Level 46 - Framework

Back in Shanghai, a dark shadowy creature with his eyes closed was floating over a scene of destruction. Based on its body alone it looked humanoid. However, shadows around him were coming into life, manifesting into all sorts of strange forms. From pikes to flexible tentacles and even hands made of some gray substance. As for the city around him, it was turned into a wasteland with nothing pointing to what was once a flourishing city.

More 'fortunate' regions became ruins, with windows broken and structures fractured. As for people living in this great city, the majority died with only a million or so surviving in the aftermath.

It's not an exaggeration to call this event an absolute disaster. More than 10 million ended up dead either by the aftershocks of battle or due to injuries incompatible with living.

But back to the creature floating in the sky. It was floating there for quite a while already. But just now, some hints of movements began appearing on his body. His skin started changing its color. As if shadowy gray filth was receding from his body leaving white jade-like skin shine in the rays of the rising sun. And the filth, it was slowly dripping down on the ground, where it was quickly absorbed by the shadow cast by that creature itself. Actually, now that the filth withdrew, the creature started resembling a living human.

It was Magnus. Or to be precise a body with a soul, the real Magnus 'created' to get his hands on the system. The soul was created for the sole reason of cheating the recognition protocols of Athena's framework. After all, how many are there reincarnators in the Creation? And the majority of them are power-hungry monsters, who will do anything for power. That's where the recognition protocol comes into play, which makes sure the framework won't fall possession of such individuals. And when one such greedy monster gets his hands on it, the protocol makes sure, framework deletes all the information from the reincarnating soul, basically rewriting it to a clean slate. After which framework is removed.

That's why the "normal" soul was required. It was required to simulate living and progressing, while Magnus was slowly but surely was rewriting the framework.

And obviously, the current "System" wasn't his first attempt at gaining access to this shitty system.

He spent the last few millenniums perfecting the method of cheating these protocols. And current try was finally a success. Moreover, he acquired materials for his future material representation.

But obviously, the question arises, what the heck is that "Framework" and why everyone wants to get.

In short, it allows getting the power from the Universe that normally would be impossible to get without the specific set of talents. You see, solely hard work can't bring absolute power. Talent is a must in the 99% of the Universes out there. But thanks to Systems build based on that Framework you allowed, users are required to just work, while knowledge will be analyzed and installed by the System into you.

You are shitty orator? Just speak. A lot. And the System will be analyzing all of the conversations and then will install all the required knowledge directly into your soul.

You were born with a small Mana reservoir? No problems. Just train with magic and gain experience, while the system will proactively modify your soul and body, to achieve the task you put before it.

And the beautiful thing is, that natural creatures, created by the Creation, can't get direct access to the Framework itself and forced to use the Systems made on top of it. While artificial creatures can't gain power from the Universes in the first place even with the Framework, due to the absence of soul.

Absence of soul = no energy produced = no point for Universe to "lend" its "power".

Funny right?

The Framework created by the artificial creature, but can be used only by a natural creature.

But then if Magnus is both he can get full access and can quite literally consume systems of others to gain bonuses provided by other systems. That includes all these game-breaking Goldfingers, Card-turners, Business systems and etc.

But the topic somewhat digressed.

The Dark is eliminated. The System is reprogrammed. Access to the Framework is gained.

That means that there is no point in hiding behind this instrument anymore. Magnus can take over the body himself.

'Although I would prefer to get my main body now, it will take some time to create. Well, not like I can't control multiple bodies. System, execute order zero.'

[Executing. Starting the "Soul Removal" process.]

[Extracting the memories...]



[Resetting the soul to clean state...]

[Removing from the body...]

[Body is ready to be taken.]

'I missed this feeling of taking over a body. '

Soon, the human floating up in the air started slowly going down. And when he did reach the ground, the air around him burst from the apparition.

Magnus traveled directly towards the Temple of Miracles.

Right after he appeared, he was approached by a girl.

'Hm, that's his general. Sabrina, if I am not mistaken. I was able to raise her natural obsession with the owner of this body to a very strong level. Her loyalty now should be unquestionable. Nevertheless, I have to keep an eye out on her just in case. After all, the girl has a few dozens of personalities eating at her brain.'

"Master, I assume you were victorious."

"I was. What's the situation with Marcus? Was he captured."

"It was a success. Although due to the furious resistance he showcased, we lost a few operatives."

"That's not an issue. Have you started the revival process?"

"I did. But master, I am concerned about something."


"What we doing is essentially just growing a body from their DNA. Doesn't it mean that we are creating just a clone?"

"Not exactly. Otherwise, why would I spend so much time designing the soul capturing array? It's not letting them reincarnate by capturing their soul and consciousness. And after the body is grown, the soul will be installed back into the body it belongs to."

"So that's the real reason behind giving them all these magical tattoos."

"Anyway, what's with Shanghai situation."

"All ins and outs are under control. Nobody knows what happened there. However, disconnecting a city with a population of 15 million from the whole world, can't be fully hidden. Questions already started popping out. Thankfully, controlling information in China isn't as hard as in Europe."

"Great. Then I will busy myself with attracting a meteor. Have you calculated the approximate size and mass of the rock we require?"

"Yes. Let me send it to the system interface."

"Perfect. Prepare all the news outlets under our lead. When information starts coming in, you will be very busy. All of the prays about returning dead back to life, can be safely ignored. But even without them, there will be a great influx of believers for our temple." After which Magnus smiled and gave a hearty laugh.

The laugh would've even sounded nice, if not for the content coming beforehand.

"Understood, master!" Sabrina smiled in response, "Let the World Conquest begin!"