Level ? - Gossip

The patient and his family left the hospital so quickly that even their doctor had no knowledge of them leaving. And when he found out, it was already too late.

Xu Bai, our young doctor, didn't know what to do with this situation. During his morning check up he found an empty VIP ward and was lost for words. After asking nurses, he learned that the young miss of the Xie family stormed in and demanded to discharge her father.

After talking with nurses, one of them gave him a card of the new patient. So, he stayed to read the card of his next patient. This, however, hasn't stopped these women from gossiping about the situation.

"Is she insane? Or does she want to kill her father to gain his seat?"

"Maybe she does. I heard that she finished school in Europe."

"Hmpf, these capitalists must have taught her nothing good. A daughter with no piety for her parents is not human. Just a beast."

"Indeed, indeed."

Although young Bai didn't like to listen to gossip, he inadvertently agreed with them. After all, which filial child will take a dying father from the only place that can help him?

"Moreover, I heard she said that she takes him away to help him.", one of the nurses said and then snorted, "Who would believe that? Our hospital is one of the best in the country."

"I also heard, that she is the only heir of the Xie family. And I heard that Xie patriarch didn't want her to become the head of the family and decided to marry her into Tang family."

'Did she really do that to seize power... No! Impossible. I saw and talked to her during the week Xie patriarch was in the hospital. She sincerely wished for her father to get better. Then could it be that she really found a cure?'


Xu Hung was sitting in his cabinet, thinking over the words Yang Chao said to him. And the more he thought, the more he felt that telling his grandchild about the existence of magic was the right decision.

However, with knowledge comes responsibility. The Xu family worked with the Chinese Government since the very beginning of its creation about the topic of interaction with magical communities.

China and other countries with the great population had a common problem where hiding magic completely like its done in Europe and America is impossible. So, most of the higher-ups knew about magic and its users.

In the past, the Xu family served as inspectors and fighters against magic users who were harming muggles and nature, either purposefully or during a fight against each other. Other than the Xu's there were other families, who were serving government as enforcers of the law. At that time, the ancient Buddhist faction came out, preaching peace and stood by the law and helped China enter the age of 'Magical Peace'.

However, peace means nobody fights in the light. There was still a lot of fighting happening in the dark.

That's why elderly Xu didn't want his grandchild to be part of this world.


Sound of a bubble bursting awoke the old man.

"Emituo Fo[1], benefactor Xu."

A monk in typical Buddhist clothes apparated into the room. He looked to be in his 60ties, looking at his skin and slightly hunched back.

"Greetings, master ..."

"My family name is Yu, benefactor Xu."

"Master Yu, have you received the information about our problem."

Monk slowly nodded his head and said:

"Emituo Fo."

"What do you think?"

"Hard to say anything right now. Let's first inspect the patient of yours."

"Okay, let's go."

"Emituo Fo."

Xu Hung already checked the medical card of the possibly cursed client, so he knew which ward was his. Soon, the pair exited the room and started moving towards the VIP ward.

However, what was strange is that people in the corridors ignored the very existence of the monk. Moreover, when somebody was moving towards him they subconsciously corrected their route to not run into the monk.

Looking at this magical scene, Xu Hung was a little bit surprised. After all, this power is not something any random monk wields. This master should be at least Grand Abbot or at somebody infinitely close to this title.

Soon, they reached the room but upon entering they found an empty room.


Both the monk and old man Xu were surprised.

"Let me make a call."

After that Xu Hung, took out his phone and made a call to Yang Chao. After a few seconds of waiting, he picked up the call.

"Elder Xu, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! That is something I have to ask you! Where is the patient we discussed yesterday? And..."

In the meantime, the monk slowly entered the room and started closely inspecting room and air in it, while counting through the long Buddhist beads.

Soon, the head physician personally came to the VIP ward.

"Elder Xu, the patient's daughter demanded her father's discharge. I found out about this only now, because he was a VIP and the hospital staff thought that I already knew about this."

"This... Master Yu, I... "

"Benefactor, ..."

Monk quietly raised his hand, where unnoticeable for everyone was a small golden ring encrusted with azurite.

After this gesture, both men stayed quiet and patiently waited for the monk to finish his inspection.

After a few minutes, the monk finally finished his inspection and looked at the Xu Hung.

"I am not sure whether your patient was cursed or not, but recently strong magic was used right here, in this very room. However, this spell left nearly no traces. It was done by the true master."

"Then what should we do, master Yu?"

"We have to follow this trace. But I am afraid I am not enough to face such an adversary. Moreover, we can't be sure if he was alone and if there is a group behind this person."

"But, master Yu ..." Elder Xu said with uncertainty.

"Emituo Fo, benefactor Xu."

"Only what magic was it? Because only the Monk faction uses curses, so I wasn't sure about..." he didn't continue, but everyone present quickly understood the meaning behind these words.

"Benefactor Xu, I will tell you this honestly. The magic used might have been either from an artifact or from a person. So, I cannot tell you what magic was it, because traces are too thin. As for the curse and your accusation of our Monastery..."

"No, master Yu, I would never accuse the Monastery..." Elder Xu wanted to say, but Monk calmly raised his hand once more and kindly smiled.

"Emituo Fo, benefactor Xu. I understand your worries and indeed, your worries are not unfounded. I will certainly inform the Grand Abbot about this situation if there was a curse laid on an innocent person, but for now, let's follow the trace."


Somewhere in the vicinity of Baihua mountain, a big cortege of black cars was moving closer and closer towards a small but magical temple.

And in that temple, an old Gatekeeper was already waiting for the "guests".


[1] - Actually in Chinese language Amitabha is Emituo Fo(Amituofo) [ʌmi:toʊ:fo:], but most translators translate it as Amitabha, even though it is also a Sanskrit language(not English). So true translation would be "Infinite Light" and represents the name of the buddha(after reaching Nirvana). So, I honestly don't get it why would they translate this word... And the way it is used in China and neighbor countries is pretty unique, due to history and other reasons. There the phrase can be used to encourage, agree, disagree, greet and etc. Which makes translating it into Sanskrit even stranger to me. Might as well leave it Emituo Fo and not confuse the readers, or translate the meaning of it properly(Buddha bless you), but whatever. Leave a comment, if you want to see the translation to Sanskrit(Amitabha) or if you are okay with the original.