Invasion or Reincarnation

[God's body processed.]

'Finally, proceed with assimilation.'

[Combining core... ]

[Removing body...]

[Creating new physical form...]

[Binding energy constructs to the soul...]

[Connecting to reincarnation cycle...]

[Beginning the process of reincarnation...]

[Accessing framework...]

[Overwriting access to the river of souls...]

[Finding the world based on the provided requirements...]

[Redirecting destination...]

[Entering found world...]

[Reading Time...]

[Identifying creatures with the densest destiny...]

[Immense congregation of density spotted...]

[Reincarnating into a human with the destiny of Belgarion...]

[Overwriting the original soul and body...]

[Connecting to the system interface...]


Somewhere in a place, where no one will find, somewhere hidden, was a small hut where a family lived. It was a simple combination of wife and husband, quietly living in the woods.

What made the scene even more wholesome was the fact, that wife was pregnant and soon to give birth.

However, as it always happens, Dark forces were at hand, lurking around, wishing to destroy the peace of this family.


A baby cry broke the silence of the hut and shaken, but happy father cut the cord and quickly cleaned his newborn son, from all the liquids.

[Activating matrix...]

[Overwriting memories...]

[Overriding brain's safety protocols...]

Baby soon calmed down and stopped crying.

The man looked at the baby and was surprised at the amount of understanding hidden in those small eyes.

"Is child okay?" came out a tired voice of a woman.

"It's a boy. A beautiful little boy," Husband responded and gave the child to his mother, "Here..."

Mother carefully took a little bundle off his father's hands.

"Hello, little Garion," she said and slowly raised her hand to gently caress her baby boy's cheek, "He's so calm."

"Yeah, he is..."

"If only Polgara was here..."

"She will be back soon. Week at most."

Little did they know, that Dark forces were already upon them, monitoring, ready to pounce upon weakened and unsuspecting parents.


[Reincarnation was successful, beginning the integration of the system.]


The boy that was lying in his mother's embrace started moving more actively. And that boy obviously was our friendly neigh... I mean protagonist, Magnus the Son of Athena, and Dark Lord of the Wizarding world. Okay, maybe titles were a bit lacking right now, but let's give him some time.

'What's the world?'

[The world of 2 stones, also known as The Belgariad]

'And the body?'

[It's a boy]

[Current name: Garion]

[Holds close to an unmeasurable amount of destiny]

'Hm...Okay. Interesting choice. It's my first time invading into the world while being the main character. In the past, I couldn't afford to attract so much attention, due to the Order.'

[But currently, you aren't invading. It's a reincarnation.]

'Indeed, with God's core recycled and connected to my soul, both my physical and soul parts are practically immortal. And because of the system, my memory will always stay secured and protected, no matter how many reincarnation cycles I'll go through.'


'I am going to go read the information available for this world at the framework. Let the original soul into the body for auto-piloting.'

[Understood, executing...]

As soon as, the system swapped the controls, all wisdom in the baby's eyes disappeared, replaced by typical for his age behavior. Which consists mostly of crying.

[Attention! Potential enemy has been detected.]

Sound of the explosion broke peaceful silence and fire started quickly consuming the house, blocking all of the exits.

[Attention! Intervention from destiny detected.]


A woman of immense beauty was running through the forest. Her hair was long and very dark-almost black-all but one lock just above her left brow, which was white as new snow. She was following a lead on her enemy but suddenly she felt something. Like a tug on her consciousness. And at that very second, she gained clarity. This whole time she was being distracted.

"Geran! Ildera! I have to go back!"

She turned around and made a strange hand gesture. Surprisingly she turned into an owl and took flight.


Back at the house, flame already covered the house and blocked all of the possible exits.

"Geran, what should we do?!" the wife was panicking, still affected by a recent birth, not entirely in control of her emotions.

Husband looked around, but he couldn't find any escape routes. Even though their house was made of stone, the fire was apparently of magical nature and could burn even stone.

But then he looked at the stone walls of the rooms and came up with an idea.

"I have a plan."

He ran towards the wall leading outside and started pushing on one of the stones in it, pushing it outwards.

The wife, although confused at first, quickly understood the plan and what it implies. A stone sized hole will be too small for an adult. They will be able to push only the child.

She hugged her son and her eyes teared up a little, but she held it in. Right now she needed to be strong.

Finally, Garen was able to push the stone out and came to his wife's side to pick up his son. He then quickly went back towards the newly made hole and looked at his child.

"My little, precious Garion. We will always love you. Be safe and grow strong, because a great destiny awaits you. I can feel it."

Geran gently kissed his son and pushed him through the hole. Kid not understanding exactly what happened, but not liking separation from his father and mother, started crying. But soon after he was pushed outside, a man in dark robes picked the boy up and started running away.

But before he could leave far enough, a wolf of pure grey mane walked out from the forest in front of him, baring fangs, as if saying to put the child down on the ground.

Man, holding the boy, started considering his options. He clearly knew what a wolf represented, especially a grey one. After a few seconds of contemplating his choices, he took the only available option.

He threw the kid in the direction of the wolf and started in the opposite direction.

What was strange, wolf instantly shapeshifted into an old man right in time to catch a small bundle with a kid inside. Due to sudden movements, the boy was crying his eyes out. The old man started rocking the kid in his hands in hopes to calm him down.

"Damn it. What will I do with you now?!"

The old man closed his eyes and concentrated, only to say one word.


Ordinary people wouldn't feel a thing, but every magically gifted person in a hundred league area have heard the call.

"I hope she heard it."