Level 46 - Sword of Damocles

Darkness all around me, with the only valid source of light being a giant thermonuclear reactor, humanity calls Sun. Where was I? Space, obviously. In the asteroid belt of the Solar System to be precise.

What am I doing here? Well, that's a good question.

I am looking for an asteroid that'll fit the profile.

Why would I need an asteroid for? To explain the Shanghai disaster. Actually, to give a possible explanation to the majority of Earth's population.

From tomorrow onwards, the world will believe that Shanghai became a really "unfortunate victim" of a meteor crashing in the middle of the city. Then a few pseudo-scientific works and public speeches made by "respectable" physicians later, everyone will remember this day as a constant reminder about the dangers of the space.

However, people with high enough authority will be quick to understand that it's all an utter bullshit. Unfortunately for them, that's exactly what I am aiming for. This will serve as a showcase of my power. Planetary flexing. A letter, with a proper detailed description of what awaits a country, in case it opposes me, will magically appear before the rulers of all major nations of the first and second worlds. That includes both muggles' and wizards' representatives.

This will be a show of force for everyone in the world. Nobody messes with the Temple and leaves unscathed. But there is a second purpose that somewhat coincides with the first one.

For the past year, the whole world found out about the benefits of the Temple of Miracles. Even though only a chosen few get access to the temple, humanity's headcount is over 5 billion at the moment. So altogether, there are at least 10 million "lucky" people, most of whom are people wielding some sort of power or are close to attaining it.

The problem here is that after attaining power, they start thinking they became powerful enough to ignore Temple's orders. They are too dumb to understand that the place capable of making your most hidden desires real, can also turn your life into hell.

And that's where this disaster comes into scope. I won't track every living person, who dared to mess with me. I am too lazy for that. Instead, I would be tracking them by cities. If people of that city cause my ire, the city gets to be deleted. Or country. It depends on the population, I guess. Next goes a light hint that Shanghai was one such city. And done.

This hopefully will produce enough motivation to not anger me. It will also be a great reminder for them, that a Sword of Damocles is constantly hovering over their necks.

Nevertheless, one problem remains. Since the beginning of the fight with Dark, Shanghai was under tight informational isolation. Nothing went out of it for more than 20 hours already. That could cause some unnecessary questions. Thankfully, wizards of this world came up with a miraculous spell of Obliviation.

But then wouldn't I need to obliviate the whole planet?

Actually, no. I need to obliviate only individuals who were searching for information about the city while it was cut off from the rest of the world. Normally calculating, filtering, and sorting out people for obliviation will require some very advanced AI, but I am a son of the smartest Artificial Intellect in the Creation. As long as I have enough energy I will be able to calculate anything.

Can't I wish to just obliviate anyone who needs to be obliviated and then put magic into that wish? Nope!

Unfortunately, magic in this world isn't as simple as "imagine and will". Although magic is capable of anything in this world, it wasn't so simple. Most of the calculation and Mana manipulations were done by me, whenever the soul in this body was casting spells and wished for magic.

Otherwise, why would the magical world of this Universe be at such a level of stagnation? Mages here are blindly treading on the path of magic. Most of the time it results in unfortunate events of deaths in the process of their research. Those few who were lucky or talented enough to be successful become creators of new spells. But even then, what fundamentally different or incredible was discovered in the last 2 centuries in magic? Nothing.

But thanks to the system and my connection to the framework I was able to calculate, digest, and input a ton of this Universe Laws' comprehension into this body. However, soon I won't require this body anymore and will be able to safely transfer myself to a new body.

Anyway, back to Earth's situation. After I brought back an asteroid. Mass obliviation was conducted. Obviously, some powerful wizards can't be easily manipulated, but in their case, I just directly change memories with magic manipulation. No matter how good your mental defenses are, your brains are still a piece of defenseless meat.

After all, was said and done, asteroid started rapidly descending towards the Earth. Specifically Shanghai. The size was precisely calculated to decimate only city and its closest area. Of course, it doesn't mean that rest of the planet remained unscathed. Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Volcanos, and other natural disasters rocked Earth for weeks after that event. And the consequences of that drop were affecting the planet in one way or another for the next 4 years. But all of the substantial changes were monitored and suppressed if necessary. I can't have continents split on my watch. I need some base of operations and just a place to have some rest. And this Universe is as good as any.

Did this affect the main storyline of the Potter and the Snake? Well, yes and no. These activities were talked about in the wizarding world, but that's it. As for Voldemort, his main concern was always immortality, so he didn't really care about that meteor. He was assured, that no amount of physical force can destroy his Horcruxes.

What else can be expected from people who ignored weapons such as nuclear bombs? Wizards are either blind or dumb... What else can I say?

It took around 6 days to be done with all of the planned activities, that came after the drop. As for the monitoring after the planet, it was left to System and Sabrina. Or to be precise, I connected her to the processing powers of the System. She'll manage.

Finally, I had some free time on my hands. Time to have a one-on-one talk with our dear prisoner.