Trial 1

After everyone calmed down silence and disarray covered the room. The class president, Mary took it upon herself to count the dead and calm the students.

"Ok, there was 45 students counted on attendance and 23 people...died almost spontaneously. Now from what I have heard and experienced myself there was a Blue screen which asked if you wanted to join the "New World". Raise your hand if you said yes."

Everyone slowly raised their hand as they looked at each other first in confusion, then realization and then shock. Mary corrected her glasses as she sat on a desk.

"As you may have already guessed... the ones who said no are...." Marvin was shaken as he slowly sat down on the ground.

"I don't know what this is but, I think we should all be calm and when we get a new 'message' we should look at it with caution in order to avoid any more casualties." Mary said this calmly as she crossed off the dead on the attendance.

"How the heck did this happen....How can they just explode like that does not make sense." A nerdy boy named Sean said as he hugged his anime pencil with no shame.

"Maybe this is like some government experiment and like we were all given chips in our brains when we were babies and this is a way to control the masses" said the vice president William.

"Ok, shut it. I am calling the cops" Said Mary before she let William run the conspiracies in his head dry. Everyone huddled around Mary as she called 911.

"Sorry all our departments are busy at the moment please leave a message after the beep." Mary then cut the call.

"I have never heard of the police being so busy..." Jared said a little bewildered.

"That's because their not ever this busy unless everyone is calling the station at once....which means..." Before Marvin could finish, Erin said it.

"This is not just happening here...Its happening all over the school...all over this city and probably this whole world." Erin said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Welcome to the new world" William remarked.

"My little brother... I hope he is ok..." A girl said as she put her knees to her face and wept. The class became silent again.

Erin could only think about his little house in the middle of town. His sister should be at her Art school which is close to the police station she should be much safer if anything crazy happens and his mother worked as a nurse in the hospital down town. She should be safe as well. Erin stayed calm as he thought of this. As everyone was checking their phones and calling the police as Erin suspected, this was happening all around the world. Internet news pages were exploding with new details and theories of this situation but as the students looked deeper they realized that no one had a clue what was going on. Everyone seemed to be trapped.

"Umm... do you guys know about the reddit forum known as r/WeneedANewWorld?" Sean said nervously. Everyone shook their head. Sean scratched his head as he tried to explain.

"Well its kind of a sub group for Otakus and Neets who feel judged and hated by the world. They embark on the hope of a new world where they can rule....Of course I am not a part of this group or anything I j-just found them one day." Erin looked at Jared and Marvin knowingly. Just last year they caught this same guy trying to had his bags of manga and hentai in school. He was not fooling anyone.

"Anyway, the forum has been exploding the last hour since well..." He turned to the piles of bodies which some of the buffer athletes helped moved to a corner of the classroom.

"Anyway read this." Everyone crowded around his phone.

LolisOverWomen: I heard it the sound of electronic clamoring and then it sounded like a voice. They are calling to us otakus. We have read the mangas and the light novels. We know the scenerios and the outcomes. It is time for us to ascend to knighthood!!

Mary scoffed as she read this.

"So we are just in an anime now full of monsters and magic?" Mary asked.

"Mana." Sean said silently.

Most people rolled their eyes in disbelief and some chuckled a bit as they moved away. if it weren't for the traumatic experience they all just faced, Sean would have already been mocked out of the classroom by now for his statement. Sean hugged his pencil tightly as he looked down.

" You could be right." Suddenly Sean turned to see Erin.

" At this point anything could happen." The people who were whispering about Sean quietened down. It was true. What happened to their fellow mates was not normal. Nothing was normal right now. They cannot act as before being high and mighty. They don't know who will be the next person that will get their heads blown off and who will survive to tell the tale.

Sean smiled at Erin. They had never been close but Erin had always been a nice guy and they both were commoners in a school filled with rich arrogant assholes.

Mary was the first to speak again.

"You are correct. Lets just hope that we don't have to fight any goblins or s-"


Mary quickly stopped what she was about to say.

"Everyone is seeing a blue screen right?" Mary inquired while her hands shook silently.

The class nodded.

"Its just like in a manga about a boy and he is sent to a different world and there were dungeons and they-"

"Shut up Sean." William said quickly.

~The first trial will commence in 2 minutes. The doors will be opened and you will face adversaries in order to test your courage and Wit. In this trial the lowest level of Dungeon monsters will be allowed to roam free. You have 2 hours to survive. Good luck~

Experience are now available

Levels are now available

Difficulty: F



exp depended on your performance. ~

As Erin read this he could not help but look at Sean.

"What were you saying again about dungeons?" Sean looked at Erin with fear heavily prominent on his face.

"I-If this is like the manga then....We have to run, hunt and hide." Sean said. This time everyone took him seriously and hardened their face.

Erin looked at Jared and Marvin and patted both of them in the shoulder.

"We can run." Erin said as he smiled at Jared. William smiled oddly as he took out a knife from his bag.

"Lets do some hunting. I don't know about anime but in survival movies its kill or be killed. And I am not getting killed."

Erin did not even blink at William who was carrying a knife. He had bigger things to worry about. He grabbed the large whole puncher beside Mr Darwin's desk and watched the time count down.



