Level ? - Expert is upon us

Although Baihu Mountain had no forest at the foot of it, however, there are forests nearby. And that's where Xin Lan was going. However, with every second that they were coming closer to their destination, the anxiousness deep inside of her was rising.

And although she was convincing herself that her feelings were due to father's condition. However, deep inside the girl felt that the reason for this unease was completely different, as she, unconsciously, was rubbing the small ring on her finger.

Soon, they reached the location similar to the one from her dream and people started exiting from their cars.

The temple from her dream came into the view, but this time more detailed. Tall wooden walls around the temple didn't allow any peeking into the temple itself. And what's more, the walls were painted with strange yet beautiful symbols, similar to runes.

As for the gate, it was also made of wood, but it was hard to notice due to the dark and polished surface, that reflected light. Without actually touching them, you may even think that these gates are made of Iron.

"Young miss, is that the place?"

For some strange reason, Xie Lan was irked by the fact that the bodyguard didn't call her 'Matriarch', but decided to let it slide.

"Yes, it is. Now, pick up my father and let's enter this temple. Its master will certainly help us."

A few strong-built men carried the stretcher with Xie's patriarch lying in it, while Xie Lan and her mother reached the gates. But just when they wanted to knock, gates were opened and a very old man looking to be in his 80-ties greeted them:

"Welcome, dear guests. You may all enter our humble temple. My disciples will lead you to your rooms." After which he focused his eyes on Xie Lan and said, "And you need to follow me. You'll need to meet your new master."

Lin An was shocked when he heard these words. After all, saying to a future leader of the Xie family to be somebody's servant was utter blasphemy. However, just when he wanted to say a thing or two to this elder, young miss quickly responded:


And followed the man.

This whole scene was strange and incomprehensible to the retinue of the Xie family, but if the young miss is okay with it, then it should be alright... probably.


After following an elder of the temple for a few minutes, Xin Lan, to her surprise, found out that the temple is insanely big from the inside.

It almost felt as if space itself expanded inside this temple, but it's probably just her imagination.

'Where are we going? And is this master really capable of healing my father? Also, the way he talked about the price is quite scary now that I think about it.'

Once more, she started rubbing the ring on her finger.

'He gave me power beyond normality. This ring... No matter how much I am convincing myself, the price required to pay will be tremendous.'

Finally, a beautiful but small cottage surrounded by a decorative bamboo forest appeared before the pair.

"You have to meet the master alone. Enter this shrine and you will find him at the top of the mountain."

"Huh? What do you mean?" the girl asked, confused.

But the elder already left.

Soon, she reached the door of the house and opened it. But what she saw behind the door shocked her silly, because it wasn't an interior she saw there. A majestic overview of the mountain appeared right behind the door. And if not for the birds flying in the sky, she would think it is lifelike painting.

'Oh my god! This is impossible, right?'

She was standing there speechless for at least a minute, before finally recollecting herself.

'This place is too magical. Is the master of this place an immortal.'

After losing herself in fantasies for another minute, she shook her fist and shouted, before stepping into the door.



The girl appeared at the foot of the mountain.

'Wow! I teleported...'

Then she looked up at the summit of the mountain.

'That old man said that I will find the master at the top of the mountain. Did he mean that I have to climb it?'

Xie Lan took a look around and noticed a path leading upwards.

'Thank god, there is a road.'

But she looked down at her feet that were wearing high heels and thought:

'This will be a rough walk. Should have taken sneakers.', after which she took off these heels and started hiking up the mountain.


Somewhere on Earth. Speech in English.

"Sir, we finally found the trace of the subject zero."


"China. But it is very strange."

"What do you mean?"

"It's pulsing all across the country. As if it is everywhere at the same time."

"Hm... What are the possibilities? Can it be a coincidence or is it some sort of misdirection?"

"We are looking into it, sir. I request three teams to look into the most suspicious location."

"You have a green light. Dig as much information as possible. But make sure to keep an eye on other countries as well. After all, China might be just a distraction to hold our eyes glued to that specific location."

"Yes, sir."


At the top of the mountain, a young man who had an aura of a king was enjoying the weather. His eyes were closed, while his lips were slightly curved up. The clothes of the man were simple in design, yet majestic in materials. Just a touch of these clothes on your skin, will entrail your mind and lead you to the world of fantasies.

What made the picture uncomplete was the fact that his black hair was cut very short, breaking a scene of cultivator practicing to reach immortality.

On his left hand was a simple silver ring that looked a bit dull and simple, but on this specific hand, it was exuding some unknown power.

On his right hand was a plain jade bracelet that was glistering with dark-green color under light.

Both of the accessories had no engravings or stones of any sort. Moreover, without knowing about their existence you won't even notice their uniqueness.

He had no boots to speak of. Only wooden sandals with a division between his toe and other fingers.

Overall, this young man was giving a very contradicting vibe. From one perspective he felt like a beggar who climbed up the mountain, from the other like an immortal who came down from heaven.

Finally, he opened his eyes and once more looked at the picture in front of his eyes.

『 Magic Channeling 74 ➔ 75 』

"Tier 4... I can finally see the power of these abilities."