not wait till his damage became so severe. And reason for not going? Doctor might find out he was bit by dragon… Now that you are lying in the hospital, seriously ill, doctor will think it was a mosquito bite. Really, Ron?

And okay, ignore the bite. What about the letter then? They could have burned it, the same day they received it. But no, let's keep it in the book, from where it can fall off easily…


These days they annoy me to unimaginable degree. Now we have to go and get that dragon to highest tower at midnight and give it to people on brooms, who will transfer dragon away from Britain. Hermione wanted to go with us, but I told her that 2 people is enough, plus invisibility cloak is not big enough to cover 3 people with dragon between them.

Before going out to Hagrid's hut, I decided to save. After all, I don't want to mess up the storyline.

'Save progress'

〖Save ⟳〗

Close to midnight, me and Harry went to get that dragon and somehow convinced Hagrid that giving Norbert, was dragon's name by the way, to Charley is a good choice.

We fortunately made it to the tower without any problems. Although sweating like pigs, because Norbert wasn't light and we weren't athletes. Moreover, I nearly shitted my pants when we heard a sudden noise and saw Professor McGonagall dragging Malfoy by the ear. He tried to sell us out, but only got himself a detention.

Anyway, we got to tower and successfully got rid of this dragon. Just when Harry and I started going down, I remembered that we forgot the cloak and told him about it. We put the cloak on again and started descending, and it was a good idea to put it on, because Filch was waiting right at the foot of the stairs.

It was a second close call for my pants. I was scared really hard, by an ugly old dude staring right at you in the dark of the night. We scurried away as quiet and as quick as possible.

But of course, happy ending never follows our group. Next morning, we found out that Neville was caught while trying to inform us about Malfoy's plot to sell us out. Of course, McGonagall started asking questions and we were under a ton of suspicions.

There was no proof against us, but still it got us under close observation by professors, because whole situation was just too suspicious. Also, I felt bad about Neville so, decided to load latest save and notify him beforehand not to worry and sleep.

Before exiting I went to him and told him to stay put, not to go out and sleep. I instantly regretted decision to notify him, because spending hours carrying crate with a dragon is not exactly a definition of a dream. But whatever.

Everything else was as planned. Finally. We got happy ending, and all went well.

Now, next activity should be walk in the dark forest, so it's time to grind and wait.

*Some time later*

And so, I waited. And waited. And waited.

Until I heard how Malfoy started berating school for forcing students to go out in the dark forest and some other useless stuff. But that one piece about forest made it clear to me.

I've messed up and messed up hard. How I didn't think about it previously. Because walk in the dark forest was done by Harry and Malfoy, so apparently, he should have been there. Moreover, going into forbidden forest cannot be called a reward, so it was a detention. Who was at fault here, my hazy memory or film makers and their inconsistencies? I don't know.

I should have come to this conclusion earlier. Damn it. Did I break the story, now?

Without forest, Potter won't know it's Voldemort that is after him. Without that, no motivation to look for stone. No motivation, no magical saving of the stone. No saving, early Voldemort. Early Voldemort, early freaking death will be in my medical history!

Nope. Not going to happen. I must go back. Thankfully only a few days passed, I didn't get any skill raises in this period and I didn't delete any saves, so I can safely load to the same moment. Crap, we will be under detention and remembering how many points McGonagall subtracted from Gryffindor for Neville, I am going to regret doing this, aren't I?

'Return to last saved moment'

Shit lifting this stupid crate for a third time. I already hate this dragon.

*In the morning after saving dragon(3rd time)*

We all safely got a… well… detention. I really hope this is canon. Otherwise, I am going to cry. Neville is hurt, thinking we actually lied to him and it was us who were behind this whole story, trying to frame Malfoy.

In addition to this, I indeed regret returning and redoing it for a second time. McGonagall deducted fifty points… Per each person! Whole Gryffindor was looking at us like we've killed somebody in their family.

Harry was gloomy and I heard he promised to himself to never interfere in other's business. That scares me. My whole point of returning was to make sure he will interfere. But I decided to not be rash and wait until we will go to the forest.

Only Hermione and Ron were still keeping us company. Everyone else, even Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were avoiding us. Slytherin was jeering and constantly made fun of us. Overall, it was a nice educative atmosphere.

I really hope it's worth it. If I return to carry that stupid dragon for the fourth time, I'm gonna go crazy!


Let's wait.


『 Alchemy 27 | Sneak 22 | Speech 23 』

『 Studying 28 | Wand Making 26 | Herbology 23 ➔ 24 』

『 Magic Channeling 27 | Magic Chanting 22 』

『 Magic Gesturing 22 | Magic Theory 31 』

『 Astronomy 21 ➔ 22 | Riding Expertise 21 』

『 Crafting 20 | Playing Games 17 』