Magnus and Characters

A year passed since the birth of the young Garion, and today was his Birthday, meaning tons of delicious food made by his Aunt Pol and festive mood all around.

Oh, I suppose you need to know who's Aunt Pol and where he is at. After the old wolf picked up the child, he left it with his daughter Pol. She, in turn, decided that hiding in the closest farm working as a cook would be the safest choice. But of course, a woman of such skill wouldn't stay a simple cook for a long time. In no time at all, she became a real chef making kitchen her personal kingdom.

In just a few months, all neighbors knew that Faldor's farm has the best food. Consequently, every festivity that included food was something everybody around wanted to visit at least once.

Speaking of visiting. The farm was someplace in Sendaria owned by a good and religious man, Faldor. On the farm, multiple families lived and worked. There was even a smith. Enough of that. Back to interesting stuff.

The kid, he was a strange one, even by Pol's standards. Most of the time, the boy was behaving according to his age, but sometimes he grew quiet and very reclusive.

If not for the magical ability of his aunt to find that boy no matter where he hides, it could have caused an accident already.

Moreover, Pol sometimes found Garion staring into nothingness and waving or pressing his hands at... well something, only he could see, in the air.

The truth of the matter is that Garion was using the System and times when he changed behavior was Magnus temporarily taking over the body.

Why did Garion have access to the System? Well, why not?

"But then, wouldn't character riot or try to overthrow against Magnus?" you might ask. Can hand take over your body? The simple answer is no. The complicated answer is... well... complicated? Character is called character for a reason.

What Magnus does is rewriting a brain and soul. Making whoever he resides in, into an absolutely loyal tool. Of course, it doesn't mean that a tool can't think. For example, Belgarion here is still a Belgarion. He has freedom of choice(subjective that is), he can feel emotions and has a soul.

Moreover, Magnus binds the power of the user to the System, meaning that everything, in the end, comes from the Magnus himself. Anyway, the point is that there is no need to worry about a tool.

Plus, no matter what, Magnus is not staying in this world forever. So, at some point, he moves for a new and more entertaining World, practically leaving his character on its own with a simple goal of collecting information for him. And when it's done? Freedom. Absolute, unquestionable freedom.

As for Magnus? It's hard to say. His main goal is to collect information. True. But he could also just create a ton of characters across the Creation and simply chill while they are collecting data. But where's the excitement? Where's the rush? What's the point of living this way. No matter what, Magnus wants to experience something exciting. And that's why he wants to be in the front rows. Not just watching as he did in the previous worlds, the closest example being Potterian World. No! He will be in control. Thanks to god's core, he can taste life through actually reincarnating.

Because what he did in the past is just killing a soul and then rewrite the Order's protocol to transport that soul to a new world. But he never actually tasted life. He was controlling a body, but it was just like commanding a character through a keyboard. One of the reasons he started calling these hosts "characters" in the first place.

Only in his last world he finally lived in a human body, albeit not for long. And although there were some demerits, overall it was an enjoyable experience. All those substances, affecting the brain, thus simulating emotions, which in return are getting imprinted into the soul. It was, honestly, an unforgettable experience.

Although, some parts of life, such as being a baby, can be quite tiresome, as Magnus learned first hand. He tried. He really did. But babies have jumbled up senses, organs, brain, and emotions. In short, it's a mess. And living in such a container is pure torture. So, rather than spending days in it, he gave temporary control to an original soul. In the meantime, he would spend his free time, learning about the world, using the Framework.

Nonetheless, he checked upon the body from time to time.

But we digress, aren't we? Back to the topic at hand.

Garion was growing with the System. So, for him not to be utterly clueless about its functionalities, Magnus made sure to create and implant required memories into our young protagonist. Even if Magnus is taking over the body, the original soul should know how to fully utilize functionalities provided by the System.

It also helped avoid stupid questions like:

"What's the inventory?!"

"What is 'Skills'?"

"Where this power is coming from?"

"What STR means?"

"Why I have a System?"

"Can others see what I see?"

"Can I talk about the System or you with others?"(For those who don't get it. The answer is no.)

Saves quite some time.

As for progression? Well... let's just say that one-year-olds aren't concentrated on getting superpowers. But when Garion/body reaches the age of five, it might be a good idea to start with some simple quests. In the meantime, the boy growing to be very active. So, Magnus decided to use that energy beneficially.

Most of the novels and fanfics at this point will be meditating. However, Magnus more or less knew the basics of this world, thanks to a whole year of learning about the world's laws. So, meditating won't help with magic, but it should help with the state of mind. Therefore, he used the System to issue some simple daily quests like:

"Meditate 20 minutes."

"Play any 'activity' type game."

"Memorize 10 words."

And so on. You get a gist of it.

By the age of five, Magnus will be able to enjoy the human body that will be both physically fit and mentally stable.